Sourcebook 2012

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Volume Eleven 2012 Edition $3.95

The Ripple Effect Fallbrook’s influence on the world TOP DATE IDEAS • DINING GUIDE • BRIDAL GUIDE • BUSINESS PROFILES

The Laurel Room Group and Karli Chair

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Table of Contents The Ripple Effect: Fallbrook’s nonprofits impacting the world ..... 6 Nonprofit Organizations & Service Clubs ........10 Blossoming into success: Save Our Forest .......18 Calendar of Events ..................................20 Linda Mandrayar makes a difference in India ................................22 Church Guide ........................................25 Fallbrook faith is worldwide ......................26 Rainbow resident Tom Casey influences the community as well as medical and military fields ...............36 Kirk Jones: Driving invention and renovation .................40 Dining Guide .........................................42 Top date ideas around town .......................48 Frank Capra ..........................................56 Top questions brides must consider when planning a wedding ..........................58 Bridal Guide .........................................62 Golf Guide ...........................................64 Troy Downing: Global innovator who calls Fallbrook home ......................................66 Influential couple makes their mark in legal circles .......................................72 The Hornsvelds: Helping rebuild Fallbrook .....78 T. Jefferson Parker: Best-selling novelist lives and writes in Fallbrook ..................................80 Fallbrook artists: Revolutionizing the art world one gallery at a time ...............................82 Dr. John Piconi: Extending revolutionary medical care in Riverside County ...........................88 Nonprofit provides home for one of the brave .....90 Ethan Thouvenell rounds up the rodeo scene .....92 Duke Snider: Hitting it out of the park ..........94 Index ..................................................102 2

Bob Wendt Branch Manager

Deborah Danko 760.271.4760

Roselyn DeSander 760.330.1078

Ken Follis 760.803.6235

Linda Mandrayar 760.717.4107

Lorene Johnson 760.522.2588

Angelique Lyle 760.594.6842

Donna Moore 760.807.5144

Pam Moss 714.296.9300

Rebecca Reilly 760.458.5211

Allen Shallahamer 760.802.6740

Debbie Sorensen 760.822.4289

Jeannie Stuart 760.310.4663

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Volume 11 • 2012

Published by Village News, Inc. Julie Reeder PUBLISHER Andrea Verdin SOURCEBOOK MAGAZINE EDITOR GRAPHIC DESIGN & PRODUCTION Karina Ramos ART DIRECTOR Forest Rhodes Sheri Schwarzweller Walter Rouzer Mark Zier PHOTOGRAPHY Paul Gallaher Karina Ramos John Buchanan Lucette Moramarco EDITORIAL Andrea Verdin Michelle Mears-Gerst Nathalie Taylor Julie Reeder Debbie Ramsey Joe Naiman Tim O’Leary ADVERTISING SALES Michele Howard Josephine Mackenzie Tim Deegan Laurianna Briana Jessica Tellado Anna Mullen Judy Bell Paul Bandong

The ripple effect – Fallbrook’s influence reaches beyond the Friendly Village The smallest action can have the greatest impact. This is especially true when it comes to choosing to make the world a be�er place, as many of Fallbrook’s community members have. We are fortunate to live in a town that is filled with individuals who care about others and want to see the world become a be�er place, whether its through humanitarian efforts, technology or education. This year, our Sourcebook is dedicated to those whose impact, dedication and passion have reached beyond our community. Their hard work is far reaching, and extends to Mexico, India, and beyond. Read about Randy Fleming, who serves in Cambodia, the late Frank Capra, whose passion for art and film has impacted generations, or Troy Downing, one of the early creators of Yahoo!. These stories on Fallbrook’s artists, innovators and inventors are just a small example of the passionate individuals who live in our community. Read these stories, and see how Fallbrook’s effect continues to expand every day.

Julie Reeder


WEBSITE John Yada WEB DEVELOPER SUPPORT STAFF Lisa Hasler Kay Howley Lucette Moramarco Carolyn Steele Chuck Reeder

127 West Elder Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 Phone (760) 723-7319 Fax (760) 723-9606 Anza Phone (951) 763-5510 • •

Cover photo taken by Paul Gallaher. Please note: Village News, Inc. has made every attempt to verify and document all of the information contained in the Greater Fallbrook Area Sourcebook. If you have information or comments that would help us improve our 2013 Sourcebook, which is now in its planning stages, we ask that you contact our office at (760) 723-7319. We welcome your comments and suggestions. The Greater Fallbrook Area Sourcebook and all content is copyright 2012 by Village News, Inc. 4

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The Ripple Effect:

Fallbrook’s nonpro�its impacting the world

An interview with community leader Vince Ross A

person’s smallest decision can

have a tremendous impact. This

is especially true when an individual chooses to make a positive change in their community. Fallbrook is brimming with such individuals, as indicated by the seemingly number of nonprofits that have been birthed in this small community. The benefits of these nonprofit groups and organizations have extended beyond the community they were created in. They have begun to impact the world. One of the largest nonprofits in Fallbrook is the Fallbrook Village Association, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary. San Diego County, in order to give the Fallbrook community a voice with the Board of Supervisors, created the association. Vince Ross, one of the founding members, remembers the formation. Ross and his wife moved into Fallbrook with their four children and two dogs with the desire to raise their family in a rural atmosphere. “You can spend as much time as you can afford to in helping make the community a be�er place. It is a duty,” said Ross. “At the time, I was raising my family, but in the last 14 to 15 years, all my time has been spent in volunteering. It’s good therapy for me.”


The Association was created as a way for the Fallbrook organizations to share ideas and concerns with county representatives. “The county invited 25 to 30 nonprofits to come to a meeting in order to form what would be a forum for community leaders to represent their organizations,” said Ross. “Quite a few came, and we had someone from the county as our ombudsman.” The representatives agreed that having a group formed to help them discuss concerns with the county would allow for more tasks and events to be successfully accomplished. “The first thing we did is create the Village Square,” said Ross, who stated the organization had a goal of beautifying the lot, which had deteriorated for years. “We did that without any money from the county. It was a memorial that was designed for special events.” As the association developed, more elements of the association developed and became their own agencies.

“You can spend as much time as you can afford to in helping make the community a be�er place. It is a duty.” “The second thing we did was become involved in the

Ross. “We were doing our job: finding things that would make a difference and keeping the village fresh.” The Land Conservancy had a large impact on the community as well, said Ross, who said the conservancy was best known for preserving the rural quality of life for which Fallbrook is known. “They had a phenomenal program, which made a

Beech Street Park,” said Ross. “We also got involved in the

big difference in the quality of life,” he said. “Now

arts 17 years ago.”

they preserve over 2,000 acres of land and open space

Buildings and properties were purchased, which

permanently. Five years ago, the work was all done by

allowed for more nonprofits to form. Those who were

volunteers. They kept out the urban landscape, le�ing

involved in the arts formed their own nonprofit, and

Fallbrook keep its agricultural feel.”

the School of the Arts was formed. Art in Public Places

In order to continue growth, the various nonprofits in

began to create art pieces for the community to enjoy, and

Fallbrook will take part in a new system to benefit the

individuals were hired as staff to allow for more events

special district that is comprised of unincorporated parts of

and art to be created.

North County.

Because of the high interest in art, the arts nonprofits have thrived in Fallbrook, said Ross.

“This is very exciting news, the program, called Prosperity on Purpose, is a North County effort to get

“There are huge commi�ees for the Art in Public Places,

communities to come together, focus, prioritize, and see

Arts in Alliance and various music groups and performing

how they can work together for tourism,” said Ross. “A

arts in the community,” he said. “They meet monthly, and

lot of people in North County know that Fallbrook is an

exchange ideas. Because of them, Fallbrook is now known

art destination, but it is hard to communicate with those

as an arts destination, and has been rated as one of the most


outstanding arts communities.” The Village Association continues providing crucial elements for the community. “We also did a lot of custom zoning for Fallbrook,” said SOURCEBOOK 2012

The goal of Prosperity on Purpose would be to crossreference the popular destinations. This would use various federal funds, and will take place in July and August. continued on page 8 7

continued from page 7

“This will reinforce the focus,” said Ross. “We will also be able to collect

trying to stay afloat with a floundering economy. “One of the challenges is empty

funds that are available every year.

stores,” said Ross. “We ask ourselves:

That’s huge. This is new in terms of

what can we do to a�ract more

target, and hasn’t happened before.

tourists? The Chamber has become

We hadn’t a�empted anything like

a vital organization, and is giving a

this with unincorporated communities

voice to the businesses in town. It is

like ours. We can see how two to three

no longer just pu�ing on the Avocado

cities can work together and assist each

Festival, or the Christmas Parade. We

other to achieve their goals.”

also have had a county supervisor that

“Young people must find out what the organizations are offering and carry the torch. If we don’t replenish the groups’ leadership, then they will become stagnant and soon be gone.”

really understands our town, and is a major supporter of our community.” Ross believes that for more individuals to be involved in the nonprofits, they must understand how their help is required. “When we moved here, we got acquainted with the community,” said

is contact the organization.” “Schools are also very eager for

Ross. “It did not take much to reach

help,” continued Ross. “Check with the

out. Young people must find out what

PTA, which has meetings all the time,

the organizations are offering, and

or contact the schools, which can put

carry the torch. If we don’t replenish

you in touch with the organization. The

the groups’ leadership then they will

Rotary clubs are always looking for

become stagnant and soon be gone.

new members, and the Revitalization

Counsel has also taken large strides in

It is great to work on things and see

Commi�ee meetings are open for

benefi�ing the community, said Ross.

the results and difference. Helping an

anyone to a�end.”

The Fallbrook Revitalization

“We were offered the same opportunity as Ramona and Lakeside, but we were the only community

organization provide a service tends to feel good.” When deciding what nonprofit to

Fallbrook has many people who care about their community and beyond but in order for these nonprofits to thrive

that still met consistently. The goal

join, Ross suggests that individuals

and grow, it is important for people to

was to get together and work so that

look at the key interests of the group.

reach out and find a nonprofit they can

our missions coincide. For the last

“Each organization has something

become a part of. “Many people remark about how

four years, I have been the chair of

special and is essential,” said Ross.

this organization, and we try to select

“The Chamber is progressive and has

many nonprofits we have in town,

interesting programs so that people

a list of the commi�ees, so they will

and how many really great services

will come. It’s great to rub elbows with

know where to send you. Examples

they provide. My hope is that people

people in charge of projects, and ask

include the Friends of the Fallbrook

will be interested enough to come


Library, a huge and very interesting

into town and ask around about our

Each nonprofit that influences the

group; the Fallbrook Garden Club,

organizations,” said Ross. “There

Fallbrook community has challenges,

which is the biggest in the U.S.; the

really are a lot of really wonderful

as do the businesses in town. One

Angel Society, which is one of the

organizations and caring people. Reach

common theme that has been found

greatest nonprofits in the area; and the

out, and they are eager to let you know

throughout the community has been

Land Conservancy. All you have to do

what they do.”


of North County Serving the Greater Fallbrook Community

Our Mission The Mission of the Boys and Girls Clubs of North County is to inspire & enable all young people, especially those that need us most, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.

Core Programs Offered • Character and Leadership Development (Youth of the Year Program) • Education and Career Development • Health and Life Skills ( Fitness Authority) • The Arts (Music, Theatre, Visual Arts) • Sports, Fitness & Recreation (Sports Leagues, Gameroom, Special Events)

Ingold Unit 445 E. Ivy St. • Fallbrook CA 92028 760-728-5871 School Year: 2 to 6pm Summer: 6:30am to 6pm

Youth Development Strategy Our Boys & Girls Clubs programs promote the development of young people by instilling a sense of competence, a sense of belonging and a sense of power & influence. With this strategy, self-esteem is enhanced and an environment is created to provide an opportunity for our youth to be the best that they can be!

ASES Program Sites

• Fallbrook Street School • William H. Frazier School • Vallecitos Elementary School • Live Oak Elementary School • Potter Jr. High School Hours of Operation - School Year: From School Dismissal until 6pm. Closed all school holidays & summer

Boys & Girls Clubs of North County PO Box 476, Fallbrook CA 92088 (760) 728-5871

Great Futures Start Here!

NONPROFIT Organizations & Service Clubs Arts


Fallbrook Art Center 103 South Main Ave. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1414

Fallbrook Gem and Mineral Society 123 West Alvarado St., Ste. B. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1130

CAST and Mission Theater 200 North Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 731-CAST

Friends of the Fallbrook Library 124 South Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-9606

Fallbrook Art Association 331 East Elder St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7884 Fallbrook Chorale 731 South Stage Coach Ln. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 390-9726 Fallbrook Music Society 235-A East Mission, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-8644, (760) 724-2924 Fallbrook School of the Arts 310 East Alvarado St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-6383 www.fallbrookschoolo�

Businesses Bonsall Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 1142, Bonsall, CA 92003 (760) 630-1933 bonsallchamber@a�.net Businessmen’s Fellowship, USA (760) 728-1762. Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce 233 East Mission Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-5845

Educational Bonsall Elementary School PTA California Retired Teachers Association, Avocado Division 81 (760) 728-1092 10

Great Books Discussion Group 399 Heald Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-2519 Mentoring Associates 1455 Alturas Rd. #52, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 728-0227 Sullivan Middle School PTSA (760) 631-5210

Environment Fallbrook Beautification Alliance Fallbrook Land Conservancy P.O. Box 2701, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 728-0889 Keep Fallbrook Clean and Green (760) 723-1138 Live Oak Park Coalition P.O. Box 2974, Fallbrook, 92028 (760) 723-4339 Riverwatch (760) 728-6923 Save Our Forest (760) 728-5395 Trails Council (760) 731-9441

Health Fallbrook Diabetes Support Group 609 East Elder St., Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 731-8246 Fallbrook Healthcare District 557 East Elder St. #U, Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 731-9187 Fallbrook Hospital Auxiliary (760) 728-1191, (760) 599-3397 Fallbrook Hospital Home Health Hospice (760) 728-1435 Fallbrook Home Health 521 East Elder St. Ste. 208 Fallbrook 92028 (760) 731-7741 Fallbrook People to People Services 1094 South Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-0175 Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource Center 113 East Hawthorne, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-4105 Foundation for Senior Care 135 South Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-7570 North County Lifeline 302 North Indiana Ave. Vista, CA 92084 (760) 726-4900 REINS 4461 South Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 731-9168

Hobbies Fallbrook Adult So�ball League (760) 451-0012




Fallbrook Amateur Radio

Fallbrook Woodcarvers (760) 728-1417

Fallbrook Democratic Club

Fallbrook Camera Club

Friendly Village Club

Fallbrook Garden Club P.O. Box 1702 Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-0320


Fallbrook Historical Society 260 Rocky Crest Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-4125

Fallbrook PC Users Club 990 East Mission Rd. (760) 728-1788 Fallbrook Quilt Guild Fallbrook Vintage Car Club

Bonsall Community Center Association 31505 Old River Rd. Bonsall, CA 92003 (760) 631-5200 x1000 Bonsall Community Sponsor Group (760) 728-788

Fallbrook Republican Women Federated (760) 451-1591

County Service Area Park CSA-81 (760) 723-0749

Fallbrook Village Association P.O. Box 434, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 723-8384

Fallbrook Community Planning Group (760) 728-8081

United Neighborhoods of Bonsall (760) 724-6869

Business & Pleasure A beautiful marriage of...

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE As a leader for business and economic development, The Greater Area Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce provides a broad array of services to members, including consultations on business matters, assistance with new business openings, sponsorship of workshops and seminars, and multi-faceted networking opportunities.

WHY SUPPORT FALLBROOK BUSINESSES? Dollars spent in Fallbrook are dollars reinvested in the entire community. Money circulated in the community not only contributes to businesses, but provides employment and support for local schools and charities. A strong diverse business base with the community provides additional business opportunities for all of us.

DINING Fallbrook has a varied selection of delightful restauraunts with unique menus catered to whet any appetite!

GOLF Fallbrook, Bonsall and Rainbow have two public golf courses, one private golf course and one semi-private golf course, all sanctioned by the USGA and the SCGA and include practice facilities among their many amenities.

SHOPPING Experience Fallbrook’s quaint downtown atmosphere, along with old-fashioned Main Street, where you’ll find a variety of unique shops.

ARTS Fallbrook is becoming a leading arts destination through multiple venues for art appreciation, education and acquisition.

NATURE Fallbrook boasts many unique trails, parks and preserves that enhance the rural lifestyle and natural beauty of the greater Fallbrook area.

WEDDINGS Fallbrook is a destination like no other in Southern California. Tucked away in a peaceful valley surrounded by gently rolling hills and sparkling waters, Fallbrook makes an ideal dream wedding setting!

Contact Us! (760) 728-5845 – 111 S. Main Ave. Fallbrook, CA 92028 SOURCEBOOK 2012


NONPROFIT Organizations & Service Clubs Seniors Senior CAP (760) 728-5388 Fallbrook Senior Citizens Center 399 Heald Lane Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-4498 Fallbrook Senior So�ball www.fallbrookseniorso�

Service Organizations Bonsall Rotary Club P.O. Box 934 Bonsall, CA 92003 (800) 249-2024 Bonsall Woman’s Club (760) 801-7443


Service Organizations

Service Organizations

Bo�om Shelf Friends of Fallbrook Library 124 South Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-9606

Fallbrook Woman’s Club 238 West Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 P.O. Box 208 Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-9971

Eastern Star 203 Rocky Crest, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-1371 Fallbrook Food Pantry 1042 South Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7608 Fallbrook Masonic Lodge No. 317 203 Rocky Crest, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-7830 Rotary Club of Fallbrook P.O. Box 1227, Fallbrook, CA. 92088 (760) 723-0247

Loyal Order of the Moose Fallbrook Lodge No. 1992 836 South Main Ave. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-8670 locations/fallbrook-california.php Soroptimist Club of Fallbrook P.O. Box 1258, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 731-3364

Special Interest American Association of University Women


Foundation for Senior Care Providing resources for local seniors

Senior Care Computer Learning Center volunteers, left to right: Russ Hatfield, Dale Sinner, Jaycita Byrne, Irv Rudderow, Obie Weeks, Susan Weeks, Elise Mack, Elaine Pedig, Bob Cebulski, Frank Russell

For seniors living in the Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow and De Luz areas, the Foundation for Senior Care has been a godsend. There are resources, along with safety and computer classes, to allow seniors to live happily and independently. According to Do�y Metcalf, the executive director for the Foundation for Senior Care, there are several positive changes to the foundation. “One of the questions I ask seniors is, ‘How do you connect with your grandchildren?’ Our Senior Care Computer Learning Center, formerly part of the national SeniorNet organization, is staffed by knowledgeable computer savvy volunteers,” said Metcalf. “We offer classes for beginning computer users through advanced movie making and photography, and plan to add classes for iPads and smart phones, as well as for Facebook, Twi�er and other social networking sites. We are very excited to offer these opportunities.” The Foundation offers fire and fall prevention seminars given throughout the year, which provides information for elderly individuals to stay at home safely. The program provides free home safety assessments, and smoke detector installation which could save an elderly individual’s life. “We found that seniors over the age of 75 are 26 times more likely to die from a fire, and 118 percent more likely to die from a fall,” said Metcalf. “We have joined with the North County Fire Protection District (NCFPD) to provide a great safety net for seniors. The NCFPD distributes and

installs smoke detectors free of charge through a grant from the Burn Institute.” To continue the services provided by the Foundation, Metcalf stated that an endowment campaign has been put into place. “We are looking for people who support our causes and understand the need for an endowment,” she said. “We are not government funded. We apply for and receive a few grants, but it is not enough to cover our $500,000 budget.” The campaign includes a “Buy a Brick” Campaign as part of the Gardens of Hope project. Metcalf stated the Foundation will turn part of its campus into a meditation garden, with a walkway comprised of the bricks purchased. Individuals can also purchase rose bushes for the Foundation’s garden as an endowed living memorial for a loved one. As part of the endowment campaign, the Foundation will offer naming opportunities for the buildings, the gardens and scholarship funds. To support the Foundation’s four programs – the Care Van, the Senior Advocacy program, Senior Care Computer Learning Center, and the Senior/Adult Day Care Center – two annual fundraisers will be held this year. Paws in the Park will be held on April 21 at Live Oak Park, and Dinner with the Docs will be held on November 3, at the Vista Valley Country Club. Both events will feature silent auctions as part of the program. Contact the Foundation to become a board member, or for more information about helping support their services.

Board of Directors, left to right, Tom Koehler, Allen Cook, Roger Shaver, Bob Halibozek, Dr. Doug Clements, Dawne Goodwin McCullough, Bob Franz, Jack Rockwell, Seth Aichle. Not pictured, Dave Breeding, Mike McReynolds and Rev. Bradley Resare.

Foundation for Senior Care 135 South Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 PO Box 2155, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 723-7570 • SOURCEBOOK 2012


NONPROFIT Organizations & Service Clubs

Special Interest Bluecados – Blue Thong Society P.O. Box 231426, Encinitas, CA 92023 (888) 675-6886 Cairn Terrier Club of Southern California (805) 492-8402 California Macadamia Society P.O. Box 1298, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 728-8081 Daughters of the American Revolution (951) 302-6140

Special Interest

Special Interest

Daughters of Norway, Hulda Garborg Lodge #49 2160 Rainbow Valley Blvd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 489-9502, (951) 676-8896 Fallbrook Alumni Association Fallbrook Encore Club 1844 Winter Haven Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-8686

Daughters of the British Empire

Fallbrook Newcomers Club 1844 Winter Haven Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7524

Disabled Golfers Foundation USA Golf School at Circle K Ranch (760) 728-3005

Fallbrook Women’s Connection South Mission Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-4513

The Fallbrook

Chorale “We are the Music Makers; We are the Dreamers of Dreams”


ince 1989 the Fallbrook Chorale has continued their “dream” to be a “music maker” for our community. They are a non-profit community chorale group, organized for the purpose of providing vocal music to Fallbrook and the surrounding communities. They participate in various community sponsored events as Memorial Day, 9/11 Tribute, Veteran’s Day, and annual concerts in June and December. This year’s concert dates are June 23 at 2:00 pm at the Bob Burton Center of Performing Arts in Fallbrook and December 8 at 2:00 pm at the Fallbrook Presbyterian Church in Fallbrook. They provide a wide diversity of musical selections both sacred and secular, including classical, pop, show tunes, spirituals and jazz. They offer free attendance to children as they believe their music has significant educational value.


o you like to sing? Come out and join Director Art Blodgett, Pianist Jean Dixon, along with the entire chorale group on Tuesday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm, in the Fallbrook Presbyterian Church Choir Room, 463 S. Stage Coach Lane. They are always looking for additional soprano, alto, tenor and bass voices to compliment their existing group.


PO Box 2474 • Fallbrook, CA 92088 14

Palm Society of Southern California Rainbow Valley Grange 2160 Rainbow Valley Blvd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 310-6500 Rally for Children (760) 723-2497 Reche Community Club l3l9 South Live Oak Park Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-0301 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Women’s Auxiliary 1175 Old Stage Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-8784


Presbyterian Preschool Serving Children 2.6 to 5 Years

Life is a Journey!

Let your child begin this wonderful adventure with us!

The Program at Fallbrook Presbyterian Preschool is planned to meet the individual needs of each child. Our qualified and caring Staff nurtures Spiritual, Social, Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical growth at each individual child’s level of development. We believe children need to develop fluency in language, continue to be curious, be exposed to beauty, and expand their creativity.

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NONPROFIT Organizations & Service Clubs

Special Interest Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Men’s Auxiliary 1175 Old Stage Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-8784 Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Old Stage Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-8784

Support Services Grief Support Group 420 Elbrook, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 731-7741 Palomar Family Counseling 120 Hawthorne St. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 731-3235



AWANA Youth Group (760) 728-7771 Bonsall-Fallbrook Li�le League 521 East Elder St., #207, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (888) 693-0007 Boy Scouts of America Civil Air Patrol Cadets 231 East Hawthorne, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (951) 240-9329 Fallbrook 4-H Club (760) 728-7717 Fallbrook Pop Warner Li�le Scholarship (760) 599-8200

Fallbrook Youth Baseball P.O. Box 816, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 728-3312 Fallbrook Youth Soccer P.O. Box 271, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 529-0909 Future Farmers of America (FFA) 2400 South Stage Coach Ln. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-6300 Girl Scouts of San Diego Imperial Council (800) 643-4798, (760) 739-0860 International Order of Rainbow Girls Assembly 203 Rocky Crest Road, Fallbrook, 92028 (760) 749-0524, (760) 889-0524

rook Food Pantry b l l a F

Executive Director Don Laullin

1 2 :3 0 We ar e open from 9:30Mond ay thru Friday HOW YOU CAN HELP

• Donate Canned Food & Fresh Garden Produce • Make a Financial Contribution • Organize a Food Drive • Support the Fallbrook CROP Walk/ Thanksgiving Hunger Walk • Volunteer On Site

1042 Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 PO Box 3008 Fallbrook, CA 92028

760-728-7608 • 16

616 E. Alvarado St., Suite D Fallbrook, CA 92028 Phone: 760.689.6100 Fax: 760.689.6110

31569 Canyon Estates Dr., Suite 120 Lake Elsinore, CA 92532-1155 Toll Free: 888.444.2588 Phone: 951.245.3400 Fax: 951.245.3588

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Blossoming into success

Save Our Forest

An interview with community leader Jackie Heyneman


allbrook’s rural landscaping is no mistake. The

beautiful native flora that adorns the streets and open

fields that dot Fallbrook’s design have been painstakingly cared for by the Save Our Forest nonprofit group, which is under the Fallbrook Land Conservancy. For 16 years, this group has made it a point to take care of the native plants and trees, particularly the oak trees in the area. They have protected them from development and urbanization. As a ma�er of fact, the trees in Live Oak Park were saved by the Save Our Forest commi�ee in 1997, when the county slated them for removal. From that beginning, the group has led the community in caring for native plants, and educating future generations on caring for these plants. The Save Our Forest group was able to develop a system for planting trees on both public and private properties, and began to create videos to help various groups successfully plant native plants. With the success of Save Our Forest’s videos, larger organizations took notice. Several years ago, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection used informational materials and strategies from the Fallbrook group to help with the Arbor Day Foundation’s Necklace of Leaves Video. “The videos went everywhere,” said Jackie Heyneman, one of the founding members of Save Our Forest. “That was really something unique for them, since our video was informative and made to show groups how to start from scratch. They showed how to talk to the property owner, and how to obtain a permit for planting on the street. That’s how we became nationally recognized.” Now, the Fallbrook Land Conservancy has approximately 2,500 acres of preserves, and the Save Our Forest group has planted over 2,650 trees in 16 years on its own preserves. Heyneman, who came to Fallbrook in 1971, became involved in nonprofits when Live Oak Park’s trees were threatened. From that point on, Heyneman has felt the beck


and call of serving the community. “I’m an elected member of the Fallbrook Community Planning Group, and am the chair of the Parks and Recreation Commi�ee and Design Review Commi�ee,” she said. The efforts of Save Our Forest have not gone unnoticed

Heyneman believes that giving back to the community is important and a pleasure, though she feels that many might not understand the importance of volunteerism. “When people come from the city, they don’t realize that we are not a city. We are unincorporated and have no funds to take care of the downtown trees,” said

by the community. Currently, new growth of trees

Heyneman. “My group members feel like we can’t walk

promoted by the Save Our Trees group can be seen near

away from the trees we planted 16 years ago. We maintain

Hellers Bend, where citrus trees were removed to allow

them whether the property owners make contributions

for natural vegetation to take over. “It looks really nice,” said Heyneman. The group also has begun an endowment fund for the maintenance

or not. We spend a lot of money, so we solicit funds to pay for the part-time employees and pruning company. Yes, people take it for granted and think that

of downtown Fallbrook’s trees, said

there is some magic person that


pays for it all.”

“We are hoping people will

However, there is a great appeal

contribute to that by pu�ing it in

for those who are interested

their will or trust,” she said. “Enough


to pay for pruning or whatever else

“You meet so many wonderful

needs to be done, such as pay for the water.” However, Heyneman is aware that the Save Our Forest’s efforts will be for naught if new volunteers do not develop the passion required to successfully grow the nonprofit for years to come.

people, and have a good time,” she said. “It’s not just work. We are always looking for volunteers, who will take direction from us, and will learn by practicing.” To train young people to be interested in volunteering, the Land Conservancy has an environmental education

“I hope that people understand that they can’t always

program that works with fourth graders. It takes them

just take; they have to give back to the community as well.

through the tree growing process and shows them the

We have had volunteers who have been with us a�er all

importance of water conservation and air quality.

these years, a�ending every meeting, with every work

“Those are three things we teach in the classroom,

party that they are supposed to a�end,” said Heyneman.

along with making sure the students understand the

“We have lost volunteers, and now is not the best time for

need to give back to the community,” said Heyneman,

finding more because people are worried about working.

who explained that four schools will visit the Fallbrook

A lot of our volunteers are old, ill or have been at it for

preserves and Pico Promenade to plant trees. “We hope

16 years. I hope that as times get be�er, people realize it’s

they grow up and understand.”

important to care for this.” SOURCEBOOK 2012




April 15 26th Avocado Festival. Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce. April 21 Seventh Annual Ruth Redmann Paws in the Park Dog Fair at Live Oak Park. Foundation for Senior Care. April 28 Boys & Girls Club Annual Auction and Dinner Gala at Pechanga Resort and Casino in Temecula. 5 to 11 p.m. April 28 & 29 80th Standard Flower Show. Fallbrook Garden Club. April 29 Arts in the Park. Rally for Children and the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District. May 12 AAUW’s Country Garden Tour. AAUW. May 21 Wine, Brew & Blues Festival. Bonsall Rotary. May 27 47th Annual Fallbrook Vintage Car Show. June 8 Hot Summer Nites. Connections Fallbrook Networking Group –


June 9 & 10 Relay for Life. American Cancer Society. June 29 Hot Summer Nites. Connections Fallbrook Networking Group. July 13 Hot Summer Nites. Connections Fallbrook Networking Group – July 27 Hot Summer Nites. Connections Fallbrook Networking Group – August 10 Hot Summer Nites. Connections Fallbrook Networking Group – August 24 Hot Summer Nites. Connections Fallbrook Networking Group – Oct. 7 Stagecoach Sunday. Fallbrook Land Conservancy. Nov. 3 Dinner with the Docs. Foundation for Senior Care. Dec. 1 Fallbrook Christmas Parade. Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce.

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“And then they said: She must wear white Cut her hair Remove the bangles . . . Adopt white! White, The colour white!�

Linda Mandrayar makes a difference in India 22

o reads a snippet of a poem by Pavan Varma, a poem which a�empts to share with the world the agony of widowhood in India. It is a world out of balance, and Linda Mandrayar took on the challenge of restoring equilibrium. Mandrayar is a visionary. The year that she took action on her vision was 2003. That is when this Bonsall wife, mother and realtor, along with her husband, Dharan, and friend Hannah Kirby, acted on that dream and created the award-winning film, “White Rainbow.” This powerful film, based on true stories and filmed in India, chronicles the journey of a widow in present day India. The premise of the film is to illustrate that these women who wear only white do not have to accept their fate—and can emerge victorious. “They are forced to wear white, but have the potential of a rainbow,” Linda noted. Once a widow, many Indian women are blamed for their husband’s deaths, shunned by their family and thought of as having “bad karma.” The film highlights the fact that many of these outcast widows flock to the city of Vrindavan to live in ashrams and chant in the temples for hours, only to receive a small wage. This film was not an end in itself, but only the means to an end. That “end” was to create a be�er life for India’s widows. Mandrayar has used the film over the years to raise awareness of the plight of India’s widows, especially in the city of Vrindavan. She was then driven to create a Christian ministry organization called the “White Rainbow Project” (WRP). This group raises funds to help widows and also sends ministry teams to India. Mandrayar has led several WRP teams to Vrindavan since the organization was founded in 2010. A few widow shelters have cropped up around Vrindavan, which provide a cleaner, safer environment. But, even those are not maintained at nearly the standard of sanitation that the Western world embraces. Mandrayar has led WRP work groups to one of the shelters in Vrindavan. Her group has used commercial cleaning agents like Clorox to disinfect and clean. At this shelter, the staff and widows cleaned, but only used water. They thought that water was enough. Just the simple act of teaching these women to use cleaning agents has helped improve their quality of life. At this point, WRP volunteers are focusing their efforts on se�ing up a sewing center where the widows can learn to make tunics and other items in order to support themselves. Widows in India are already creating paper necklaces and earrings that are sold as part of what is termed the White Rainbow Collection – Clothes with a Cause. The collection also offers a variety of tunics made with material from saris donated by Indian women. The sari material is from India, the tunics are made in India and the funds from tunic sales are then directed back to India. For further information on the White Rainbow film, you can access the website: To learn about the White Rainbow Project, or to sponsor a widow, information can be found at




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CHURCH Anglican Church of St. John 434 N. Iowa St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2908 Apostolic Assembly - The Faith 101 W. Kalmia St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-3743 Apostolic Church of Fallbrook 135 E. Ivy St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1717

Fallbrook Foursquare Church 405 W. Fig St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 P.O. Box 665, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 723-8086 Fallbrook Presbyterian Church 463 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-5804

Baha’I Faith - Fallbrook P.O. Box 36, Fallbrook, CA 92088

Fallbrook United Methodist Church 1844 Winterhaven Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1472

Bonsall Community Church P.O. Box 21, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 945-1276

First Christian Church 318 W. Fig St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7649

Calvary Chapel Fallbrook 488 Industrial Wy., Fallbrook, 92028 (760) 728-9138

First Church of Christ Scientist 1109 E. Fallbrook St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-0242

Christ the King Lutheran Church 1620 E. Fallbrook St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-3256 Church of Christ 238 W. Mission Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-3900

First Church of God 126 W. Ash St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7475 Grace Presbyterian Church Fallbrook (PCA) Live Oak Elementary School 1978 Reche Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 689-2213

GUIDE Pauma Valley Community Church 16178 Hwy. 76, Pauma Valley, CA 92061 P.O. Box 345, Pauma Valley, CA 92061 (760) 742-3551 Pentecostals of Fallbrook 341 Heald Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 451-0567 Rainbow Community Church 2560 Rainbow Valley Blvd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2051 Riverview Church 4980 Sweetgrass Ln., Bonsall, CA 92003 (760) 941-1430 Seventh Day Adventist English Church 1200 Rainbow Valley Blvd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-7733 Seventh Day Adventist Spanish Church 439 N. Iowa St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1661

Hilltop Center 331 E. Elder St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 723-6190

St. John’s Episcopal Church 4334 N. Iowa St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2908

Community Baptist Church 731 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2966

Iglesia Camino Real 125 W. Hawthorne St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760)723-8534

St. Peter’s Catholic Community Church 450 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7034

Cornerstone Baptist Church 501 N. Main Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 613-7402

Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall 512 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-9824

Emmanuel Baptist Church 911 E. Elder St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2667

Living Waters Christian Fellowship 2000 Reche Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1685

Fallbrook First Baptist Church 221 N. Pico Ave., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-7771

Mission San Antonio de Pala 3015 Pala Mission Rd., Pala, CA 92059 (760) 728-3317

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 621 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-4244

North Coast Church 2400 S. Stage Coach Ln., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 724-6700 Office/mail: 550 Industrial Wy., Fallbrook, CA 92028 SOURCEBOOK 2012

St. Stephen Evangelical Lutheran Church 1636 E. Mission Rd., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-6814 The Waters Church PO Box 2665, Fallbrook, CA 92088 (760) 703-0590 Zion Lutheran Church 1405 E. Fallbrook St., Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-8288


Fallbrook faith is worldwide

Being a Christian means being Christ-like, and serving the community as Jesus would. Fallbrook’s community is filled with individuals who took this to heart, and have le� the Fallbrook community to truly serve the mission field. Every day, these individuals risk their lives so that they can make the world a be�er place. These are a few examples of how Fallbrook’s church community has expanded into the mission field.

Local church groups bring hope to Mexican people Since Mexico is so close to Fallbrook, several Fallbrook churches have made ministry in the Tijuana and Ensenada area a priority. The border is just a wall or a fence, but the difference between the lifestyles is like night and day. Several of the local churches have pulled back in their ministry to Mexico due to the high crime rate in the border cities, but there are others who still venture south. Past or present, the church groups mentioned below have given their hearts and souls to help the people of Baja California obtain a be�er life. Calvary Chapel of Fallbrook has sent their youth group to Tijuana for day trips, over the years. The group takes shoeboxes filled with presents to an orphanage where the Fallbrook youth interact with the children and host a church service. Shoeboxes are also made for college age residents and distributed on the same day. First Baptist Church hosts a Spanish church, and the congregants from that church visit Mexico taking furniture and other supplies down with them. St. Peter’s Catholic Church has sent its youth group to Mexico with the purpose of building various structures and working on landscaping projects. The youth have also hosted sports camps at orphanages. Christ The King Lutheran Church youth usually visit Mexico during Thanksgiving holiday week. They take blankets, clothes and shoeboxes full of presents to orphans. The youth also interact with the Mexican children and actually stay at the orphanage, which is about 20 minutes south of the border. The CTK youth have also helped with construction and, this year, built a retaining wall. Riverview Church in Bonsall sends their youth group to Ensenada for a week at the end of July. The youth host a Vacation Bible School and also help with construction work. There is also a team from Riverview that works in prison ministry in Mexico. A Riverview ministry called 26

“Lo� House” builds homes in the church parking lot, hauls them to Mexico and then sets them up for the residents. North Coast Church has sent a group of college students to Tijuana to help with house building projects. Another project they have undertaken is to serve breakfast at local orphanages. A couple from North Coast has begun their own ministry in Tijuana called “Outside the Bowl,” a soup kitchen able to serve 5,000 meals a day to children. Although mostly local residents staff the mission, several congregants at North Coast have helped with construction and repairs at the facility. First Presbyterian’s youth group has traveled to Ensenada for a week during Easter vacation. While there, they work at a local orphanage doing cra�s and other activities with the children. The group also helps out with construction and repairs for a small Ensenada church. The many Fallbrook churches that send workers to Mexico reveal the caring heart of Fallbrook – a friendly village that not only looks a�er its own, but also reaches out to bring hope and a bit of sunshine to our neighbors “south of the border.”

Cambodia’s Water of Life ministry flows from Fallbrook Randy Fleming, the former owner of the Fallbrook Christian Bookstore, is still working in his “Water of Life” ministry, which serves children and youth in Cambodia. He moved to Cambodia in 2005, but the story really began in Fallbrook. Fleming writes, “I loved all the years of training and fellowship I received in Fallbrook. Having been in foster homes, I saw a loving community in Fallbrook and I had a real sense of family.” Fleming mentioned how encouraged he was by the people who would frequent his store.

As Fleming began taking youth from various Fallbrook churches on short-term mission trips, he “saw an open door to inspiring youth and helping in needy countries.” Besides the many trips to Cambodia, he led trips to Brazil, China, Belize and Africa. He thought to himself: “I want to use my life to help and to disciple and to love people.” Fleming was drawn to Cambodia because it was remote and was definitely lacking in Christian workers.

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Randy Fleming and members of Water of Life pose with Cambodians during one of their mission trips.

He said, “Okay God, if you will it, I will sell or give away all and go live with these beautiful folks and give my life to helping. So I came, and have stayed.” “We have taken kids whose lives are already on borrowed time, kids with severe incurable illnesses,” Fleming noted. Sick, starving, orphaned, terminally ill, and unloved children and youth are being given a second chance. “I love these kids.” Fleming says that he no longer owns anything, but has joy that no money could buy. Fleming’s ministry has been enhanced by many Fallbrook and Rainbow residents – too numerous to mention. Water of Life has a home for boys from high school to college age. There is also a home for girls, for women who have trafficking backgrounds; and a home for children. Water of Life also operates a medical clinic for pregnant women. Spring is hot -- most days are over 100 degrees with 80 percent humidity. The insects are huge and numerous. So, what does one do in a land of poverty where landmines kill victims every day and orphans and widows roam the streets? Fleming writes, “Pray and serve the Lord with gladness because no ma�er how tired or hot I get, He [God] wants to li� the children from the ashes and raise up the poor and outcast.” SOURCEBOOK 2012

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Affordable and Quality Home Care Services Providing comfort, dignity and high-quality home care One of the hardest decisions that an adult child can make is choosing to hire at-home care services for their aging parents. Relying on individuals to help their parents live out their last years in peace at home requires the ultimate level of trust, which means the company that is hired must not only be based on professionalism, but also passion for its clients. Affordable and Quality Home Care Services is an at-home care service that epitomizes that passion and professionalism, and has developed a reputation for providing clients with the best treatment and care, regardless of the client’s physical limitations. As a ma�er of fact, Affordable and Quality is the largest at-home provider based in Fallbrook. Carlos Perez, the owner of Affordable and Quality, understands how difficult it is for adult children to make this crucial decision, and provides care that leaves everyone at ease.

experience with the team to be tailored to fit their precise

“The family members of our patients are also our clients, needs and circumstances. Members of the medical and we want to take care of them by helping take care of community are aware of the top services provided by their loved ones,” said Carlos.

Affordable and Quality, and recommend their services to

Grown children can trust that the Affordable and Quality patients. staff can help their parents enjoy their lives at home, while

Carlos – who has worked in the medical field for over 20

the staff caters to daily needs, such as cooking, errands, years – is passionate about giving his clients the opportunity light housekeeping and personal care and hygiene.

to continue to live their lives in their homes in the most

“We do not want families to worry about their loved ones comfortable manner possible. He personally visits each when they are with our caregivers. They can have peace of client, and believes that constant communication with both mind and relax, knowing that we are able to care for their staff and clients allows for the best service possible. family member,” said Carlos.

Carlos takes a hands-on approach at providing for each

Each Affordable and Quality staff member is an insured, client’s personality and specific needs be finding a caregiver bonded and experienced caregiver who can provide home whose personality and expertise will fit best for the client. care services to clients with the utmost compassion and professionalism.

The Affordable and Quality team truly believes in the importance of creating relationships with clients, and they

The services offered by the Affordable and Quality team are more than happy to speak to you about the services that are affordable and varied, which allows each individual’s can be provided to you or your family member.

Affordable and Quality Home Care Services (760) 468-3075 Patient Care Coordinator: (760) 622-8042 SOURCEBOOK 2012


Fallbrook Hospital Continuing to meet community needs

[Left] The new Ambulatory Surgery Suites at Fallbrook Hospital; [Right] Testing a patient’s fall risk on the new balance screening equipment, located at the Center for Specialty Services

Although the Fallbrook Hospital is part of a small community, there is nothing small about Fallbrook Hospital’s services. Its 140-licensed-bed facility, accredited by The Joint Commission, features an array of diagnostic equipment and treatment options. With more than 100 physicians, 88 percent board-certified in their fields, and nurses and medical technicians trained in up-to-date care techniques, the hospital offers the latest in medical services along with the sincere care that earmarks Fallbrook as the friendly village. The only hospital emergency department within a 17-mile radius, prompt treatment is offered 24 hours a day, with a physician always on duty, supported by skilled nurses and technicians. The completely remodeled admi�ing and reception area provides a comfortable place for patients and their families. Fallbrook Hospital’s new contemporary 3,300 square foot surgery/endoscopy suite addition and advanced technology expands the capacity and capabilities to perform more sophisticated surgical procedures. Surgeons provide quality, skilled surgical expertise by specialty for both adults and children 18 months and older. General surgical services offered include, but are not limited to, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, hernia repairs, appendectomies, and bowel surgeries. Orthopedic services consist of shoulder, hip, partial and total knee replacements, and repair of fractures and sports injuries. Cardioversions and pacemaker implantations are among the cardiac surgeries performed 30

and plastic surgery procedures include breast reconstruction and augmentation, liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). NaPro Surgery for treatment of infertility, C-sections, hysterectomies, and hysteroscopy are included in the OB/GYN services offered, and prostate surgery with green light laser, kidney and bladder surgeries are among the urological services provided. Cataract removal surgery is offered and ENT services include procedures for thyroid issues, treatment of tonsillitis and chronic sinusitis, and the use of radio frequency procedures for treatment of nasal obstructions, sleep apnea and snoring. With the recent launch of the Center for Advanced Sinus Care, the Center for Advanced Orthopedic Care and a comprehensive Vascular Surgery Program, Fallbrook Hospital continues to introduce new and improved surgical services. Several new and minimally invasive techniques, such as the new balloon sinuplasty for sinusitis and the nerve block for knee and shoulder replacements, are used, resulting in less pain and a quicker recovery. In addition, the hospital has opened its new Center for Specialty Services, which demonstrates the hospital’s continued commitment to adding new and improving existing services to be�er meet the needs of our community. Fallbrook Hospital Physical Therapy moved from its Po�er Street location to the Center at 617 Alvarado Street, and now includes a larger gym and comfortable therapy rooms for patients undergoing physical, occupational and speech therapy. Treatment is offered for neurological disorders,


so� tissue and nerve injuries, arthritis, autoimmune conditions, pulmonary disease, sports injuries, and chronic pain. Outpatient Lab services are also located at the Center and wound care is planned later this year. Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs are available at the adjacent Wellness Center, and are individually customized to include exercise, behavior change, and health education. The Radiology Department’s new 64-slice CT scanner provides advanced imaging capabilities in a newly renovated suite. Ultra-sharp, detailed images of the body are produced in seconds, enabling physicians to detect and treat diseases at an early stage. Inpatient and outpatient imaging is also performed utilizing two enhanced mammography machines, a nuclear medicine camera, and midfield MRI. The Woman’s Center is fi�ed with side-by-side delivery rooms that provide modern technology in a comfortable se�ing. The center offers childbirth classes for first-time mothers and a review course for experienced parents. Postpartum rooms and lactation education, a bilingual staff or translators are available, as well as a broad spectrum of gynecological services. The adjacent 93-bed Skilled Nursing Facility offers longterm residential care for people whose medical needs require 24-hour licensed nursing and short-term care to assist patients in gaining strength and independence following hospitalization for an illness, accident or surgery. A wide range of services including physical, occupational and speech therapies, respiratory and IV therapies and endof-life care are provided. The Occupational Health Program offers comprehensive 24-hour health care service, diagnostic, and surgical procedures. Physical examinations include pre-employment exams, forensic drug testing, DOT/DMV physicals, and OSHA regulated exams, and immunizations such as tuberculin and hepatitis B. Members of the Hospital’s active Volunteer Department provide assistance in many areas of the hospital, at community health screenings and offer patient transportation. Fallbrook Hospital provides on-going health education programs including childbirth and pre-surgery classes, and diabetes support. Educational social programs specifically for seniors and women are also available. The Senior Circle Program is designed for people who are 50 and older, offering in-hospital benefits, education, national and local discounts and social activities to support SOURCEBOOK 2012

Employees demonstrate the new CT scanner at Fallbrook Hospital.

a healthy and active lifestyle for seniors in the community. The Healthy Woman Program is a community resource focusing on presenting women of all ages with on-going emotional, physical, and fiscal health and well-being education to assist them in making important decisions for themselves and their families. Fallbrook Hospital and the Fallbrook Healthcare District have served the needs of residents for over 50 years. Now separate entities, Board Members from the local community that govern each organization work together to ensure the medical needs of the Greater Fallbrook Area continue to be met.

Fallbrook Hospital 624 E. Elder St. Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-1191 • 31

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Dr. Richard Goble Dr. Goble offers high quality dental service with Village friendliness

When it comes to offering superior dental service and treatment in Fallbrook, no one offers be�er service than Dr. Richard Goble and his team. Since leaving his prestigious Beverly Hills practice in the 1980s to raise his family in Fallbrook’s safe community, Dr. Goble has been giving his Fallbrook patients with broken, discolored and crooked teeth smiles they can be proud of. Dr. Goble offers the best dental care available. As a neuromuscular dentist, he understands that his patients’ hard and so� tissues have a complex relationship. He works to make that relationship a harmonious one and is able to see the necessity for including the muscles and nerves – which create the movement, pressures and function of the mouth – in dental treatment. Dr. Goble uses neuromuscular technology and diagnostic techniques to be able to treat patients with headaches, stress and tension by orienting the jaw into the correct alignment, allowing treatment to be tailored specifically for the patient’s problem. He also employs a VELscope in his dental procedures, which allows him to be able to detect oral cancer before it can be visibly seen.

In addition, Dr. Goble’s office has obtained CEREC, which allows for patients needing crowns to have a great smile a�er just one visit. With this new machine, Dr. Goble can give patients a tooth-colored ceramic crown that is laboratory quality and chemically bond it to the tooth, saving as much healthy tooth and gum tissue as possible. This allows patients to skip impression materials, temporaries and multiple dental appointments that typically come with cosmetic dentistry. Just because Dr. Goble’s office has the latest dental technology available does not mean that it is frightening or intimidating to visit; as a ma�er of fact, patients can feel assured that they will be given the best of dental care in the most comfortable of se�ings. While Dr. Goble is professional in the office, he truly gets to know his patients and is always happy to see them with their families about town, especially since he has had the opportunity to watch them grow. “I truly get to know my patients outside of the dental office since I see them around town,” he said, “and it’s rather touching to see kids who went to school with my children grow up and bring their kids in for me to treat.” Dr. Richard Goble 1108 South Main Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2261 •



We’re celebrating 70 Years of Family Practice in the Fallbrook Community and Temecula Valley with Four Office Locations for your Healthcare Needs

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Tae-Woong Im, MD

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Anna Miller, DO

Robin Robbins, NP

G r o u p

Lane Oslund, MD

Daniel Camarillo, MD

Deborah Layton, NP

Brandon Miller, DO

Daniel Nuñez, PA

Lyn Drake, NP

Rancho Family Medical Group proudly welcomes: Dr. Brandon Miller, a Fallbrook resident who returned from service in our military to join our Fallbrook office. Dr. Dan Camarillo recently joined our group and is a welcomed addition to our Menifee office. Robin Robbins, Nurse Practitioner, specializing in women’s health and a long time provider in Temecula, joins our Temecula Parkway health team. Daniel Nuñez is our newest Physician Assistant at Temecula Parkway’s Urgent Care. Same Day Appointments Available – Extended Hours in our Temecula Parkway Urgent Care TEMECULA

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521 E. Elder Street Suite 103 (760) 728-8344

Rainbow resident Tom Casey influences the community as well as medical and military fields Rainbow resident Tom Casey is like

with the DOD working with artificial

Transportation Impact Fee Reduction.

many innovators in that the road to

intelligence on the B-2 Bomber, B-

Route 395 which runs from Mexico

success has been a winding trail that

1 Bomber, Abrams Tank, Seawolf

to Canada has played an integral role

was filled with unexpected twists and

Submarine and the Tomahawk Missile.

in the history of California and the

turns that were capitalized on, fueling his success.

A common denominator with

lost highway is being brought back to

Casey projects throughout the years

life while at the same time revitalizing

was always politics. His experience

the downtowns it runs through by

Rainbow and the Fallbrook

working with legislatures at various

increasing tourism, and visitor

community home, he embarked

levels from local to state to federal has

and events.

on a mission and co-founded a

now led him to pursue a few

healthcare program in 1979 called

civic duties.

Before Casey decided to call

Casey’s work on achieving the historic designation has helped

Home Healthcare of America, which

Fallbrook promote events like hot rod

was renamed in 1985 to Caremark.

runs that drive along the old highway

Caremark provided comprehensive

and mark Fallbrook as a meeting

prescription benefit management

place for lunch or dinner for

services to more than 2,000 health

the drivers.

care plans and operated a national

The Elder House in Fallbrook which

retail pharmacy network to more than

faces Route 395 has also been used

60,000 outlets. In 2006, Caremark had

as a destination point because of the

a net worth of $37 billion. In 2007 CVS

historic designation of the highway

acquired Caremark for $26.5 billion.

bringing in tourism and dollars into

Long before Caremark was acquired


by CVS, Casey moved from creating medical prescription programs into

Casey who could live anywhere in “I got out of politics for business

the world with his successful career

helping create an artificial heart in

and now use my experience

chooses to call Rainbow and Fallbrook

1982. His work in artificial intelligence

and knowledge to help local


caught the a�ention of the United

communities,” said Casey.

“Rainbow is very accessible to

States Department of Defense who

Casey became the author of the

recruited Casey to create artificial

Historic Route 395 Commemoration

worlds,” said Casey, who enjoys

intelligence for the military. In 1983,

Legislation, Initiated the Historic

living a gas tank away from San Diego

Casey began a 22-year relationship

Fallbrook Registration and the County

or Los Angeles.


points of interest. It’s the best of both

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The best medical attention possible Being a passionate healthcare provider is essential for providing top quality medical services, and the team at Fallbrook Medical Center is dedicated to the health and wellbeing of its patients. Alvaro Berrios, MSN, FNP, is just an example of the fine staff found at the Center, located across the street from Fallbrook Hospital. Having grown up around medical professionals, Berrios was inspired by their passion and dedication in medicine and the difference they made in each patients’ life. “When I moved to the United States as a young adult I knew I was going to follow a career in healthcare,” said Berrios. “I started as a medical assistant and worked my way up. It has been a challenging journey, but it was all worth it, as I see myself following the same footsteps as my family members.” Berrios and the rest of the Center staff know that it is important to create a trusting relationship between staff and patients. The staff is also bilingual, to further add services.

“It is important to make sure my patients feel comfortable with me, as they are entrusting me with their health concerns and ultimately with their lives,” said Berrios. “With this in mind, I can honestly say that my patients leave my office knowing that I have their best interest at heart.” Fallbrook Medical Center makes it their mission to provide healthcare for all individuals in the community; an individual’s healthcare coverage does not determine whether they are seen or not. “I strongly believe in providing the highest and finest quality of medical attention to all patients regardless of their health care coverage,” said Berrios. “As a founder of Fallbrook Medical Center, I’m passionate about practicing with this approach and treating each patient in a professional and compassionate manner. While most other practitioners may practice within their normal social scope of expectations, at Fallbrook Medical Center we strive to meet and exceed these expectations.”

(760) 723-5900 593 East Elder Street, Suite B, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (Across from Fallbrook Hospital)

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5256 S. Mission Rd. Ste. 808 & 809 Bonsall, CA 92003 SOURCEBOOK 2012

Village Home Care Here to help Since 1999, the staff of Village Home Care has been helping the residents of Fallbrook by providing an essential service for aging or ailing individuals who want to continue to live in their home with dignity and comfort. The Village Home Care staff goes beyond offering non-medical assistance. Services include personal care, meal preparations, Stevens owns Village Home Care in Fallbrook. light housekeeping, companionship, transportation, and respite care to patients. The staff is caring, competent and experienced. Each staff member is local to the Fallbrook area and takes pride in serving their community. Owner Carol Stevens, an LVN and Fallbrook native, understands that the financial aspect of personal care plays a big role in selecting a company to trust. She works within customers’ budgets to tailor a payment plan that allows anyone to have a highly qualified, CPRtrained employee of Village Home Care assisting them. In addition, Village Home Care accepts long-term care insurances. Services can also be provided at nursing facilities. The company is bonded and insured, and its staff is ready and willing to assist its patients at any hour. “We will go anywhere home is to serve our customers,” said Stevens, whose nursing background has a large emphasis on geriatrics. “We understand that a lot of individuals who take care of elderly or ailing parents are fortunate to be able to have multi-generations to care for. We want to assure them that we can help them take care of their family.”

Village Home Care (760) 723-1140 39


Drivinginventionandrenovation If you drive a diesel truck chances are Fallbrook resident Kirk Jones and his invention of the CFM+ Manifold has influenced your life. The CFM+ diesel performance intake manifold allows vehicles to achieve the highest and coolest airflow possible for a diesel engine. The more air and cooler air means more power, more performance, and be�er fuel economy. Truck owners who love their powerful engines have Jones to thank for increasing their horsepower, providing a 10 percent increase in fuel efficiency, reducing turbo lag for increased acceleration and towing capacity plus up to a 75-degree drop in exhaust gas temperatures. Jones, who was born and raised in Southern California, created the CFM+ manifold with the intent to improve the equipment he was using to build his 3-spoke single hollow wheels for mountain bikes and high-end wheelchairs. “In college my buddy and I entered a joint venture to build these durable cool looking wheels for GT Bikes, which crossed over into wheelchair wheels,” said Jones. The special 3-spoke wheels can be seen in the movie,

“Leave It to Beaver,” on a bike riding through the Cleavers’ neighborhood, on the TV show Baywatch and most recently in the James Cameron’s’ blockbuster movie Avatar, in which the main character and Marine, Jake Sully, sits in is powered by Jones’ 3-spoke wheel. The improvements made on the equipment needed to build the 3-spoke wheels was a stepping-stone for the CFM+ Manifold. “The wheels take special equipment to create and in an effort to be more cost effective we had to improve the production equipment.” Jones, his wife of 23 years and their three children call Fallbrook home. With all the success Jones has had he could live anywhere his dreams desire, so why Fallbrook? “Where else would I pick? Fallbrook is a wonderful rural community that is not too far from everything I could possibly need,” said Jones. Jones, who is also a member of the Riverview Community Church, has no plans to retire. This spring, he is launching a new product called the PromanPTO. The PromanPTO is a patented quick





pump system. This system fits to the engine of an ATV or UTV to power a family of highly






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DINING GUIDE Bozie’s Wings & Things Located in the heart of Fallbrook, Bozie’s Wings & Things offers a variety of top quality meals that will leave you craving for more. This family-owned and operated restaurant’s menu includes eight different types of wings, 100 percent Kobe beef burgers, subs, sandwiches, soup, and salads. They also offer delivery services for your convenience.

232 S. Main Avenue, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 451-3562

Café des Artistes Proudly living up to its mo�o of celebrating “art in food and art in life,” Café des Artistes has a visually exciting ambiance with a menu to match. The menu features daily soups, gourmet sandwiches, salads, and plate entreés, all made on the premises from fresh, local ingredients. This dining experience is a masterpiece in itself. Check out our website or give us a call for lunch and dinner specials.

103 S. Main Avenue, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-3350

The Downs Sports Bar & Grill

San Luis Rey Downs

San Luis Rey Downs has it all! Come join us at our sports bar and grill to enjoy breakfast, lunch or dinner, seven days a week. Our delectable menus include soups, salads, sandwiches, our famous burgers, and other specialty dishes. If you’re looking to watch the big game, we have 18 TVs and a 56” high-definition big screen, guaranteeing you a variety of sporting events to choose from. Our friendly staff and beautiful surroundings offer the perfect combination for the perfect day. We’re the place to be!

31474 Golf Club Drive, Bonsall, CA 92003 | (760) 758-3762 |

El Jardín For those looking for a Mexican dish that really sizzles, come to El Jardín for the beef, shrimp, chicken or fish fajitas. This traditional dish is just one of the many menu options that leave diners smacking their lips and planning their next visit. Fresh chips and salsa abound and large margaritas are available to complete your meal.

1581 S. Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-4556

Fallbrook Cafe Fallbrook Cafe is where the locals meet to eat, with generous homemade portions, friendly staff and great prices. Enjoy their traditional breakfasts, soups, salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, fresh fish, steaks, REAL turkey, REAL mashed potatoes and gravies, plus delicious, piping hot chicken pot pies and much more! There’s definitely something for everyone! We’re open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast served all day.

739 E. Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-1898

HOURS: Mon-Fri 6:30am - 9:00pm; Sat 7:00am - 9:00pm; Sun 7:00am - 8:00pm 42

DINING GUIDE Fresco Grill and Wine Bar Fresco Grill and Wine Bar is more than an Italian restaurant. Every item on the menu is made with choice fresh ingredients. Diners can expect new lunch and dinner specials to delight their taste buds. Owner Leone D’Arcangelo insists on using the same Europeaninspired flavors that are found in his homeland Italy, so guests know they are in for a treat. Come in for live music Wednesdays and Fridays or for a Sunday champagne lunch buffet from 11am to 3pm. On Wednesdays, enjoy half-off prices on wines.

5256 S. Mission Road, Bonsall, CA 92003 | (760) 631-1944

The Fusion Bistro The Fusion Bistro concept is a tapas bar where you can taste and share intriguing dishes from Spain, Mexico, Hawaii, and Japan. We use the freshest ingredients to provide a unique dining experience based on fusion, quality, flavor, and hospitality.

5256 S. Mission Road #907, Bonsall, CA 92003 | (760) 643-1278

HOURS: Mon-Thu 11:30am - 2:30pm, 4:30pm - 9:30pm; Fri 11:30am - 2:30pm; 4:30pm - 10:00pm; Sat 11:30am-10:00pm; Sun 11:30am-9:00pm

Garden Center Cafe & Grill Garden Center Cafe & Grill offers a great dining experience! For breakfast, enjoy huge omelets, fresh fruit, huevos rancheros or other traditional breakfasts. For lunch, try the tantalizing salads with homemade dressings, soups, sandwiches, hamburgers, fresh fish and daily specials. Dinner has an exquisite menu which proudly serves Certified Angus Beef ® prime rib, steaks, fresh seafood, pastas, and more, including beer and wine. Dine inside or on the beautiful garden patio. Catering available. Like us on Facebook!

1625 S. Mission Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-4147

HOURS: Open daily 7:30am - 2:30pm for breakfast & lunch. Thurs-Sat 5:00pm-8pm for dinner

Hukilau Restaurant

Fallbrook Golf Club

Looking for a place to dine, drink or relax? Hukilau is the place! Located at the Fallbrook Golf Club, Hukilau offers daily food specials for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Enjoy a cocktail or a glass of wine at the Huki Lounge. Fallbrook Golf Club and Hukilau provide banquet services all year long for birthdays, weddings, golf tournaments, and other special events. Come see why Fallbrook Golf Club is the best choice!

2757 Gird Road, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-8334

John’s Neighborhood Bar & Grill This popular dinner house offers delicious steaks, seafood, pasta dishes, prime rib and appetizers nightly with a full cocktail bar in a casual atmosphere. Enjoy live entertainment, karaoke in the lounge and sporting events on our flat screens. Inquire about private parties and banquets. Join us for happy hour from 4 to 6pm. Like us on Facebook!

1280 E. Vista Way, Vista, CA 92081 | (760) 724-7242 SOURCEBOOK 2012


DINING GUIDE La Caseta Fine Mexican Food A�er 29 years of serving Fallbrook, La Caseta has become synonymous with great Mexican food. Ingredients for the dishes served are locally sourced, and there are new specials to try every time you visit, alongside the already popular traditional menu. It can be hard to choose just one dish to enjoy at La Caseta, so you may want to bring a few friends to share several choices.

111 N. Vine Street, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-9737

Le Bistro Take a trip to Europe through one of Fallbrook’s most cherised restaurants, Le Bistro. Every dish on the menu, from the Cherry Duck Breast to the Pork Normandy, is as flavorful and artistic as the art decorating the walls. This dining experience is best shared with close family or friends.

119 N. Main Avenue, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 723-3559

Moonshine Sports Bar & Pizzeria La Estancia Inn If you’re looking for a great Italian restaurant with an inviting atmosphere, visit Moonshine Sports Bar & Pizzeria in Fallbrook. Moonshine’s menu includes pasta, pizza, soups, salads, appetizers and more. The full bar is complete with 10 beers on tap and 60” TVs to watch a variety of sporting events. Moonshine’s staff is commi�ed to providing prompt service and great tasting Italian dishes to our valued customers!

3135 Old Highway 395, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 689-6173 | (760) 689-6174 |

Rainbow Oaks Restaurant Tucked away on the windy Old Hwy. 395, this unique restaurant with a full bar offers a cozy, rustic se�ing to enjoy top quality meals. Whether diners are stopping in for all-day breakfast, exceptional steaks, stacked sandwiches, or prime rib, they will find more than enough to satisfy their appetites. Rainbow Oaks is where friends meet and nobody goes home hungry.

4815 5th Street, Rainbow, CA 92028 | (760) 723-2279 | Open 7 Days 6:00am-9:00pm

Trupiano’s Italian Bistro A�er eight years in Fallbrook, Trupiano’s Italian Bistro has become a Mecca for those who want to enjoy an authentic Italian dish while relaxing in a warm, vibrant and friendly atmosphere. Whether enjoying a quick lunch with friends, dinner with someone special, or a�ending one of the monthly cooking classes, the experience at Trupiano’s is always sure to please. Catering services are also available for your next dinner party or special event. Sip on a glass of wine, try one of the daily specials created by owner Faro Trupiano, and discover why this bistro is a Fallbrook favorite.

945 S. Main Avenue, Fallbrook, CA 92028 | (760) 728-0200 44

Have It Your Weigh! Endless Toppings! Endless Combinations!

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Our yogurt contains real dairy, fresh milk, real fruit purees, and high counts of beneficial live yogurt cultures, including probiotic.

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The Old is Back!

The Old Valley Fort is back and better than ever! For those of us who remember the Valley Fort, it is exciting to see it revived to its former glory. We hope you will stop in and enjoy yourself. The steak house opens every day from 3pm to the late evening hours, and offers a full line of steaks, seafood, fresh salads, and desserts. It’s sure to please the entire family. The bar serves a full list of cocktails and local craft beers on draft. Not just a steak house, the property also can accommodate special events, banquets and weddings. With our friendly staff and talented chef, one thing’s for sure, if you visit as a stranger, you‘ll leave as a friend. Hope to see you soon!

Patty & Hank Hornsveld, Owners 3757 S. Mission Rd. Fallbrook, CA 92028


Mission Theatre & CAST Academy of Dance Creating stars Pa�y Hornsveld has taken the north end of Main Avenue and transformed it into a rich performing arts center that lends itself to the art and cultural atmosphere of downtown Fallbrook. The Mission isn’t just theater—it is a mixture of performing arts training, studio work, and on-stage experience. Where once the theater enjoyed only a cast of older actors, it now hosts a number of youth performances and is the residence for CAST Academy of Dance. CAST (Children’s Acting School & Theater) holds various acting workshops for children of all ages,

Show Choir, which performs at various

including developing a children’s

local community functions and charity

production performances. Traditionally




events throughout North County as

year you can find CAST at the local

well as competitions around Southern

elementary schools volunteering with

California. CAST’s performance dance

the A�er School Acting Projects. All

teams have entertained audiences

these projects are truly transforming

across the United States and have

the downtown performing arts to

been invited to entertain on Royal

involve the entire community.

Caribbean and Carnival Cruise Lines.

The Mission Theatre is located at 231

To help facilitate the needs of the

North Main Avenue, where monthly

Theater and Dance Academy, there

concerts are also performed

is a dancewear and costume shop

To catch a CAST act on stage, log on

appropriately called Tu Tu Much

to, call (760)

Dancewear & Box Office, which is also

731-CAST for theater information or

on North Main Avenue.

call the dance store at (760) 7-BALLET children

to learn more about the dance academy

will include two drama workshops

and children’s acting workshops. Log

beginning in July. The two workshops

on to




will tie into a Broadway stage

Mission Theatre & CAST Academy of Dance 200 North Main Avenue, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 731-CAST • SOURCEBOOK 2012



It’s the weekend, and if you’ve got a special someone you know it’s important to have a wellthought-out date plan that the two of you can enjoy. If you are planning on staying around town for a romantic evening, here are a few ideas to help you plan the perfect date. Not everyone likes the traditional dinner and movie option, nor can they afford expensive and elaborate excusions, so try to find a way to customize each of these dates to what you and your significant other enjoy. Fallbrook Art Center


Coffee and Book-Talk If you and your partner enjoy a good book, a great way to spend your date night might be at one of Fallbrook’s local coffee shops enjoying a good book. You can make this into a series of nights if you want. Before heading over to get your caffeine fix, go to the Fallbrook Public Library and select a new book to read together, or if you are looking for a new book to add to the collection, stop by the Friends of Fallbrook Library Used Book Store at the library, and purchase a few books for a dollar or two. Once you’ve picked your books of choice, visit the Fallbrook Coffee Company or Caffé Primo for coffee and a pastry. The Fallbrook Coffee Co. is an adorable building with hidden nooks – perfect for intimate conversations while reading, and Caffé Primo is more suited for those who are boisterous and want a spirited debate over characters. Regardless, you will have hours of enjoyable fun as you discuss your favorite elements of the book at hand.

Art and Fine Dining For those with a more refined palate, there are a few options that will allow you to enjoy the finer aspects of life with your significant other. Fallbrook has a plethora of artistic elements for you to enjoy. With the many art galleries in town, in addition to the Fallbrook Art Association’s various shows put on throughout the year, you can plan to visit some of the galleries’ events on a Friday night. If you want, you can also see what the Fallbrook Music Society is planning, as they constantly have classical and contemporary musicians performing. Follow this up with a romantic meal at one of Fallbrook’s fine dining options such as the Fallbrook Garden Center. This restaurant offers not only some of the best and freshest fare in town, but it also has a fine dining option for dinner that features Angus prime rib. Another option could be Trupiano’s Italian Bistro, which has some of the most flavorful Italian food in town.

Movie and Pizza Golf and Brunch If you want a full day of fun together, play hooky and head off to the greens in the morning. If you and your partner enjoy hi�ing the links, then Fallbrook’s endless options are the ideal spot to enjoy your date day. Call ahead, reserve your tee time, and enjoy playing with your partner while working on your handicap. If you choose, you might want to pop into Hukilau for brunch, since this restaurant has great breakfast and lunch options available a�er a game of golf.

This is a top choice for those who like keeping date night simple. Ultrastar Cinemas at Bonsall feature the latest movies, so you could choose a favorite to watch together. If you want to enjoy a meal or drink first, head over to Z Café for happy hour. The drinks are always well served, and the food is always fresh. If you move your date night to Tuesday, you can also feast on the Mexican fare that comes only on Taco Tuesday. Otherwise, grab a pizza at Village Pizza to enjoy at home. Grab a wine bo�le, so you can enjoy a fine pairing of pizza and wine in the intimacy of your own home.

continued on page 50 SOURCEBOOK 2012


continued from page 49

A Hike, a Picnic and Something Sweet If you and your partner enjoy outdoor adventures, take a hike in Fallbrook preserves for a hike. There are plenty of trails. They include rigorous trails like one found on the Hellers Bend Preserve and relaxing strolls like the one found at Los Jilgueros Preserve. Surprise your partner with a picnic dinner at the top of your hike for an added romantic element. Prepare something that won’t spoil by the time you get to your favorite relaxing spot, and enjoy a meal surrounded by nature. Upon finishing your hike, you might want to sweeten the experience by stopping by one of Fallbrook’s mainstays – the Yogurt Palace or Fallbrook Froyo. These two frozen yogurt shops offer a huge variety of sweet treats for you and your hiking partner to enjoy a�er a warm a�ernoon outdoors. This can make the experience more enjoyable for the two of you.

Playing your Odds and Relaxing the Day away

Los Jilgueros Preserve

Fallbrook residents looking for small getaways know that they can get a Vegaslike trip by visiting Pala Casino, which is just a few minutes away. Book a room for a night or two and try your luck at the Blackjack tables. If that’s not your style, you can still enjoy yourself at any of their restaurants. There are also special events that happen throughout the year, so you can catch a favorite comedian or musician at the casino’s spacious venue. Follow this up with time poolside or with a massage at the luxurious spa.



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• Invitations * $ • Balloons • Party Supplies PLUS TAX • 1 1/2 Hours in Party Area • A Host to Serve & Assist • 2 Slices Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza • Unlimited Soft Drinks





Birthday Child Receives a Free Gift!

*Price for up to 10 Guests. $9.99 for each additional participant.


• Invitations $ * • Balloons PLUS TAX • Party Supplies • 1 1/2 Hours in Party Area • A Host to Serve & Assist • 2 Slices Pepperoni or Cheese Pizza • Unlimited Soft Drinks During 1 1/2 eating time

During 1 1/2 eating time

• 15 Arcade Tokens PLUS! 2 Hours Unlimited use: • Rookie Go-Karts • Miniature Golf • Rock Wall • Carousel • The Train • Tea Cups • Kangaroo Jump


Ice Cream: 8” Round: $2499 1 /4 Sheet: $3399 /4 Sheet Birthday Cakes: $1699


(Marble, Chocolate or White) Deposit Required. No personal checks accepted. Height and age restrictions may apply. Water Slides only available during select water slide operating dates. These packages are not valid with any other offer. Times and dates are limited. Please call location for details. Reservations must be made at least 72 hours in advance. All parties must begin at the scheduled time. No outside food or drinks allowed, excluding birthday cakes and ice cream.

• 15 Arcade Tokens Birthday Child Receives a Free Gift!

PLUS! 2 Hours Unlimited use: • Go-Karts • Lazer Tag • Rookie Go-Karts • Miniature Golf • Rock Wall • Carousel • The Train • Tea Cups • Kangaroo Jump *Price for up to 10 Guests. $9.99 for each additional participant.


MaGee’s Tavern A sports bar with an Irish flair owns the tavern with his brother, Steve. “We didn’t have a wine selection before. We will have wine from standard vineyards so connoisseurs can recognize the labels. We will also have a more standardized cocktail menu, with specialties.” In addition, there will be nightly specials offered throughout the week, with a new children’s menu available for family dining. There is also a game area for children and the young at heart to indulge in while they wait for their meals, said Robert. “We’re trying to provide an entertainment value,” said Robert. “We will have a monthly schedule so people know what type of music is being played each night, le�ing them get that flavor of music they want.” If you’re looking for mouth-watering fare that can’t be found

While MaGee’s is a sports bar, it boasts old-time charm

anywhere else in town – while enjoying a sporting event and with a more traditional pub feel. “We want it to have a your favorite brew – you want to visit MaGee’s. It’s under more homey feel,” he explained. “We also wanted to keep new ownership and complete with a new executive chef. “Our goal is to make the Tavern a much more family-

the Irish theme of the bar.” said Robert. Robert explained that the new pub name, MaGee’s Tavern,

oriented place,” said Robert Waldon, one of the new was based on the maiden name of Amelia Reche, who was owners of MaGee’s. “We found that people really wanted an early se�ler of Fallbrook with husband Vital Reche. to see quality food in the restaurant, so we hired new chefs

“We did some research and found that some MaGees still

that have backgrounds in cooking Irish fare and American live in the area. We wanted to give the pub a more historical cuisine.”

name,” he said. “Our goal is to remodel, bring local history

Everything is freshly-made to order with local produce. into the pub – bring back pictures of the original se�lers, The menu caters to all ages and tastes including burgers some of the historic packaging labels, and some pictures of and sandwiches with fresh-cut chips or sweet potato fries, the first Avocado Festival and Car Show.” as well as delicious dishes such as Irish Whiskey Chicken

MaGee’s Tavern is open daily at 11 a.m. (9 a.m. for major

Boxty or traditional fish and chips. Other restaurant dishes sporting events), and closes at 11 p.m. Sundays through will be available but with a unique MaGee’s twist.

Wednesdays, midnight on Thursdays, and 2 a.m. on Fridays

“We are also working on a new bar menu featuring local and Saturdays. Happy Hour will be offered weekdays from wines from the Fallbrook winery, along with some of the 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. wines from Temecula and Murrieta,” said Robert, who MaGee’s Tavern 125 S. Main Avenue, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 731-6478 SOURCEBOOK 2012


WEST COAST EQUINE MEDICINE INC. We are a mobile, three-doctor equine practice, serving the one-horse owner to the professional trainer and breeder with over 100 horses. General equine medicine and surgery, including lameness, dentistry and reproduction.

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Fallbrook’s only complete Party Rental Store • Birthdays • Inflatable Jumpers • Wedding Receptions • Dance Floors • Graduation Parties • Stage & DJ

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.APP. Allow us to make your special Lido & Henry Favela event one that will be remembered forever! 584 Industrial Way, Fallbrook Thank you for allowing Mon - Fri 8:30am - 5pm Sat 8:30am - 12:00pm us to serve you.


Frank Capra Frank Capra was the American Dream personified, and he called Fallbrook home. Maybe this means he felt the small, rural community was the epitome of the American Dream. Fallbrook is unusual with its microclimates and country charm. Some neighborhoods are reminiscent of the Midwest with babbling brooks and wooden bridges. Other neighborhoods are brimmed with palm trees and avocado farms, evoking California. His name was Francesco Rosario Capra, an Italian-born American writer, producer and director who won many awards for his work during the 1930s and ‘40s. His was an American rags-to-riches story, and his personal struggles to become successful played out in many of his films. Capra’s best works are based on the struggles of the common man. Films like Mr. Smith goes to Washington, It’s a Wonderful Life and You Can’t Take it With You are stories that have become cross-generational and timeless. Capra may have been well known in Hollywood and very active in the movie industry, but he raised his family away from the glamour and glitz in Fallbrook. The family had homes in Malibu and Brentwood, but when Capra prepared to go to war in 1942 his family called the Red Mountain Ranch House home. His daughter, Lulu, a�ended Fallbrook High while his son, Tom, a�ended elementary school in Fallbrook. When Capra returned from war, he planted an avocado grove, built large barbeque pits under huge oak tree and threw parties for his friends with Mariachi bands and Spanish dancers. As the years went by, Capra continued making movies. His grandson Frank Capra III was born at Escondido’s Palomar Hospital, and a new generation of Capras called Fallbrook home. When Capra retired a�er more than 40 years in the movie business he became involved with local civic activities. Fallbrook elementary schools were o�en given tours of the Red Mountain Ranch. Years before Capra retired he converted an old stable at the ranch into a small olive oil plant and labeled it, “Fallbrook Olive Oil.” The olive oil business died a�er 1945 when the U.S. removed a tariff from foreign imported olive oil. Capra may have been busy in Hollywood owning his own motion picture company, but he also served on the Public Utility District board and o�en spoke at local clubs. Capra, who went to college at Cal Tech before making it big in Hollywood, gave his home and 18 acres to Cal Tech and the rest of his 1,100 acres was sold off in 1977. There is one street off of East Mission Road named a�er the Hollywood legend, Capra Way. 56

Top questions brides must consider when planning a wedding What services do they offer? When selecting a venue, ensure that it comes with

What type of experience does the venue have?

a wedding coordinator. This will allow you to enjoy

Find out how long the venue has been in the

the wedding planning process and alleviate a lot of

wedding business and how many weddings they

stress so you may relax and enjoy your special day.

host a year. Ask to see testimonials and what

How will the coordinator keep in touch with me? With all the decisions involved in planning a wedding, you’ll need to keep in close contact with

websites they are on where you can view photos and videos.

Who are your preferred vendors? It is helpful if the venue has worked with the

your wedding coordinator. Before you select a

florists, photographers and other vendors you’re

venue, ask them how they will communicate with

considering. The preferred vendors suggested by the

you leading up to the

venue can give you peace of mind. They

wedding. If you like to

know the lay of the land and can also help

keep communications

make recommendations to enhance your

simple, e-mail may

wedding day.

be your best option, while meetings are

continued on page 60

preferable to those who like a more personal touch. 58

Preferred vendors suggested by the venue can provide experienced recommendations since they are familiar with the venue.

continued from page 58

Top questions brides must consider when planning a wedding Can you work with my budget? Talk to the venue about your budget and ensure they are willing to work within your financial parameters. The right venue will listen, be able to negotiate and help you stretch your budget to build a beautiful wedding.

What is your average size wedding? It’s important to find a venue that is experienced with weddings that are similar to yours in terms of size, total cost and even

Finding a venue with a wedding coordinator will allow you to relax on your wedding day and have the cooordinator handle emergencies that may come up.

theme. If you have unique considerations for your event, make sure the venue can handle the challenge.

Will we work well together? Wedding planning is time-consuming and can be

For instance, flying 50 guests to your destination

incredibly stressful. Remember, you’ll be spending a

wedding requires a lot of coordination. Look for a

lot of time with this venue and wedding coordinator.

venue that has experience with destination-wedding

They will be sharing one of the best days of your

planning if you want to get hitched without a hitch.

life. Personality counts just as much as experience and reputation. When meeting with the venue

Will the coordinator be with us on our big day? One of the perks to finding a venue with a wedding coordinator is that he or she will coordinate your

and/or wedding planner, rate the candidate on organizational skills, promptness and friendliness. If the relationship doesn’t feel like a good fit, find another one that does.

wedding day and handle emergencies so you can relax and have fun. Before you sign any contracts, ask the venue how long the coordinator intends to stay through the ceremony and reception. Also ask what time they plan to arrive before the wedding and what time they’ll leave.

A coordinator’s personality counts just as much as experience and reputation. Make sure the relationship feels like a good fit.


La Estancia Inn

(760) 723-2888 • 3135 Old Highway 395, Fallbrook, CA 92028

La Estancia Inn is located in beautiful Fallbrook, California, 15 miles south of Temecula and 15 miles north of Escondido. Our upscale accommodations make it perfect for business or leisure travelers. Amenities include a swimming pool and a complimentary continental breakfast. All guest rooms include coffee makers and refrigerators, balconies, flat panel televisions, and hair dryers as well as free high-speed wireless internet. RV travelers and truckers will appreciate the easy on/off access from the freeway and spacious, free parking.

Special Events La Estancia Inn is an ideal setting for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, corporate meetings, and parties. The grounds can accommodate up to 350 guests and is open to your choice of vendors.

Moonshine Sports Bar Moonshine Sports Bar is La Estancia Inn’s full service restaurant and bar. With 10 beers on tap and 60” TVs, guests can enjoy sporting events while feasting on a menu that includes pasta, pizza, soups, salads, appetizers and more.

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BRIDAL GUIDE allbrook is the perfect spot for a beautiful wedding, regardless of the type of wedding you’re looking for. If you aren’t sure what your options are, use the following guide to pick a location and have the wedding of your dreams.

For the intimate/inexpensive wedding If you’re looking for a wedding with only your closest family and friends in a�endance, these are a few options for you. These spots are ideal for those who aren’t looking for elaborate or extravagance se�ings but still want an entirely unique celebration.

Fallbrook Treehouse This unique se�ing features a lake and can be made to be casual or formal, depending on your tastes. Unlike other venues, this treehouse won’t book other events on the day of your wedding, so you don’t have to feel rushed. Up to 200 of your close friends can celebrate your day with you. In addition, you can also celebrate your honeymoon night in the treehouse! (619) 571-4548

Temecula Creek Inn An intimate but

VFW Reception Hall This hall is best for those on a limited budget, but still want the privacy of an indoor venue. There’s plenty of parking for the ceremony, and options available for you and your wedding. (760) 728-8784

For an elegant and extravagant wedding If you love the idea of luxury and elegance at your wedding, the following venues are a perfect starting point for you. These wedding venues pride themselves on offering plenty of options, in addition to a breathtaking spot for your “I dos.”

Pala Mesa Resort

This wedding venue is one of the most popular for weddings in North at the Temecula Creek Inn. County. The catering quality is bar If you want approximately none and the customer service is 200 of your friends and superb. It is no shock that people family to celebrate your come from all over the state to matrimony, then a wedding at the Temecula Creek Inn is marry here. Plus, who doesn’t love in order. You can have the picture-perfect event right in the lush, green rolling hillsides as their wedding backdrop? heart of Temecula’s famous Wine Country. (800) 722-4700 (951) 676-2405 beautiful se�ing is possible


For an elegant and extravagant wedding Grand Tradition Estate

Gems • Minerals • Objets d’ Art

This wedding venue was literally made for weddings. There are a variety of spots around the property for you to choose as your central point for ge�ing married. There’s a reason that professional athletes and celebrities have used this venue for their own weddings – the elegance and grandeur of this venue deserves a second look. (760) 728-6466

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912 SOUTH LIVE OAK PARK RD. • FALLBROOK, CA 92028 (760) 728-9121 • Our New Saturday Hours Are 10am - 4pm 63

Championship, Private

Bear Creek Golf Club 22640 Bear Creek Drive North Murrieta – (951) 677-8631

High rate: $90 (guest with member) Low rate: $65 (guest with member)

Castle Creek Country Club 8797 Circle R Drive Escondido – (760) 749-2422

72 par

Championship, Semi-private

High rate: $54 weekends & holidays, $31 Monday-Thursday Low rate: $40 weekends & holidays, $27 Monday-Thursday

Cross Creek Golf Course 43860 Glen Meadows Road Temecula – (951) 506-3402

Weekend High rate: $74 Weekend Low rate: $54 Twilight: $39

Championship, Public

Weekday High rate: $59 Weekday Low rate $44 Twilight: $29

High rate: Monday-Thursday $55 Weekends $75 (guest prices playing with member)

2757 Gird Road Fallbrook – (760) 728-8334

Weekday High rate: $28 Fridays & Saturdays: $34-35

Weekday Lows: $16 Weekend lows: $18 & $20

Championship, Semi-Private

Golf Club of California High rate now $100 (twilight $50) 3742 Flowerwood Lane Low rate now $80 (twilight $40) Fallbrook – (760) 451-3737

2001 Old Highway 395 Fallbrook – (760) 731-6803

High rate: $69, $39 Low rate: $49, $34

Pauma Valley Country Club 15835 Pauma Valley Drive Pauma Valley – (760) 742-3721

45100 Redhawk Pkwy Temecula – (800) 451-4295 64

Championship, Private

18 72 par



18 71 par

Championship, Public

High rate: $35, weekend $52 Low rate: $23, weekend $30


72 par

High and Low: $101

Redhawk Golf Club


72 par

Championship, Public

Pala Mesa Resort

72 par

72 par

Championship, Public

Fallbrook Golf Club


72 par

Championship, Private

El Camino Country Club 3202 Vista Way Oceanside – (760) 757-2100


18 72 par


GUIDE San Luis Rey Downs 31474 Golf Club Drive Bonsall – (760) 758-9699

Championship, Public

Weekday High: $30, $35 Weekday Low: $17, $22 Twilight: $17, $19

Weekend: $54, $47 Weekend Low $35, $34 Twilight: $24

SCGA The Golf Club at Rancho California 39500 Robert Trent Jones Parkway Murrieta – (951) 677-7446

Weekday Rate: $58 Weekend rate: $45 Twilight rate: $33, $35

44501 Rainbow Canyon Road Temecula – (951) 694-1000, (951) 676-2405

High rate: $55 weekday, weekend $60, $80 Low rate: $42, weekend: $46, $55 Twilight, $32, Weekend: $36, $45

Vista Valley Country Club


High Rate: $79 Low Rate: $79 Twilight: $35

72 par

18 72 par

Championship, Public

Temecula Creek Inn

29354 Vista Valley Drive Vista – (760) 758-2800

Championship, Public


Championship, Private

27 72 par

18 71 par


Troy Downing:

Global innovator who calls Fallbrook home Fallbrook area residents have undoubtedly seen Troy Downing and his family around town at local schools or a 4-H event showing animals, but they likely don’t know Downing played a major role in revolutionizing their world. With his early involvement and innovative input in the company Yahoo!, he helped mold and influence how the world uses Internet search engines. His later investments extended to the everpopular Google and Ask Jeeves as well. 66

One might expect that a family as successful as the Downings would live somewhere more posh – but they chose the small town of Fallbrook. When asked what he loves about Fallbrook, Downing said, “the seclusion and separateness. It’s nice to have land without the price tag, yet it’s anti-Robb Report and nuevo riche.” Downing wasn’t always interested in technology. On admissions day at New York University (NYU), the former dancer with the Joffrey Ballet Company

made a radical change from an arts administration program to applied mathematics under the computer science program. He then went on to become a research scientist and instructor at the university. While still at NYU, he created WebCal, Inc., and merged with two Stanford University students who created Yahoo! in the late 1990s. The Stanford students were reportedly struggling with a primitive and unsophisticated search engine. Downing’s team merged with the others

to bring innovation, sophistication, and architecture that made Yahoo! more usable. They were instrumental in the company’s explosive growth. Downing also authored eight books, three of them on Java Script RMI (Remote Method Invocation). “We were changing the world and we knew it, but I was burning out,” said Downing. A�er working 18 hours a day for years, Downing le� Yahoo in 2001. As an early innovator, Downing was then in a position to invest. He was able to see the value in several other start-up companies that were destined to change the world. As part of a group of “angels,” his investments not only included Google and Ask Jeeves, but also,, and 150 others. For most people, that would be exciting enough, but there is more to Downing than just being a brilliant innovator/investor. During the terrorist a�acks of Sept. 11, 2001, Downing and a partner were on a hunting trip in Alaska. They noticed the absence of the daily commercial


airplanes flying overhead, which they knew signaled trouble on a national scale. His partner said, jokingly, “We’re not going to have to repopulate the Earth ourselves, are we?” When the plane came in to pick them up they heard the news they dreaded. The pilot told him, “They blew up the towers.”

of thousands of dollars each year for charity. The other is working with the organization Warriors in Quiet Waters, which takes wounded soldiers on fly fishing trips to Montana. “We take the guys while they are still dealing with whatever is happening with them,” explained Downing. “They are at a place with their injuries where they can be away, but it’s all still fresh for them.” “In some cases, especially with amputees, the soldiers receive speciallymade fly rods that allow them to use their teeth,” said Downing. “The guides lead them in night time gatherings at a lodge where the guys start to connect Downing said his reaction to the and open up within the group.” terrorist a�acks was, “This country has Downing has seen men make dramatic been very good to me,” and he wanted to turnarounds during these trips. “We give something back. Therefore, he went want to show them that they can still immediately to a recruiting office and push the envelope. They can still live.” asked, “What can you do with a guy that In addition to Warriors in Quiet has a degree in applied mathematics and Waters, Downing’s philanthropic is a pilot?” A�er scoring 99 percent on support extends to the Multiple Sclerosis the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Society, The Joe Foss Institute, The Big Ba�ery (ASVAB) test, he was offered a Sky Institute, The Fragile X Foundation, job in intelligence. Eagle Mount, The American Cancer “Intelligence sounded too much like Society, The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation what I had been doing for years,” said and various other worthy causes. Downing. “I was burned out from being An avid aviator, golfer, snowboarder, in a room looking at a computer screen hunter, fisherman and father of four, for 18 hours a day.” Downing enjoys a quiet family life in “When a captain came in and offered Fallbrook. One of his greatest passions me the opportunity to pilot a lowis the ongoing cultivation of his home flying aircra� under the radar to pick vineyard, which now boasts 2,000 vines. up banged-up kids out in the field, I In today’s business world, Downing knew that was what I wanted to do,” he is the Managing Member of AC Self said. Downing was active for two years Storage Solutions LLC, a private real and flew 200 missions bringing injured estate company that acquires and soldiers home to their families. manages self storage commercial real A�er completing his term, Downing estate in twelve states. joined the reserves until 2009. The Downing said he is also considering military experience led him to two pu�ing together another technology volunteer activities he now enjoys. fund to possibly help some of the bright, One of his volunteer pursuits is flying new startups that have the ability to a MIG fighter jet he purchased nine change the world. Once an innovator, years ago that helps raise hundreds always an innovator it seems.

“We were changing the world and we knew it, but I was burning out.”




“Where Relationships & Repairs Go Hand in Hand”

European Service and Repair

Autoheim has been a family-owned and operated business since 1982. Since taking over, father-and-son team Danny and Mike Covo have worked hard at providing their customers with service of the highest quality. Danny and Mike have worked in the automotive industry for more than 50 years combined; as owners of Autoheim, they provide their community with the highest quality automotive repair on European and import vehicles. Autoheim offers the best automotive service possible because it allows for good customer relationships. Since moving into Fallbrook in 1990, Danny and his family have believed in supporting other community businesses. Autoheim uses the latest technology and diagnostic tests to diagnose a customer’s vehicle. Both Danny and Mike are educated in the latest updates on automotive repair. They can explain what a vehicle’s status is while pointing out to customers what will be done to keep their vehicle running in top condition. Most importantly, Autoheim offers coding and programming of most European vehicles such as MercedesBenz, BMW, Mini Coopers, and more. Diagnostics of the vehicle’s electronic equipment, which could only be done by the car factory or dealership, is now available at Autoheim for BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Mini Cooper models up to 2013. Autoheim allows customers to meet the actual technicians who will work on their vehicles, and both Danny and Mike take their time to do their work thoroughly and correctly. Autoheim is ASE-certified and offers up-to-date services and repairs on all European vehicles while only using OEM parts or their equivalents. For your convenience, we provide a complimentary shu�le service, or we can offer you a rental car from Enterprise Rent-A-Car at a discounted rate while your car

is being serviced. Autoheim accepts most extended warranties. Autoheim also offers factory-scheduled maintenance and warranty book validations as well as factory-recommended services. At Autoheim, they believe every car is a challenge and they enjoy the experience of working on every car. It is their passion for their work that allows Autoheim to provide the best service possible. Autoheim 1236 South Main Street Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 728-2338 •



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May Lose Value


Susie Emory Offering an upbeat real estate service As a Fallbrook-area Realtor for more than 22 years, Susie Emory wears many hats. “I’m an adviser, a good listener, a caregiver, a problem-solver and sometimes I have to be a mind-reader,” she says with a warm smile. In business as in life, Emory treats others as she would like to be treated. “I handle my clients with care and constant a�ention,” she says. “I love meeting new people and figuring out what they need and want in a home purchase or sale. No two deals are the same. I welcome the challenge of meeting my clients’ needs.”

says. “I’m not greedy. I know what’s out

Emory is good at what she does, as there and I know my competition. I am evidenced by her office wall of awards

willing to work with other agents and I

and many photographs of satisfied

always put my clients first.”

clients. Numerous testimonials as well

Today’s homebuyers are more astute

as repeat business and referrals are a than they used to be, thanks to the tribute to her honest work ethic and Internet. upbeat, positive outlook on life.

“O�entimes clients know what areas

“The current real estate market is a they want to look at and are pre-qualified challenge,” Emory says. “There’s a lot for a loan when I meet them,” Emory of uncertainty and fear of the unknown. Proven strategies and advice don’t always apply anymore.” Emory finds herself in the position of

says. “They’ve done their homework.” When asked what advice she would give new and seasoned buyers, Emory is quick with her answer: “Make sure

caring for sellers who feel beaten up by your credit is exemplary.” the “giveaway” prices resulting from so many foreclosures. “I figure out what my

Emory knows north inland San Diego County like the back of her hand. She genuine caring. Call her to list your

clients need and then I try to meet those also represents clients in Riverside property or help you discover a new life needs through good honest work,” she

County with the same hard work and in your dream home. Susie Emory Coldwell Banker Landmark Group DRE #01079037 746 South Main Avenue, Suite A, Fallbrook, CA 92028 (760) 525-9744



Inuential couple makes their mark in legal circles 72

A�orneys Dax Cowart and

the life of his father, Cowart

great acclaim.

Samantha Berryessa, a couple

made it his life’s goal to ensure

who make their home in the quiet

patients had choice over medical

retired, he is a staff member at

rolling hills of Fallbrook, have legal

treatments administered. Following

Gerry Spence’s Trial Lawyer’s

influence that reaches distances far

his injuries, Cowart said he was

College, an adjunct professor at

away. Cowart, famous for his impact

“forcibly treated” and had to

University of Texas Medical Branch

on patient rights and medical

endure unspeakable pain when he

in Galvin, and consults with fellow

ethics, will be featured in a third

wished to “be allowed to die.” At

a�orneys on strategies relating to

documentary set to begin filming in

the time, he was denied access to

specific legal ma�ers.

Fallbrook in late April.

communication with legal counsel

Berryessa, a trial a�orney who handles selective personal injury

to end treatments. Le� blind and without the use

While Cowart is now primarily

Existing documentaries of his plight and achievements include “Please Let Me Die” (1974)

cases, is a force to be reckoned with

of functioning hands from the

and “Dax’s Case” (1984). The

in the courtroom, especially when it

accident, Cowart went on to earn

documentary being filmed in April

comes to cases involving children.

a law degree from Texas Tech

will be the third update on his life.

A�er sustaining severe and

University and became a patient

Berryessa continues to maintain

disabling burns over most of his

advocate in the United States and

her full time practice in Fallbrook at

body in an accident that claimed

internationally, earning

616 E. Alvarado St., Suite B.




t us


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or three decades, licensed contractor Dennis Deuling of D. Deuling Construction has offered his clients incomparable talent and reliability with new homes and remodels. Last year, he launched another level to his business: Southern Pacific Solar. When a home generates electricity from the sunlight, Deuling said, there’s a host of benefits. Solar power can increase a home’s value up to $80,000, reduce utility bills, decrease carbon emissions, and promote an eco-friendly way of life for future generations. “Solar power is nothing but a win-win situation,” Deuling said. “My own electric bill has gone from $680 a month down to $50 after the solar installation.” Tax initiatives are also enticing. Along with federal and state benefits, San Diego Gas and Electric offers incentives toward the renewable energy movement, Deuling said. While residential property owners have numerous monetary Southern Pacific Solar (760) 451-0055 |

incentives to go solar, there are many options structured for commercial properties as well. “We would love to discuss, with any business owners, how to help their businesses go Green economically as well as ecologically,” Deuling said. With all the solar distributors to choose from, Deuling sought out DC Power. He calls them the best supplier of solar panels and materials. On top of that, they offer introductory and continuing education which Deuling has taken part in. “DC Power is the largest supplier of solar panels in the United States and has a lot of integrity,” he said. Deuling extends an invitation to those interested in solar energy to his Fallbrook residence. He placed 20 panels on his barn which generate power throughout his entire property. “I’ll show you how the system works – because now is a great time to jump on board since solar is our future,” he said.

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Al, Vicky and Bre� Bartle� are Fallbrook Realtors with over 30 years combined real estate experience and more than $110 million in real estate sales. “Every client has different wants and needs, and we try to tailor their experience specifically for them,” Vicky explained. “Whether first time home buyers, seasoned buyers and sellers, or those facing a short sale situation, we listen and work to help our clients reach a successful close,” said Bre�. Fallbrook residents for 27 years, the Bartle�s have developed a fond appreciation for the community and the people. Team Bartle� believes in the importance of earning their clients’ trust. Al shared that “many of our past clients have become some of our closest friends.” “Each of us as a member of Team Bartle� adds an individual and specialized strength to be�er serve our clients in this ever-changing real estate environment,” described Al. Team Bartle� offers a large variety of marketing tools for their clients, from virtual tours and custom color brochures of their listings, to exposure on a multitude of websites, targeted advertising, open houses and so much more. Consistently being the Top Selling Agents has earned them many awards, but of all the awards they have received, their favorite is the “First in Customer Satisfaction Awards.” Vicky said, “It makes our job as real estate agents a joy when we are able to help someone realize their dreams.” Team Bartle�’s website offers user-friendly search features for listings, information about the area, and for searching the MLS. Visit us anytime at www.TeamBartle�.com. “When you’re ready to move, call us!” Team Bartle�: Al, Vicky & Bre� 253 Bo�lebrush Way, Fallbrook, CA 92028

(760) 801-1926

teambartle� | www.TeamBartle�.com

DRE# 01246219, 01246218, 01865801 75

Robert Jackson Helping change lives A�er the 2007 firestorms, Jackson

trial lawyer of the year three times in

was appointed as the lead liaison

the last seven years, and has won the

council for the Rice Canyon wildfire

award for “Outstanding Trial Lawyer”


four times during the same period.







Jackson receives his most heartfelt

representing a good percentage of


victims here in the Fallbrook area who

year around Christmas. Hundreds

had their homes, lives and property

of holiday cards flow in from past

destroyed in [those] wildfires,” he said.

clients, thanking Jackson for helping

“I want to say ‘Thank you’ to them for

to change their lives.

entrusting me with their cases and allowing me to tell their stories.”



Being a trial lawyer has its share of stresses, so Jackson decompresses

Being a trial lawyer, Jackson notes,

by surfing and fishing. “If it has to

is far different than other types of law.

do with the ocean, I’m all over it,” he

Clients come to Jackson because they


are seriously injured and need help.

Propped atop Jackson’s desk is a

Since Robert W. Jackson graduated

“From the moment that I meet a

picture of a 215-pound yellow fin tuna

from Fallbrook High School, his

prospective client, I prepare their

he caught. “It was the largest ever

ambition to be an esteemed nationwide

case to tell their story to a jury of 12

caught in La Paz,” he said proudly.

trial a�orney has been realized.

persons. Every case that we take in

As a trial lawyer, Jackson takes

Jackson’s specialty in law is in

my office has a story, and we need to

his responsibility very seriously. He

catastrophic injury. His past caseloads

be the messenger of that unique and

reveals this in every action he takes.

have ranged from traumatic brain

personal story,” Jackson explained.

injuries and wrongful deaths to

Jackson has been recognized by his

pedestrian cases and construction site

peers and colleagues as an outstanding


trial lawyer. He has been nominated as

“It’s my goal to change the public’s perspective of lawyers and I do it one client at a time,” he said.

“I handle cases from all over the country,” he said. “In the last year, I handled cases in seven different states.” Jackson opened his first law office in Fallbrook. Being in a small town, he worked hard to have a nationwide practice, and he did it. Jackson became one of the youngest pro tem judges ever to sit on the bench in California. He heard cases in North San Diego County and downtown San Diego. 76


Brett Parkinson Helping the individual desires changed as he pursued a

more personal type of practice.

finance degree. He quickly realized

“I wanted to help individuals,”

that he liked people more than

he said. “I like people and I have a

numbers and he decided to give the

skill set that allows me to help those

law a chance.

in difficult situations to not be taken

“Apparently it was in my DNA,”

advantage of. It was time to put my

he said. “It just took me a long time

skill set to use on a very personal

to realize it.”

individual level.”

A�er having graduated from San

Bre� heard through a mutual friend

Diego’s California Western School

that Robert Jackson, a renowned

of Law in 2003, Bre� decided that he

a�orney in Fallbrook, was looking

wanted to be in the courtroom and

to bring on another lawyer, and he

he was privileged to clerk for two

jumped at the opportunity to join

federal judges (one at the trial court

such a prestigious law office. Now,

level and one at the court of appeals).

as a personal injury lawyer serving

In this, he got an inside perspective

San Diego and Southern Riverside

For Bre�, one of the greatest benefits

on what persuades judges and how

counties, Bre� is able to bring his

of being a lawyer is leveling the

the courts operate. A�er those two

courtroom skills cra�ed a�er his time

playing field in a dispute. Insurance

clerkships, it was time for Bre� to

as a prosecutor into each personal

companies and corporations have

try cases of his own and he joined

injury or mass tort case that he works

money at their disposal and are in

the U.S. A�orney’s Office as a federal


a position of power when a dispute


Outside of the courtroom, Bre�

arises between them and an individual

“Most a�orneys aren’t like those

spends time with his family in their

who has been injured. Representing

seen on TV. They don’t spend a lot

new Fallbrook home, enjoying the

and helping the individual is what

of time in a courtroom unless they

rural se�ing.

Bre� does best, and joining the Law

are in the criminal world,” explained

“We really like it,” he said. “My

Offices of Robert W. Jackson has

Bre�. “Outside of that, it is very rare

wife and I have five children, and

allowed him to fulfill this passion.

for lawyers in the civil world to go to

everyone has transitioned well thanks

To some extent, Bre� comes to

court. I wanted to be in the courtroom

in large part to Fallbrook’s friendly

this professional naturally. Bre�’s

trying cases, which is why I spent

community. Everyone has been very

father was a personal injury lawyer.

time as a federal prosecutor.”


Notwithstanding, Bre�’s initial desire

A�er nearly six years as a federal

was to work in corporate America

prosecutor, Bre� decided that it was

with “big business.” However, his

time for a change. He longed for a Law Offices of Robert W. Jackson 205 West Alvarado Street, Fallbrook CA 92028 (760) 723-1295 • • bre�



The Hornsvelds Helping Rebuild Fallbrook Pa�y Hornsveld and her family are dedicated to the transformation and preservation of Fallbrook. Pa�y and Hank Hornsveld have buildings on both sides of Main Avenue that they have renovated into performing arts properties as well as retail stores and a small restaurant. The remodeled and renovated Mission Theater has become a respected venue for live theater and has helped bring life to downtown. Daughters Jennifer and Katie have helped make both sides of the street on that 200 block of North Main Avenue into training centers for the performing arts where local actors can step outside the sleepy rural town into


the Hollywood spotlight. The CAST (Children’s Acting School and Theater) Academy of Dance, which was also started by Pa�y, holds various acting workshops for children of all ages including on-camera acting for film and television. CAST has trained actors who have landed roles on several sitcoms on national television networks. CAST’s performance dance teams have traveled around the world, entertaining audiences on a variety of cruise lines including Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruise Lines. A thri� store, CAST ASIDE, was also opened in Fallbrook to help fund

the needs of the Theater and Dance Academy. Donations are always welcome Monday through Friday. Tu Tu Much Dancewear and Costumes was an addition to Pa�y’s renovations of the theatre. Pa�y and her family set their sights on Fallbrook’s former Cask and Cleaver, and purchased, renovated and remodeled the shu�ered property, which is located on South Mission. Pa�y envisions the old steak house building becoming a destination spot in Fallbrook. In addition, she hopes to bring back to life that South Mission Road property, which was formerly known as “Valley Fort.”

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T. JEFFERSON PARKER BEST-SELLING NOVELIST LIVES AND WRITES IN FALLBROOK Fallbrook resident T. Jefferson Parker, a three-time Edgar

Parker creates his novel characters from bits and pieces

Award winner and bestselling author, now has 19 novels to

of individuals he has known and seen, then pieces together

his credit with the publication of his newest Charlie Hood

the rest of their personalities from his imagination.

crime thriller, “The Jaguar.”

“My characters represent desires,” said Parker. “I want to

His stories leave readers feeling like they have bonded

create characters that are consistent, and whose intents are

with the characters, and that instills in them the desire to

clear. I want it to be very clear to see what their goals are.”

want to know more. It is impossible not to be drawn into his

Parker has found comfort in enjoying his Fallbrook home

novels, which contain characters who have suffered losses.

and the amenities afforded him in the friendly community.

Parker’s own take on loss and tragedy is this, “We all go

“Fallbrook is a good place to write; filled with good

through tragedies. It is something we share. It is universal

people,” he noted. “It’s an easy place to get along in and


raise a family.”

Establishing himself as a crime

Fallbrook has been a good home to

novelist, his first work, “Laguna

Parker, so much so that he was strongly

Heat,” was five years in the making.

influenced by its beauty and scenery

Once published, the book climbed

for one of his books. His novel “Storm

to the New York Times Bestseller list

Runners,” which is set in Bonsall and

(1986), was raved about by reviewers,

Fallbrook, is a “page turner” rich with

and made into an HBO movie starring

impressive character development and

Harry Hamlin, Jason Robards and Rip

vivid descriptions.

Torn. “I like to see myself as a good entertainer,” said Parker. “I want my

“I get inspired by where I live or travel. [Storm Runners] is my love le�er to Fallbrook.”

readers to typically get a meaningful

For more information on T. Jefferson

experience from reading my novels,

Parker or any of his novels, visit

and feel like they have been through

an intense, emotional experience.”



Doyall Sams Cabinets continues to create beautiful quality cabinets DESIGNING AND BUILDING IS A PASSION THAT PRODUCES THE PERFECT FIT AND FINAL MASTERPIECE


or over 25 years, Doyall Sams Cabinets has garnered attention for its quality workmanship, functional designs, and integrity. Property owners have depended on Doyall Sams Cabinetry for a variety of projects; custom cabinetry for kitchens, bathrooms, home offices, home theatres, armoires, entertainment centers, mantels and garages. When every penny counts, homeowners are putting their money toward upgrading kitchen and bathroom cabinetry. Although large “do it yourself ” warehouse stores offer cabinetry, it never measures up to our custom workmanship. Working with a professional like Doyall Sams, gives clients more flexibility with design nuances. Be it selling or reinvesting in a property, kitchen and bathroom remodels are always a smart choice. A business built atop a reputation of uncompromising principles, quality workmanship and great customer care.


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allbrook artists

revolutionizing the art world one gallery at a time It takes more than just a group of artists living in the same area to make

Orleans’ Mardi Gras. An artist who has taken her love

the love that a new citizen has in her heart for her adopted county.

a community an art community. Each

of animals and sculpture is Celou

artist has to create unique, beautiful

Bonnet, who moved to the United

the Fallbrook community as well.

art pieces, and those pieces must

States in 1978. Prior to that time, she

“Wings of Remembrance,” a piece that

influence the way others in the art

had been interested in art, but her

features three monarch bu�erflies in

world see that particular medium.

passion for horses was her priority.

bronze on boulders near the Fallbrook

Two of her other pieces have graced

However, upon moving to

Hospital Hospice remembers a loved

a revolution that has allowed for its

Fallbrook, Bonnet realized that

one who passed away. A 6-foot bronze

artists’ work to shine throughout

her passion for horses and their

sculpture of a fireman and a li�le boy

Fallbrook’s art community has begun

the world. It has also begun helping

holding his rescued Dalmatian puppy

aspiring artists reach levels of

was unveiled on September 11th for

excellence in their own art creation.

the North County Fire Department in Fallbrook.

Fallbrook’s art community has many types of artists – there are

A watercolorist who has

printmakers, sculptors, painters,

truly shown her ability to

carvers, glassblowers, ceramic

capture beauty in her art is

artists, and more. Some of the

Robin Erickson, who has been

artists emerged from the Village

recognized nationally for her

Association to create Fallbrook

work. While working as a mathematician and analyst for

Arts, Inc., a nonprofit group that

the U.S. Defense Department,

believed art should be a priority in the community of Fallbrook. The

she began taking art classes at Mira

Art Alliance, Art in Public Places,

Costa College and began winning

the School of the Arts, the Brandon

awards at a local level. Since then,

Gallery and Art Center are all run by

interaction with humans could be

she began working with nationally-

Fallbrook Arts, Inc.

a muse for creating art. In 1984,

known painters and was able to

she moved to Fallbrook and began

change careers in 2003 to become a

international fame and draw their

working in art. Her unique creations

full-time painter. Her pieces, which

inspiration from their hometown.

earned her the title of “Artist of the

are vibrant and lifelike, have placed

A few artists have gained

An example of these unique

Year” by the Fallbrook Art Association in the San Diego Watercolor Society

individuals includes Michael Stutz,

in 1999. In 2000, Bonnet’s beautiful

(SDWS) International Exhibition,

an artist whose art is sca�ered

bronze piece titled “Bonjour” was

the SDWS Cash Award Show, the

throughout the United States. He has

unveiled in the Fallbrook Village

American Watercolor Society and the

created pieces for San Francisco, Brea,

Square. The name of the piece

Adirondacks Exhibition of American

San Diego and many other cities, and

represents both the friendly images


has even had pieces exhibited in New

associated with Fallbrook, and also


continued on page 84


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continued from page 82

transform it into a school for those

The Fallbrook School of the Arts

who are passionate about art and

has also received generous support

international sculpture placements,

want to become more educated in the

from many Fallbrook non-profits

has also called Fallbrook home.

mediums and methods required to

such as Fallbrook Village Rotary,

His artwork can be found in the

create it.

Fallbrook Angel Society, Legacy

Les Perhacs, a sculptor who has

Netherlands, San Diego, New Jersey, New York, Washington, and many others. However, his influences

Endowment, Rally 4 Children, Rotary Club of Fallbrook and generous artisans, local arts

come from living in the small

patrons, private donors and

but vibrant community of



To date, there are various

In order to perpetuate

programs for aspiring

this thriving art

artists young and old to

community, Fallbrook

join. For children, there

artists understand the

are ceramics classes,

importance of making sure

drawing classes, painting

that the art-making process

classes, printmaking

cannot end with them.

classes and special events

As a way to teach others

together. They inspire and

about the arts, Fallbrook Arts,

influence children and help

Inc. purchased a train depot/

them understand the importance

warehouse off Alvarado Street to

of art.

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Dr. John Piconi

Extending revolutionary medical care in Riverside County When considering local people who have had a ripple effect and influence outside Fallbrook, Dr. John Piconi has few peers. He became a Fallbrook urologist in 1975 and has since retired from that medical practice. He is a man of vision and foresight, and his wisdom and hard work have benefi�ed the Fallbrook/Bonsall area as well as another 300,000 or so people in Southwest Riverside County. In addition to being a specialist, he’s an astute businessperson who has built several medical facilities, including Loma Linda University Medical Center in Murrieta. Dr. Piconi developed the Walsh Medical Arts Building and the Golden Triangle Surgicenter in Murrieta, which was the first surgical center in Southwest Riverside County. It didn’t stop there. Later he went on to help build Loma Linda University Medical Center in Murrieta which, according to Dr. Piconi, was built in 14 months. “It was the fastest hospital construction in California history from the time work began to open its doors,” said Dr. Piconi. Before the Loma Linda University Medical Center was built, “The problem was that the physicians didn’t feel there were enough services offered [in the area] so that they could use their talents,” he explained. Dr. Piconi had already retired, and

was enjoying the art of winemaking and olive pressing to make his brand of olive oil when he was asked to help with the Loma Linda University Medical Center project. “The doctors asked me to help. I picked physicians and we raised $17.5 million in order to start building the hospital,” he said. “We knew that this area needed a cardiovascular program and credibility was needed, so Loma Linda entered into an agreement that was 50 percent physician [ownership] and 50 percent Loma Linda. It was a win-win. There was the synergy of an academic institution and very talented local physicians that were well trained. Loma Linda was also a great choice because it was the only hospital that required board certification for physicians.” Dr. Piconi went on to explain how difficult board certification is for physicians, and the fact that up to 30 percent don’t pass the exam. The emphasis for this new medical center was on providing services that had not been available prior to the hospital. Then a wrench was thrown into the works. Obamacare passed, which changed the rules. Physicians could no longer have ownership in hospitals. Dr. Piconi had to go back to Loma Linda and work out a deal for them to own 100 percent of the hospital and also negotiate a buyout for the doctors, who

were not happy about the change. “I am very grateful to the initial physician and community investors who supported me when the project was begun. They took a big risk in a difficult financial environment because of their desire to bring a quality hospital to southern Riverside county,” he said. “My role was initially as the project developer and main leader, including chairmain of the board and medical officer.” Dr. John Piconi has since stepped down as chairman of the board to allow a leader from the Adventist organization to step in, but his help will forever be felt by locals who now have local state-of-the-art surgical suites, an imaging center, complete emergency room care, general and acute-care services and medical specialties such as interventional cardiovascular, obstetrics, pediatrics, urology and orthopedics. With the help of Dr. Piconi, the $300 million Loma Linda Hospital is now a beautiful facility that is fully operational on 50 acres and owned by the Loma Linda non-profit Adventist organization. They are focused on providing care that is safe, reliable, efficient, and patient-centered.

Loma Linda University Medical Center in Murrieta




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Nonprofit provides home for one of the brave

To show their support for wounded

a rocket propelled grenade while

nonprofit organization recently donated a brand new home to a Purple Heart recipient

in a humvee. At the time, Sgt. Rapciewicz was manning a .50-caliber machine gun,

who served in one of the Marine Corps’ most infamous ba�les. The Military Warriors Support Foundation, which awarded homes to more than 60 families last year, works jointly with banks and mortgage companies to help provide brand new homes to heroic veterans wounded in Iraq or Afghanistan. George Rapciewicz was awarded with the a three bedroom-three bath house standing with more than 2,000 square feet located in Temecula, Calif., March 23, for his bravery and sacrifice on the ba�lefield. “This gi� is truly a blessing for not only me but family as well,” said Rapciewicz. “When I got the call that morning I couldn’t believe it. This is without a doubt the best token of appreciation any family can receive.” George, who served as field wireman with 3rd Ba�alion 1st Marine Regiment, received the Purple Heart for obtaining serious injuries during the first few days of the Corps’ month-long ba�le in Fallujah. During the ba�le, heavily armed insurgents struck


Rapciewicz and his squad mates with

service members, a nation-wide

leaving him seriously injured with shrapnel wounds. Fortunately, Rapciewicz did not give up and was able to escape successfully along with several other Marines from his squad. “It was definitely something I will never forget,” said Rapciewicz. “When an enemy takes fire on you, immediately you think about the Marines to the le� and right of you. There’s no time to be afraid. I knew I was severely injured, but there was no way I was going to give up.” In addition to his new home, Rapciewicz and his family also receive free counseling visitations. The counselors work hand-in-hand with families to ensure a positive transition out of the military is achieved. “At first I couldn’t believe it, because things like this never happen for me and my family,” said Lucy Rapciewicz. “The house is more than I could ever ask for, but it’s the free counseling service we’re receiving that means the most to us.”

Ethen Thouvenell rounds up the rodeo scene The Hampton family moved to Fallbrook in 1975. Lesley Hampton le� Fallbrook to marry a rancher and rodeo steer wrestler named Roy Thouvenell. Their son, Ethen, joined the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association in 1999. The Thouvenell’s returned to Fallbrook in 2005. Now Ethen Thouvenell is in Fallbrook only occasionally to visit family as he now spends most of his time on the pro rodeo circuit. In 2009 Thouvenell was 19th in the world Steer Wrestling standings and won four rodeos outright while sharing the win in two others. He won five rodeos in 2010 while sharing one other win, and he qualified for the

National Finals Rodeo as one of the top 15 steer wrestlers at the end of the PRCA season. He split the fastest time in the second NFR go-round and won the fi�h go-round outright to finish the year ninth in the world standings. Thouvenell also won the California Circuit championship for 2010. He finished 20th in the 2011 world standings while winning three rodeos. In February 2012 Thouvenell won both the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo and the La Fiesta de los Vaqueros rodeo in Tucson to move him into the world standings lead.

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DUKE SNIDER Hitting it

out of the park

uke Snider may be the only baseball player ever to serve as a Chamber of Commerce president while playing in the majors. Snider, who spent 16 years with the Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodgers, closed out his 18-year major league career in 1964 with the San Francisco Giants while serving as the Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce president that year. Snider had a 30-acre avocado grove in the Sleeping Indian area and also owned a local bowling alley. Snider began his professional baseball career in 1944 and first played with the Dodgers in 1947. He hit 407 home runs during his entire regular season career and another 11 in World Series play, including four apiece in 1952 and 1955. He led the National League in runs scored, home runs, and RBIs in separate seasons. A�er retiring as a player, Snider remained in baseball as a scout, minor league manager, radio announcer, and ba�ing instructor. He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1980. Snider moved to Fallbrook in 1956, and his four children graduated from Fallbrook High School. He passed away on February 27, 2011, at the age of 84. Associated Press file photos



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TONY RAIA Lic. # 887767


General Contractor



Bishop’s Tree Service, Inc.



The Artisan of Tile, Marble, Stone, Pavers and Wood

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Bishop’s Tree Service, Inc. is a family owned business with 3 certified arborists and a tree safety professional on staff. Owner, Brian Bishop, has been serving North County’s Tree care needs for over 30 years. Be proactive and protect your trees and property from storm damage. Please call us today for your free estimate.

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PRINT: Reach over 50,000 in print • Advertising • Direct Mail • Press Releases

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Member SIPC © Edward Jones, 2011

Have the audacity to believe access to their financial advisor should be a right, not a privilege. It shouldn’t be a crazy notion that your financial advisor actually takes your call. At least not to Edward Jones. Our over 10,000 offices are in neighborhoods where you live, not in giant downtown skyscrapers. And we typically have just one financial advisor per office, so you can enjoy undivided, one-to-one attention. Which is only right. Join the nearly 7 million investors who know. Face time and think time make sense.

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Connecting Our Communities • Approx. 14,000 readers per week Fallbrook, Bonsall, De Luz, Rainbow, Camp Pendleton, Pauma Valley, Pala

• Approx. 40,250 weekly readers Temecula, Murrieta, Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, Menifee & parts of Sun City, French Valley

• 3,450 weekly readers Anza, Aguanga

• Delivered to Booster Organizations quarterly 17 high schools in Temecula, Murrieta, Lake Elsinore, Wildomar, Menifee & parts of Sun City, French Valley

• Mailed to every homeowner annually Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, De Luz, Pala, Pauma Valley

• 27,600 readers Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, De Luz, Pala, Pauma Valley, Pala, Temecula, Valley Center, Lawrence Welk

Average Village News Subscriber Demographics Village News Online • 868,000 page views a month

• Yearly Income: $119,000

Breaking News 24/7

• 44 Years of Age & Up • Married - 2 Children per Household

• Homeowner

Valley News Online • 775,000 page views a month

• Type of Home: Single Family Home • Weekly Time Spent Reading the Village News: 46 min.

Breaking News 24/7

• Average readers per paper: 2.2

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Index Ace Party Productions .................... 55 Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine Clinic ... 24 Affordable & Quality Home Care ....... 29 Affordable Window Coverings ........... 93 Ana’s Salon ................................. 45 Andy’s Glass & Window Company ...... 79 Autoheim ................................... 69 Bejoca Grove & Landscape Management...95 Bishop’s Tree Service ..................... 96 Blue Belly Printing ........................ 84 Bonsall Village Florist .................... 27 Bowker Builders ........................... 92 Boyd Wilson Designs .....................100 Boys & Girls Club ............................9 Car Stereos and Installation ............. 93 CAST/Mission Theatre .................... 47 Chase Construction ....................... 85 Collector, The Fine Jewelry.................. 63 Club Paradise .............................. 38 Cully Repair Mobile Equipment Service......... 95 Curtis Insurance ........................... 21 DCH Chrysler Dodge Jeep ...............104 DCH Kia ...................Inside Back Cover Dennis Deuling Construction ............ 74 Doyall Sams Cabinets ..................... 81


Dr. Anthony Bianchi OB/GYN ............... 24 Dr. Richard Goble DDS ..................... 33 Dr. Stuart Kincaid Plastic Surgery......... 1, 35 Fallbrook Bath and Kitchen.............. 95 Fallbrook Chamber of Commerce ...... 11 Fallbrook Chorale ......................... 14 Fallbrook Eyecare Center ................ 28 Fallbrook Food Pantry .................... 16 Fallbrook Froyo ............................ 45 Fallbrook Healthcare District ........... 24 Fallbrook Heating and Air................ 86 Fallbrook Hospital ........................ 30 Fallbrook Medical Center ................ 37 Fallbrook Overhead Doors ............... 95 Fallbrook Presbyterian Preschool ....... 14 Fallbrook Propane Gas Co. .............. 68 Fallbrook Tennis ........................... 41 FastSigns ................................... 98 Fig’s Customz Auto Sound & Window Tint ...... 84 Fit by Design Personal Training Studio ......... 39 Foundation for Senior Care .............. 13 Fuller Paving ............................... 21 Geri Sides Real Estate Agent .................. 75 Hartcorn Construction.................... 89 Hawthorne Country Store ................ 54

Innovative Health Care................... 32 Johnson Interiors & More ................ 79 Kaiser Permanente...............Back Cover Kent Borsch Financial Advisor with Edward Jones .... 97 Kim and Mindy’s Paradise Pet Spa ...... 54 Kisco Senior Living: Cypress Court ..... 32 Knockout Pest Control & Termite ....... 87 La Estancia Inn ............................ 61 La Masters .................................. 99 La-Z-Boy .................Inside Front Cover Loan Warehouse ........................... 61 MaGee’s Tavern ............................ 53 Mane Attraction Salon .................... 41 Merle Norman Cosmetic Studios & The Wig Shoppe .... 98 Merrill Lynch Bonsall - The Hegardt Group ..... 70 Merrill Lynch Fallbrook ...................... 50 Mulligan Family Fun Center ............. 52 My Imaging Center ........................ 17 Nautica Wealth Advisors ................. 63 Nessy Burger ............................... 45 North County Welding .................... 83 One Shop Beauty Supply ................. 39 Pala Mesa Resort .......................... 59 Palomar Pomerado Health ............... 15 Paradise Chevrolet ..........................5

Pond Guy, The ............................. 93 Quality Chevrolet ......................... 57 Rancho Family Medical Group........... 34 Riverview Church ......................... 12 Robert Jackson, Law Offices of ......... 76 Rosa’s Mexican Restaurant............... 45 Sandra D’s Cleaning....................... 21 Serra Gardens ............................. 27 Shred and Go .............................. 98 Stifel Nicolaus ............................. 75 Susie Emory Real Estate Agent ................ 71 Tango Caminito Dance School ........... 41 Team Bartlett Real Estate Agents ............. 75 Thompson and Associates ................ 61 Tile by Barrett ............................. 96 Toyota of Temecula Valley ............... 91 Ultrastar Cinemas ......................... 51 Valley Fort Steak House .................. 46 Vessels Stallion Farm ..................... 54 Village Home Care ........................ 39 Village Locksmith ........................103 West Coast Equine Medicine ............ 54 Willis Allen Real Estate .....................3 Zember Construction ..................... 86 Zion Lutheran School ..................... 16

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