Temecula Valley News

Page 1

Teams power through first round CIF-SS playoff action, B-1

Veterans recognized with ‘Quilts of Valor’ at annual Maurice Car’rie event, C-6

Redshank Riders host stock packing clinic and demo at Vail Ranch, D-1





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Local LE Council sees move to bydistrict elections as financial ‘extortion’


Volume 17, Issue 46

Veterans honored at Murrieta’s annual parade


Despite feelings that a law firm’s claim that the City of Lake Elsinore has violated the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 by conducting at large elections is simply “extortion” and “false” the Lake Elsinore City Council voted its intent to transition to by-district elections during a special meeting called Tuesday, Nov. 7, at city cultural center. see page A-3

Health County health officials say it’s time to get that flu shot Alex Groves AGROVES@REEDERMEDIA.COM

There’s a cool breeze in the air, pumpkin spice lattes abound and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. There are a lot of things that come with the fall season, but one fall thing that county officials don’t want people to forget about is their yearly flu shot. see page B-5

INDEX Local ..................................... A-1 Sports ................................... B-1 Education.............................. B-4 Health.................................... B-5 Business ................................ B-6 Entertainment...................... C-1 Calendar of Events .............. C-4 Dining.................................... C-5 Wine Country ...................... C-6 Pets........................................ C-7 Faith...................................... C-7 Real Estate ........................... D-1 Home & Garden................... D-1 Business Directory............... D-5 Opinion ................................ D-6 Blotter.................................... D-6


Classifieds............................. D-7

Army veteran Marvin Sickman (left) and Navy veteran Moddy Barin waves to Murrieta Veterans Day attendees Nov. 11. See more photos on C-3 and online at www.myvalleynews.com. Shane Gibson photo

One man’s dream for a ‘BetterWorld’ becomes couple’s reality Kim Harris VALLEYEDITOR@REEDERMEDIA.COM

For Fallbrook residents Paul and Diane Garrett, life is pretty simple: “Do what you can, for those you can.” It’s a philosophy that the couple have lived by since they began their Temecula based nonprofit The BetterWorld Trust. For Paul Garrett, who is 91, it goes back even further than that. “He had the idea for The BetterWorld Trust when he was in 20s,” Diane Garrett said. “He even got his incorporation.” The BetterWorld Trust is Paul Garrett’s lifelong vision of creating a world where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Focused primarily in the sectors of child development, health and environment and economic development, The BetterWorld Trust hopes that “by working


see BETTERWORLD, page A-3

Paul and Diane Garrett show on a map of Africa where their nonprofit organization BetterWorld Trust has been completing missions. Shane Gibson photo

Rancho Damacitas switching from foster youth care, to care for mothers with young children Alex Groves AGROVES@REEDERMEDIA.COM

Rancho Damacitas announced last week that it would no longer be housing foster youth at its Temecula Valley Wine Country Campus, but would instead by using the space for a program for mothers with young children. Courtesy photo

A Temecula area nonprofit that had previously cared for foster youth will be switching gears and using its residential campus to house and help mothers with young children who are in need, officials with the organization announced during a community meeting at Rancho Community Church Tuesday, Nov. 7. Rancho Damacitas Children & Family Services, a nonprofit that operates a residential campus in Temecula Valley Wine Country, had previously used that campus to house and care for foster children since its inception 35 years ago, but organization officials cited legislation signed by Gov. Jerry Brown as the reason the organization could not continue to provide care for foster youth.

see DAMACITAS, page A-6

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