
2 minute read
Gluten free recipe forLime Courgette&PoppySeedCake
Lime, Courgette& PoppySeedCake (gluten-free)
Thisis adelicious waytouseup alateseasonsurfeitofcourgettes, even thelarger ones. Courgettesarenotjust forsavourydishes, here they addasweet moistness.
501kcal 51gcarbsperslice
340gcourgettes 4largeeggs 170ml vegetableoil 200gcastersugar 300ggluten-freeself-raisingflour 1teaspoonbicarbonate of soda ½ teaspoonbakingpowder ½ teaspoon xanthangum 1tablespoonpoppyseeds (optional) Zest of 3limes,grated 2tablespoonslimejuice
Syrup (optional):
75gcastersugar 50ml water 1lime,sliced, plusanyjuiced remnants
275gspreadable butter,verysoft 250gmascarpone, at room temperature 275gicingsugar Zest andjuiceof1lime
1. Preheattheovento180ºC(160ºC fan).Grease andbaseline3x 20cmsandwichtins.Gratethe courgettesintoabowllinedwith strongkitchen paperoraclean tea towel. We grateabout75%roughly, 25%finely.Squeeze outall excess liquidthenleave to drainfurther.
2. To make thelimesyrup(ifusing) dissolvethe sugarinthe water over amedium heat,then addthe lime, mashit down to extractalljuice andboilfor fiveminutes or so. Leave to cool.
3. Whisktheeggs, vegetableoiland sugaruntil creamy.Siftintheflour, bicarb,bakingpowder andxanthan gumandbeat well. Addthe poppy seeds,limejuiceandzestandbeat through,thenadd thedrained courgetteand combinethoroughly.
4. Divide betweenthe cake tins andbakefor 25 –30minutes,until risenand springytothe touch. Remove from theoven,run aknife around theedgeand leaveinthe tin.Ifusing, brusheach cakewith limesyrup, or skewer andpouron forastickier cake. 5. Forthe frosting,beat together thebutter andmascarponeuntil lightandfluffy. Addthe icingsugar inthreebatches,then whiskfor aboutfiveminutes on ahighspeed. Addthe juice andzestandbeatin thoroughly.
6. Use ₁⁄⁴ ofthefrostingbetween each layerofcake,then coverthe topand sideswiththeremainder. Decorate as youwish –weuse more limezestandfreshsliced lime. Keepsinthefridgefor 4days.
ThePennoyerCentre’s volunteer BakeForcemakedeliciouscakes for saleinthe café, whichwon theEDP NorfolkFood &Drink“BestBaking” Award.ThecaféisopenMon-Sat from 10am to 3pm.
If youdon’tneed gluten-free, substituteordinary flourandomitthe xanthangum.
www.pennoyers.org.uk 01379676660
ThePennoyerCentre, Station Road,PulhamStMary, Norfolk,IP214QT

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