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GreenfingerswithAlan Titchmarsh

GREENFINGERS… withAlanTitchmarsh

Horticulturalinspiration,accomplished gardener,talentednovelist andmuch-loved presenter, Alan Titchmarsh,talksaboutthemost common mistakes we make in ourgardens.


Ialwayssay,as agolden rule, prevention isbetter thancure, sowiththatin mindhereare my topseven gardeningmistakes…andhow to avoidthem!

Firstly, youcanhave toomuch of agoodthing!Lessis morewhen itcomestogood gardening,andif youcramtoomuch together it’ll look amess, or worsestill,die! Anotherbigerror is over-and under-watering.Be regimented about your watering routineand a adjust it depending on rainfall toensureyourgarden isnicely hydratedatalltimes. Next,always ensurewhat you’re pullingupareweedsandnot slow-developing flowers. We can sometimesfindourselvesbeing particularly ruthlesswith what growsinour gardens,so remember, everything growsatadifferent rate andsometimesthemostmundane of plantswillflourish to become themostbeautiful… butonlyif they’releftintheground! Anotherbigthingisfailing to prepareyoursoil.Giveyour plants a chance by ensuringthesoilthey’re inisin goodcondition.Asimple testingkitwill letyou know if you need to re-compost, addfertiliser, or simply switch to adifferent soil type. Youshouldalsosteerclearof what Icall‘thebullies’!Japanese knotweedandRussianvineare particularly unrulyand willliterally underminenotjust your flowers, butnearbybuildings too! Andthe samegoes forour animalfriends.Sure, we mayliketo see ahedgehog, bird life,eventhe oddfox,butthebest gardensare thosethatmanagetoprotectthe f food supply present! My final piece of advice is to try to spread the love around your garden. Few of us have an endless budget with which to run riot in our green spaces, and it’ s better to do a little at a time across the board than blow it all in one part of the garden, leaving the rest of it looking forlorn and bereft. Remember, no two gardens arethe same,in much thesame waythat no twogardeners arethe same,and you’renever going to getitright all thetime.Themostimportantthing is to be organisedandputtheeffort in –ifyou do that,therewardswill v very often follow close behind.

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