2015 arizona show specials flyer reduced

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Vi l l a g eOr i g i n a l s ,I n c .

2015Ari zonaShow Speci al sFl yer www. vi l l agespeci al s. com www. vi l l agerocks. net www. thecratedcol l ecti on. com

Quartzsi te,Ari zonaTysonWel l s January211th,2015 Whol esal eJumpStartbegi ns12/ 31/ 2014 Tucson,Ari zonaKi noSportsCompl ex January31stFebruary15th,2015 Whol esal eJumpStartbegi ns01/ 28/ 2015

Tel : 8437603050Fax:8437603051orders@vi l l agerocks. net Pri cesdonoti ncl udefrei ght/ shi ppi ngcosts.Preorders bei ngshi ppedtoandpi ckedupatoneoftheAri zona show si teswi l lbesubj ecttoanomi nalfrei ghtcharge basedontheamountofwei ght/ spacerequi redonthetruck. Orderscanbeshi ppeddi rectl ytoyoustore/ offi ce Cal loremai lusf orshi ppi ngratequotes. Pri cesaresubj ecttochangewi thoutnoti ce.Al lpromoti onsaresubj ecttoavai l abi l i ty.

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