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Student Achievements
Christina saggiomo Wins Top Prize in the CMe Competition
More ThAn 100 GrADuATe AnD unDerGrADuATe students from colleges and universities across the country competed in the CME Group Commodity Trading Challenge, a fast-paced electronic and open outcry trading competition. This competition was originally created by the New York Mercantile Exchange and the University of Houston nine years ago with just a small number of schools on the roster. As the markets have grown, so has the competition, with 58 schools participating in 2010.
Finance major ChrisTinA sAGGioMo VSB ’10 took part this spring. “I participated in the competition to have a fun and interesting experience and to learn as much as I could,” she said. “Not only did I learn a tremendous amount in a few hours of trading, but I truly felt empowered. At the end of the day I was so glad I had participated in the competition. I experienced something that many people, especially college seniors, may never get to experience. And winning was icing on the cake.” The competition was comprised of many rounds of trading in which participants had to use their skills and knowledge to
Assistant Professor of Management James Klingler Joseph Mancari, VSB ‘09
Christina Saggiomo VSB ’10 on the trading floor in the CME Competition.
listen and make bids. They also had to negotiate the quantity of contracts.
“When they called my name as the first place winner,” Saggiomo said, “I was in absolute shock. I had made mistakes along the way and had to learn a number of things on the fly, but I could not have been prouder of my own performance, my teammates’ performance, and the opportunity to represent Villanova. While this type of trading does not exist on Wall Street like it used to, it is one of the most exciting, exhilarating, and exhausting activities I have ever participated in.”
Graduate Business Team Awarded 2nd Place at the ACGPhiladelphia Cup
A four-person team from the Villanova School of Business won second place at this year’s ACG Philadelphia Cup, a highly realistic private equity/investment banking case-study competition. The team of MSF students PATriCk DoherTy, MeeT Doshi, oliviA PieTrunTi, and suMeDhA verMA won $5,000 for their success.
Each team analyzed and presented solutions to a complex business case that required a combination of corporate strategy, finance, and valuation skills.
VSB students competed against six area graduate
The MSF team of Olivia Pietrunti, Patrick Doherty, Sumedha Verma, and Meet Doshi took home 2nd place at the ACG Philadelphia Cup.
business programs. The other participating schools were Drexel University’s LeBow College of Business; La Salle University School of Business; Penn State University’s Smeal College of Business; Saint Joseph’s University Haub School of Business; Temple University’s Fox School of Business; and University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
“Over the past few years, the ACG Cup has established itself as a leading business case competition focused on the financial investment/corporate development market,” says associate professor and chair of the department of finance David Schaffer. “The Philadelphia Cup provides a unique opportunity for the students to challenge themselves in tackling a real-world business problem in what continues to be one of the most dynamic and sought-after market segments.”
vsB senior Wins 2010 PiCPA Award
This spring, kATelyn FAnTo VSB ’10 received the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) outstanding senior award, given to one senior at each college or university in the State of
Pennsylvania. Fanto was selected for the award because of her success in academia, serious interest in accounting, and demonstrated desire to continue in the accounting field. Winners received a certificate and recognition medal.
student-Managed Funds succeed in Challenging Climate
For the second year in a row, the George Coleman ETF Fund placed first in the Graduate Division - Hybrid Style at the RISE X (Redefining Investment Strategy Education) Forum at the University of Dayton’s 10th annual student portfolio competition. Nine studentmanaged investment funds were honored in the competition, held in conjunction with the RISE X Global Investment Forum, sponsored by the University of Dayton in association with the United Nations Global Compact.
VSB’s fund is managed by Master of Science in Finance students along with two students from the Villanova Equity Society. More than 28 students from Villanova attended the three-day conference with more than 50 universities participating in the competition.
Student-managed investment programs are a growing trend in finance education. More than 200 programs nationwide allow students to make investment decisions with real portfolios. The RISE X competition selects winners based on their risk-adjusted performance for calendar year 2009 in various categories for undergraduate and graduate portfolios.
VSB Master of Science in Finance Students, with Professor David Nawrocki, won first place in the Graduate Division at the RISE X Forum.
The Force for Change Award Given to villanova school of Business
unDerGrADuATe sTuDenTs lAuren ZAles VSB ’12 and TArA MChuGh VSB ’12 were recognized as winners of Net Impact’s The Force for Change Award. The award was given for the students’ work in Nicaragua, where they utilized hydro-electricity to provide 60 households with electricity. The Force for Change Award, given annually, recognizes outstanding Net Impact members who have led an employee- or student-driven project with tangible positive social and/or environmental impacts on their campus, in their workplace, or in their community.
Net Impact is an international nonprofit organization with a mission to inspire, educate, and equip individuals to use the power of business to create a more socially and environmentally sustainable world. Spanning six continents, members make up one of the most influential networks of professionals and students in existence today.
The Force for Change Award winners Tara McHugh and Lauren Zales (front and center) with other members of Business Without Borders, Villanova’s local chapter of Net Impact.