1 minute read
Exercise your braincellswith ourcrossword
Exercise your brain cells
ACROSS: 6) Ban, 7) Timepiece, 9) Treacherous, 11) Elfin, 12) Stock it, 14) Jupiter, 15) Stays, 17) Provisional, 19) Lastingly, 20) Art.
DOWN: 1) Garrulous, 2) Night, 3) Re-write, 4) Bifurcation, 5) Ice, 8) Familiarity, 10) Airy-fairy, 13) Servant, 16) Psalm, 18) Bad.
7 Dothisand youmightalsoacquire, or arental matter (4) 8 Of an extremelyclose proximity(4,4) 9 Propela boatwithangry wordsand arguments(3) 10 With theteethtakeholdand chew (4) 11 Springs eternalsotheysay,it’san uncertainwish(4) 13 Degreeofoptimismorconfidenceof oneora group (6) 14 Account givenwith aloudbang (6) 15 Work throughthe jobsslowly or uncontrollably (6) 18 Irritation andinconveniencecaused(6) 20 Upon whichtorecline andlounge(4) 21 Giventoa beggarora goodcause(4) 22 Subtleand sarcastic butdull anduninteresting too(3) 24 Performedin asatisfactorymanner,congratulations (4,4) 25 Leaving no-one out, everyindividualattendedto(4)
1 Onerobe forMadamButterfly(6) 2 When,when, when littleone,willyou layme anegg formytea?(3) 3 We will walk downit,till we’rethere (6) 4 Maker ofmaltedbeverages(6) 5 When theworld wasyoungandweperhaps were not(2,3,4) 6 Semi-preciousgemstone,usuallyredcould beknighted foravillain(6) 12 Instinctively,ofcourse,inthenormal way(9) 16 Becomeless tight butnobooze necessary(6) 17 Thus meet twotravellinginopposite directions(4-2) 18 Hits astring when akey is pressed foranote ofdistinction (6) 19 Wordsfor amelodywritten to sing(6) 23 Thecluethatsolvestheproblem (3)
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