A Word from the Chairs
Laying a solid foundation
In 2022, it seemed like our community had finally passed through the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Fernwood, things were not ‘back to normal’, but new patterns began to emerge that started to feel a little bit more familiar. What remained constant before and throughout 2022 however, was the ongoing need and role for neighbourhood programming and supports for Fernwoodians and the greater Victoria community. Looking back, the year saw Fernwood NRG taking a breath, finding our footing, and rooting down to support our staff, community, and partners.
In 2022, Fernwood NRG remained steadfast in delivering programs and events that help form the fabric of our community. Throughout the year, participation in our core programs increased back to prepandemic levels, with a trajectory for even higher need into 2023.

New families continued to seek out the Best Babies program to help navigate the adventures (and challenges) of welcoming a newborn into the world. The laughs and cries of small children echoed through the play yards each afternoon from our various childcare programs. Seniors were welcomed back to the Seniors Lunch where they shared stories and saw familiar faces each week. Good Food Box volunteers continued to be an anchor for delivering
healthy fresh fruit and veggies to community members across Fernwood and Greater Victoria every Wednesday. Events like a weekly Dungeons and Dragons night, seasonal craft fairs, or Nuu Chah Nuulth Drummers night welcomed community members into the Fernwood Community Centre. And, FernFest returned! It was the community festival balm we were all looking for over the last two years.
Neighbourhood buildings have played a key role in Fernwood NRG’s history; from restoration of the Cornerstone building in the early 2000s to the construction and eventual sale of 1310 Gladstone from 2017-2021. This past year, Fernwood NRG fully said ‘goodbye’ to 1310 Gladstone, as our family programs moved out of the basement offices. This was a happy occasion however, as it marked the start of a renewed partnership with the Fernwood Community Association. Fernwood NRG is now renting office space in the FCA building at 1923 Fernwood Road. The new offices have given our programs much-needed expansion space, not to mention more comfortable working spaces for our staff and volunteers. It’s exciting to see our two community organizations working together and looking for opportunities to support each other.
The pandemic highlighted the strength and commitment of our staff to the organization and our programming. For Fernwood NRG to thrive and our programs to grow, as an organization we need to model
this strength and commitment back to our staff and community. In 2022, the organization focused on building a solid foundation from which to grow. This work, which included developing new HR and operational policies and procedures is ongoing. We are committed to making Fernwood NRG a place for our diverse staff to feel welcomed, supported and able to thrive in their careers as they make an incredible impact on our community.
This past year Fernwood NRG laid the foundation to invest and grow our organi-
zation. Looking ahead, the board and staff asked ourselves how we might engage with our staff, the community, and our partners to build a new strategic vision for the organization. This work will be a key focus for the organization in 2023. We invite you to meet with us, share your ideas, and help us shape the values and programs you think we need to help us support Fernwood and Victoria in the years to come. Stay tuned for opportunities and community conversations around Fernwood NRG’s strategic planning in the months ahead.

A snapshot of Fernwood NRG’s work in the neighbourhood in 2022:
We provided secure affordable housing for 10 households
We packed and distributed
12,242 Good Food Boxes
We provided 105 Child Care spaces and are a $10aDay Child Care site which drops parent fees to only $200 per month

We gave 4,918 haircuts and services at Studio 1313, our social enterprise
Fernwoodians volunteered thousands of hours in programs and at events

We raised over $152,000 for the Gift of Good Food—which will provide 225 families with fresh produce for all of 2023

We distributed vegetable and herb seedlings to 112 households through Get Growing Victoria in partneship with the City of Victoria
We supported over 300 families through Best Babies & Community Programs
3 office spaces in the Fernwood Community Association
142 musicians and artists performed at FernFest 2022

We rented
We served
15,825 meals at Community Dinner, Seniors Lunch, and in our Child Care programs

A year in review
As we reflect on the past year, we are pleased to share with you our 2022 Annual Report, highlighting the successes and achievements of our organization. The amazing staff at Fernwood NRG have continued to serve and support the Fernwood community in so many ways.
We were thrilled to bring back FernFest after a two-year hiatus in 2022, and the community response was overwhelming. It was an opportunity for us to gather once again, celebrate our community spirit, and enjoy music, food, and entertainment together. On a personal note—this was my first FernFest! I felt so grateful to
Our Board
Kelsey Singbeil, Co-Chair
Eric Swanson, Co-Chair
Michael Lancaster, Vice-Chair
Rob Gillezeau, Treasurer
our team and our community for hosting such a magical event that brought so many people together.
And we kept bringing people together all year: we hosted an all-candidates meeting for the municipal elections, providing a platform for community members to engage in the democratic process and have a say in who represents them. Community dinners, seniors lunches, family services, and child care programs all brought people in our neighbourhood together each and every day.
In 2022, we also watched as the lots across the road from us transformed. The Vic High upgrades and the new
Our Funders
Justin Best, Secretary
Tonny Kiptoo, Director
Lisa Matthaus, Director
A big thank you to Jackie Robinson who stepped down from the Board in 2022.
A warm welcome Tonny Kiptoo, our new director, who stepped up to serve his neighbourhood.
Our Donors & Supporters
Executive DirectorCaledonia housing project are both exciting developments for our community, and they will bring a lot of growth and changes. We are thrilled to welcome back youth to the school and the 158 families who will be moving into the Caledonia housing project.
With these significant changes happening in our community, we took the opportunity to review our “13 Guiding Principles & Values” and gather feedback from community members. The feedback indicated a need for a refresh, and we launched a strategic planning process in 2022 to redefine our Vision and Mission, as well as our values as an organization.
The new plan will focus on our role in the community for the next 5 to 10 years. We hope to “unveil” the new strategic plan at our AGM in September of this year. We are grateful for the support and dedication of our community: our community are our staff, our Board of Directors, our volunteers, our neighbours, our participants, our funders, and our supporters. It is thanks to your unwavering support and dedication that we have accomplished so much in the past year. We are excited about the future and look forward to continuing our work in building a strong, resilient, and equitable community.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the following funders in 2022:
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada
We acknowledge the financial assistance of the Province of British Columbia
City of Victoria
Community Housing Transformation Centre
Fernwood NRG Holdings Inc.
Vancouver Island Health Authority
Mustard Seed
Vancity Community Foundation
United Way of Greater Victoria
Victoria Foundation
Community Action Program for Children
Public Health Agency of Canada
We are tremendously grateful to the following individuals and organizations for their support in 2022:
17 Black Events
7 Rays
Sage Aaron
Abigail's Hotel
Absolute Therapy
Austen Adams
Kayvan Aflaki
Dan Aire
Douglas Alexander
Alive Mindbody
Brent Alley
Marcia Anderson
Meghan Anderson
Michael Anderson
Andesign Interiors
Eric Andrusyszyn
Angels K9 Services Inc.
Torrey Archer
Artavi Skate + Snow
Aryze Developments
Shannon Ash
Jade Ashbourne
Axe and Grind
Azariah Designs Jewelry
Backpack Buddies
Christian Baerike
Jane Baigent
Elena Bailey
Donald Bain
Madeline Bakker
Jesse Baltutis
Robin Bancroft-Wilson
Lauren Bard
Judy Barefoot
Paul Battin
Tania Baumfield
BC Association of Pregnancy Outreach Programs
BC Farmer's Markets
Stephen Bean
Bean Around the World
Patty Beatty
Beehive Wool Shop
Carla Beer-Carpenter
Belfry Theatre
Jordan Bell
Eileen Bennett
Josie Bergman
Lisa Bernardin
Justin Best
Paul Best
Big Wheel Burger
Big Wheel Community Foundation
Abigail Bigam
BIOPHILIA design collective
Catherine Blanchet
Christine & Michael Bloomfield
Celine Boisvenue
Bon Macaron Patisserie
Fiona Boothman
Trevor Brady
Mary Jo Braid
Kate Braidwood
Audrey Braun
Brewery & the Beast
Leonard Brillon
Brother Sea Productions
Peter Brown
Browns the Florist
Elysia Brunet
David Bulinckx
Alli Bunting
Burnside Gorge
Marleen Butchart
Butchart Gardens
Claire Butterfield
Norma Butterfield
Butteryfly Gardens
Cafe Brio
Linda Cain
Camargue Properties Inc
Jae Cameron
Jennifer Cameron
Kat Camfield
Camosun College
Capital Bike
John Cassidy
Catrin Jones RMT
Brodie Cawdell
Celina Lyons
Acupuncture and Medical Arts
Jon Chabun
Jody Chambers
Lorne Charbonneau
Marc Charlebois
Patrick Charpentier
Chateau Victoria Hotel & Suites
Deb Chen
Homan Cheng
Suzanne Christensen
Linda Christie
City of Victoria
Ben Clark
Coalition of Neighbourhood Houses
Cobs Bread End of Day
Giving Program
Cold Comfort
Cold Star Freight Systems
Community Social Planning Council of Greater Victoria: BC
Transit Ticket Assistance Program
Compost Education Centre
Diana Cooper
Ira Cooper
Core Connection
Mobile Physiotherapy
Country Grocer
Lauren Cox
Craigdarroch Castle
Don Craigmyle
Mary Jane Crawley
Cream Life and Style
Crooked Goose Bistro
Byron Crossley
Kristin Crossman
Kennedy Cullen
Troy Cunningham
Cycle BC
Roman Czemerys
Sherri Daniar
Lorne Daniel
Darcy's Westshore
Alex Davies
James Davis
Anna De Luca
Paula Debeck
Elizabeth Dechert
Hilary Dechert Ayres
Susan Dempsey
Elisabeth Deom
Blair Desjardins
Jennifer Di Fabio
Discovery Coffee
Edie Dittman
Brenda Doiron
Don Craig Photography
Allyson Downs
Dr. Amarjot S Sajan
Dr. Brett Livingstone Inc.
Dr. Caren ZilberShlensky
Christina Drake
Tammy Dubnik
Marc-Antoine Dufault
Marc Dufort
Allison Dunn
Brittany Dunstan
Helen Durie
Robin Durkin
Cindy Dyck
Early Childhood Pedagogy Network
Jane & Hermann Edler
Allison Edwards
Elite Security
Enid Elliot
Trevor Elton
Diana Emtage
Bonnie Eskelson
Amanda Evans
Eveofchange Executive Coaching Inc.
Denis Farling
Amanda Farrell-Low
Katherine Farris
Shanna Faulkner
Fernwood Coffee Company
Fernwood Community Association
Fernwood Inn
Fernwood Makers Party
Fernwood NRG Board of Directors
Fernwood NRG Child Care families
Fernwood Social Run Club
Erika Finestone
Fired Up!
Brianna Fitzgerald
Fix It Fernwood
Monica Flexhaug
Andrew Flynn
Food Share Network
Foodraising Crew For Good Measure
Linnea Fouracre
Jenny Fraser
Kerrilyn Fraser
Nancy Frederickson
Alix Freiberger
Fry's Bakery
Howard Fuchs
Funtime Inflatables
Gail Sibley
Gala Fabrics
Garside Signs
Marria Gauley
Lauren Gaultier
Brett Gaylor
Don Genova
Get Growing, Victoria!
Beth Gibson
Mary E. Gibson
Patricia Gilchrist
Moira Gill
Lisa Gleinzer
Eldan Goldenberg
Goldilocks Wraps
Solara Goldwynn
Goo Goo Goggles
Tony Gooch
Eleanor Good
Rowan Good