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Memoriesof Frenze Thelveton

Localhistorian, Dennis Cross from Diss, shareswithushisfascinatingcollection of oldpostcards, focusing on adifferent village in everyissue.Thistime, we takea walk down memorylane in FrenzeandThelveton.


 Early1rly1Early 1914 914 914 s s soldiersfromtheoldiersfromtheoldiers from the StaffordshireStaffordshireStaffordshir eomanry butchering meat forthe troops in Fren e.

 The Staffordshire eomanry was stationed at Fren eduringWW1, wheretheytrainedbefore shippingoff to France.Heretheycanbeseeninearly 1914withtheir horses, in apicturetaken by o cial warphotographer Ernest braham.

 Seen here in 1911,S St ndrews Church,F Fren e,i is situatedinbeautiful surroundingsande cellent for brassrubbings.  Fren e Hall is situated opposite the church, andwas ownedatthe time of this1912postcard by farmer rthurGa e. Thepopulation was49.

 TheE eETh Eli abethanmansionli abethan nsili b th i ThelvetonHel nHTh l t Hall,inall, inll i 1914, wasowned by SirEdward MannBartJP. Many gathaChristieTVprogrammeshave been filmed here.

 Picturedin1911, this splendid house, called The Grange, wasowned byHorace WillamLascelles. Belowright: Takeninthe late 1920s, this photograph showsthe school house, which wasbuilt by Mr TMann for48pupils. Theschoolisnow aprivatehouse.

 ThelvetonSchool, around 1927/28.DennisCross went to school withmanyofthe children of thesepupils!

Back rowl-r:MargaretKent, PeterPotter,Will Kent,John Moore, CharlieRuddock,Miss Meadows. 2ndrow l-r:MrsSmith(headmistress) ), JoanSneesby,SybilLawrence,BertSaunders, FrankCoulson, Freda Kerry, VioletLawrence,KathEmptage,BrendaLawrence,Miss Cook (infant teacher),MarjorieLawrence.Seatedl-r:Dorothy Potter,Edna Lipson,MarjorieRace, WinnieLeeder,VeraRuddock,LilySaunders, JoanSmith,Miss Meadows, IvyCoulson.Onground l-r:SanfordRace, Gerald Ruddock,Herbert Kent,Kenny Ruddock.

TheNorfolk PostcardClub hasbeen disbanded,and a donationof£430 has beensenttoeachoffour charities; EastAnglianAirAmbulance, BigC, Marie CurieCare, andMarieCurieSupport.


Ourpostcard expertDennisCrossisunveiling his fourthcalendar to raise moneyfor Norfolk cancer charityBigC. Thepopul , which featurefascinatinghistor postcardsoflocalvillages, have raised£6,340sofar for thecharity,andDennisis confidentthat thislatest one willbejustas well received.

“Thisis acalendarwitha difference,” he says.“It goesfrom January2023 to January2024 andfeatures fourpostcardsper page. We have sought outthe mostunusualandinteresting onesfrom Dissandsurrounding villages,manyofwhich are uniqueandneverseenbefore. Butsome readerswill recognise thescenesand places,andthat’s whatmakes thecalendars so

lar calendars rical

popular;peoplelove to seevillages they know or grew upin capturedin amomentintime. “We have found a wonderfulpostcard of a local ice cream s le rwholer hada busconverted so he could go undaroua ll thevillagesselling both fish and ipsandicechi cream. No-one has s enee this postcard before. Thereisanother of aporter atDissStation standing betweb en twohorses. Ithink heth contrastbetween life back t enhe ,andnow,makesusall erv y nostalgicfor simplertimes.”

heT calendars cost £10,and oy u canbuythemfrom Photo t EliteorLeslie Ward G fi s,inDits ss,ordirectfrom enD nis.Callafter7pmon

01 7937 651897.

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