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DaysOut -Starfish InvestigationsvisitBungay

Whereshall we go? BUNGAY

GillStarkie and Karen Fisher,who callthemselves‘STARFISH Investigations’ review themost exciting places to visitin Norfolkand Suffolk


Our next adventuretakesus to Bungay,butfirst, we pop intoOld Hall Farm,(NR352LP), wherethe delights on offerare just tootempting. Youknowus –wejust can’t resist temptation! We didhavea‘moment’ when we sawthe sizeof thesausagerolls, butlikeall good girlsweresisted. Morningsaresweet –afternoons aresavoury! OldHall Farmoffersraw milk,milkshakes, cream, cheese, butter andsomuchmoreintheir wonderfulfarmshop.The beautiful Jersey cowsareallowed to keep theircalveswiththem, rather than weaningat birth,usuallyfor 6-8 months.It’sthiskindoflovely storythatmakes theshopand cafe even more appealing. After enjoying ourrefreshmentsinthe sunshine –watchingthepig and goatsandlistening to theslightly annoyingpeacockcry, we left…but will definitelyreturn. We arrivedinBungay and parkedoppositethe Library;

GillStarkie(right) and KarenFisher

easy to find,just follow the oneway system inthetown. We took awalkthroughthe HighStreet,andenjoyedthe littleantiqueshops,interior delights, aratherlovely clothes shop, aflorist, afascinatinggift shop, adelicatessen, afabulous greengrocersandanartshop sellingmanysuppliesthatwill definitelyrequireanother visit. Thedisplayinthe grocers was breathtakingandnot only was themerchandise wonderful, butweweregreetedwithmuch warmth andfriendliness. No wonder Bungay ishighonthe list asbeing oneofthe bestplaces to live inSuffolk. Theearly medievalBigod Castle(NR351DD)isnestled between opengreen spaces, little back streetsandprettycottages. Youcanspend timereadingup on thehistoryand exploring the area,including thegatehouse curtain wallandthe remnants of theinner bailey wall. Afantastic place forthe children too–education andfun!! It’sclose to theRiver Waveneyand thereare plenty of walks alongthe riverwhere you can enjoyvariousformsofwildlife –weevensaw aKingfisher!! Stockupondelicious treats inthetown–buy fresh bread, pastriesand afew sausagerolls (of course)from MaBelleBakeryand wander to theriver bank –it’s a great placetohaveapicnic. This littletownisajewel.It has amuseumandthe Fisher Theatre,andanumber of tea rooms, restaurantsandpubs. Close by istheEarsham Wetland centre, ahaven forwildlife–and CAKE! Thereare variousmarkets andevents inBungay, whichare heldthroughoutthe yearandit has athriving art community.

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