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Animal Farmarrivesat TheatreRoyal Norwich
Anewadaptation ofAnimal Farm, theworld-famous fable of revolution andits aftermath,is heading to Norwich TheatreRoyalfrom 9–12March. Reimagined by an awardwinning creative team,this GeorgeOrwellclassichas been broughtintothemoderndayfor adynamicand daringtakeon thistimelessstory. More Trump than Russian revolution,thisisa twist on theclassictale, making it amust-see foraudiencesof allages. Children’sTheatre Partnership,thegroupbehind theproduction,createsbold and imaginative theatrefor young people,engaging newaudiences andaiming to inspirealife-long love oftheatre.Suitable forages 11andup,thishard-hittingstory is adapted to notonlyengage, butidentifywith even the youngestofaudience members. Animal Farmisdirected by Robert Icke,whose version of 1984co-adaptedanddirected withDuncanMacmillan wasa smash-hitintheWestEndand on Broadway.Italso features puppetry designedbyTobyOlié, whose creditsinclude WarHorse, andset designbyfour-time Olivier awardwinner Bunny Christie.
Animal Farm 9– 12 March Formoreinformation, callthe Norwich TheatreBox Office on 01603630000 or visit norwichtheatre.org