Fall 2014 Brochure

Page 1

Parks & Recreation

2014 Fall 3 Ways to Register: Walk-in • Mail-in • Online Resident Registration August 18-29 — Non Resident Registration August 27-29 Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9:00pm, Saturday - Sunday 9:00am - 6:30pm 900 W. Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446 • (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information




Special Events


Ride Around Town




Birthday Parties


Tri County Special Recreation Association


Fit 4 Life Fitness Center 25-26 Personal Training Group Fitness

26 27-30

Creative Play Preschool


Early Childhood


Jungle Safari Indoor Playground




Child Care




Open Gym











Youth Sports Organizations 50 Adults




Active Living


Bike Trail, Parks & Facilities 38-39 Site Maps 54-55



See page

s 16-17!

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

What’s Happening at the Recreation Center? With another month left of summer, we’re trying to squeeze in all the fun before the kids head back to school. For starters, we sure hope you enjoyed RomeoFest this year. We had a blast putting it together and want to thank all of the volunteers, sponsors, vendors, staff and YOU for coming out and enjoying the event. To wind down the summer, we’ve still got another Movie Under the Stars event on Friday, August 15th, featuring the movie 1D: This is Us, and a Rockin’ the Ville concert on Thursday, August 21st, featuring American English. You don’t want to miss either one —please join us! As promised, the renovations at Lakewood Estates Park are now underway and we are sure that the new equipment, shelter and path will soon be enjoyed by all. Boucher Prairie Park will also be enhanced with bathroom facilities. These improvements are provided to enhance a few of our beautiful parks. We hope that you take an opportunity to utilize the various community recreational resources we offer for you and your family. We hope you’re as excited as we are about our lineup of fall programs. Please read through the brochure, as there’s an array of activities for all to enjoy! Here’s to a great summer and a funfilled fall season!

MISSION STATEMENT The Romeoville Recreation Department exists to improve the quality of life of the community by ensuring a variety of leisure time activities. This will be accomplished through integrity, honesty, dedication, expertise, and the vision of each employee.

VILLAGE OFFICIALS Mayor John Noak Linda Palmiter, Trustee Jose (Joe) Chavez, Jr., Trustee Brian A. Clancy, Sr., Trustee Dave Richards, Trustee Sue A. Micklevitz, Trustee Ken Griffin, Trustee Dr. Bernice E. Holloway, Village Clerk

RECREATION STAFF Kelly Rajzer - Director of Parks and

Recreation Colleen Palmer, CPRP - Superintendent of

Recreation Alan Grzyb, CPSI, APRP - Superintendent

of Parks Anne Furman - Office Manager Kristine Wahlgren, CPRP - Recreation

Center Supervisor Noel Maldonado, CPRP - Athletic

Supervisor Jason Buckholtz - Program Supervisor Marissa Cardoni - Program Supervisor Sara Hupe, CPRP - Fitness Center

Coordinator Emily Rollins - Marketing Coordinator Denise Almodovar - Secretary Anthony Sotira - Receptionist Armando Cortez - Receptionist Ashley Szymanski - Receptionist Ashlee Anders - Receptionist Xavier Maldonado - Receptionist

Kelly Rajzer Director of Parks & Recreation

Glen Yeater - Building Technician Jim Weatherford - Park Foreman Wayne Data - Park Maintenance Steve Mandrelle, CPSI, - Park Maintenance Wesley Norkus - Park Maintenance

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


REGISTRATION 3 WAYS TO REGISTER! Walk-in • Mail-in • Online Registration Dates: FACILITY HOURS FRONT DESK REGISTRATION Monday - Friday 9:00am-9:00pm Saturday - Sunday 9:00am-6:30pm RECREATION CENTER Monday - Friday 9:00am-9:30pm Saturday - Sunday 9:00am-7:00pm Recreation Center Closings Monday, September 1 Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Wednesday, December 31 Thursday, January 1, 2015 FIT 4 LIFE FITNESS CENTER Monday - Friday 5:00am-9:30pm Saturday - Sunday 8:00am-7:00pm Fit 4 Life Fitness Center Closings Monday, September 1 Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Wednesday, December 31 Thursday, January 1, 2015 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm Administrative Office Closings Monday, September 1 Tuesday, November 11 Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Wednesday, December 31 Thursday, January 1, 2015

Resident - August 18th - August 29th Monday - Friday 9:00am to 9:00pm Saturday - Sunday 9:00am to 6:30pm Non Resident - August 27th - August 29th Wednesday - Friday 9:00am to 9:00pm

Please note: Romeoville residents have priority in registering for all programs. Residency Information: Residents may register all days of registration by mail, over the counter or online. In district fees are for Romeoville residents. Proof of identity/age and residency is required at the time of registration and may be one of the following: current utility bill, current tax bill, vehicle registration, or home purchase contract AND photo ID (state-issued ID or drivers license). Water bills are not accepted. Please be prepared to show identification during all registration periods to ensure residency and confirm information on file. Non Residency Information: Mail-in and walk-in registration from non residents will only be accepted during the non resident registration period. Non resident fees are 1.5 times more for programs unless otherwise noted. Online Registration Policy: All Recreation Department participants are eligible to register online for predetermined programs. Heads of household must come into the Recreation Center to provide proof of residency and identity so they may receive resident rates during online registration. At that time, they will be issued a user name and password that will identify them as a resident when they are registering online. Participants who are residents and wish to use the online registration service must first acquire a password from the Romeoville Recreation Department. This password will identify them as a resident while registering online and assure that they receive resident rates during online registration. The password expires after one year and must be renewed annually. Residents who do not acquire a password or renew their password through the Recreation Center will be charged non-refundable non-resident fees online. Acquiring a first time user name and password: 1. Passwords will be issued to the head of household only. 2. Proof of residency and identity, shown to the front desk at the Recreation Center, is required to acquire a password for all registrations. 3. All family information must be updated at this time. 4. Head of household photograph must be updated. 5. You will be given an Online Registration Login card with your chosen username and a password that will recognize you as a resident online user. 6. When you login for the first time, you will be prompted to change your password. This password will expire after one year and must be renewed annually. For technical assistance (i.e., lost password, troubleshooting, etc.) please call (630) 725-9361.


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Romeoville Recreation Department • 900 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville, IL 60446 • (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org Please fill in all appropriate spaces and sign the back of the form. If you are a first time-registrant, you must show valid proof of residency (i.e. current utility bill, current tax bill, vehicle registration, or home purchase contract AND photo ID (state-issued ID or drivers license). Water bills are not accepted ). Romeoville residents who have registered for programs within the past year may mail in their registration form along with payment. Payment is due at the time of registration.

Head of Household Information* Head of Household Last Name

First Name

Address Home Phone ( Work Phone (

City/State )


Cell Phone (



Emergency Contact

Emergency Phone (

Birthdate (mm/dd/yy)


Email Address

o Check to receive E-News from the Village of Romeoville o Check if address change o Check if phone number change *Refunds for programs will be sent to the head of household at the above address only. Participant’s Last Name Participant’s First Name (if different)

Birthdate (mm/dd/yy)


Head of Household’s Relationship to Participant

Program Code

Program Name














Please check all that apply for each participant: Name:

o Wears glasses

o Seizures

o Diabetes

o Allergies Please explain:


o Wears glasses

o Seizures

o Diabetes

o Allergies Please explain:


o Wears glasses

o Seizures

o Diabetes

o Allergies Please explain:


o Wears glasses

o Seizures

o Diabetes

o Allergies Please explain:

Do you or your child need special accommodations to enjoy the programs? Tri County SRA, in partnership with the Romeoville Recreation Department, offers assistance and inclusion opportunities to participants with special needs. Check here and you will be contacted for further information.

Yes o No o

Name of participant:

Residents mail registration and payment to: Romeoville Recreation Department Attn: Registration 900 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville, IL 60446 PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH

(OVER - this form must be turned in with a signature. Forms without signatures will not be processed. Please see other side for participation waiver.) (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org



Romeoville Recreation Department • 900 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville, IL 60446 • (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org ROMEOVILLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT —PARTICIPANT AGREEMENT NOTE: THIS AGREEMENT MUST BE SIGNED BY ALL ADULT PARTICIPANTS AND MUST ALSO BE SIGNED BY A PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF ANY MINOR SEEKING TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY RECREATION DEPARTMENT PROGRAMS OR ACTIVITIES. WARNING OF RISK Despite the implementation of all reasonable precautions by the Department, an unavoidable risk of serious injury will always exist when participating in any recreational activity. Not all hazards and dangers can be foreseen. Participants and parents/guardians of minor participants must understand that certain risks and hazards will be inherent to participation in that activity, including but not limited to risks and hazards associated with inclement weather, slip and falls, overexertion and fatigue, disregarding safety rules and instructions, collision with stationary objects or other participants, poor skill level or conditioning, carelessness, horseplay, unsportsmanlike conduct, premises defects, inadequate or defective equipment, inadequate supervision, instruction or officiating. Accordingly, the Department hereby informs all participants and parents/guardians of minor participants that it is impossible for the Romeoville Recreation Department to guarantee absolute safety for all program and activity participants. WAIVER AND RELEASE OF ALL CLAIMS AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK I acknowledge and assume the risks of property damage, accidents, injuries (including death), loss of bodily functions, disabilities, medical disorders, pain and suffering, lost income and medical expenses that arise from participation in any program or activity offered by the Department, and my use of facilities, transportation services, premises and equipment provided by the Department. I further acknowledge that the foregoing risks may arise from my own action or inaction, the actions or inaction of other program or activity participants, the conditions under which a program or activity is conducted, or from the negligent actions or inaction (including any failure to warn) of Department personnel, contractors or service providers. I also acknowledge that from time to time, the Village of Romeoville and/or the Department may take photographs of me participating in programs or activities offered by the Department for use and publication in various publications or media, including but not limited to the Village’s website, Facebook account or other social media sites or accounts, department program brochures or materials, and Village or Department informational, promotional or marketing materials, and I hereby expressly grant to the Village of Romeoville and the Department the right to use and publish such photographs as contemplated herein, all without compensation or payment for such use and publication. In consideration of being allowed to participate in programs or activities offered by the Department, or to use facilities, transportation services, premises and equipment provided by the Department, I hereby release, waive and discharge the Village of Romeoville and its officers, officials, employees, agents, volunteers and contractors (collectively, the “Releasees”) from any and all liability and all claims of any kind whether for personal injury, property damage or death, arising from participation in any activity or program offered by the Department, arising from my use of facilities, transportation services, premises and equipment provided by the Department, or arising from the use or publication by Releasees of photographs of me participating in programs or activities offered by the Department, whether or not caused by the negligence of the Releasees or any of them and further covenant that I shall not sue any of the Releasees with respect to any such liability or claims. In the event that I or anyone else nonetheless makes a claim or files suit against Releasees arising out of any of the above-described matters, I will indemnify and hold Releasees harmless of and from any and all damages or judgments and costs of litigation, including attorney fees. The provisions hereof are to be construed as broadly as possible in favor of Releasees, and this Agreement as a whole shall be governed by the laws of the State of Illinois (without reference to the conflicts of laws rules thereof). If any part of this Agreement shall be ruled invalid by a court having jurisdiction, the balance shall be enforced to the maximum possible extent. I am signing this Agreement freely and voluntarily, having read and understood it and with a full opportunity to consider its substance and with the intention of fully and unconditionally assuming the risks and releasing the liabilities as described above in this Agreement. DATE:____________

_______________________________ _______ _________________________________________ Printed Participant Name Participant Signature

REQUIRED PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE FOR MINOR PARTICIPANTS I am the parent or legal guardian of _________________________, and am registering _____________________ to participate in a program or activity offered by the Romeoville Recreation Department. I have read and reviewed this Agreement, and am voluntarily signing it on behalf of my child/ward _________________________, in my capacity as parent and legal guardian. By signing below, I am agreeing on behalf of my child/ward to be bound along with my child/ward by all terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth above, including but expressly not limited to those terms and conditions pertaining to the taking of photographs of program and activity participants, the use and publication of such photographs and the release of all claims associated therewith. DATE:____________


_______________________________ _______ _________________________________________ Printed Parent/Guardian Name Parent/GuardianSignature

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

REGISTRATION Payment of Fees:

Fees may be paid by cash, check, Visa, Discover, or MasterCard at the time of registration. All monies are immediately deposited.

Returned Checks:

If a check is returned unpaid, there is a $35 insufficient check fee in addition to the original amount of the check payable by cash or money order within 10 days. Failure to do so in the specified time will result in turning the check over to the police department for further action.

Things to know before you visit!

Program Cancellation:

Toilet Training Policy:

If a class is canceled during the program, participants will be notified of the make up date by phone, in writing through a hand-out at class, or through the mail.

Children enrolled in a Romeoville Recreation Department program for ages 3 and older must be toilet trained unless it is a parent/toddler class. Recreation Department programs stress the importance of children practicing their independence and we do not aid children in the bathroom. Our instructors are not responsible for diaper changing or toilet training. The Recreation Department reserves the right to deny participation by a child age 3 or older if they are not toilet trained.

Refund Policy:

We Love Parents But...

Refunds are issued as follows - 100% before the start of week one; 75% before the start of week two; 50% before the start of week three; 25% before the start of week four; and NO REFUND after week four. Refunds will be issued in 30 to 60 days.

With your child’s best interest in mind, parents are invited to their child’s last class meeting only. Our instructors always welcome the opportunity to discuss a participant’s progress with parents at any time. Thank you for your cooperation.

Age Criteria Policy:

Inclusion Aides:

Program Enrollment Policy:

Inclusion aides assist participants with activities provided through the Recreation Department and with any accommodations needed to make sure it is an optimal experience for participants. If your child needs assistance in a program, please mention this on your registration form or upon registration.

If the program is canceled due to insufficient registration, a full refund will be made through the Village within seven (7) to fifteen (15) working days.

Class Cancellation:

Appropriate age levels have been established by our supervisors to ensure a rewarding experience for all children. Children must meet the age requirements of a class within two weeks after the starting date of the class (with the exception of Creative Play). Noncompliance with age requirements can result in removal from the program. The Recreation Department reserves the right to request a birth certificate if the age of the child is in question.

All programs have minimum and maximum enrollments. If the minimum enrollment has not been reached by the stated deadline, the Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or consolidate the program with another. If a program is canceled, full refunds will be issued.

Behavior Policy:

Tri County Special Recreation Association provides qualified staff to help assist the Romeoville Recreation Department’s community recreation leaders in providing recreational programs for children and adults with special needs in a safe environment.

We do our best to provide inclusion aides for all requests; however, from time to time an aide may not be available because of the class time or day.

Resident Rate Passes:

Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines have been developed to help make the Recreation Department safe and enjoyable for all participants. Participants shall: 1) show respect to all participants and staff; 2) refrain from using foul language; 3) refrain from causing bodily harm to another participant or staff; 4) show respect for equipment, supplies and facilities.

Resident Rate Passes are available for non residents who wish to register for classes at a resident rate. These passes can be purchased for $100/household and will allow non residents to register for classes at the resident rate during the last three days of the registration period (walk-in registration only). Resident Rate Passes are good for one year from the date of issue. These passes are eligible for all recreation classes; they do not apply to the Birthday Party Packages, Open Gym, Child Care, Fit 4 Life, or rentals.


ID Policy:

The Romeoville Recreation Department carries no medical insurance and assumes no liability for personal injuries or loss of personal property while attending Recreation Department activities. A participant’s own policy must cover any medical costs incurred.

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

All registrants will be asked to show one form of photo identification to ensure residency and confirm information on file. Please be prepared to show identification at any time.


Thank Yo

u To Our S





Highlight your business by promoting family fun! Info? (815)886-6246 or erollins@romeoville.org

Thank You

Park Party Sponsors


Thank you to Sam’s Club for sponsoring a portion of the Village Park Playground project!

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Movie Under

the Stars

@ Deer Crossing Park

1050 W. Romeo Rd.

Celebrate 50 years of The Beatles

with American English! Thurs., august 21


Pre-movie activities will begin at 8:00pm; the movie starts at dusk at Deer Crossing Park, 1050 W. Romeo Rd. Rain date is 8/17.


Day of Play Saturday, September 6 9:30am - 11:30am Boucher Prairie Park (1649 Richfield) Celebrate our community during a day of play! Activities include inflatables, sling shot fun, hockey shootout, speed pitch, free throw shoot out & much more!

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

Jo i n th e f against c i g h t ancer! R elay for Life of Romeoville


Come out for a night with the stars under the stars! Movie Under the Stars is a FREE EVENT — the last one is August 15!

Rockin' the Ville

September 6 7 3:00pm - 5:00a m Village Hall - 1 050 W. Romeo


luau party





n hawaiiA r e danc s Contact us at (708)633-7771 ext. 226 www.relayforlife.org/romeovilleil




t. 6 p e S , y a d r u t Sa

Please fill out the registration form to be included in a publication of homes participating in the Garage Sale. No permits are needed for this weekend regardless of whether this form is filled out or not; the registration form only adds your home to the publication. The publication of homes will be available to pick up at the Recreation Center and Village Hall beginning Tuesday, September 2, 2014.


Please return this form to participate. Name & phone number will not be published.

Garage sale hours are from 8:00am-4:00pm.

Please return the registration form no later than Sunday, August 24, 2014.


q Home Appliances

q Tools

q Toys

q Furniture

q Clothing

q Miscellaneous Items (list): Signature: Date: Form due or postmarked by Sunday, August 24, 2014. There is no guarantee to be in publication if received after this date. Return to the Recreation Department, 900 W. Romeo Rd., Romeoville, IL or drop at Village Hall.

y y a a d d n n u Su S

Se S ep pt t..

211 2

FOUNDER’S DAY PARADE! All community organizations, clubs, and businesses are encouraged to participate. Show your spirit by decorating your floats/entries around the Big Top Circus theme.


Entry line-up times vary and will be sent with the confirmation at a later date. Kick off at 2:00pm. For more information contact the Romeoville Recreation Department at (815)886-6222. 900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Autumn Colors CRAFT SHOW

Sat., October 4

9:00am -3:00pm



The Village of Romeoville has a Youth Outreach The Village of Romeoville Veteran’s Commission is looking Commission that involves a number of youth providers for your help! One initiative of this commission is to seek in the community who offer resources, scholarships, and out and recognize Romeoville veterans. If you know of fundraisers annually; and collectively offer a variety of Romeoville veterans who have served in the past, or troops programs, activities and events. Their mission is to serve on active duty, please contact Colleen or Marissa at as an advocate that collaborates and communicates (815)886-6222 to submit their information. This information resources and services that will engage youth of all ages and will help the commission recognize these service men and families to make positive choices to enhance their lives as women and their families, as well as include them in future well as their communities. events and ceremonies. A dedicated veteran’s voicemail line The Commission meets quarterly; if you are interested has also been established. in learning more, participating on the commission, or Anyone who needs information on the Veteran’s volunteering for one of their events, please contact Jason Commission, community resources for veterans, or any other Buckholtz at the Recreation Department at (815)886-6222, types of veteran-related questions, can call (815)886-6341 or jbuckholtz@romeoville.org. and their call will be returned in one to two days. (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


Shop ‘til you drop! There will be 100 booths including hand crafts, candles, jewelry, crochet, embroidery, floral arrangements, stamped items, pet accessories, hair bows, Tastefully Simple, Party Lite, Pampered Chef, Stampin’ Up and more. Admission/Parking are free. Come early for the Razzler Dance Team Pancake Breakfast or visit the Girl Scout Troop 70757 Bake Sale (Concessions are also available).





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S T R I H S TT 200 S R I F E H F O R TSizes are not guaranteed.



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900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446



Friday, October 24


Village Park (900 W. Romeo Rd.)

Spine-tingling activities include a trick or treat trail, craft area, moon jumps, pumpkins for the first 400 children, a children’s entertainer and a frightening costume contest ( for ages 2-12 years). Romeoville Youth Outreach Commission’s

Costume +

21 $ 20/



n per s o



Sponsored by

Hosted by Mayor John Noak

Saturday, November 8 7:00-11:00pm Friendship Centre @ HighPoint (175 HighPoint Dr.)

The Romeoville Youth Outreach Commission is hosting the 4th Annual Costume Party Fundraiser! Event includes a costume contest, DJ, dancing, heavy appetizers, beverages, 50/50 raffle, Chinese raffle and photographer. All proceeds will go to the Youth Outreach Commission scholarship fund. Purchase tickets at the Recreation Center, Village Hall, HighPoint, or DuCap before 11/8, or at the door on 11/8. (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org



sports cards collectibles show FREE



Edward “Doc” McCartan

Veteran’s Memorial 11 Montrose Dr.

November 11 - 10am


Saturday, December 13 9:00am-3:00pm Stop by and check out our fall sports card show. If you are interested in being a dealer, please call (815) 886-6234 for table prices.


e g n e l l a Ch


A J , Y A D N U S

M P 4 1 5 1 0 2 NUARY 11,

unit y m m o C t s r i f out to our u o y s e t i - we will v n n i i t e n v e i l m u t r o a y p tion De rea of town a t a h w The Recrea y b eive team c d e e r p d u o n r a g n i e r ticipate You will b a . p e o g t gging n a e e r l n l b o a y s h r n C i e v w e t r n of the eve ctivities fo d a n g e n i e t i h t c t x a e ints ampions. have o h p C t e s g o n m e l l e a h unit y Ch rea with t m a m e o m h C T . ’s s e t l n l i i v o po s Dance Tea e r le m z z o a R R , d te e ara e l be nam sshin-Ryu K ons, and fre I ( ti a s iz m n a a r g g r o rights & wil r O ommunity ons of our p d.


Playgroun emonstrati tion from C r d a o : s o m e r d d n fo I lu i in c r , ) in Safa am Event mnastics Te r and Jungle y te G n s e d C e e s s w e le n ment & Tumb 4 Life Fit it F tion Depart a e re th c e R to n admissio eo Rd. 900 W. Rom

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

A special nig ht filled with

dancing, dinner and love!

Daddy-Daughter Ball

Pre-registration is required; no registration will be taken at the event. When registering online, please register the daughter (not dad).

Saturday, February 7 for girls


14F914 — Daddy-Daughter Couple 14F915 — Additional Daughter



It’s your chance to get all dressed up girls! Dads, bring your daughter(s) out for a special night of fun! At the ball you will enjoy dinner, drinks, cookies, and dancing the night away! Your daughter(s) will also make a special Valentine’s Day craft to bring home. Capture this special night with a picture of you and your daughter(s) taken at the ball.


years old


$27 Resident/$41 Non Resident $12 Resident/$18 Non Resident

Fee includes dinner, drinks, cookies, craft, and a picture.

Make your daughter’s night even more special by ordering a corsage that will be available to pick up at the event. Don’t worry about having to make an extra stop at the store or flower shop! Contact Pam Swearingen at (630) 908-0520 or averywillowdesigns@sbcglobal.net for more information or to place an order. (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org




5 R E B M E C E F R I DAY, D Sponsored by

Winter Wonderland

& Hope

for the Holidays

Starting after the Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:00pm, the Winter Wonderland event is one of Romeoville’s largest children’s events. Kick off the holiday season and help the community at this spectacular event! All activities will be held inside the Recreation Center (900 W. Romeo Rd.) until 9:00pm. Admission is one non-perishable food item for local food pantries. Activities include Children’s Entertainment, Carolers, Inflatables, Crafts, Picture with Santa (for the first 300 children), and more!

Tree Lighting Ceremony Celebrate the tree lighting ceremony at 6:00pm with Santa as we light up the night with festive lights on the 30 foot spruce outside the Recreation Department! Please dress for the weather.


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Parade of Lights

Romeoville Firefighters Local 4237 will provide and serve hot chocolate and cookies immediately following the parade and at the beginning of the tree lighting ceremony. Holiday Coloring Contest Monday, November 3 – November 26 Age: 12 years and under Pick up your holiday coloring sheets at the front desk and return by Wednesday, November 26th. Prizes will be awarded for first, second, and third place for age groups. All entries will be displayed at the Recreation Center beginning Monday, December 1st. Winners will be announced at Winter Wonderland on Friday, December 5th. All entries not picked up by Friday, December 19th will be removed.


The Romeoville Fire Department and Romeoville Firefighters Local 4237 will bring Santa to Winter Wonderland on decorated, flashy vehicles! Join us as we anxiously await his arrival at the Recreation Center, where he will officially kick off the event with the Tree Lighting Ceremony!

Letter to Santa Wednesday, November 26 – December 12 Age: 4th grade and under Write to Santa and let him know if you have been bad or good. Santa will be accepting letters until December 12th at 5:00pm. He will write back and let children know that he received their requests. Please make sure your address is printed clearly. Santa will be very busy making his toys and checking his list twice and will not be able to answer any letters received after December 12th. Send to*: Romeoville Recreation Department, C/O Santa, 900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446 . *We will forward letters to Santa.

Santa Calling Tuesday, December 9 Age: 3-9 years Register by: 12/8 During the holiday season have Santa Clause or Mrs. Clause thrill your child with a personal call from the North Pole! Just complete the information form at the Romeoville Recreation Department’s front desk and your child will be able to tell Santa Clause or Mrs. Clause all his/her holiday wishes. All calls will be randomly made between 4:00pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday, December 9th. (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


RIDE AROUND TOWN Romeoville’s Ride Around Town program lets you relax while we do the driving! Romeoville residents* can now utilize this service for rides within a ten mile radius of Romeoville for various appointments, shopping, or dining. HOURS: Monday 9:30am - 1:00pm Tuesday 9:00am - 3:00pm Wednesday 9:30am - 1:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Appointments must be made a minimum of 48 hours in advance and are taken on a first come, first served basis. Times cannot be guaranteed.

* Only available for Romeoville residents. DESTINATIONS: Area 1 Romeoville $1.50 one way; $3 round trip Area 2 Crest Hill, Bolingbrook, Lockport, Lemont, and Plainfield (east of Rt. 59) $3 one way; $6 round trip Area 3 Joliet, Naperville, Homer Glen, Woodridge, and Plainfield (west of Rt. 59) $6 one way; $12 round trip

Fees apply to rides originating in area #1. $1 for each extra stop

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the front desk or driver. Appointments for pick up must be made before 4:00pm. Pickups are not guaranteed until the driver confirms the appointment. Medical appointments have priority. Riders must be capable of getting on and off the bus without assistance from the driver. Wheelchair users must be able to get on and off the ramp without assistance from the driver. The driver will lock down the chair only. Rider must pay once they are on the bus. The driver cannot take any unpaid riders. Fare is for one stop; additional stops are $1 per stop. Riders can carry on/off no more than six bags. The driver cannot assist with groceries or any other items. Passengers must be ready within fifteen minutes of pickup time or pickup will have to be rescheduled. Voicemail messages will not be accepted for a scheduled pick up. Seat belts must be worn at all times. No eating or drinking on the bus except water. No standing on the bus while it is moving. Place it in garbage can in front of bus. No abusive language. Be courteous to others.








Area #3

83 55

75th St. 34



Naper Blvd.

. Pickups should be scheduled 48 hours in advance, with

Downers Grove


Area #2 Bolingbrook

Area #1

30 55






Homer Glen


Weber Rd.




7 30


Crest Hill

Ruby St. 355





Ingalls Park


New Lenox


We are now offering a $20 punch pass that riders that can use for our Ride Around Town Program. Purchase a punch pass from our drivers or at the Recreation Department.

Call (815) 886-6222 to schedule your ride!

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


FEES: All hourly rental fees (see chart below) are due at time of room booking plus a $50 refundable cash deposit. Fee includes set up of tables, chairs, and garbage cans. When booking your room, remember to include extra time for your own set up and clean up. RENTAL DATE SCHEDULE: • July 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 reserve beginning May 3, 2014 • October 1, 2014 – December 29, 2014 reserve beginning August 2, 2014 • January 2, 2015 – March 29, 2015 reserve beginning November 1, 2014

Room Bodine Community


Perfect for meetings, baby/wedding showers, or parties

Paul “Pops” Drdak Perfect for meetings, baby/wedding showers, banquets/luncheons, or parties

Amenities • • • •

Available Sat/Sun Tables and chairs Radio Max occupancy is 65

• • • •

Available Sat/Sun Tables and chairs Radio Sink, stove, fridge, microwave, and counter space • Washroom facilities • Max occupancy is 100


524 W. Belmont Dr. - accessed through Conservation Park

Nancy Aldridge Memorial Pavilion at Village Park 900 W. Romeo Rd.

Hourly rate: $48/resident $72/non resident

Hourly rate: $48/resident $72/non resident

Gym activities only; table and chairs not available

Pete Capone Pavilion at O’Hara Woods

Hourly rate: $28/resident $42/non resident

• • • • •

Sheltered pavilion Picnic tables Washroom facilities Sand volleyball court Horseshoe pits

Daily rate: $68/resident (Not available to non residents)

• • • • •

Sheltered pavilion Outdoor grills Bean bag boards Shuffleboard No electric in pavilion

Daily rate: $45/resident (Not available to non residents. Equipment available upon request.)

*Outdoor rentals only available April 1st through October 31st

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

RENTAL HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00am-9:00pm Saturday - Sunday 9:00am-6:30pm Please note: The rental fee AND cash deposit must be paid at time of registration. No reservations will be accepted without full payment and applicable form. You must include set up and clean up in your rental time. The responsible party making the reservation MUST be present at the rental. Rental deposit refund policy: cash deposit must be picked up within 4-10 business days after rental. If deposit is not picked up within the 4-10 business days, a check will be mailed to the renter’s address within 4-6 weeks. Call (815) 886-6222 for more information on renting a room, rental fees, or cash deposit.





RESERVATIONS: Rental reservations can be made at the Recreation Department during regular office hours. Availability is contingent upon scheduled classes and events. Alcohol is not permitted in any of our facilities or parks. All indoor rentals are at the Recreation Center, 900 W. Romeo Rd., and are handicap accessible.


BIRTHDAY PARTIES Let’s party — We’ll do ALL the work for your child’s next birthday! ALL PARTY PACKAGES INCLUDE:

• • • • •

NEW! Invitations for your Party Guests! Drinks & Cheese Pizza (plates, cups, & napkins included) A Goodie Bag for each child A Party Coordinator A Group picture for the Birthday Child

(Cake, cake plates, and cake forks are not supplied, but may be brought in. Balloons are no longer available due to the helium shortage.) Parties are intended for children and the host parents/ guardians only. Party rooms cannot accommodate additional adults.

FEES: $125*/R - $175*/NR for 12-child minimum** $8/additional child beyond the 12-child minimum *Party Chef Fees: $175/R - $200/NR A $50 refundable cash deposit plus all party fees are due at time of booking. No parties will be accepted without full payment and applicable form. Please note the rental deposit refund policy: cash deposit must be picked up within 4-10 business days after rental. If deposit is not picked up within the 4-10 business days, a check will be mailed to the renter’s address within 4-6 weeks. **If your party does not meet the minimum of 12 children, the minimum fee is still required; a maximum of 25 children are allowed to attend the birthday party.




DANCE Learn new dance moves while playing games and having fun! You will have a chance to show what you learned by putting on a performance for your parents.

3 - 12

Saturday/Sunday 12:00-2:00pm, 2:304:30pm or 5:00-7:00pm**

GYMNASTICS You and your friends will have a blast in the gymnastics room! Activities include obstacle courses, games, play time on each apparatus, and free play time. A Party Coordinator will lead all activities in the Gymnastics Room.

5 and up

Upon request

JUNGLE SAFARI ADVENTURE Take your guests on an adventure through our Jungle Safari Indoor Playground. Everyone will GO WILD with EXCITEMENT as they land in the helicopter from overhead and bounce through the Jungle.

2 - 10

Friday 4:00-6:00pm or 6:30-8:30pm; Saturday/Sunday 12:00-2:00pm, 2:30-4:30pm or 5:00-7:00pm**

PARTY CHEFS The little chefs will make their own personal pizza and decorate a delicious dessert. Party goers will enjoy cooking like a chef, playing chefrelated games and making a chef-related craft.

5 and up

Friday 4:00-6:00pm or 6:30-8:30pm

SPORTS-N-GAMES Game On! This high energy party includes sport and game activities of your choice and will get everyone’s adrenaline going. Party package includes a Party Coordinator to run the sports and game activities. Please choose the activities when booking your party so equipment can be made available. Only available April through October.

5 and up

Saturday/Sunday 12:00-2:00pm, 2:30-4:30pm or 5:00-7:00pm**


**Saturday/Sunday 5:00-7:00pm not available Memorial Day through Labor Day

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

S lith er through the & let your ima ginati on


Children aged 1-10 years love an adventure through our Jungle Safari Indoor Playground. This jungle-themed room is home to the indoor playground which has a snake slide, climbing ropes, tunnels, helicopter, and inflatable jumpy. The playground is also used for Jungle Safari Birthday Parties (see page 20) and Child Care (see page 22) when available. Maximum occupancy is 25.


a naco nda slide

Fees must be paid in cash. Children must be accompanied by an adult and residents must show proof of Romeoville residency. Participants who bring more than five children to play in the jungle should call ahead. Any youth group or day care center based in Romeoville may have exclusive use of the playground for an hourly fee during the hours the playground is not open to the public. Please call (815) 886-6222 for more details, availability, and prices.

JUNGLE SAFARI HOURS Monday-Friday 10:30am-12:30pm Monday-Friday 3:00-8:00pm Saturday-Sunday 11:00am-3:00pm Hours are subject to change if attendance warrants or birthday parties are scheduled.

THE JUNGLE PASS - Buy a pass & save money! Six Visits $5/R - $8/NR Twelve Visits $10/R - $15/NR Twenty Visits $15/R - $23/NR With this pass there is no more waiting in line at the front desk with each visit! Go directly into the Indoor Playground and the attendant will punch your pass for the number of children you have in your group. Jungle Passes may be purchased at the front desk.


Age: 1-10 yrs. Fee: $1/Romeoville resident per visit or $2/non-resident per visit


Only children ages 1-10 may use the playground Adults are not allowed on the equipment unless there is a child emergency All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian Shoes are not allowed in the playground (including adults) Socks must be worn at all times while in the playground Food, beverage and gum are not allowed

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


CHILD CARE Need a safe, fun place for your child while you are utilizing the Recreation Center? Check out the Child Care Room located in the Jungle Safari Indoor Playground! Our experienced staff will care for your child and keep them safe and happy while you attend a program, meeting or are working out in the Fitness Center. Playground equipment, toys, games and other activities are provided in the Child Care room. No registration is required; please pay at the front desk. This service is available to anyone utilizing our facility. Parents must stay in the building while using this child care service. Limit of 2 hours. Hours are subject to change if attendance warrants. Please note: Staff is not responsible for changing diapers. AGE: 1 - 10 years old FEE: $2/R/hour or $3/NR/hour (Only cash will be accepted. If you plan on bringing more than five children, please call ahead.)

CHILD CARE HOURS Regular Hours: August 1 – August 30 Monday – Friday 9:00am-12:30pm Monday – Thursday 5:00pm-8:30pm Saturday 8:00am-11:00am September 2 – December 30 Monday – Friday 9:00am-12:30pm Monday – Thursday 5:00-9:30pm Saturday* 8:00am-11:00am *Special extended hours on Saturdays when basketball games are scheduled.

LOCATION: Child Care is held in the Jungle Safari Indoor Playground (Saturday Child Care location is subject to change to the preschool room if parties are scheduled.)

CHILD CARE PUNCH PASS - Buy a pass & save money! Purchase a punch pass at the front desk and save money! No need to wait in line every time - just go straight into the Jungle Safari Indoor Playground and the attendant will punch your card per child each visit.

PUNCH PASS FEES 5 hour pass (good for five 1-hour visits) - $7.50/R - $12.50/NR 10 hour pass (good for ten 1-hour visits) - $15/R - $25/NR 20 hour pass (good for twenty 1-hour visits) - $30/R - $50/NR


Premier fitness center members are entitled to free child care for up to two children while using the fitness center or group fitness classes. All child care rules and regulations apply. See page 25 for more information.

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

OPEN GYM Come with your friends or meet some new ones at Open Gym in the Romeoville Recreation Center!

Monday - Friday Active Living 9:00am - 12:00pm Monday - Friday Walkers 9:00am - 3:00pm Monday/Wednesday/Friday Youth/Family 3:00pm - 5:00pm Tuesday/Thursday High School/Adult 3:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday High School/Adult 4:30pm-6:30pm 2:30-4:30pm (June 1 – August 31)



Children (grade 5 & under) w/paid parent (adult $2) Youth and high school (grades 6-12) Adult (ages 18-49) Seniors (ages 50 and up) Fit 4 Life Member Non-resident guest All fees must be paid in cash.

FREE $1 $2 FREE FREE $10


Romeoville residents in 6th grade and older are required to register for a free Open Gym ID card. Those 17 years of age and younger must be with a parent/legal guardian when registering for the first time. The Open Gym ID must be presented at the front desk each time to be admitted into Open Gym. No exceptions will be made. A $5 fee will be charged for replacing lost or stolen ID cards. No admittance will be allowed without first presenting a current ID. Proof of identity and residency is required at the time your ID is issued and may be one of the following: current utility bill, current tax bill, vehicle registration, or home purchase contract AND photo ID (state-issued ID or drivers license). Water bills are not accepted.


Monday - Friday • 9:00am - 3:00pm Open Gym is also available for walkers! Gym shoes must be worn - street shoes are not allowed in the gymnasiums. All resident walkers must obtain a free Open Gym ID from the front desk. In order to walk in the gym, non residents must be accompanied by a Romeoville resident with a current Open Gym ID. Open Gym schedule is contingent upon programming and events; call (815) 886-6222 for an updated schedule.


OPEN GYM RULES Abuse of gym rules will not be tolerated. Offenders may lose gym use privileges. Also, the Romeoville Recreation Department is not responsible for lost or stolen personal items. Please keep all valuables out of sight, in a locker, or in your car. Open Gym participants must have a valid Open Gym ID. Children grade 5 and under must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times. • Food and beverages (including gum & candy) are not allowed in the gym. • Please follow the O.W.A.G. policy: Only Water Allowed in Gym • Fighting, swearing, spitting or loitering are not allowed. • Dunking and Dodge Ball are not allowed. • Black sole and dress shoes, hats or loose jewelry are not allowed. • Gang symbols are not allowed. • Smoking and chewing tobacco is not allowed.



Children in 5th grade or younger must have parental supervision while participating in Open Gym. Non-resident guests are allowed in Open Gym if they are accompanied by a Romeoville resident with a current Open Gym ID card. Only one non-resident is allowed per card carrying member. Open Gym schedule is contingent upon programming and events; call (815) 886-6222 for an updated schedule.

AGE FEE Romeoville residents FREE Non Romeoville residents $2 Non Romeoville resident seniors (Age 50 and up) $1

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


TRI COUNTY SRA Win, Win, Win! $1,000 Visa Gift Card 2 ND PRIZE - $200 3 RD PRIZE - $100 Drawing will be held at our Annual Candlelight Bowl on October 25, 2014 at Strike N Spare II in Lockport. Tickets available at our office - $10 each!

The Fun Starts Here... Mission Statement: To enrich the lives of individuals with disabilities through meaningful recreational opportunities. Tri County SRA provides year-round recreational and social opportunities for individuals with special needs. Programs include an array of activities: fitness, aquatics, cultural, social, dances, special events, weekend and extended trips, adapted sports and Special Olympics programs. The association is committed to providing comprehensive recreation opportunities and services for all of our residents. Tri County SRA is a not-for-profit organization and serves the families of Lemont, Lockport Township and the Village of Romeoville.

Looking For Some Fun This Fall? Meet an upbeat group of individuals working to make recreation fun for everyone! Join the Tri County SRA team and have a ball assisting children, teens or adults with disabilities during daytime, after-school, evening or weekend hours. Contact Kathy Ochromowicz at the Tri County SRA office for more information. Dances: LWSRA’s Hoedown, Oak Lawn’s Halloween Hip Hop, Orland Park’s Christmas at Georgios, SWSRA’s 80’s Flash Dance, SWSRA’s Feed the Hungry Dance and Tri County SRA’s Pilgrim Rock Dance Children: Busy Bodies, Dance Lessons, Learn to Ride a Bike, Lunch Buddies, Jr. Athletes and Rainbow Therapy Dogs Teens Only: Saved by the Bell, Teen Social Club and Teens Only Overnight Day Camps: Holiday Camp, School’s Day Out: Shedd Aquarium

Teens & Adults: Holiday Shopping, Music Lessons, Parents Night Out, Movie Mania, Lunch Bunch, Long Grove Apple Fest, Fall Colors Trolley Tour, High School Football Games and Seigel’s Pumpkin Fest Everyone: Family Bingo Night, Swim Lessons, Music Lessons, Creative Art Auction, Spare Me and Holiday Night In Special Olympics/Fitness: Floor Hockey, Basketball, Swim Team, Youth Basketball, Open Gym, Weightlifting and Zumba

SAVE THE DATES: 16th Annual Candlelight Bowl Sat., October 25, 8:30pm-12:00am

Lockport Strike N’ Spare II Get ready to bowl, laugh and enjoy an evening out while supporting a great cause! Put together a team of 4 or sign up as an individual for two games of regular bowling, one game of “cosmic bowling”, dinner & drinks, raffles and special contests. Individuals, families and local businesses have an opportunity to support Tri County SRA by becoming a sponsor. A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available including: event, raffle and lane sponsorships. Contact Peggy Wilson (Tri County SRA) for more information.

Recognition Dinner Dance Friday, October 17, 6:00-10:00pm

Prairie Bluff Golf Course in Crest Hill Tri County SRA cordially invites participants, volunteers, staff, member partners, dignitaries, donors and supporters to celebrate a year of accomplishments. A delicious dinner will be followed by an award ceremony and entertainment. Join us in recognizing all the special individuals who make what we do possible! Contact Brian Houzenga (Tri County SRA) for more information.

(815) 407-1819 • 10 Montrose Drive • Romeoville, IL 60446 • www.tricountysra.org


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Supervisor: Sara Hupe

The FIT 4 LIFE FITNESS CENTER is located on the second floor of the Recreation Center. This 3,000 square foot fitness center has state of the art equipment, locker rooms and a beautiful aerial view of Romeoville’s Village Park. You will enjoy getting in shape with our convenient hours, quality service and affordable rates! AMENITIES/EQUIPMENT: Ellipticals • Treadmills • Exercise Bikes • Recumbent Elliptical • Rowing Machine • Stairclimber • Circuit Strength Equipment • Free Weight Area • Stretching Area • Locker Rooms • Cardio Theater



Mission Statement: At Fit 4 Life Fitness Center we strive to provide a comfortable, friendly and clean atmosphere with a reliable and helpful staff, who are always looking to better serve and fulfill our member’s fitness needs. Vision Statement: We aspire to be creative in meeting the current and future needs of our residents in terms of fitness and health needs.

We now offer EFT — No more large fees up front, renewals or annual paperwork!




Additional Family Member Up to four people per household


$11 $16.50

Senior (Age 60+)/Military † (Age 18+)

$15 $22.50

Corporate Anyone who works within the Village of Romeoville. Must show proof of employment at time of registration.



*Excludes Hatha Yoga **All child care rules and regulations apply. See page 23 for details. † Must show military I.D.

Child Care**


Group Fitness Classes*


Free Open Gym


Personal Training Discount


One Free Personal Training Session



Benefits New Member Orientation


• Easy – stop by the Recreation Center, complete the appropriate forms and designate a form of payment • Convenient – your monthly membership fee will automatically come out of your account on the same day each month – no more annual renewals! • Cost effective – now includes group fitness programs!*

Age Resident


Fee per month


EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) is an easy, no-hassle payment process that gives members the opportunity to have a monthly membership fee automatically deducted from their debit or credit card, rather than paying a full membership up front.

See page 22 for Child Care hours! (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


PERSONAL TRAINING At FIT 4 LIFE you’ll get PERSONAL TRAINING to meet your specific needs. Whether you need to tone up or need that first step to physical fitness, our certified personal trainers will help you achieve your goals. Clients with all levels of fitness will benefit from the motivation, guidance and proper instruction to insure a safe and efficient workout. Personal training includes a fitness assessment prior to training by appointment with the fitness center staff, as well as goal setting with your personal trainer.

Please call (815) 886-6222 for more details and to set up an appointment. HOURS Monday - Friday 5:00am-9:30pm Saturday - Sunday 8:00am-7:00pm CLOSINGS Monday, September 1 Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 Wednesday, December 24 Thursday, December 25 Wednesday, December 31 Thursday, January 1, 2015


Non-Member Non-Member Resident Non-Resident

Individual Training Packages (each session is one hour in length) One Session




Four Sessions




Eight Sessions




Twelve Sessions




Group Training Packages (up to five people) (each session is one hour in length; prices are per person) One Session




Four Sessions




Eight Sessions




Twelve Sessions








Daily Adult (cash only)




Senior Daily (cash only)




Group Fitness Drop-in Fee* $5/R - $7/NR Try any group fitness class with the daily fee!

Group Fitness Class Pass*

$36/R - $48/NR

Purchase a punch pass that is valid for eight group fitness classes! No preregistration is required. See the front desk to purchase your pass. Please Note: All classes are subject to change. Pass not valid for Hatha Yoga classes. Classes must meet the minimum in order for them to remain on the schedule. This will be determined the week before classes begin. Please check updated schedule posted in the Aerobics room. *


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Supervisor: Sara Hupe

Each group fitness program is labeled with the components it strengthens. Multiple components may apply to individual classes, or they may only have one. Sign up for all the different components to get a complete workout! COMPONENTS OF FITNESS To improve your overall fitness, it is important to have a balance of the five components of fitness. THESE COMPONENTS ARE: reflects how well your heart and lungs work together to supply oxygen to your body during exertion and exercise.

1. 2 Muscular Strength: The ability to exert maximum force, one time. An example would be a one time lift of the heaviest weight you can manage.

3 Muscular Endurance: The ability of a muscle or muscle group to repeat a movement many times or to hold a 1. particular position for an extended period of time.

4 Flexibility: The degree to which individual muscles will lengthen and the ability to move a joint through its full 1. range of motion.

2. 5 Body Composition: The proportion of fat in the body compared to the amount of lean mass. Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, 1/1. N E W! CHAIR BODY WORKS 31 4 Y-WEIGHT 21 3 The Chair Body Works class is for those who want to Ready to lift weights? We will use barbell, body bars and strengthen overall body with the help of a chair for balance. dumbbells to help strengthen our muscle, doing exercises like We will work on coordination, balance, strengh & stability. squats, presses, and curls, while varying reps, sets, and style to This will help rehab those who are recovering from surgery keep the muscle guessing what’s coming next. Lifting weights or illness as well as arthritic. We will use small weights, small keeps your bones strong and metabolism elevated. Anyone ball, and bands while sitting on a chair. This class will use can do this class because it challenges your body at your movements for typical everyday living activities. Please join in current fitness level. and enjoy feeling stronger and energized. Instructor: Cynthia Proffitt Age: 13 and up Instructor: Janet DeRudder Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 Fee: $36/R - $54/NR CODE DATE TIME DAY $23/R - $34/NR (14F613B) Min/Max: 6/30 14F622A 9/8 - 10/27 9:30am - 10:30am Mon CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F622B 11/10 - 12/29 9:30am - 10:30am Mon 14F613A 9/11 - 10/30 9:00am - 9:50am Thu 2 3 4 14F613B 11/13 - 12/18 9:00am - 9:50am Thu CIRCUIT TRAINING 1 This is a great way to get fit at your own level. You will move around to different stations doing a variety of exercises to help STRENGTH, TONE, CORE & MORE! 1 3 5 tone your upper and lower body. Equipment that may be used A class that does it all! We will utilize many types of during this class: bands, dumbbells, body bar, Bosu, step and equipment and set our goals to get our body slim and toned. stability ball. Instructor: Janet DeRudder Age: 13 and up Instructor: Cynthia Proffitt Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 Fee: $36/R $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY DATE TIME DAY 14F602A 9/8 - 10/27 5:45pm - 6:30pm Mon CODE 9/13 - 11/1 9:00am - 10:00am Sat 14F602B 11/10 - 12/29 5:45pm - 6:30pm Mon 14F620A 14F620B 11/15 - 1/3 9:00am - 10:00am Sat (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


1. 1 Cardio-Respiratory Endurance: The ability to do moderately strenuous activity over a period of time. It


Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, 1/1.


Although originally inspired by the tried and true body resistance exercises of the military, BLBTRAINING’s Fitness Boot Camp class also integrates a variety of diverse strength training exercises, techniques and equipment. Not to mention aerobic activities, namely calisthenics, and creative musical mixes, to promote a fun and motivating environment. Fitness Boot Camp is designed to give you a FULL BODY workout each class. Whether you are just embarking on your fitness journey or need a plateau buster from your current regimen, this class will help you reach new levels of fitness. Instructor: Brandon Bender Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 12/20 $27/R - $41/NR (14F636B & 14F606B) Beginner/Intermediate Classes CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F635A 9/8 - 10/27 6:30pm - 7:15pm Mon 14F636A 9/10 - 10/29 6:30pm - 7:15pm Wed 14F635B 11/10 - 12/29 6:30pm - 7:15pm Mon 14F636B 11/12 - 12/17 6:30pm - 7:15pm Wed Intermediate/Advanced Classes CODE DATE TIME 14F605A 9/8 - 10/27 7:30pm - 8:15pm 14F606A 9/10 - 10/29 7:30pm - 8:15pm 14F605B 11/10 - 12/29 7:30pm - 8:15pm 14F606B 11/12 - 12/17 7:30pm - 8:15pm


Ready to up your game and push past your limits? This highintensity program will help you get amazing results with moves that make INSANITY the most explosive and effective workout ever, forcing the body to work for longer periods of time at a higher capacity than traditional workouts. As a result, people experience faster increases in cardiovascular fitness, and burn carbohydrates and fat more efficiently—as much as 1,000 calories per hour! Instructor: Aleksandra Labuda Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F631A 9/8 - 10/27 8:00am - 8:50am Mon 14F631B 11/10 - 12/29 8:00am - 8:50am Mon


Paulina will get you moving for 30 minutes of aerobic exercise followed by core work which includes abs, butt and back. Finish off the class with a cool down and full-body stretch. Instructor: Paulina Krasniewska-Worwa Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 $23/R - $34/NR (14F624B) DAY CODE DATE TIME DAY Mon 14F627A 9/9 - 10/28 6:15pm - 7:15pm Tue Wed 14F624A 9/11 - 10/30 6:15pm - 7:15pm Thu Mon 14F627B 11/11 - 12/30 6:15pm - 7:15pm Tue Wed 14F624B 11/13 - 12/18 6:15pm - 7:15pm Thu

All Levels Classes CODE DATE TIME 14F610A 9/8 - 10/27 6:00am - 6:45am 14F610B 11/10 - 12/29 6:00am - 6:45am

GET FIT (IN POLISH) 1 5 DAY Paulina’s Get Fit class taught in polish. Mon Instructor: Paulina Krasniewska-Worwa Age: 13 and up Mon Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 $23/R - $34/NR (14F626B) CORE, ABS & BACK 13 4 CODE DATE TIME DAY Come back and join this great workout. This class is designed 14F625A 9/9 - 10/28 7:30pm - 8:30pm Tue to work your core muscles, front and back, utilizing weights 14F626A 9/11 - 10/30 7:30pm - 8:30pm Thu 14F625B 11/11 - 12/30 7:30pm - 8:30pm Tue for a complete core sculpting. 14F626B 11/13 - 12/18 7:30pm - 8:30pm Thu Instructor: Janet DeRudder Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 LIFT & STRETCH 13 4 5 $27/R - $41/NR (14F617B) CODE DATE TIME DAY This class will consist of warm-up, then 40 minutes workout 14F617A 9/10 - 10/29 6:30pm - 7:15pm Wed with weights (dumbbells, body bar, and barbell), ending with 14F617B 11/12 - 12/17 6:30pm - 7:15pm Wed 15 minutes of stretching/yoga and core work for a full body workout. Instructor: Cynthia Proffitt Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F621A 9/9 - 10/28 9:30am - 10:30am Tue 14F621B 11/11 - 12/30 9:30am - 10:30am Tue Contact Justin Banks of Tri County Special Recreation Association for more information at (815) 407-1819 x 209 or jbanks@tricountysra.org.


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, 1/1.




This class will consist of a cardio section using an urban rebounder(small trampoline)to blast those calories away. Using a rebounder reduces the impact on joints vs the floor. After our cardio section we will work on butts and gutts using a floor mat and a resist-a-ball. Please come and give it a try and feel the endurance build. All are welcome as there will be modifications given for all fitness levels. Instructor: Janet DeRudder Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 $27/R - $41/NR (14F607B) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F607A 9/10 - 10/29 5:45pm - 6:30pm Wed 14F607B 11/12 - 12/17 5:45pm - 6:30pm Wed

REGISTER EARLY AND OFTEN – DON’T DELAY! Don’t let good programs get canceled! Sign up early and guarantee your spot. Programs that fail to reach minimum enrollment by the registration deadline will be canceled, so register today for your favorite class! (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


This class is designed for those students who have begun to develop their mind body connection. The focus is to increase students’ understanding of the alignment of the pose and how that pose feels when done coreectly. There will be an emphasis on increasing arm and core body strength as well as improving range of motion and overall flexibility. Prananyama, or breathing, techniques will be included in the practice. Yoga mats and eye pillows are available for purchase from the instructor. Pregnant women are not accepted into this program. Instructor: Gail Ryan Age: 17 and up Fee: $49/R - $73/NR Min/Max: 8/25 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F615A 9/9 - 10/21 7:00pm - 8:15pm Tue 14F615B 11/4 - 12/16 7:00pm - 8:15pm Tue


Class focuses on strength/resistance training. You will learn correct posture and how to execute proper exercise form. Each class consists of a full body workout integrated with various equipment, such as; strength/resistance machines (if available), free weights (hand weights, barbells & dumbbells), tubing, body bars, stability balls, medicine balls, circuit steps and BOSU balance trainers in motivating environment to better strengthen and sculpt all muscle groups. You’ll gain confidence and boost your metabolism in a fun, dynamic group environment with creative music sounds. Leave class feeling stronger, more flexible and more energized. Instructor: Brandon Bender Age: 10 - 15 Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 $27/R - $41/NR (14F646B) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F645A 9/8-10/27 4:00-4:45pm Mon 14F646A 9/10-10/29 4:00-4:45pm Wed 14F645B 11/10-12/29 4:00-4:45pm Mon 14F646B 11/12-12/17 4:00-4:45pm Wed

Come join us and learn how to relax and unwind while gently stretching and strengthening the body. You don’t need to be able to do pretzel poses to experience the union of mind and body. The integration of asanas or postures with breathing and relaxation techniques promotes flexibility, balance and energy. Discover how to revitalize your life while learning stress management skills. This class is suitable for those who haven’t practiced yoga or it’s been awhile since your last class, as well as for those students who desire a less strenuous format. Yoga mats and eye pillows are available for purchase from the instructor. Pregnant women are not accepted into this program. Instructor: Gail Ryan Age: 17 and up Fee: $49/R - $73/NR Min/Max: 8/25 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F616A 9/9 - 10/21 6:00pm - 6:55pm Tue 14F616B 11/4 - 12/16 6:00pm - 6:55pm Tue


Ditch the workout and join the party! Zumba is a fun, cardio workout with easy to follow dance steps inspired by Latin rhythms, featuring “sizzling south-of-the-border” moves that are spicy hot! Dancer or not, burn calories, work up a sweat and have a great time doing it! Instructor: Various Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 $27/R - $41/NR (14F611B) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F604B 9/8 - 10/27 6:30pm - 7:15pm Mon 14F611A 9/10 - 10/29 9:30am - 10:30am Wed 14F609A 9/12 - 10/31 9:30am - 10:30am Fri 14F612A 9/13 - 11/1 10:15am - 11:00am Sat 14F604B 11/10 - 12/29 6:30pm - 7:15pm Mon 14F611B 11/12 - 12/17 9:30am - 10:30am Wed 14F609B 11/14 - 1/2 9:30am - 10:30am Fri 14F612B 11/15 - 1/3 10:15am - 11:00am Sat


Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 12/24, 12/25, 12/31, 1/1.


Class begins with strength training, moving into core work and finishing with a good stretch. Class will combine traditional strength training exercise and various yoga poses. Various equipment may be used including mat, light dumbbells, bands, small ball and pilates ring. Instructor: Cynthia Proffitt Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 $23/R - $$34/NR (14F619B) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F619A 9/11 - 10/30 9:30am - 10:30am Thu 14F619B 11/13 - 12/18 9:30am - 10:30am Thu

TABATA 1 3 4 5

Improve your cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and flexibility! Tabata uses 20 seconds of ultra-intense exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated continuously for 4 minutes (8 cycles). These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, and improved fat burning. High intensity exercises are followed by resistance training. Tabata is the best method to reduce fat and lower insulin resistance. Instructor: Aleksandra Labuda Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F633A 9/12 - 10/31 8:00am - 8:45am Fri 14F633B 11/14 - 1/2 8:00am - 8:45am Fri


Join Personal Trainer, Alissa Bartz, for Functional Agility Strength Training! Each participant will work at his/her own pace and intensity level through a variety of cardio and strength stations. Through the program, individuals will achieve increased strength, knowledge of core stability, improved flexibility, help with injury prevention, as well as cross training exercises to improve overall fitness. Instructor: Alissa Bartz Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F640A 9/9 - 10/28 5:00pm - 5:45pm Tue 14F640B 11/11 - 12/30 5:00pm - 5:45pm Tue


Join personal trainer, Adam Hoornaert, in the fitness center and learn to train the entire body. He will take you through a variety of exercises in this small group setting. Class will include use of the fitness center equipment and TRX training System. Instructor: Adam Hoornaert Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 3/8 $23/R - $34/NR (14F630B) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F630A 9/11-10/30 5:15pm - 6:15pm Thu 14F630B 11/13 - 12/18 5:15pm - 6:15pm Thu

20/20/20 1 3 4

BLBTRAINING’s Group Fitness Training class focuses on strength/resistance training. You will learn correct posture and how to execute proper exercise form. Each class consists of a full body workout. A variety of exercises are integrated with various equipment, such as: strength/resistance machines (if available), free weights (hand weights, barbells & dumbbells), tubing, body bars, stability balls, medicine balls, circuit steps and BOSU balance trainers in a motivating environment to better strengthen and sculpt all muscle groups. You’ll gain confidence and boost your metabolism in a fun, dynamic group environment with creative music sounds. Leave class feeling stronger, more flexible and energized. You must register for this class - space is limited! Instructor: Brandon Bender Age: 13 yrs. and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F634A 9/7 - 10/26 8:00am - 8:45am Sun 14F632A 9/7 - 10/26 9:00am - 9:45am Sun 14F635A 9/7 - 10/26 10:00am - 10:45am Sun 14F634B 11/9 - 12/28 8:00am - 8:45am Sun 14F632B 11/9 - 12/28 9:00am - 9:45am Sun 14F635B 11/9 - 12/28 10:00am - 10:45am Sun


F.A.S.T. 13 4 5

This is a class that does it all! Get your hearts pumping during the cardio portion. Tone and strengthen your muscles using a variety of equipment each week. Finish your workout with core/ab work including balance and flexibility work and a nice, relaxing stretch. This class will give you that toned, healthy body you deserve. Get ready to burn fat and get lean! Instructor: Janet DeRudder Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F601A 9/7 - 10/26 8:30am - 9:30am Sun 14F601B 11/9 - 12/28 8:30am - 9:30am Sun


Pilates Sculpt consists of blended Pilates’ with handweights in one awesome workout! Pilates is the best workout to make your body leaner and weights will create muscle tone and definition for your entire body. Now you can get a perfect mix of Pilates and weights to get results! Instructor: Janet DeRudder Age: 13 and up Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 6/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F603A 9/7 - 10/26 9:35am - 10:15am Sun 14F603B 11/9 - 12/28 9:35am - 10:15am Sun

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz

Birth certificates are required at the time of registration. A non-refundable deposit ($107 for Romeoville residents; $160 for non Romeoville residents) is due at the time of registration. As a reminder, all children must be toilet trained.


The junior program is designed to encourage creative free play, increase social skills, enhance gross motor development and get a head start on what to expect in a classroom situation. All children must have their 3rd birthday by August 1, 2014 - no exceptions will be made. Age: 3 to 4 Fee: $328/R - $488/NR or $82 Creative Play 3 Payments Min/Max: 12/40 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F010 1/13 - 5/19 9:10am -11:40am Tue/Thu 14F011 1/13 - 5/19 12:30pm - 3:00pm Tue/Thu


Creative Play provides children with the opportunity to participate in activities which develop them socially, emotionally, and intellectually into a self-assured child.


The senior program is designed to encourage children to interact with a peer group, develop feelings of self-worth, attain selfcontrol and responsibility, stimulate creativity, imagination, and help initiate an interest in learning and discovery. All children must be entering kindergarten the fall of 2015 - no exceptions will be made. Age: 4 to 5 Fee: $428/R - $640/NR or $107 Creative Play 3 Payments Min/Max: 12/40 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F012 1/12 - 5/20 9:10am -11:40am Mon/Wed/Fri 14F013 1/12 - 5/20 12:30pm - 3:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri



We are implementing a new EFT Payment Plan for the Creative Play program. This payment plan will allow you to put down an initial payment and then make three monthly payments for your Creative Play fees. Per Creative Play policy your first payment is a non-refundable deposit.

Creative Play initial payments are as follows: Seniors: $107/Residents and $160/Non residents Juniors: $82/Residents and $122/Non residents Evening: $75/Residents and $113/NR Three consecutive monthly payments of the same amount will then follow.

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

Come visit us! Creative Play Open House


Evening Creative Play combines both the juniors’ and seniors’ curriculum into one exciting class for children 3 to 5 years old. Lessons and activities develop fine and gross motor skills, encourage free play, and enhance social skills. This program allows both juniors and seniors to work together in a safe and fun environment. Age: 3 to 5 Fee: $300/R - $400/NR Min/Max: 12/20 Min/Max: 6/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F015 1/13 - 5/19 6:00pm - 8:00pm Tue/Thu

Friday, August 29, 2014

11:00am - 2:00pm



Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz

Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 11/27.


There are many types of art work, including Abstract and Realism, but in Preschool Picassos we call it Kiddieism. During this parent and toddler class, you will make wonderful works of art, which can be showcased at home, at grandma and grandpa’s house or as a great gift for relatives. Age: 2 to 3 Fee: $28/R - $42/NR Min/Max: 5/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F022 10/2 - 10/23 10:05am - 10:35am Thu 14F023 11/6 - 12/4 10:05am - 10:35am Thu NEW!


3, 2, 1, buzz! Parents, sports are a great way for your toddler to work on his or her fine motor skills. This class is designed for parent and child interaction while playing sports such as soccer, kickball, basketball, gymnastics, and baseball. Mom and Dad, bring your little slugger or goal keeper to this fun and energetic class. Age: 2 to 3 Fee: $28/R - $42/NR Min/Max: 6/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F020 10/2 - 10/23 9:30am - 10:00am Thu


Music is that magical avenue into a little soul with untapped ideas, images, and movement. Little Wing aims to unearth that potential. Set in innovative classrooms infused with rock music, these little artists explore rhythm patterns, tonal processing, basic music syntax, and make emotional connections to great music. Confidence emerges leading them down their own little creative journey. This class aims to contribute to the full development of confident, imaginative, young children, who go out and inspire their world. Lessons will take place at School of Rock, 24026 W. Lockport St., Plainfield, IL 60544. Age: 3 to 4 Fee: $85/R - $127/NR Min/Max: 3/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F312 10/4 - 10/25 10:30am - 11:15am Sat 14F313 11/1 - 11/22 10:30am - 11:15am Sat



See page

s 16-17!

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446



Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 11/27.


Yes, we can learn about Robotics! With the LEGOR WeDoTM Robotics System, young children can build and program their own robotic creations. Designed by the experts at MIT, this unique system teaches children about simple machines, engineering, programming and so much more. Young imaginations soar! Students will work together in teams of 2. Age: 5 to 8 Fee: $59/R - $89/NR Min/Max: 4/8 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F320 9/17 - 10/8 4:45pm - 5:45pm Wed



Kids are brimming with inspiration and imagination! These gifts can fade in time if not enhanced and used. Reflections Acting Workshops offer thrilling opportunities for you to improve your artistic craft and apply them to stage, screen and everyday life. Every moment can be an adventure — be heard! Hold your heads up high, looking the scariest teacher in the eye with self-assurance. No more clowning in class. You can save that for the applause. We shouldn’t forget to mention CREATIVE COOKING acting is SO much fun! This class will include improvisation, Creative Cooking is where kids have fun together, measuring, voice and body awareness, simple monologue/scene work, and mixing, baking and enjoying each other’s company. Children character development. Please bring an exercise mat. develop hand-eye coordination, learn kitchen safety and build Age: 7 to 10 Fee: $30/R - $45/NR Min/Max: 5/15 on reading and arithmetic. It’s a happy, wholesome way to DATE TIME DAY create edible, homemade fun. The children can see, taste and CODE 14F335 9/17 10/22 4:30pm 5:30pm Wed share the results of their efforts. Creative Cooking projects include cookies, cakes, veggie surprises and much more. REGISTER EARLY AND OFTEN – DON’T DELAY! Age: 5 to 12 Fee: $60/R - $90/NR Min/Max: 5/12 Don’t let good programs get canceled! Sign up early CODE DATE TIME DAY and guarantee your spot. Programs that fail to reach 14F330 10/1 - 10/29 4:00pm - 5:00pm Wed minimum enrollment by the registration deadline will be canceled, so register today for your favorite class! (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


Build robots and use them as controllers for your video animation projects! You and your partner will use LEGOR Robotics kits to build controllers for animation games that you design (think Wii). This amazing course uses the most innovative tools available to experiment with robots & sensors that communicate with the computer to control your designs! Age: 8 to 12 Fee: $64/R - $96/NR Min/Max: 4/8 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F321 9/17 - 10/8 6:00pm - 7:15pm Wed


Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 11/27.






Star WarsTM is back by popular demand! With the help of COMPUTER EXPLORERS, you will create your very own Star Wars movie using special digital movie making cameras and software. As directors and producers we will work in teams to create our own story and script, and build various Star WarsTM LegoR scenes while filming our own movie. Students will learn stop motion animation techniques; add special effects, character voices and music. A premiere of the movies for family and friends will be held on the last day of class and students will receive copies of the class movies on a CD after class is complete. Age: 8 to 12 Fee: $69/R - $103/NR Min/Max: 4/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F323 11/12 - 12/10 5:00pm - 6:30pm Wed

The School of Rock Rookies program inspires first and second graders to pursue music by channeling their inner rock stars. Young rockers learn pitch, rhythm and musical teamwork through musical games and group rehearsal of simple rock songs. This 45-minute long program is entirely group based, so kids learn how to play in a band right from the start. The program includes one weekly group rehearsal where they will experience the magic of playing all of the major rock instruments: guitar, bass, keyboard/piano, drums, and vocals. Lessons located at School of Rock, 24026 W. Lockport St., Plainfield, IL 60544. Age: 5 to 7 Fee: $104/R - $156/NR Min/Max: 4/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F314 10/2 - 10/23 5:00pm - 5:45pm Thu VIDEO GAME DESIGN & ANIMATION 14F315 11/6 - 12/4 5:00pm - 5:45pm Thu If you love to play video games, here is an opportunity to ROCK 101 design your own in the new faster moving version of our Rock 101 provides a combination of lessons and rehearsal popular class! Dive into the world of video game design with room learning. Songs are chosen to develop basic skills, before COMPUTER EXPLORERS by creating and programming jumping into live shows. Rock 101 lets beginners learn the characters that interact with one another. Afterwards, you will basics including technique, music theory and the dynamic of receive a copy of your game and projects so that your friends playing in a group rehearsal every week to get them ready to can play. You will even be able to continue to work on your rock. One 45-minute Private Lesson and a 1.5 hour rehearsal project after class is complete. Whether you are a beginner or (weekly). Lessons located at School of Rock, 24026 W. more advanced student, there are many possibilities to show Lockport St., Plainfield, IL 60544. off your design skills. Age: 7 to 10 Fee: $260/R - $390/NR Min/Max: 1/10 Age: 8 to 12 Fee: $69/R - $103/NR Min/Max: 4/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F310 10/2 - 10/23 6:00pm - 7:30pm Thu 14F322 10/15 - 11/5 4:45pm - 6:15pm Wed


Are you a non-resident? Register for classes at the resident rate — See pg. 7 for more information!


In this six-day, extended hour camp your child will not be playing video games, watching T.V, and sleeping! They will be going on a fun field trip, meeting new friends, and playing games. Fee includes one field trip. You are required to provide a lunch and two snacks per day for your child. Age: 5 to 14 Fee: $120/R - $180/NR Min/Max: 10/50 CODE DATE TIME DAYS 14F399 12/22 - 1/2 8:00am - 6:00pm Mon/Tue/Fri

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 11/27.


Let your child be part of an exciting and successful Chess Wizards Academy, taught by real Chess Wizards! These fun and exciting classes are designed for children of all ages and skill levels. Activities include chess lessons, tournaments, variation games, team chess, and more! Chess stimulates the mind and helps children strengthen skills such as focusing, visualizing goals, abstract thinking and forming concrete opinions. At the end of the session each child will earn their own chess trophy. Come join the Chess Wizards Community! Grades: K - 5th Fee: $96/R - $144/NR Min/Max: 6/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F345 9/8 - 10/27 4:15pm - 5:15pm Mon 14F346 11/3 - 12/22 5:30pm - 6:15pm Mon

LEARN TO ICE SKATE AT THE CANLAN ICE CENTRE 1581 W. Normantown Rd., Romeoville, IL

Canlan Ice Sports has an excellent Learn to Skate program for the beginner skater to the advanced level skater through a variety of classes. The Learn to Skate program curriculum is designed to keep skaters enthusiastic about learning and achieving his or her skating goals.


Learn basic skills in our class designed for beginners to achieve his or her skating goals. Ice skate rental is included. Age: 5 to 18 Fee: $220/R - $330/NR (14F450) Min/Max: 3/15 $186/R - $279/NR (14F451) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F450 10/13 - 12/29 5:00pm - 6:00pm Mon 14F451 10/18 - 1/3 11:40am - 12:40pm Sat



NEW! These classes are designed for kids to explore their own sense of creativity through movement and are great for boys and girls. The instructor will start out the class with some basic stretches that involve the hula hoop and then go into the basics of hoopdance tricks. This class is guaranteed to be fun and interesting. Combining fun games and activities that involve the hula hoop, we make the process of learning tricks a lot easier. Hula hoops will be provided for the class. Age: 6 to 12 Fee: $64/R - $96/NR Min/Max: 6/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F378 9/16 - 11/4 4:30pm - 5:15pm Tue


This Hockey 1 class is designed to teach the fundamentals of forward skating with an introduction to backward movement. In the completion of Hockey 1, you will progress through to Hockey 2, 3&4. Required Equipment: hockey skates, helmet with facemask. Age: 3 to 5 Fee: $224/R - $336/NR (14F452) Min/Max: 3/15 $186/R - $279/NR (14F453) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F452 10/13 - 12/29 5:00pm - 6:00pm Mon 14F453 10/18 - 1/3 11:40am - 12:40pm Sat

SNOW PLOW SAM - DEVELOPMENTAL SKATING This Hockey 1 class is designed to teach the fundamentals of forward skating with an introduction to backward movement for older kids. Required Equipment: hockey skates, helmet with facemask. Age: 6 to 15 Fee: $224/R - $336/NR (14F454) Min/Max: 3/15 $186/R - $279/NR (14F455) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F454 10/13 - 12/29 5:00pm - 6:00pm Mon 14F455 10/18 - 1/3 11:40am - 12:40pm Sat

NEW! Drawing is a skill that can be learned by anybody, including your child! This class encourages creativity and helps your child discover a hidden talent. Children will learn how to use simple shapes, color, and texture to create works of art in every class. At the end of the session, kids will have a portfolio of all their pictures to take home and show off. Age: 5 to 7 Fee: $25/R - $37/NR Min/Max: 5/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F340 9/10 - 10/8 5:30pm - 6:15pm Wed 14F342 9/10 - 10/8 6:30pm - 7:15pm Wed 14F341 10/22 - 11/19 5:30pm - 6:15pm Wed 14F341 10/22 - 11/19 5:30pm - 6:15pm Wed


(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org



Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 7/4, 7/9, 7/10, 7/12,7/13. Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Registration deadline is seven days before class begins.


Sound off — one, two! Sound off — three, four! Students jump in with both feet learning the basics; the parts of the guitar, notes on strings, basic chords, basic songs, and basic scales in a fun-filled atmosphere! Students learn the very techniques they need to jam with their friends from the first lesson! Age: 5 to 18 Fee: $124/R - $186/NR Min/Max: 5/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F398 9/15 - 11/3 5:00pm - 6:00pm Mon


Fright Fest 2014 is here! Get your friends together and join us as Six Flags Great America is transformed into a land of ghosts, goblins, thrills and shrills! Get in the Halloween spirit with the skeletons, graveyards, music, street performers and much more. Fee includes admission and transportation. Do you have a season pass? Register for the transportation-only portion and save money! NEW this year is the Goliath —the longest, fastest, steepest wooden roller coaster! Age: 12 to 17 Fee: $50/R - $75/NR Min/Max: 8/15 BEGINNING ACTING FOR TEENS CODE DATE TIME DAY Kids are brimming with inspiration and imagination! These 14F381 10/12 10:00am - 11:00pm Sun gifts can fade in time if not enhanced and used. Reflections Transportation-only Fee: $35/R - $45/NR Acting Workshops offer thrilling opportunities for you to 10/12 10:00am - 11:00pm Sun improve your artistic craft and apply them to stage, screen and 14F387 everyday life. Every moment can be an adventure — be heard! FALL BALL HALLOWEEN FUN N EW! Hold your heads up high, looking the scariest teacher in the Music, dancing, walking a spooky haunted trail and roasting eye with self-assurance. No more clowning in class. You can s’mores over a bonfire? What better way is there to spend a cool save that for the applause. We shouldn’t forget to mention October evening? Bring your friends and enjoy a night of spooky acting is SO much fun! This class will include improvisation, fall fun at Lockport’s Dellwood Park Pavilion. Anyone ages 10-15 voice and body awareness, simple monologue/scene work, and years old can enjoy time with friends and meet some new ones! character development. Please bring an exercise mat. All activities will be supervised by South Suburban Parks and Age: 11 to 17 Fee: $30/R - $45/NR Min/Max: 5/15 Recreation Association (SSPRPA) Teen Committee members. CODE DATE TIME DAY Age: 10 to 15 Fee: $4/R - $6/NR Min/Max: 6/30 14F336 9/17 - 10/22 5:45pm - 6:45pm Wed CODE DATE TIME DAY NEW! 14F384 10/17 6:30pm 10:00pm Fri BACK TO SCHOOL BASH Summer has ended and school is in full swing, so stop on by the REGISTER EARLY AND OFTEN – DON’T DELAY! Recreation Department for some excitement and competition! We will have volleyball and a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, and Don’t let good programs get canceled! Sign up early and guarantee your spot. Programs that fail to reach fun interactive games. Free pizza and drinks served to all who minimum enrollment by the registration deadline will attend. Grades: 6 to 8 Fee: FREE be canceled, so register today for your favorite class! DATE TIME DAY 9/16 5:00pm - 8:00pm Tue


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Registration deadline is seven days before class begins.


Magic Class! Children are guaranteed to have a great time as they learn a collection of fascinating and mesmerizing tricks! Amaze family and friends with tricks that involve cards, ropes, coins, mind-reading, and more. While the tricks may appear difficult, you’ll discover that they are quick to learn and easy to perform. - All materials are provided, and each child receives a magic kit to take home. - Children are grouped by age and always learn tricks that are age-appropriate. - Additionally, you can sign up for this class again since brand new tricks are taught at each session! - This class will take place at the Plainfield Park District’s Streams Building, 24319 Cedar Creek Lane, Plainfield, IL. Age: 5 to 12 Fee: $35/R - $60/NR Min/Max: 5/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F325 10/22 6:45pm - 7:40pm Wed 14F326 12/9 5:00pm - 5:55pm Tue



LATE NIGHT AT THE ENCHANTLED CASTLE NEW! Show us what you’ve got! All south suburban park districts are Plan an early New Year’s party at Enchanted Castle! Teens from area agencies will celebrate together at this awesome late night just for you. Trip includes UNLIMITED rides and attractions including go-karts, laser tag, bumper cars, mini golf, all-you-can-eat pizza & pop. Want more? We tossed in $5 in game tokens, karaoke, inflatables, movies and more! A “midnight” balloon drop and party favors are part of the fun! Grab your friends and get ready for a fun filled night! Age: 13 to 17 Fee: $24/R - $36/NR Min/Max: 8/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F382 12/30 6:15pm - 11:15pm Tue


Grab your friends and head to the hills for a fun-filled day of snowtubing! Villa Olivia’s snowtubing waivers must be signed before we depart. Bring a change of clothes and money for lunch; we will stop someplace warm on the way home. Age: 12 to 15 Fee: $36/R - $54/NR Min/Max: 8/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F383 1/17 9:45am - 2:30pm Sat MUSICAL STAGE PERFORMANCE NEW! The best way to learn is by doing! Our core program lets teens show off what they have worked for on stage. We teach performance, harmonies, musicianship and introduce the team element into music instruction. Students choose from new show themes every season. This program includes one private lesson and group rehearsal each week to get ready for their gig. Lessons are located at School of Rock, 24026 W. Lockport St., Plainfield, IL 60544. Age: 11 to 18 Fee: $315/R - $457/NR Min/Max: 1/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F311 10/6 - 10/27 5:00pm - 8:00pm Mon

taking acts like dancing, singing, martial arts, special talents, and more to showcase the suburbs’ talent! This is a free event for the talent and $1 entry fee at the door for spectators. Monetary & goods donations will be accepted for the Washington Park District. Please contact Jason Buckholtz to submit your talent. Talent entry deadline: October 10th, 2014. Event located at Frankfort Park District’s Founder’s Community Center, 140 Oak St., Frankfort, IL. Age: 10 to 18 Fee: FREE Min/Max: 3/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F380 11/23 2:00pm - 4:00pm Sun

TEEN COMMITTEE 6th-8th graders are you looking for something to do after school once a month? Join the Romeoville Recreation Department’s teen committee — meeting on the third Wednesday of the month from 3:15pm to 4:30pm. We will offer different activities each month such as a pizza party, bowling, laser tag, open gym, and other fun activities. Each committee member will receive a membership card that can be used for discounts on classes and trips, because membership has its privileges.

Come out & have some fun! (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org



Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz

Above the Barre brings the love of dance to all ages by sharing beauty, power and vision in fresh and unique ways. Our goal is to train our students to be the best dancer they can be, and to prepare them for our annual recital. Each of our dancers dive into and enjoy the exciting world of dance. Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 12/24, 12/31.


The Romeoville Razzler coaches and parents will be sponsoring a one day dance camp. Dancers will learn combinations in Ballet, Jazz, Hip Hop and Lyrical. In addition they will learn a short routine which they will perform at the end of camp for parents. A t-shirt, lunch and drinks will provided throughout the day. Age: 5 to 14 Fee: $50/R - $75/NR Min/Max: 8/30 CODE DATE TIME DAY POMS 14F375 8/31 12:00pm - 4:00pm Sun Our poms program focuses on preparing dancers for middle 14F376 9/7 12:00pm - 4:00pm Sun school and high school dance teams. The classes teach sharp, clean motions for the floor and pom combinations. These classes also concentrate on the many “skills” that are required by dance teams such as jumps, leaps, and turns. Tan jazz shoes are required. Age: 7 to 12 Fee: $150/R - $225/NR Min/Max: 6/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F373 9/13 - 1/17 11:30am - 12:30pm Sat



Hip Hop is today’s “street style” dance form as seen on MTV and music videos. It is done to current, popular music that the kids and teens enjoy. Instructors use common sense with song content and age-appropriateness. Gym shoes are appropriate for class. Age: 8 to 17 Fee: $150/R - $225/NR Min/Max: 6/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F374 9/10 - 1/21 4:30pm - 5:30pm Wed


Dance is a powerful ally for developing many of the attributes of a growing child. The Sullivan School of Irish Dance helps children mature physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively. The physical benefits of Irish Dance have only begun to be appreciated worldwide. Join Sullivan’s certified instructors and expand your horizons while learning the fundamentals of Irish Dance. Program attire only consists of gym shoes/ballet shoes. Students may bring a water bottle to class. Day: Friday Date: 9/19 - 10/24 Min/Max: 7/20 AGE CODE TIME FEE 3-5 14F385 5:30pm - 6:15pm $70R / $105NR 6-18 14F386 6:15pm - 7:15pm $77R / $108NR

REGISTER EARLY AND OFTEN – DON’T DELAY! Don’t let good programs get canceled! Sign up early and guarantee your spot. Programs that fail to reach minimum enrollment by the registration deadline will be canceled, so register today for your favorite class!

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 12/24, 21/31.


Classes are designed to introduce the three to five year old to the dynamics of music and dance, using the body and mind creatively in a structured but highly supportive environment. Children are introduced to creative movement, gross motor skills, and basic ballet steps. Children love coming to dance class and will be gaining more coordination, musicality, and self-confidence every week. Age: 3 to 5 Fee: $124/R - $186/NR Min/Max: 6/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F371 9/13 - 1/17 9:30am - 10:15am Sat


Taught by the Romeoville Razzler coaches, this class will concentrate on a combination of Ballet, Jazz, Lyrical, and Acro (tumbling) to help increase a dancer’s skills in multiple areas of dancing. This class is for the more advanced dancer. Age: 8 to 15 Fee: $125/R - $187/NR Min/Max: 6/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F377 9/14 - 11/16 12:30pm - 2:30pm Sun


This class is designed to give the 8-12 year old student the opportunity to explore jazz & tap training along with choreography. Jazz and Tap flexibility training and skill learning will help their dance vocabulary becomes more extensive. Some of the different dance combinations that are possible become more fun and more exciting for your dancer. Teachers will focus on self-presentation while introducing more challenging steps in both dance styles. Age: 8 to 12 Fee: $124/R - $186/NR Min/Max: 6/16 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F372 9/13 - 1/17 10:30am - 11:15am Sat



In Beginning Ballet, students are introduced to formalized ballet training. Their vocabulary is expanded and they begin to do exercises at the ballet barre. Creative movement is still utilized but to a lesser degree than in pre-ballet. Ballet shoes required. Age: 5 to 7 Fee: $124/R - $186/NR Min/Max: 6/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F370 9/13 - 1/17 8:30am - 9:15am Sat

Show off your talent! See page 37 for infomation on the



November 23, 2014 (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org



Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz

The Romeoville Isshin-Ryu Karate Club provides practical and effective self-defense training through the Okinawan martial art of Isshin-Ryu Karate. Our goal is to provide students with a comprehensive education in classical martial arts that will produce confident, skilled, focused, respectful and self-disciplined martial artists. Sensei Edward Cavazos, a 6th Degree Master Black Belt with 30 years experience, and his staff of highly skilled Black Belts instruct every class. Sensei Cavazos holds a Master’s Degree in Education from the University of St. Francis, and has taught Elementary Education in the New Lenox School District since 1999. Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 11/24, 11/25, 11/26, 11/27.


Learn effective self-defense through Isshin-Ryu Karate. Students will learn karate with a strong emphasis on selfdiscipline and respect. All students should wear a t-shirt and sweatpants. New and transfer students cannot enter Level 2 without first completing Level 1. Age: 5 to 7 Min/Max: 6/10 Fee: $90/R - $135/NR CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F360 9/9 - 12/2 6:00pm - 6:45pm Tue 14F361 9/11 - 12/4 6:00pm - 6:45pm Thu


Students must complete the Level 1 class before entering this class. Students register for only 1 of the available classes per session. New and transfer students cannot enter Level 2 without first completing Level 1. Students are required to purchase a uniform through the instructor. Age: 5 to 7 Fee: $90/R - $135/NR Min/Max: 6/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F362 9/9 - 12/2 7:00pm - 7:45pm Tue 14F363 9/11 - 12/4 7:00pm - 7:45pm Thu


Adult students will learn the required techniques, forms, weapons and sparring techniques to progress through the Isshin-Ryu Karate rank structure, while also learning practical, effective self-defense techniques versus unarmed and armed attacks. Age: 14 and up Fee: $50/R - $75/NR Min/Max: 5/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F420 6/10 - 7/29 8:00pm - 9:00pm Tue 14F421 6/12 - 8/14 8:00pm - 9:00pm Thu



Learn effective self-defense through Isshin-Ryu Karate. Students will learn the forms, self-defense, sparring techniques and weapons with a strong emphasis on selfdiscipline and respect. White belt students will continue learning Isshin-Ryu Karate to work toward their first belt promotion. New and transfer students should wear a t-shirt and sweatpants. New, transfer, and White Belt students cannot enter Level B without first graduating from Level A. Age: 8 to 13 Fee: $90/R - $135/NR Min/Max: 7/15 Rank: New Students & White Belts CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F364 9/8 - 12/1 6:00pm - 6:45pm Mon 14F365 9/10 - 12/3 6:00pm - 6:45pm Wed


Students must first graduate from Level A. New and transfer students cannot enter this class. Age: 8 to 13 Fee: $90/R - $135/NR Min/Max: 7/15 Rank: Yellow & Orange Belts CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F366 9/8 - 12/1 7:00pm - 7:45pm Mon 14F367 9/10 - 12/3 7:00pm - 7:45pm Wed


Students must first graduate from Level B. New and transfer students cannot enter this class. Age: 8 to 13 Fee: $100/R - $150/NR Min/Max: 7/15 Rank: Blue, Purple, Green, & Brown Belts CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F368 9/8 - 12/1 8:00pm - 9:00pm Mon 14F369 9/10 - 12/3 8:00pm - 9:00pm Wed

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz


Taekwondo, one of the newest Olympic sports, is a 2000-year-old martial art, offering a variety of benefits for people of all ages and physical abilities. Students have the opportunity to improve concentration and self esteem, achieve lifelong physical fitness, and learn self-defense skills. Classes are taught under the direction of G.Master Ki Hong Kim (9th Dan World Taekwondo Federation.) A $45.00 uniform fee is required at the first class. Belt testing is offered through KH Kim Taekwondo at an additional fee and is held twice a year. All colored belt students are required to have complete sparring gears. Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS 11/24, 11/25, 11/26, 11/27.





This class is designed to captivate the interest of our youngest students. Skills are developed through gentle instruction and appropriate games for their ability. This class focuses on developing balance, coordination, and respect for the discipline of martial arts training. Age: 4 to 5 Fee: $100/R - $150/NR Min/Max: 4/12 $88/R - $132/NR (14F391) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F390 9/12 - 10/31 4:30pm - 5:10pm Fri 14F391 11/7 - 12/19 4:30pm - 5:10pm Fri


This program includes a balanced cardiovascular workout, including punching, kicking, and blocking skills, using the Taekwondo tradition, and self control. Participants will improve coordination, power of concentration, balance, and both physical and mental discipline. Age: 8 to 13 Fee: $100/R - $150/NR Min/Max: 4/12 $88/R - $132/NR (14F395) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F394 9/12 - 10/31 6:00pm - 6:45pm Fri 14F395 11/7 - 12/19 6:00pm - 6:45pm Fri

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

Restricted to high school students and older, this program concentrates on Taekwondo techniques through the study of forms, stances, and the skills of punching, kicking, and blocking. Age: 14 and up Fee: $100/R - $150/NR Min/Max: 4/12 $88/R - $132/NR (14F411) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F410 9/12 - 10/31 6:50pm - 7:40pm Fri 14F411 11/7 - 12/19 6:50pm - 7:40pm Fri

REGISTER EARLY AND OFTEN – DON’T DELAY! Don’t let good programs get canceled! Sign up early and guarantee your spot. Programs that fail to reach minimum enrollment by the registration deadline will be canceled, so register today for your favorite class!


Designed especially for the younger children, this program helps kids develop conditioning, coordination, listening skills, and self-confidence through creative activities. Age: 6 to 7 Fee: $100/R - $150/NR Min/Max: 4/12 $88/R - $132/NR (14F393) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F392 9/12 - 10/31 5:15pm - 5:55pm Fri 14F393 11/7 - 12/19 5:15pm - 5:55pm Fri

This class provides families with a fun opportunity to spend time together while improving physical and mental conditioning through cardiovascular drills, calisthenics, and traditional Taekwondo techniques including punching, kicking, and blocking. Age: 4 to 13 Fee: $100/R - $150/NR Min/Max: 4/12 $88/R - $132/NR (14F397) CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F396 9/12 - 10/31 6:50pm - 7:40pm Fri 14F397 11/7 - 12/19 6:50pm - 7:40pm Fri



Supervisor: Marissa Cardoni

The Romeoville Recreation Department’s gymnastics classes are designed to encourage development as an athlete and person. The gymnastics program will teach valuable skills geared towards each child’s capability. We pride our program on providing a safe atmosphere where children can learn while having fun.

Gymnastics at a Glance

The following chart is intended to help you better understand the progression of our program. Each program is listed in the proper progression starting from preschool through recreation classes.

Class Tumble with Your Tot

Super Tot

Age Gender

Length of Class

Days Offered




45 min


M, T, Th, or Sa



45 min

Teacher recommendation* M, T, Th, or Sa

Mini Stars



45 min

First time participant, or teacher recommendation

Mighty Stars



45 min

Teacher recommendation* M, T, W, Th, or Sa

Shooting Stars



1 hour

Teacher recommendation* M or Sa

Beginner Girls



1 hour

First time participant, or teacher recommendation

Intermediate Girls



1 hour

Teacher recommendation* Th, Sa, or Su

Advanced Girls



1 hour

Teacher recommendation* Th, Sa, or Su

Pre-Team B



2 hours

Teacher recommendation* F

Pre-Team A



1.5 hours

Teacher recommendation* M/W

(2 days/week)

M, T, W, Th, or Sa

Th, Sa, or Su

Tumbling Level 1



1 hour

First time participant, or teacher recommendation

Tumbling Level 2



1 hour

Teacher recommendation* Su

Tumbling Level 3



1 hour

Teacher recommendation* Su

Tumbling Level 4



1 hour

Teacher recommendation* Su


CLASS POLICIES To ensure a quality program, please read: DRESS CODE FOR GIRLS: Leotards (with or without shorts), no socks or tights, long hair pulled back, no jewelry. DRESS CODE FOR BOYS: Shorts with t-shirt tucked in. No zippers or buckles on shorts. BATHROOM BREAKS: Parents are responsible for taking their children to the bathroom before class; teachers cannot leave class to take children to the bathroom. MAKE UP POLICY: All classes that are cancelled by the Romeoville Recreation Department will be made up at the end of the session. There are no individual make up classes offered.

*You must have a current teacher recommendation slip from the most recent session. Old recommendation slips will not be accepted.


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Enjoy continuous fun for ages 5 through 16! This open gym is a non-structured, supervised time for children to practice skills and have fun! All children must have a parent sign them in at each open gym. Pre-registration is not necessary. Fee Structure (cash only): $6 – current class members* $9 – non-class members $4 – Tumbleweeds Team member * Current class member is defined as someone who is currently enrolled in a Fall gymnastics class. Offered 2:30pm-4:30pm on: August 17th • September 14th • October 12th • November 9th • December 21st


Not sure which class your child should be in? Come to a prescheduled evaluation time.


• All participants must be paid and signed in by parent prior to participation. • Only gymnasts participating in open gym may use the equipment (please, no parents or siblings). • No horse playing or roughhousing will be allowed in the gymnastics room. • Know your limitations. For your own safety, do not attempt skills you haven’t been taught in class first, or teach your child skills they are not ready for. • Parents, please be prompt when picking your child up. • To maintain a safe atmosphere, open gym rules must be followed. If these rules are not followed, this privilege will be taken away on an individual basis. • The Romeoville Recreation Department reserves the right to cancel or change open gym at any time. • Maximum allotted for any Open Gym is 30 participants.

Pre-scheduled evaluations for Fall session: • Thursday, August 14th at 6:20pm • Monday, August 18th at 5:00pm • Tuesday, August 19th at 5:15pm • Thursday, October 16th at 6:20pm • Monday, October 20th at 4:00pm • Tuesday, October 21st at 5:30pm You do not need to register for an evaluation; just come at one of the scheduled times and an instructor will evaluate your child.

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


NO CLASS 9/13, 11/27, 11/28.


This is a parent participation class where teachers will guide parents and their children on how to properly use gymnastics equipment safely. Guided discovery, exploration, and minimal organized activities are a part of the curriculum for this class. Additional benefits include learning to share, following simple directions, and socializing with children the same age. Age: 1 to 3 Fee: $37/R - $56/NR Min/Max: Varies $31/R - $47/NR (14F103 & 14F163) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F100 9/8 - 10/20 11:45am - 12:30pm Mon 14F101 9/9 - 10/21 9:15am - 10:00am Tue 14F102 9/9 - 10/21 3:55pm - 4:40pm Tue 14F103 9/11 - 10/23 10:55am - 11:40am Thu 14F104 9/20 - 10/25 8:30am - 9:15am Sat Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F160 11/3 - 12/15 11:45am - 12:30pm 14F161 11/4 - 12/16 9:15am - 10:00am 14F162 11/4 - 12/16 3:55pm - 4:40pm 14F163 11/6 - 12/18 10:55am - 11:40am 14F164 11/8 - 12/20 8:30am - 9:15am

Mon Tue Tue Thu Sat


This is the first gymnastics class of structured gymnastics without parent participation. Teachers will focus on basic gymnastics skills, individual movement exploration, and following directions. This class also promotes social and physical development. Child must be potty trained. Age: 3 Fee: $37/R - $56/NR Min/Max: 4/6 $31/R - $47/NR (14F114 & 14F173) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F110 9/8 - 10/20 10:55am - 11:40am Mon 14F111 9/9 - 10/21 11:45am - 12:30pm Tue 14F112 9/9 - 10/21 4:45pm - 5:30pm Tue 14F113 9/11 - 10/23 9:15am - 10:00am Thu 14F114 9/20 - 10/25 9:20am - 10:05am Sat Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F170 11/3 - 12/15 10:55am- 11:40am 14F171 11/4 - 12/16 11:45am - 12:30pm 14F172 11/4 - 12/16 4:45pm - 5:30pm 14F173 11/6 - 12/18 9:15am - 10:00am 14F174 11/8 - 12/20 9:20am - 10:05am

Mon Tue Tue Thu Sat

Are you a non-resident? Register for classes at the resident rate — See pg. 7 for more information!



This class for 4-5 year olds will focus on the beginning skills for preschool aged children. Fundamental skills, including forward rolls, jumping, swinging, balancing, will be introduced in this class. Skills will be taught using various learning stations. Teachers will emphasize communication, following directions, gross motor activities, and individual movement exploration. Age: 4 to 5 Fee: $37/R - $56/NR Min/Max: 6/8 $31/R - $47/NR (14F124 & 14F183) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F120 9/8 - 10/20 10:05am - 10:50am Mon 14F121 9/9 - 10/21 10:55am - 11:40am Tue 14F122 9/9 - 10/21 4:45pm - 5:30pm Tue 14F125 9/10 - 10/22 2:25pm - 3:10pm Wed 14F123 9/11 - 10/23 10:05am - 10:50am Thu 14F124 9/20 - 10/25 9:20am - 10:05am Sat Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F180 11/3 - 12/15 10:05am - 10:50am 14F181 11/4 - 12/16 10:55am - 11:40am 14F182 11/4 - 12/16 4:45pm - 5:30pm 14F185 11/5 - 12/17 2:25pm - 3:10pm 14F183 11/6 - 12/18 10:05am - 10:50am 14F184 11/8 - 12/20 9:20am - 10:05am

Mon Tue Tue Wed Thu Sat


Teacher recommendation is required to register for this class. This class will expand on skills taught in Mini Stars including skills on all apparatus and floor exercise. Teachers will emphasize longer skill combinations, expand on individual movement exploration, coordination, flexibility, and strength. Age: 4 to 5 Fee: $37/R - $56/NR Min/Max: 6/8 $31/R - $47/NR (14F134 & 14F193) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 Mon 14F130 9/8 - 10/20 9:15am - 10:00am Tue 14F131 9/9 - 10/21 10:05am - 10:50am Tue 14F132 9/9 - 10/21 4:45pm - 5:30pm Wed 14F135 9/10 - 10/22 3:15pm - 4:00pm 14F133 9/11 - 10/23 11:45am - 12:30pm Thu 14F134 9/20 - 10/25 10:10am - 10:55am Sat Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F190 11/3 - 12/15 9:15am - 10:00am 14F191 11/4 - 12/16 10:05am - 10:50am 14F192 11/4 - 12/16 4:45pm - 5:30pm 14F195 11/5 - 12/17 3:15pm - 4:00pm 14F193 11/6 - 12/18 11:45am - 12:30pm 14F194 11/8 - 12/20 10:10am - 10:55am

Mon Tue Tue Wed Thu Sat

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

NO CLASS 9/13, 11/27, 11/28.


This class is designed for the more advanced female gymnast with previous experience. Teacher recommendation is required to register for this class. Age: 4 to 5 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: 6/8 $40/R - $60/NR (14F142) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F141 9/8 - 10/20 4:15pm - 5:15pm Mon 14F142 9/20 - 10/25 10:10am - 11:10am Sat Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F151 11/3 - 12/15 4:15pm - 5:15pm Mon 14F152 11/8 - 12/20 10:10am - 11:10am Sat


Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14S210 11/2 - 12/14 9:00am - 10:00am Sun 14S211 11/6 - 12/18 4:15pm - 5:15pm Thu 14S212 11/8 - 12/20 11:30am - 12:30am Sat


This class is for the intermediate gymnast who has some prior experience. New skills will be taught through proper progression to ensure a safe learning environment. Some skills include: cartwheels, bridges, round-offs, pullovers, back-hip circles, proper vaulting approach, and jumps, scales, and turns on beam. Age: 6 to 14 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: Varies $40/R - $60/NR (14F205 & 14F214) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F203 9/7 - 10/19 10:05am - 11:05am Sun 14F204 9/11 - 10/23 5:20pm - 6:20pm Thu 14F205 9/20 - 10/25 12:35pm - 1:35pm Sat

This class prepares gymnasts for Pre-Team or Tumbleweeds. Students will learn to master their skills as well as learn new skills. To register for this class the gymnast must have prior gymnastics experience. Age: 6 to 14 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: Varies $40/R - $60/NR (14F208 & 14F217) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F206 9/7 - 10/19 11:10am - 12:10pm Sun 14F207 9/11 - 10/23 5:20pm - 6:20pm Thu 14F208 9/20 - 10/25 1:40pm - 2:40pm Sat Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F216 11/2 - 12/14 11:10am - 12:10pm 14F217 11/6 - 12/18 5:20pm - 6:20pm 14F218 11/8 - 12/20 1:40pm - 2:40pm

Sun Thu Sat


Pre-Team B is for gymnasts who have successfully completed Advanced Gymnastics or have teacher recommendation. This class will focus on mastering skills on all events to move to Pre-Team A. Age: 6 to 15 Fee: $64/R - $96/NR Min/Max: 6/20 $55/R - $83/NR (14F153) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F143 9/12 - 10/24 4:15pm - 6:15pm Fri Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F153 11/7 - 12/19 4:15pm - 6:15pm Fri


In this class students will learn basic skills on floor, vault, beam, and bars. The main focus will be to develop strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance to begin working on new skills. This class is for the beginner gymnast with little to no experience. Age: 6 to 14 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: Varies $40/R - $60/NR (14F202 & 14F211) CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F200 9/7 - 10/19 9:00am - 10:00am Sun 14F201 9/11 - 10/23 4:15pm - 5:15pm Thu 14F202 9/20 - 10/25 11:30am - 12:30pm Sat



Pre-Team A is for gymnasts who have successfully completed Pre-Team B or have teacher recommendation. This class will help prepare gymnasts to become part of the Romeoville Tumbleweeds competitive gymnastics program. Age: 6 to 15 Fee: $72/R - $108/NR Min/Max: 6/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F140 9/8 - 10/22 4:15pm - 5:45pm Mon/Wed Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F150 11/3 - 12/17 4:15pm - 5:45pm Mon/Wed

Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F213 11/2 - 12/14 10:05am - 11:05am Sun 14F214 11/6 - 12/18 5:20pm - 6:20pm Thu 14F215 11/8 - 12/20 12:35am - 1:35pm Sat

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


NO CLASS 9/13, 11/27, 11/28.



Calling all tumblers! Ready to learn some new skills? Bridge ups, forward and backward rolls, cartwheels, handstands, drills for kick overs as well as strength and flexibility will be introduced in this class. Age: 5 to 16 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: 6/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F220 9/7 - 10/19 9:00am - 10:00am Sun Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F224 11/2 - 12/14 9:00am - 10:00am

Back Extension Rolls, handstand forward rolls, walkovers, limbers, one arm cartwheels, front tucks, and front and back handsprings will be introduced in this class. Age: 6 to 16 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: 6 /10 CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14S222 9/7 - 10/19 11:10am - 12:10pm Sun Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14S226 11/2 - 12/14 11:10am - 12:10pm Sun



Backbends, kick overs, round offs, forward and backward straddle rolls, dive rolls and drills for limbers will be introduced in this class. Age: 6 to 16 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: 6/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14F221 9/7 - 10/19 10:05am - 11:05am Sun Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14F225 11/2 - 12/14 10:05am - 11:05am


This class is designed for power tumblers. A strong back handspring on the floor is required as well as all the skills from level 3 tumbling. Tumblers will be introduced to longer tumbling passes. Round off back handspring combinations, front handspring combinations, back tucks will be introduced in this class as well as other skills based on each tumbler’s skill ability. Teacher recommendation is required to sign up for this level. Age: 6 to 16 Fee: $46/R - $69/NR Min/Max: 6/10 CODE DATE TIME DAY Register by 8/29 14S223 9/7 - 10/19 12:15pm - 1:15pm Sun Registration: 10/20 - 10/26 (Online starts 10/21) 14S227 11/2 - 12/14 12:15pm - 1:15pm



Is your child ready to dramatically improve their gymnastics skills? Private lessons can vault your child to become a more confident and stronger gymnast. With individual attention, the coach can focus on your child’s needs and the progressions necessary for improvement. All lessons are one hour long. To sign up for private lessons, stop in the Recreation Center and fill out a private lesson form and make the payment. Someone will contact you to set up days and times for the lesson(s). Sign up for three one-hour sessions at one time for a discounted rate! All fees listed are per child. Private lessons are limited based on staff availability and gym space and are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis. Age: 5 to 16 # OF 1-HR. INDIVIDUAL/GROUP FEE LESSONS Individual $30/R - $45/NR 1 Individual $80/R - $120/NR 3 Group* $18/R - $27/NR 1 Group* $48/R - $72/NR 3 * Group lessons must be with gymnasts of the same skill level.

S T E V N E Y A D I HOL 46


See page

s 16-17!

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446



Supervisor: Noel Maldonado Registration deadline is seven days before class begins.


Kids First drives every aspect of their teaching — in programming to the interactions with the children — to help kids grow into happy, healthy, responsible adults. Nothing is more important than your child’s self-esteem and it is easily improved by our fun sports and athletic programs.


Experience the competition of tennis! In this Kids First program, certified coaches teach the skills of tennis through a process that is simple and easy to understand. This tennis program challenges beginners and advanced players through competitive instructional drills. The program will work on racket placement, ball spins, speed, quickness and body balance. Fee: $69/R - $77/NR Min/Max: 6/12 Day: Saturday AGE CODE DATE TIME 6 to 8 14F719 9/6 - 10/11 9:00am - 10:30am 9 to 14 14F720 9/6 - 10/11 10:30am - 12:00pm



Badminton anyone? This new instructional program will prepare players to succeed in badminton. Coaches will teach some of the basic fundamentals like hand grips, racket positioning, serving, body balance and first step directional movements. Age: 8 to 14 Fee: $48/R - $61/NR Min/Max: 6/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F716 9/9 - 10/7 4:45pm - 5:45pm Tue 14F717 10/14 - 11/11 4:45pm - 5:45pm Tue 14F718 11/18 - 12/16 4:45pm - 5:45pm Tue


Dodge this! Dodgeball games are held every day ending with a competitive championship game on the last day. Kids will have a blast running, throwing, dodging, and ducking their way to victory, while getting their bodies in shape. Age: 8 to 13 Fee: $48/R - $65/NR Min/Max: 6/24 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F721 9/11 - 10/9 4:30pm - 5:30pm Thu 14F723 11/20 - 12/18 4:30pm - 5:30pm Thu

Run with a smile! Learn speed, quickness and agility in this program through track and field events. Coaches will focus on teaching sprints, hurdles, jumps, and distance running in a safe and fundamental way, to produce a quicker and more powerful athlete. Program will be outside if weather allows it. Please meet in the gym the first day of the program. Fee: $48/R - $61/NR Min/Max: 6/12 Day: Saturday AGE CODE DATE TIME 5 to 8 14F725 9/13 - 10/11 9:00am - 10:00am 9 to 14 14F726 9/13 - 10/11 10:00am - 11:00am

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


This class will teach the basics of the game of soccer. In Kids First Soccer your child will learn the fundamentals of the game including dribbling, shooting, and passing the soccer ball in a fun and exciting environment. Fee: $48/R - $65/NR Min/Max: 6/12 Day: Monday AGE CODE DATE TIME 4 to 5 14F713 10/13 - 11/10 4:30pm - 5:30pm 6 to 12 14F712 9/8 - 10/6 4:30pm - 5:30pm



Registration deadline is seven days before class begins.


All Star Sports covers a wide variety of sports and age groups from 2 years old to High School. They successfully instruct in sports such as soccer, baseball, softball, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, and golf. The coaches are trained through an extensive coaching program, as well as being nationally certified. We want to make sports a positive experience for everyone involved.


This program will introduce your children to the game of basketball. Basic skills of dribbling, passing, shooting and defense will be taught. Children will shoot at an 8ft rim with games being played to show the importance of teamwork in game situations. Fee: $60/R - $74/NR (14F744) Min/Max: 6/24 $64/R - $79/NR (14F745) Day: Wednesday AGE CODE DATE TIME 3 to 4 14F744 9/10 - 10/15 4:00pm - 4:45pm 4 to 6 14F745 9/10 - 10/15 4:45pm - 5:45pm


This class is designed to teach children the basics of soccer in a fun and exciting way. Dribbling, passing and shooting will be covered through fun games that keep everyone moving. This class is great for coordination and self-esteem. The main objective is to have fun! Age: 3 to 4 Fee: $60/R - $74/NR Min/Max: 6/24 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F746 9/10 - 10/15 5:45pm - 6:30pm Wed 14F750 10/22 - 11/26 5:45pm - 6:30pm Wed Age: 4 to 6 14F746A 14F751

Fee: $64/R - $79/NR 9/10 - 10/15 6:30pm - 7:30pm 10/22 - 11/26 6:30pm - 7:30pm


This parent and tot class gives you and your child an opportunity to bond and have fun together while learning a variety of new sports. This class is great for simple motor skills such as catching, throwing, batting, shooting, passing and anything that involves hand eye-coordination. Parents participate with the child as we play soccer, basketball, hockey, t-ball and many other sports. Fee: $60/R - $74/NR Min/Max: 6/24 Day: Friday AGE CODE DATE TIME 3 to 4 14F741 9/12 - 10/24 4:00pm - 4:45pm 3 to 4 14F742 11/7 - 12/19 4:00pm - 4:45pm

Wed Wed


Little superstars learn the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship in a fun way as they play a variety of sports including basketball, hockey, soccer, baseball, football and much more. Fee: $60/R - $74/NR (14F741) Min/Max: 6/24 $64/R - $79/NR (14F743) Day: Friday AGE CODE DATE TIME 3 to 4 14F741 9/12 - 10/24 4:45pm - 5:30pm 4 to 6 14F743 11/7 - 12/19 4:45pm - 5:45pm

Are you a non-resident? Register for classes at the resident rate — See pg. 7 for more information!


Youth Boxing will go over the basics of boxing, from the jab to combination. This program will build self-confidence while building on the boxing basics to succeed in the ring. There will be some light sparring, so participants will have to purchase a mouth guard, hand wraps and boxing gloves. These items can be purchased from the instructor the first day of class. Age: 6 to 14 Fee: $54/R - $64/NR Min/Max: 4/25 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F795 9/26 - 12/5 6:00 - 7:00 Fri


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. NO CLASS .....

COMMUNITY BASKETBALL The players in this program will learn the game of basketball while developing a team concept and socializing with children their own age. Practice times will vary throughout the week. Practices will be held at local elementary schools and the Recreation Center. There will be a player evaluation for players in 4th grade and higher. We have changed the format for 4th through 8th grade to include more games and removed the end of season tournament. Players in kindergarten through 3rd grade will be placed on teams by the Athletic Supervisor and coaches. The Community Basketball program needs volunteer coaches at all levels for this program to be successful. For more information on becoming a volunteer coach for the upcoming season, please contact Noel Maldonado, Athletic Supervisor, at (815) 886-6222 or nmaldonado@romeoville.org. The first coach’s meeting is on Wednesday, September 24th at 6:15pm. Practices will start the week of October 27th.



Days: Mon - Fri Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm Dates: 10/27 - 3/14 GRADES CODE MIN/MAX FEE Kindergarten 14F700 24/26 $92/R - $115/NR 1st 14F701 24/32 $92/R - $115/NR 2nd 14F702 24/32 $92/R - $115/NR 3rd 14F703 24/32 $92/R - $115/NR 4th 14F704 24/32 $97/R - $117/NR 5th 14F705 24/32 $97/R - $117/NR 6th 14F706 24/32 $97/R - $117/NR 7th 14F707 24/32 $97/R - $117/NR 8th 14F708 24/32 $97/R - $117/NR


The Intramural High School Basketball League will start early this season. Teams will be assembled in November with practice beginning the end of November/early December. The season will start the first Sunday in January. Participants cannot be on a high school basketball team anytime during this season. We are always in need of volunteer coaches. For more information on becoming a volunteer coach please contact Noel Maldonado, Athletic Supervisor, at (815) 886-6233 or nmaldonado@romeoville.org. The first coach’s meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 25th at 6:15pm. Day: Varies Time: Varies Dates: 11/1 - 3/14 GRADES CODE MIN/MAX FEE 9th - 12th 14F709 24/40 $80/R - $90/NR


The Romeoville Recreation Department is bringing back the Co-ed Adult Volleyball league. The league will play on Friday evenings at the New Romeoville Athletic and Events Center. So bring your friends and see how your team will match up against the competition. After the games, retreat to the concession area where adult beverages are served. Age: 18 and up Fee: $240/R - $340/NR Min/Max: 4/8 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14S805 9/12 - 10/31 6:30pm - 9:30pm Fri

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


YOUTH SPORTS The following youth sports organizations are independent of the Romeoville Recreation Department. You may contact any of the following representatives for more information.

ROMEOVILLE FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE Romeoville Flag Football League (RFFL) is a youth flag football program for Romeoville and surrounding communities. RFFL offers an in-house, no travel Flag Football league for boys and girls 5 to 14 yearsold. This league is a perfect combination of fun and competitiveness. All players get around the same amount of game time and everyone is eligible to receive a pass. For the competitive side, game scores and regular season standings are kept along with end of the season playoffs and Super Bowls. RFFL offers three divisions: 5-7 year-olds, 8-10 year-olds, and 11-14. Spread the word, everyone is welcome no matter where you live. For any questions or comments, please contact Rick Spoerl (rspoerl@hotmail.com or (815)267-6200). Also, let us know if you are interested in coaching or becoming involved in the program other ways. WWW.ROMEOVILLEFLAGFOOTBALL.ORG FACEBOOK: ROMEOVILLE FLAG FOOTBALL LEAGUE

ROMEOVILLE AYSO SOCCER Contact: Dana Patterson

Phone: (815) 212-3461


Contact: Doug Klonowski Phone: 815-293-0290 Romeoville Revolution Softball is a great in-house program for your daughters to start their softball careers. Registration is August 5th from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Romeoville Recreation Center. Our in-house program feeds into our travel program, which is the Romeoville Starzz and has teams from 12U through 18U. We will see you on the field! WWW.ROMEOVILLEREVOLUTION.COM


Contact: Dale Blum - President Email: 82pathfinder@comcast.net RYFC is dedicated to teaching the fundamental skills of tackle football and cheerleading. We belong to the River Valley Youth Football League which is one of the most competitive leagues in the area. Our cheerleaders perform at all football games and participate in at least one local competition. Visit our website or follow us on Facebook to learn about RYFC Spartans!


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz

Adult Programs offered by the Romeoville Recreation Department serve to enrich the lives of the community ages 14 and older. We create a variety of classes and programs to suit the interests of many different people! Registration deadline is seven days before class begins. No Class 11/25.


The Romeoville Isshin-Ryu Karate Club provides practical and effective self-defense training through the Okinawan martial art of Isshin-Ryu Karate. Our goal is to provide students with a comprehensive education in classical martial arts that will produce confident, skilled, focused, respectful and selfdisciplined martial artists. Age: 14 and up Fee: $90/R - $135/NR Min/Max: 5/15 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F420 9/9 - 12/2 8:00pm - 9:00pm Tue 14F421 9/11 - 12/4 8:00pm - 9:00pm Thu


Have the kids gone off to college or do they have families of their own? If this sounds like you and your loved one, then join this fun cooking class where you learn how to cook for the two of you. In this class we will cook beef, chicken and fish dishes that will feed two people. From the experienced cook to someone looking for some new dishes — this class is for you! Age: 18 and up Fee: $40/R - $60/NR Min/Max: 8/18 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F490 10/7 - 10/21 6:00pm - 7:00pm Tue


All courses include instruction in the use of automatic external defibrillator (AED) and follow the American Heart Association standards. Register for these CPR classes by phone at (815) 372-4042 or online at www.romeoville.org/fireacademy.aspx. Payments must be received at the time of registration. Credit card payments for these courses can be made over the phone at the time of registration, and all modes of payment can be made in person to our secretary at Fire Station 1, 18 Montrose Dr., Romeoville, IL 60446. All CPR classes will be held at Romeoville Fire Station 3, 698 N. Birch Lane. Call the academy for more information (815) 372-4042. All CPR classes are available in Spanish. Please call for details.




This course is designed for members of the public or workplace employees. It teaches the basic techniques of adult CPR and also covers using CPR barrier devices, giving firstaid for choking victims, and the use of a cardiac automatic defibrillator (AED). Fee: $42 DATE TIME DAY August 30 8:00am – 12:00pm Saturday October 8 6:00pm – 10:00pm Wednesday November 8 8:00am – 12:00pm Saturday December 9 6:00pm – 10:00pm Tuesday This course is designed for healthcare workers such as emergency responders, police officers, nurses and other medical facility staff. Skills taught include doing ventilations with a barrier device, bag valve device and oxygen equipment, use of automatic defibrillator (AED), CPR and relief of a foreign airway obstruction. Fee: $72 DATE TIME DAY August 16 8:00am – 2:00pm Saturday September 6 8:00am – 2:00pm Saturday October 11 8:00am – 2:00pm Saturday November 15 8:00am – 2:00pm Saturday (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

This course is designed for members of the public or business employees. It instructs how to perform CPR, relieving foreign body airway obstructions, and basic first-aid for children and infants. Course is perfect for childcare staff, babysitters, and new/expecting parents. Fee: $42 DATE TIME DAY August 6 6:00pm – 10:00pm Wednesday September 27 8:00am – 12:00pm Saturday October 28 6:00pm – 10:00pm Tuesday November 22 8:00am – 12:00pm Saturday This course is designed for healthcare workers such as emergency responders, police officers, nurses and other medical facility staff, etc. who hold a current Healthcare Provider CPR card that will soon expire. Instructors will provide a review of all CPR skills, related devices, and curriculum updates. Fee: $42 DATE TIME DAY August 26 6:00pm – 10:00pm Tuesday September 24 6:00pm – 10:00pm Wednesday October 22 6:00pm – 10:00pm Wednesday November 19 6:00pm – 10:00pm Wednesday December 13 8:00am – 12:00pm Saturday






TRIPS Take a trip with us — each season we go on fun adventures to places like outdoor excursions, restaurants, pro-sporting events, and adult gaming facilities. Jump on board for some fun days away! Registration deadline is seven days before trip is scheduled.


Join the Romeoville Recreation Department’s Breakfast Club. Each month the Breakfast club will travel to different types of breakfast restaurants. Invite family members, friends or just come by yourself and enjoy a fun group outing. The fee is for transportation; breakfast is on your own. Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Age: 21 and up Fee: $5/R - $7/NR Min/Max: 6/12 Day: Wednesdays Time: 8:00am - 10:30am CODE DATE LOCATION 14F464 9/10 Downer’s Pancake House 14F463 10/22 Omega’s Pancake House 14F465 11/5 Blueberry Hill Pancake House


Join the Romeoville Recreation Department’s Supper Club. Each month the supper club will travel to different types of restaurants. Come out, meet new friends, invite your friends, and make this a super time. The fee is for transportation; dinner is on your own. Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Age: 21 and up Fee: $5/R - $7/NR Min/Max: 6/12 Day: Wednesdays Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm CODE 14F460 14F461 14F462

DATE 9/24 10/8 11/19

LOCATION Lou Malnati’s Pizza Uncle Bub’s BBQ Carraba’s SHOP TIL’ YA DROP NEW! Take a last minute holiday shopping trip to the Pleasant Prairie Outlet Mall in Kenosha, WI. Shop from 10am to noon, have lunch at the Brat Stop and continue shopping until 2:30pm. Lunch is on your own — you do not have to attend that portion of this trip. Shopping is also on your own. Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Age: 16 and up Fee: $8/R - $12/NR Min/Max: 10/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F441 12/13 9:00am - 4:00pm Sat



Explore beautiful Starved Rock State Park with the Romeoville Recreation Department! The trip starts with a delicious lunch at Starved Rock Lodge, then board one of the trolleys for a ride through historic downtown Utica. Stop to shop at Cattails and then take a relaxing ride to LaSalle where you will board the canal boat. Step back into time with period-dressed interpreters on this 1-hour mule-pulled canal boat ride. After the boat ride you will visit the Starved Rock State Park Visitor Center. There is minimal walking involved on this tour. Supervisor: Noel Maldonado Age: 18 and up Fee: $45/R - $49/NR Min/Max: 8/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F512 10/3 9:00am - 5:00pm Fri


Can Pat Fitzgerald and his Wildcats rebound from last year’s 27-19 loss at the hands of the Wolverines? We will be traveling to Ryan Field to see the Wildcats take on the Wolverines in a pivotal Big Ten matchup. This trip includes transportation and a ticket to the game. Children 18 and younger must be accompanied by a paid adult. Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Age: 21 and up Fee: $60/R - $90/NR Min/Max: 8/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F440 11/8 8:30am - 5:00pm Sat

PARA-DICE CASINO & FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS NEW! Let’s go see a holiday light parade in Peoria, Illinois! Before the parade starts we will spend the afternoon at the Para-dice Casino for some gaming and lunch. Then we will head to downtown Peoria for the Parade of Lights and stop on the way home for dinner. The trip includes transportation and dinner; gaming and lunch are on your own. Supervisor: Jason Buckholtz Age: 21 and up Fee: $15/R - $22/NR Min/Max: 8/12 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F442 11/22 9:30am - 8:00pm Sat

The Recreation Department will take a trip to Historic Long Grove, IL for a day at the annual Apple Fest. Any way you slice it, this fest has plenty to do! Enjoy shopping, crafters, and apples, apples, and more apples. Fee is for transportation only. Supervisor: Noel Maldonado Age: 18 and up Fee: $10/R - $12/NR Min/Max: 6/20 CODE DATE TIME DAY 14F515 9/26 8:00am - 4:00pm Friday


900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446


Supervisor: Noel Maldonado

Active Living is a collection of programs and classes geared toward our guests age 50 years and beyond. Come spend some time getting to know other residents, relax with a Bingo game and have a blast! UNDERSTANDING MEDICARE PARTS A & B*

This 90-minute educational presentation will cover eligibility, enrollment and the benefits of Medicare Parts A and B along with standardized Medicare Supplemental plans available in Illinois. Attendess will benefit from this program if they will soon be eligible for Medicare, already on Medicare but losing their group retiree benefits, a caregiver of a Medicare beneficiary, or anyone who would like to learn more about the medical benefits of Medicare and Medicare Supplemental Plans. Registration required for this free program. Please call the Recreation Department at 815-886-6222 to reserve your spot today. Age: 50 and up Fee: Free Min/Max: 4/50 CODE





1:00pm - 3:00pm









6:00pm - 8:00pm



Bring your friends or make new ones with this great active living program. The Recreation Department will provide popcorn and refreshments prior to the movie. Age: 50 and up Fee: $1/R - $1/NR CODE DATE TIME

14F502 14F503

9/19 11/7

Min/Max: 4/50 DAY

12:00pm - 2:00pm 12:00pm - 2:00pm

Fri Fri


Providing care for someone with memory loss can be a labor of love, but it can also be exhausting and stressful. This program will introduce participants to the causes, signs and symptoms of stress, and will provide participants with stress-reduction strategies. To register, please contact Mickey Peterson of the Alzheimer’s Association at (815)744-0804. Age: 18 and up Fee: Free CODE DATE



Min/Max: 4/50 TIME

6:00pm - 8:00pm



Caregivers are also welcome and encouraged to attend these informational seminars. *

DROP IN DAY On Wednesdays we offer a room for active adults to get together to enjoy games like dominos, cards, and board games with conversation. Please bring a dish to pass.

GOLDEN AGE CLUB The Romeoville Golden Age Club meets every Thursday at the Romeoville Recreation Department from noon to 4:00pm. Transportation is available to members by calling the Recreation Center a minimum of 48 hours before a meeting or event. Members must be 50 years young to join, and may do so by coming to any Thursday meeting. So stop in, join us and make some new friends!


Feeling unsure or ill at ease spending time with a person with memory loss? By understanding the disease and how it affects the brain, you can more easily make meaningful connections with a person with Alzheimer’s disease. This program will provide insight into memory loss and dementia and the effect on communication and behavior. It will also introduce participants to techniques that can be used to make visits more comfortable and meaningful. To register for this program, please contact Mickey Peterson of the Alzheimer’s Association at (815) 7440804. Age: 18 and up Fee: Free Min/Max: 4/50



Registration deadline is seven days before class begins.

Any member of the Golden Age Club will receive a $2 discount off non-contractual trips. See page 55 for available trips! Must show badge to receive discount. For more information contact Noel at (815) 886-6222. (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org


Romeoville Recreation Center, 900 W. Romeo Rd.

Fit 4 Life Fitness Center, 900 W. Romeo Rd.


Tennis Courts

Splash Pad

Soccer Fields

Skate Park

Sand Volleyball


Football Fields



Basketball Courts

Ball Fields

Parking Lot

Picnic Tables




Nature Areas

Open Space


Room Rentals

Outdoor Rentals


Jungle Safari Indoor Playground, 900 W. Romeo Rd.

• Total Acres: 297.25

Park Sites 1.

Atchley Park, 614 Murphy Dr. N


Boucher Prairie Park, 1649 Richfield Tr.



Budler Park, 1912 Trafalger Dr.



Century Park, 1475 W. Taylor Rd.



Columbus Park, 435 Claire Ave.



Conservation Park, 524 W. Belmont Dr.







• •


Deer Crossing Park/Amphitheater, 1050 W. Romeo Rd.


Field Stone Park, 2019 W. Ashbrooke Rd.



Georgetown Park, 315 Shenandoah Dr.


10. Haley Meadows Park, 635 Golden Rod Ave.


11. Hampton Park, 329 Arlington Dr.


12. Hassert Park, 620 Huron Dr.


13. Independence Park, 1730 W. Raleigh Tr.


14. Jaycee Park, 950 E. Murphy Dr.


15. Kiwanis Park, 720 Shannon Dr.


16. Lakeshore Park, 301 Zinnia Dr.


17. Lakewood Estates Park, 620 Michigan Dr.


18. Malibu Bay Park, 1021 Princeton Ave.


19. Mather Park, 735 Sunrise Dr.


20. Meadowalk Park, 500 Honeytree Dr.


21. Murphy Park, 11 Montrose Dr.


22. Nottingham Ridge Park, 160 Ferndale Ave.


23. O’Hara Woods, 524 W. Belmont Dr.


25. Rotary Park, 2023 Whitmore Dr.



12.5 1


7 14.5 1.5 1.5 .5

.25 1.5 •

9 1.5 .5 1


• •

• •

• •

1.5 •

9.5 1.5

.5 4






27. Volunteer Park, 1100 Murphy Dr. DISC GOLF



28. Wesglen Park, 120 S. Wesglen Pkwy.




29. Weslake Park, 2000 Weslake Pkwy.

70 1


24. Pacific Park, 1000 Key Largo Dr.


26. Village Park, 900 W. Romeo Rd.




6 •


30 42 8.5



Future Park Sites 30. Community Wetlands, Taylor Rd. and Wesglen Pkwy.



31. Hometown at HighPoint, Airport Rd. & HighPoint Dr.



32. Lakewood Estates Wetlands, Superior Dr.



33. Meadowdale Park, Birch Dr. & Aspen Dr.







34. Pasquinelli (Creekside) A & B, Weber Rd. 35. Stone Bluff, 2019 West Ashbrooke Rd. School Park Sites 36. A. Vito Martinez Park, 590 Belmont Dr.


37. Kenneth L. Hermansen, 101 Wesglen Pkwy.


38. R. C. Hill Park, 616 Dalhart Ave.


39. Valley View School Park, 735 Luther Dr.


Lockport Township Park Sites 40. Heritage Falls Pool, 101 Troxel Ave.

41. Irene King Park, Murphy Dr. and Troxel Ave.

42. Sunset Park, Murphy Dr. and Belmont Dr.

2 4 •


All facilities are handicap accessible. Park Classifications: N = Neighborhood Park, C = Community Park, A = Outdoor Athletic Complex

56 54

900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446

Visit one of our 29 existing, beautiful parks today! Pack a picnic lunch, walk along the bike trails or enjoy fishing at Lake Strini. LEG EN D

The Village of Romeoville desires that all residents have an enjoyable experience at the Village Parks and Recreational facilities. We ask all residents to be respectful of park users and join us in providing quality recreational experiences for all who participate.

Landm ark School Rom eoville Park School/Tow nship Park Park Listing 1



19 33






7 5



11 Tri County Special Recreation


26 18 9 27



1 42

41 22


29 28 3 25 8


4 37

13 16

34 31



The following park rules have been adopted to insure safety and positive experiences: 1. Park is open dawn to dusk 2. No skateboarding 3. Disorderly conduct is prohibited 4. No littering 5. Clean up dog waste 6. Equipment is for children up to age 12 7. No alcohol on premises


35 15

(815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org

55 57

Parks and Recreation Department 900 W. Romeo Road, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-6222 • www.romeoville.org



Permit No. 328 Romeoville, IL 60446

Postal Customer Romeoville, IL 60446

7 - 10: RomeoFest 15: Movie Under the Stars (Dusk) 21: Rockin’ the Ville (7:00pm-9:00pm) 6: Community Day of Play (9:30am-11:30am)


6: Fall Community Garage Sale (8:00am-4:00pm) 21: Founder’s Day Parade (2:00pm) 3: Glow-N-Go 5k (7:00pm Start)


4: Autumn Colors Craft Show (9:00am-3:00pm) 24: Halloween Fest (6:00pm-9:00pm)


11: Veteran’s Day (10:00am) 5: Winter Wonderland & Tree Lighting (6:00pm-9:00pm) 13: Sports Cards & Collectibles Show (9:00am-3:00pm)

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