Village Tweet - June 2021

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The Spaniel Diaries


ell it has been a very exciting time for us Spaniels. I knew something was up as the suitcases came out. I was a little suspicious at first as sometimes Mum drops us at the kennels and we have a whole week without her.     To be honest I actually find it quite peaceful as I’m not required to go training and I can sleep all day. Mav, however, finds it odd and pesters me to play with him. I was delighted when I saw our blankets and bowls being packed as this means we are off to somewhere new with loads of new sniffs and long walks. We were put into the box on wheels and were in there for a long time so I knew it was going to be good!     We ended up in a place called Cornwall where we had a wonderful time running on the beaches and swimming in the sea. I did have to laugh at Mav, he’s such and idiot with his unusual swimming style – flappy paddling is the only way to describe it, it’s certainly not graceful like mine!     We were so lucky with the weather on our holiday. We haven’t been as lucky since, it’s been soo cold. Mum is moaning and saying we really shouldn’t have the heating on in May – I think we should as I love to find a warm place to snooze the afternoon away, Mum says I should have been a cat!     Mum is also annoyed she can’t get the plants put out in the garden as they will die in this cold, every window sill is covered in plants, hopefully some are those round red things again – I love picking those off and chewing them up, Mum is cross when she catches me but it’s worth it! I really must teach Mav to do the same! I have

been digging holes in the garden instead, mum isn’t happy about this either but I feel I need to improve the landscaping aspect.     We have been doing lots of extra training over the last few weeks as mum really makes the most of the longer days. Sometimes I can’t wait for winter to come so I can take up my place in front of the fire for the evening instead of running around after smelly old canvas dummies. Mav is an idiot though and will happily run around after them all day much to Mum’s delight. He really is a little teacher’s pet, I shall look to stealing his food and his bed whenever I possibly can.     Mum has been working with the big grass munching machine and has grand ideas that she will be able to have us follow it when she is riding it – what an earth does she think we are? Carriage dogs? Last time I checked I was a Spaniel not a Dalmatian, I have far more important things to do such as rummaging in hedges looking for mice and bunnies.     There is one walk we have to stay on our leads for as rare birds are nesting, people are very excited about this and can’t wait to see the little black tern’s hatch. I don’t mind, and it teaches Mav good manners too – I’ve a good mind to teach him some manners if he wakes me up again by dropping his toys on my head…     There is talk of a picnic as soon as the weather warms up. I’m really hoping so, I do love a good picnic and hopefully they’ll leave Mav at home so there will be more food for me!     Until next time, stay safe. Billy. Jeannette Douglas


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