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Volume 21, Issue 51
Local firefighters raise funds for Iverson family
Tom Ferrall
Kevin Garcia, Tyler Dean and Ryan Valdez, the three alleged Fallbrook gang members that were convicted of murder earlier this month at the North County Superior Court in Vista, are scheduled to receive their sentences March 27. The trio was found guilty by a jury of second-degree murder in the stabbing death of Hugh Pettigrew III, who was attacked while walking along the 400 block of Ammunition Road at approximately 10:45 p.m. Jan. 22, 2016. The assault, unprovoked, led the jury to find that the three defendants had committed the attack in furtherance of their Fallbrook gang. According to Deputy District Attorney Christine Bannon, Dean, who has a strike on his record, faces 31 years to life in prison. Garcia is facing 16 years to life and Valdez is looking at 15 years to life. Dean, 27, and Garcia, 23, have both previously served time in
see SENTENCING, page A-2
Captain Rick Rees collects a donation from a motorist at South Mission and Ammunition during the Boot Drive for Cory Iverson’s family Dec. 22. FALLBROOK – North County Fire Protection District and Fallbrook Firefighters Association participated in a county-wide boot drive for the family of fallen firefighter Cory Iverson Dec.
22. Iverson was assigned to the Thomas fire and was killed Dec. 14 while battling the raging wildfire. The local firefighters were able to raise $30,200 for Iverson’s family who live in Escondido.
Courtesy photos
Iverson is survived by his pregnant wife, Ashley; 2-year-old daughter, Evie; father, Craig Iverson; mother, Denise Butler; and stepfather, Scott Butler.
The Fallbrook Health Care Foundation, the Fallbrook Center for the Arts and the Fallbrook Beautification Alliance were allocated Neighborhood Reinvestment Program funding during the Dec. 5 meeting of the San Diego County board of supervisors. The supervisors’ 5-0 vote awarded $40,703 to the Fallbrook Health Care Foundation to help fund heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems at the Fallbrook Adult Day Care Center and the main agency building, $37,734 to the Fallbrook Center for the Arts for various repairs and equipment purchases, and $18,850 to the Fallbrook Beautification Alliance to install and purchase drought-tolerant plant material for South Mission Road. The Neighborhood Reinvestment Program is intended to provide grants to nonprofit organizations for the furtherance of public purposes at the regional and community levels. In addition to nonprofit organizations, county supervisors can also fund schools and fire departments, and supervisors can also use money from their budgets to supplement
see FUNDS, page A-10
Announcements �������������������������A-2 Business ���������������������������������������D-5 Business Directory ���������������������C-8 Calendar........................................A-2 Classifieds ������������������������������������B-7 Dining & Food ������������������������������D-6 Education.......................................D-4 Entertainment ������������������������������B-2 Health & Fitness ��������������������������B-4 Home & Garden �������������������������C-1 Legals.............................................B-6 Obituaries...............none submitted Opinion �����������������������������������������A-5 Real Estate �����������������������������������C-2 Sheriff’s Log ���������������������������������A-8 Sports.............................................D-1 Wine................................................D-7
County planning commission approves Olive Hill Road wireless facility Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent
is primarily a striped two-lane roadway, including three segments with a two-way left turn lane, between Winter Haven Road and Green Canyon Road. The TAC seeks to avoid short speed limit segments (other than school zones or other automatic speed limit zones), but the approximate one-mile length of each segment allowed for the possibility of different speed limits due to the different road characteristics. “The only nuance was that the whole segment is now partially four-lane and partially two-lane,” Jones said. Including the median South Mission Road between 860 feet south of Pepper Tree Lane and Winter Haven Road ranges in width from 70 feet to 90 feet while the width between Winter Haven Road and Green Canyon Road is 40 feet. Bicycle lanes are
The San Diego County Planning Commission approved a major use permit and administrative permit for a wireless telecommunication facility in the 5400 block of Olive Hill Road. The planning commission’s 4-0 vote Dec. 15, with David Pallinger and Bryan Woods absent and Doug Barnhart recusing himself because his family trust owns Verizon stock, allows Verizon to construct, operate and maintain a wireless facility which includes 12 panel antennas and one microwave antenna on a 35-foot-tall, false broadleaf tree. The major use permit also covers accessory equipment, a 15,000-watt emergency backup generator within a concrete masonry unit enclosure at the base of the false tree and trenching for approximately 375 linear feet to install telecommunication cable and power lines. The administrative permit allows the facility to encroach upon an existing steep slope open space easement. The facility will be on a property totaling 4.5 acres. The land’s rural residential zoning requires a major use permit for a wireless telecommunications facility. A single-family residence along with a barn and a small avocado orchard are along the southern section of the property. An open space easement for sensitive habitat is along the northern perimeter of the parcel, and an open space easement for steep slopes exists along the southern part of the property.
see TAC, page A-10
see WIRELESS, page A-10
North County firefighters Dennis Soriano, left, and Leo Espinoza participate in the Boot Drive collection for the family of fallen firefighter Cory Iverson.
TAC recommends retention of S. Mission Road 50 mph speed limit
Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent USPS Residential Customer
Three local nonprofits given Neighborhood Reinvestment Program funds Joe Naiman Village News Correspondent
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December 28, 2017
Sentencing date is March 27 for trio convicted in Fallbrook murder
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The county’s Traffic Advisory Committee recommended that the 50 mph speed limit on South Mission Road between Pepper Tree Lane and State Route 76 be recertified for radar enforcement. O n e D e c . 8 , TA C v o t e recommended recertification for the 2.04-mile section from 860 feet south of Pepper Tree Lane to Green Canyon Road. The other recommendation that day was for the 2.89-mile segment between Green Canyon Road and State Route 76. The TAC recommendations require San Diego County Board of Supervisors ratification, and the county supervisors are expected to address the speed limit at the Feb. 14 Board of Supervisors meeting. In order for a speed limit to be enforceable by radar, a speed survey must show that the speed
limit is within an adjacent 5 mph increment to the 85th percentile speed. The speed limit may be rounded either up or down from the 85th percentile speed. The speed limit may also be rounded down an additional 5 mph if findings are made that the road has conditions which would not be apparent to a motorist unfamiliar with the road. The 85th percentile for the section from Green Canyon Road to Highway 76 was 56.2 mph, and the TAC made findings of limited shoulders and an injury collision rate higher than the statewide average to justify the 50 mph speed limit on that portion. “They made findings to maintain the 50,” said TAC secretary Kenton Jones. South Mission Road is a striped four-lane roadway with a raised planted median between 860 feet south of Pepper Tree Lane and Winter Haven Road and