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Wildlife-adoptan owlthis Christmas
S.O.S.–adoptan owlthisChristmas
Here’s agreat idea forawonderfulandmeaningfulChristmas present that’s alittleoutoftheordinary
AsChristmasapproaches, andbirthdayscome around,finding meaningful gifts forfamilyand friendsis always astruggle.Weall want to give them somethingspecialand uniquethatwillmakea realdifference.
So whynot adoptone ofthe beautiful owls at SuffolkOwl Sanctuary(S.O.S.)as agift?Itwill give somuch pleasuretoanyone interestedinwildlife, whileat thesametimesupporting alocal charityinwaysthat benefitEast Anglia’swildlifecommunity. Adoptersreceivea personalised adoption certificate, aphotographofthe bird adopted, acopyofour‘SavingBritain’s
Twiglet,the LongEaredOwl atSuffolkOwlSanctuary Owls’booklet, aceramicS.O.S. pin badgeand annualupdates on the adopted bird. S.O.S.is proactive in promoting theneed forthe careand conservation oftheregion’s owls andotherbirdsofprey.Italso provides respite, medicalattention andrehabilitation forthe injured wildbirds broughtintotheir raptor hospital,coupledwitha dedicated helplineand websitewhich advises on what todo ifaninjuredwild bird of prey is found. S.O.S.is alsopreparingto regenerate thewildowl nestbox scheme it hasrun in association withtheThornhamOwl Project for manyyears; providing, repairing, cleaning andmonitoring a networkofman-maderoosting sites from theWaveney Valley down intomid-Suffolk. Theadoption ofan owlatS.O.S. willmakeavitalcontribution towardsthe runningcostsofthe charity. Andit’sa wonderful gift with adifference…one thatwill makea differencetoour worldtoo!
Visit www.owl-help.org.uk formoreinformation.