Summer 2017 Villanova Business Magazine

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Summer 2017

BUSINESS How the Tradition Endures

Four families with three consecutive generations of VSB graduates share their stories.


Erica Chuong ’17 VSB, One of the Best and Brightest Business Majors


Villanovans Helping Villanovans


Gerald Dougherty, CPA, ’58 VSB Where Hard Work and Luck Intersect




Cathy J. Toner, JD



Shannon M. Wilson CONTRIBUTORS


Siobhan Arnold Emily G. Brown ’19 VSB Nicole DiPaolo ’18 VSB Becca Gleeson ’20 VSB Lauren Higgins Lizzie Kaczorowski ’19 VSB Ian MacPherson ’20 VSB Maddie Martini ’19 CLAS Julie Snitzer ’20 VSB Brad Warmhold Meghan Winch ’15 MA DESIGN AND PRODUCTION

Matthew Schmidt Design

2 FEATURE STORY How the Tradition Endures: Four families with three consecutive generations of VSB graduates share their stories


21 DONOR SPOTLIGHT Kevin A. Tedeschi ’58 VSB

22 ALUMNI SPOTLIGHTS Dan Aversano ’04 VSB; Tracy Brala ’90 VSB; Jim Rowley ’93 VSB; Michael S. Weingarten, MD, ’96 MBA

26 FACULTY SPOTLIGHT Gerald A. Dougherty, CPA, ’58 VSB

Villanova Business is published semiannually for alumni and friends of the Villanova School of Business. It is available in print or online at Send comments and questions to: VSBCommunicationsandMarketing Villanova Business 800 Lancaster Avenue Villanova, PA 19085-1678 610-519-5424 Follow us: @VU_Business @VillanovaBusiness Villanova School of Business Villanova School of Business

Cover Photography: Ed Cunicelli

Dean’s Update


What a year! It has been my honor to serve

the Villanova School of Business as the Helen and William O’Toole Dean. My first year at the University has been an exhilarating one, and I have learned so much about our extraordinary students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends. I fully understand why Villanova earns so many top academic rankings, and I look forward to supporting and encouraging the excellent work of our community. I invite you to read about our outstanding students and faculty in this edition of the Villanova Business magazine. This issue features award-winning faculty members and inspiring students, all using their VSB experience to make their positive impact in the business world. Our feature story shares the journeys of families with three consecutive generations of VSB graduates, dating back to the 1940s. At least 15 families can trace their VSB history back three consecutive generations. We are honored that so many families have entrusted their education to VSB. Our faculty includes the likes of Gerald “Jerry” Dougherty, a VSB professor for more than half a century! Read about his incredible dedication to the profession on page 26.

Our students also distinguish themselves as scholars, including Erica Chuong. Erica has studied and gained work experience on four continents during her academic career, truly molding her into a global citizen. Read more about her accomplishments on pages 14–15. And our MBA alumnus, Michael S. Weingarten, MD, ’96 MBA, has been caring for patients in the Philadelphia area who have chronic wounds. On pages 24–25, read about this vascular surgeon’s groundbreaking research. VSB develops business leaders for a better world. We are in the business of training future leaders to excel and inspire and I am truly honored to serve that mission as your dean.

Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD The Helen and William O’Toole Dean Professor of Management Villanova School of Business

Throughout the school’s history, alumni and students can point to a family member who also graduated from Villanova School of Business (VSB). For some families, the lineage is generations-deep. In fact, at least 15 families can trace their VSB history back three consecutive generations. Here, four share their stories about‌



Humble Beginnings Their stories began in the 1940s and 1950s, when attending college was the exception, not the norm. It’s especially true for Joseph “Joe” Dorris ’55 VSB. The son of a widowed Irish immigrant with a third grade education, Joe graduated from Gloucester Catholic High School as valedictorian but couldn’t afford college. As daughter Patricia “Patty” Dorris-Crenny, CPA, ’82 VSB explains, he worked on the loading docks of the Delaware River to earn the tuition for Villanova and paid for every semester, except one. Despite the financial challenges, Joe continued at VSB, served as president of the Accounting Society and graduated toward the top of his class. He enjoyed a successful accounting career, starting with Arthur Young—the predecessor firm to Ernst & Young, where granddaughter Grace Ann Crenny ’16 VSB works today. He later partnered with another certified public accountant to establish a firm in South Jersey. It was a very full career—and life—thanks to the Augustinian priests who helped with Joe’s tuition that one semester. Patty never overlooks the impact of that generosity. It enabled her to pursue a distinguished career at notable firms like Touche Ross (now Deloitte), PricewaterhouseCoopers and Provident Mutual Life Insurance, as well as teaching—part-time at Ursinus College for 15 years and full-time at West Chester University for two years. Above all though, she wanted to teach at Villanova. She applied repeatedly, and finally joined the VSB faculty full-time about seven years ago. Now her son, Ryan ’21 CLAS, will continue the tradition and pursue a business minor. For Patty, it’s all “a dream” made possible by the Augustinians.

Patty Dorris-Crenny and her daughter Grace Ann at Villanova.

Tradition comes from the French word tradicion meaning a legal transfer. Though most family traditions aren’t legal in nature, the transfer of the VSB experience from one generation to the next creates an extraordinary bond—one that’s potentially more permanent and meaningful than anything adjudicated by law. These families describe how VSB became their tradition.



Growing Pride Like many of his generation, John J. “Jack” Quindlen ’54 VSB came to know Villanova well before it gained national attention. He grew up in Philadelphia, attended West Catholic High School, and knew Villanova as a prominent Catholic university in the region. He established the VSB connection for his children with some sound advice: An understanding of business serves you well no matter what you do. Jack didn’t push his children toward VSB, but his advice made an impression on them, especially watching their father advance from an accounts payable clerk to the chief financial officer of DuPont.

So when it came time for Tom’s son, Thomas “Tommy” Quindlen Jr. ’13 VSB, to attend college, Tom shared his father’s advice without hesitation.

We love watching Villanova flourish today— through academics and athletics. Now with the number one ranking for VSB, that pride only grows. – Tom Quindlen

Fostering Opportunities For James J. Fronheiser ’58 VSB and his family, the education at VSB provided the foundation for a great number of opportunities—perhaps more than he ever anticipated. After fulfilling his draft obligation in the army, James attended Villanova at the suggestion of his mother and sister. He majored in accounting, with the notion of helping his father, a building contractor, manage the business side of his work. VSB opened other doors though. James pursued public accounting for 18 years, nine of which were spent as a partner with a small firm called Concannon, Fronheiser and Gallagher. While there, he worked closely with Bradley Pulverizer in Allentown, an international manufacturer of pulverizing equipment. They offered James the presidency in 1976, and in 1985 he bought the business. Daughters Rosemarie Lomire ’80 and Kathy McGowan ’83 also came to VSB for a solid business program but found much more. After graduating, Rosemarie worked in public and private accounting until 2002 when she and her husband formed a company called STTS, which supplies


Of Jack’s five children, four attended VSB: Jack Jr. ’77; Kathleen “Casey” Tobia ’78; Stephen ’80; and Tom ’84. By the time Tom went to college, he had the benefit of seeing Jack Jr. run a successful construction business and Casey work for a Big Eight accounting firm. His own career with GE took him all over the world for a series of opportunities that always led to something better, as Tom describes. Today, he’s the CEO of the retail card business at Synchrony Financial, a spin-off of GE Capital.

Villanova Business / Summer 2017

shared tenant services to retirement communities. Kathy headed into public accounting with Ernst & Whinney, followed by an MBA from NYU and then to finance and analyst roles at JPMorgan in NYC, London and Tokyo. She later earned a master’s degree in education and now teaches at an elementary school in Vermont. “The corporate jobs were challenging and rewarding, and the move to teaching math to children has been just as fulfilling,” explains Kathy. “I realize that I can apply my business skills to varying careers as well as nonprofits.” Today, Kathy’s daughter, Kendra McGowan ’18 VSB, is a double major in accounting and finance, and like her grandfather and mother, she appreciates VSB, but for different reasons altogether. For Kendra, it’s the peer tutoring, professional networking, job opportunities and global experiences that she values and that may take her in any number of directions.


Shared Values When Joseph “Joe” Topper Jr. ’77 VSB talks about VSB, the stories routinely circle back to values, which is no coincidence. The school’s fundamental principles and morals bear a striking resemblance to those of the Topper family, beginning with Joe’s father. Joseph V. Topper ’48 VSB, and his wife, Patricia, raised eight children where family and faith came first, followed by loyalty and service to others. His father spent part of his career with The Mobil Oil Corporation until he went into business for himself, which Joe Jr. describes as an economic necessity in order to support eight children.

Entrepreneurship remains a significant part of the Topper family. In 1987, Joe Jr. purchased a portion of his father’s fuel business and went on to establish Lehigh Gas Corporation and subsequently CrossAmerica Partners LP, from which he retired in 2015. He credits Villanova with helping him understand how to tie his values back to business. Today, he heads up Dunne Manning, a portfolio of companies including the legacy fuel business and other investments, with support from daughter Maura Topper ’08 VSB. More important, though, is the job Joe shares with wife Maureen (Gallagher) ’77 CLAS, as parents to Maura, Shannon ’10 CLAS, Connor ’12 VSB and Colleen ’16 VSB—one he happily characterizes as “never ending.”

“Like my father, Villanova taught me to respect everyone, regardless of background, job title or accomplishments. It’s one of the attributes I try to bring into my business. You can’t have a sense of community without respect.” – Joe Topper Jr.

Photo: Establishing the tradition were Joseph V. Topper ’48 VSB and his wife Patricia, seen here in the late 1940s.



Ties that Bind If there’s one thing that’s common to all four families, it’s a sense of connection they continue to feel toward VSB and Villanova. It goes beyond their time on campus, as most of these alumni established bonds to VSB well before their first visit. Kathy McGowan came to know VSB as a child through friendships her father built. “Whenever I heard about Villanova, it was always from my dad and Ken Gerg ’58 VSB,” Kathy says. Tommy Quindlen never saw Villanova until high school but knew it well from the “shrine” his father created: a collage of newspaper clippings covering the 1985 NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. So by the time he made his first campus visit, Villanova already felt like home. For Grace Ann Crenny, she always felt the connection through the VSB faculty. “Anytime I return to campus, my former teachers make a point of asking about my work and my life,” Grace Ann shares. “I can’t imagine that happening anywhere else.” Indeed, it’s the memories and relationships that sustain the connection and perpetuate the tradition from one generation to the next. No one knows that better than Maura Topper. In 2016, Maura celebrated her bridal shower on April 3, the day before the NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship. It meant that she spent not one day but an entire weekend surrounded by her extended VSB family.

Advancing the Tradition Like many alumni, these families share in the Augustinian tradition of service. For many years, James Fronheiser served as a development officer for his class, and today Joe Topper Jr. and Tom Quindlen serve on the University’s Board of Trustees. For Tom, it’s a chance to follow a similar path taken by his father, a former trustee. Joe Topper Jr. stepped into the role of the chair of the Board of Trustees in January 2017. He describes going on the Board as “humbling” and “rewarding,” and embraces the opportunity to give back to the university that means so much to his family. “Of the faculty I’ve gotten to know, about 30 percent are Catholic but when you listen, you hear 90 percent are Augustinian. … The values—Veritas, Unitas, and Caritas—go across religion.” \v/

With this school, it’s an incredible give-and-take relationship. You give a lot, but you receive way more in return. –Maura Topper

Love of the Game For many VSB alumni, Villanova basketball factors heavily into the tradition. Tom Quindlen recalls living overseas in the ‘80s and watching the men’s games on VHS tapes. Kathy McGowan tutored members of the men’s team, including those who went on to win the 1985 Championship. Joe Topper Jr. took Maura to see the women’s team break UConn’s 70-game winning streak in 2003, a moment that Maura found very compelling when deciding among colleges. For Patty Dorris-Crenny, her love for Villanova basketball left her nearly bereft in 1985 when she found herself on the Normandy coast in France the night before the NCAA Championship. The next day, she took three trains across Europe to a US military base outside Frankfurt, Germany where she could watch the game. It’s no surprise that in 2016, she travelled to Houston so she and Grace Ann wouldn’t miss the game.


Villanova Business / Summer 2017


The following families share three generations of VSB students. Do you have three generations of VSB graduates in your family? Reach out and let us know!




1955 John N. Braca

1980 John N. Braca 1980 Ann (McCabe) Braca CLAS

2009 John N. Braca III

1970 J. Richard Brezski

1995 Richard J. Brezski

2019 Kylie Brezski

1953 Michael C. Burke

1981 Kevin Burke 1985 Brian Burke 1988 Sean Burke

2015 Connor Burke

1959 Louis J. Desiderio

1984 David L. Desiderio

2011 David M. Desiderio

1955 Joseph D. Dorris

1982 Patty Dorris-Crenny

2016 Grace Anne Crenny

1957 William J. Eckenrode

1991 William A. Eckenrode 1992 Kelly (Tamashunas) Eckenrode

2020 Kevin Eckenrode

1949 William G. McDonnell

1981 William G. McDonnell Jr.

2009 Margaret (McDonnell) Lehmann

1958 James J. Fronheiser

1980 Rosemarie (Fronheiser) Lomire 1983 Kathleen (Fronheiser) McGowan

1962 John M. Lane

1987 John Lane 1988 Audry (Lane) Calpin 1989 James Calpin

1930 C. Paul Meyer

1954 John J. Quindlen

2018 Kendra McGowan

2020 Colleen Calpin

1974 Patrick Meyer 1986 Edward “Chip” Meyer 1989 Barbara (Lorenz) Meyer

2018 Madison Meyer

1978 Kathleen (Quindlen) Tobia 1978 William Tobia

2014 Emily Tobia CLAS

1980 Stephen Quindlen

1948 Joseph V. Topper

1958 Joseph A. Walheim

1984 Tom Quindlen

2013 Tom Quindlen Jr.

1977 Joseph “Joe” Topper Jr. 1977 Maureen (Gallagher) Topper CLAS

2008 2010 2012 2016

1980 Edward Topper

2012 Patrick Topper 2018 Shaun Topper

1984 Joe Walheim Jr. 1981 Mary (Murphy) Walheim

2019 Andrew Walheim

Maura Topper Shannon Topper CLAS Connor Topper Colleen Topper

1989 Ray Walheim 1991 Jennifer (Hanselnewman) Walheim 1985 1986 1986 1999 1943 William T. Walsh

Jon Walheim Mary (Walheim) Larsen Tom Walheim Julie Walheim

1983 Matthew Walsh

2011 Matthew Walsh Jr. 2012 G. Gregory Walsh

1987 Paul Walsh 1956 Henry J. Whalen

1965 James Whalen

1992 James Whalen Jr. 1991 Denise (Whalen) Methlie

The list of families features SIX couples who married a fellow VSB graduate!



Faculty Achievements VSB boasts world-class faculty members that are nationally recognized experts in their fields, with 90 percent holding a PhD or the highest degree in their discipline. They excel across the board—in research, instruction and innovation. Our renowned faculty are media savvy professionals and can provide insightful commentary on a multitude of businessrelated topics both nationally and locally. Among their many qualifications are degrees from prestigious institutions, articles in premier academic journals, and experience working with the world’s top organizations.


Paul Hanouna, PhD Rabih Moussawi, PhD Receive Award for ETF Research Paul Hanouna, PhD, associate professor of Finance, and Rabih Moussawi, PhD, assistant professor of Finance, received a 10,000 euro prize from the ETF Research Academy for their paper “Do ETFs increase the commonality in liquidity of underlying stocks?” Drs. Hanouna and Moussawi were honored by the ETF Research Academy, which is sponsored by the University of Paris and Lyxor Asset Management, and attempts to identify research and recommendations in the realm of Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs). “This is an impressive result for the fantastic research that VSB faculty engage in to maintain their position at the forefront of the business world,” said Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD, The Helen and William O’Toole Dean of VSB. “We are proud of the strides that Dr. Hanouna and Dr. Moussawi have made in their field.”


Christopher Kilby, PhD

David Fiorenza

Represents Villanova School of Business at World Trade Institute

Appointed to the GFOA Committee on Economic Development & Capital Planning

Christopher Kilby, PhD, professor of Economics, spoke at a roundtable discussion hosted by the World Trade Institute in Bern, Switzerland. The topic, “US Foreign Economic and Development Policy and the Trump Administration,” examined what Americans can expect in the next four years. Dr. Kilby discussed the likely impact of the Trump administration on the World Bank.

David Fiorenza, instructor of Economics, has been appointed as a member of the Committee on Economic Development and Capital Planning (CEDCP) by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The GFOA is a professional international organization for those in municipal finance, and has over 18,000 esteemed members from city, state, county and local municipalities. Additionally, Fiorenza was selected for the GFOA of PA speaker bureau.

Dr. Kilby also presented a paper at the 10th Political Economy of International Organizations conference with Erasmus Kersting, PhD, The McCarthy Family Associate Professor, titled “The Rise of Supplemental Lending at the World Bank.” Their research documents a dramatic increase in the practice of adding supplemental funds to existing World Bank projects since the global financial crisis. The research identifies the changing nature of donor-country influence in multilateral development aid and how geopolitical goals may undermine the development effectiveness of foreign aid.

The CEDCP focuses on assisting finance officers to become knowledgeable participants in planning, evaluation and execution of community economic development and capital issues through the drafting and promotion of policies, procedures and best practices.


Published In 2017, VSB faculty members released exciting new books. Handbook of Research on Counterfeiting and Illicit Trade Peggy Chaudhry, PhD, associate professor of Management & Operations, wrote Handbook of Research on Counterfeiting and Illicit Trade to explore the expanding global illicit trade problem. In addition to her book, Dr. Chaudhry shared her expertise at the Economist’s Global Illicit Trade Summit last February in Brussels, Belgium. Her book highlights global enforcement issues and initiatives to stifle illicit trade, and discusses piracy on the internet and in the music industry.

Catholic Parishes of the 21st Century Charles Zech, PhD, of VSB’s Center for Church Management and professor of Economics, partnering with the Center for Applied Research in the Apostate at Georgetown University, examines the current state of American parish life in Catholic Parishes of the 21st Century. Today, although Catholic parishes have fewer ordained and non-ordained religious vocations, they must adapt to an increasingly diverse population. Dr. Zech states that his book “challenges the conventional wisdom by providing empirical facts and suggestions for making the most of lay staff and volunteers and ensuring the financial stability of our parishes.” His research helps scholars of American Catholicism and parish diocesan planners adapt to changing social climates. Dr. Zech concluded, “In spite of the enormous changes that have impacted the US Catholic Church, there are many reasons for optimism and I think it has a bright future.”

The Innovator’s Imperative: Emerging Technologies for Digital Transformation In this book Stephen Andriole, PhD, the Thomas G. Labrecque Professor of Business, Accountancy & Information Systems, in conjunction with VU students Tom Cox ’16 COE and Kaung Khin ’16 VSB, demonstrates how companies have embraced a “technology first/requirements second” approach to technology adoption. This discovery comes from his research, which revealed that companies are eager to throw the old technology adoption models out the window and move toward the rapid adoption of emerging technologies, about which they know relatively little. The book addresses companies’ growing dependence on digital technology for operational efficiency and strategic competitiveness. Due to his expertise, Dr. Andriole was invited to chair a panel discussion on digital transformation at the Philadelphia Federal Reserve in March, which hosted 29 CIOs, regulators and auditors from all of the Federal Reserve offices in the country. At the panel he highlighted the outstanding research the Villanova School of Business is conducting on digital transformation, technology adoption and technology trends.


Villanova Business / Summer 2017


Four Students Make VSB History Placing First in CUIBE International Case Competition

Four VSB seniors out-competed 15 teams from universities across the nation to place first in the seventh annual Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE) International Case Competition held at Northeastern University in Boston. The first-place finishers—Brian Chueh ’17, Erica Chuong ’17, Andrew Liou ’17 and Chris Sweeney ’17—were tasked with examining a business case for Unilever and presenting their recommendations to a panel of judges in less than 48 hours. “This is the first time in VSB history that our team has earned first place in this competition,” said Ward Utter, associate chair, Management & Operations, who served as the faculty advisor for the team. “We’ve come close many times, but this year’s team was well prepared thanks to plenty of support from the VSB community. I was honored to see their hard work and smart approach rewarded with the first-place recognition.”

Pictured left to right: Chris Sweeney ’17, Andrew Liou ’17, Erica Chuong ’17 and Brian Chueh ’17

The case competition allows students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to network and gain real-world experience in a competitive environment, sharpening their critical thinking and presentation skills.

VSB Online Graduate Programs

Ranked #4 by U.S. News & World Report The Villanova School of Business was recognized among the top schools in the nation on the U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best Online Graduate Business Programs list, earning the #4 rank. In addition to achieving #4 overall, VSB was also ranked #3 for Student Services and Technology, and #4 for Student Engagement. VSB’s consistently strong performance in this ranking validates the school’s ability to deliver a high-quality learning experience for students regardless of the mode of delivery. Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD, The Helen and William O’Toole Dean of VSB, notes, “Success in the online environment underscores the strength of our faculty, curriculum, students and support services, which we are incredibly proud of.” The U.S. News & World Report’s annual ranking of online graduate business programs takes into account the reputation of the program among high-ranking academic officials in business through a peer survey administered each fall. The ranking’s methodology also emphasizes student engagement, admissions selectivity, faculty credentials and training, and student services and technology capabilities. VSB offers two online specialized master’s degree programs: the Master of Science in Church Management (MSCM), and the Master of Science in Analytics (MSA). Both programs were built from the ground up and with input from industry professionals, for a fully tailored and application-based experience. For more information and to see the complete ranking, please visit



Villanova School of Business

Forbes Under 30 Scholars David Moshons ’18 MBA

Jessica Manion ’17 MBA

Lauren Hochenberger ’19 MBA

Brady Acton ’18 VSB

Michael Buysse ’17 VSB

Today’s brightest young entrepreneurs In 2016, Forbes introduced the first Forbes Under 30 Scholars program—selecting 1,000 students from the nation’s top schools and giving them free access to the publication’s Under 30 Summit, a gathering of the world’s top young entrepreneurs. Twelve Villanova students, seven of which are from VSB, were selected as Forbes Under 30 Scholars and spent Oct. 16–19 in Boston at the 2016 Forbes Under 30 Summit. The Villanova Career Center was instrumental in connecting these Villanovans with this opportunity. “It is an honor that so many Villanovans were selected as Forbes Under 30 Scholars,” said Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD, The Helen and William O’Toole Dean of the Villanova School of Business. “We’re so proud that seven students were chosen from our business school, which is continually recognized for the strength of our program and educational experience. We look forward to seeing their successful careers and lives after graduation.” Not Pictured: Brendan Dermody ’17 MBA, Heather Fuller Morren ’17 MBA


Villanova Business / Summer 2017


Building Better Connections Students in Villanova School of Business and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) now have more opportunities than ever to immerse themselves in digital marketing—all thanks to a forward-thinking partnership with one of the world’s leading marketing firms, Young & Rubicam (Y&R). The carefully designed program gives students an insider’s look at this rapidly evolving field through site visits to Y&R offices, panel discussions with VSB alumni, and an undergraduate course offered jointly by VSB and CLAS with VML, a Y&R partner firm. Students can even apply for Z Academy, Y&R’s innovative apprenticeship program where students work domestically or overseas with Y&R’s top clients.

“ Villanova is investing in programs and solutions that help us reach the right students and match them to the right opportunities.” – William Manfredi, Global Chief Talent Officer, Y&R

It’s the result of a collaborative effort among the University Career Center (UCC), VSB, CLAS and Y&R to build a strategy that fosters students’ professional development while meeting the agency’s talent needs. Maggie Songer, associate director of the UCC, and Brenda Stover, executive director of the O’Donnell Center for Professional Development, see this model working for other employers as well. Y&R’s global chief talent officer, William Manfredi, is an ardent proponent of the approach. He partners with eight to 10 US schools with strong programs in marketing, analytics, strategy and communications and a willingness to engage with employers strategically. “Many universities overlook the importance of bridging relationships between recruiters and student candidates,” describes Manfredi.

VSB Announces Enhanced

19-Month EMBA Experience VSB is proud to be making exciting enhancements to its Executive MBA program. Beginning in September 2017, the Villanova EMBA will now be offered in just 19 months with classes meeting every three weeks in a new state-of-the-art facility, The Inn at Villanova University. VSB continues its commitment to working professionals by reducing the overall completion schedule by two months—meeting every three weeks on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for a total of 22 weekends. By contrast, the previous schedule met every other week on Fridays and Saturdays and took 21 months to complete, or 33 weekends. Incoming student Scott Donadio EMBA ’19 said, “The Villanova EMBA program was a top consideration when evaluating EMBA programs, and the 2017 schedule revision was a contributing factor to my enrollment in the program. By reducing the number of classes on weekdays, it allowed my employer to commit to the time I will need away from the office, and shortening the overall program to 19 months will make it easier to balance school, work and family.” EMBA students will now stay and take classes at The Inn at Villanova University, a newly renovated space designed to provide a collaborative environment and promote maximum student interaction. Improvements include the modernized classroom technology, updated guestroom bathrooms and private balconies, a fitness center, high-speed internet access, and fine dining.

Alumni advocacy plays an essential role as well. For years, Danielle Honrath ’07 VSB returned to campus to speak to VSB marketing classes, and recently she started participating on VSB’s Center for Marketing and Consumer Insights Advisory Board. While serving as global chief of staff for Y&R, she worked closely with Manfredi and saw the fit. “I’m always impressed by my fellow Villanovans,” Honrath shares. “They’re inquisitive and eager but most importantly, they’re well prepared for the business world.”



Spotlight on

Erica Chuong ’17 VSB

Chuong received her degree in Management and International Business with minors in Business Analytics, Business Law & Corporate Governance, and Chinese. Three months prior to commencement Chuong accepted an offer from the accounting firm KPMG to be an associate in its Audit and Analytics office in Philadelphia. During her senior year at Villanova, Chuong and three VSB teammates (Christopher Sweeney ’17 VSB, Brian Chueh ’17 VSB and Andrew Liou ’17 VSB) won first place in the highly competitive Consortium for Undergraduate International Business Education (CUIBE) International Case Competition (see page 11 for more). Their team project was to market a Unilever hand soap to a specific area in India. “The competition was a great way to apply what we’ve learned in our business courses, and having that kind of a deadline gave us the initiative we needed,” Chuong said. “We all worked so hard.” She added how thankful they were that their faculty advisor, Ward Utter, associate chair of Management & Operations, had helped them with business strategies. Chuong grew up in Pittsburgh and studied Mandarin Chinese for four years in high school, and is now conversationally fluent in that language. “My high school had a variety of international exchange programs, so I met students from France, Spain and Thailand,” Chuong says. After she graduated from high school, she went to Thailand to teach English to children in primary school. Chuong’s international experiences continued once she arrived at VSB. Chuong was selected to be part of VSB’s Global Citizens Program and had three opportunities to study abroad to focus on international business during her freshman and junior years. She spent spring of 2014 at the National University of Singapore, fall of 2015 at the University of Melbourne (during which she completed her requirements for her Chinese minor), and spring of 2016 at the higher education institution Fundação Getúlio Vargas in Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Villanova Business / Summer 2017

While in Brazil, Chuong took courses such as global corruption, Brazilian foreign policy and corporate social responsibility. Chuong states:

My time in Brazil was really interesting because of the political changes and the Olympics occurring at the same time. Our class discussions often revolved around Brazilian policy and doing business in Brazil, which was eye-opening.

While in Sao Paolo Chuong interned for six months as an analyst at Unilever’s Competitor Intelligence sector. Chuong’s mentor, Steve DeRose ’76 VSB and advisory council member of VSB’s Center for Global Leadership, has been a big help to her as a sounding board and for giving career advice. “He has so much experience and insight in international business, which is the field I want to go into, and he was instrumental in helping me get an internship in Brazil,” Chuong explains. A former vice president of Global Customer Development Excellence at Unilever (now retired), DeRose says, “Erica has an insatiable passion to experience and absorb the diverse cultures of our world, and a willingness to share what she has learned with us all.” He added, “Early on, I thought her academic and semester abroad plans were a bit ambitious, but Erica has exceeded all expectations with ease and grace.” \v/


Global Leadership Fellow Erica Chuong graduated in May and has already started making a name for herself. In April she, along with Chinasa Nwokocha ’17 VSB, was named by Poets & Quants—a top news website for business schools—

one of the 100 best and brightest business majors in the US who are poised to be the future leaders of the business world.



Food is the New Tech Talk to three of the hottest food and beverage startups coming out of VSB and it’s clear they’ve taken entrepreneurship to the next level. With premium ice cream, craft beers and designer cakes, these VSB alumni recognize how innovation and technology can give their brands an edge. Tapping Real Potential When Luke Bowen ’10 MBA and Trevor Hayward ’10 MBA opened their brewery this March, they were no strangers to the craft beer scene. Since launching Evil Genius Beer in 2011, they’ve built a strong brand and loyal fan base—all without their own production facility.

“ Craft beer is capital intensive. To start, we used contract breweries and sold our product wholesale. Our approach was atypical, but it helped us raise capital,” Bowen explains. They acquired a 6,000-square-foot space in the trendy Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia, which they overhauled from top to bottom with sustainable design. The collapsing roof was replaced with large sky lights, the floors use radiant heat, and the front and back walls are garage doors that open for cross ventilation. The “beer lab” features state-of-the-art equipment plus 10 industrial-sized kegs that connect directly to bar-side taps.

Top: Trevor Hayward ’10 MBA next to the many taps at Evil Genius Bottom: A perfect pour for Luke Bowen ’10 MBA

To support these food and beverage startups, visit their websites Evil Genius Beer Minus the Moo Twinkle Bakery


Villanova Business / Summer 2017

Though modern in most respects, the space doesn’t lack for the nostalgia associated with Evil Genius Beer. One seating area resembles an 80s-style basement with oversized sofas, a bookcase-style wall unit and a box TV connected to a Sega Genesis video game system.


Reinventing a Classic Innovation is certainly key to Minus the Moo, a gourmet ice cream company launched by Gwen Burlingame ’12 VSB and Katy Flannery ’12 CON. The former college roommates believe ice cream should be enjoyed by all, even those who are lactose intolerant, like Flannery. They developed a premium product using locally sourced dairy ingredients plus an all-natural enzyme that breaks down the lactose. “Our mission focuses on values as much as solutions,” explains Burlingame. “We’re passionate about putting good food in the marketplace.” Based in Boston, Burlingame and Flannery began selling their product at farmers markets in July 2015 and today, their five flavors are sold at nearly 40 Whole Foods and other specialty markets around Boston. In the coming months, distribution will grow to 65 stores in New England, with plans for 150 markets in the Northeast by the end of 2017.

Veronica Santos ’09 VSB and twin sister Kimmy Santos

The New Recipe for Success Like many entrepreneurs today, Veronica Santos ’09 VSB knows how social media can make the difference. Vee, as friends know her, and twin sister Kimmy always loved to bake and learned to make designer cakes online in college. They began posting their creations on Facebook and Instagram and things took off “like wildfire,” as Vee describes. Orders poured in. Despite the overwhelming interest, they remain focused on service and quality above all else. Vee describes Kimmy and herself as perfectionists, so they limit orders to two or three events per week. They also still work full-time jobs: Vee, a tax manager at PECO in Philadelphia, and Kimmy, a pharmacist in Washington, DC, both manage clients in their respective cities. That may all change, as the appetite for Twinkle Bakery grows. Through social media, Vee and Kimmy were contacted by TV producers interested in developing a reality show about twins opening their own bakery.

Katy Flannery ’12 CON and Gwen Burlingame ’12 VSB

“In many ways, it’s the best time to be a food startup,” Burlingame shares. “Big brands can’t innovate the way startups can and that’s creating opportunities for brands like ours.”

“Who knows what may come of those conversations,” Vee explains, “But it may be a sign that we should take Twinkle Bakery to the next level.” \v/



Key n o

VSB Hosts 12th Annual Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance Program







ili p S h a n tra

In March, VSB hosted the 12th Annual Mid-Atlantic Research Conference in Finance Program. Michael Pagano, PhD, The Robert J. and Mary Ellen Darretta Endowed Chair in Finance and professor, organized and hosted the conference. It featured distinguished speakers from the world of finance, such as keynote speaker Philip Strahan from Boston College, who discussed the topic of “Bank Quality, Judicial Efficiency and Borrower Runs: Loan Repayment Delays in Italy.”



Villanovans on Set




el P agano

What Business Students Can Learn from Hollywood By Michael Lawler ’17 EMBA, Zach Hogan ’18 VSB and Joe Marotta ‘18 VSB As VSB students, we understand the importance of connecting with alumni who share similar passions. We were able to do just that this past spring by participating in the Villanova On Set program, spearheaded by the Villanova Innovation, Creativity, and Entrepreneurship Institute and the Department of Communication in CLAS. We were lucky enough to meet Jerry DiCanio ’79 VSB, executive vice president, Production Operations, NBCUniversal; Jeff Miller ’79 VSB, president of operations at Walt Disney Studios; and Jerry Petry ’72 VSB, retired NBCUniversal executive and Villanova Alumni Association Board Member, who exposed us to several facets of the entertainment industry. With DiCanio serving as our mentor, we quickly realized that he is the embodiment of what it takes to be successful in Hollywood; he is articulate and brilliant in accounting and cost control, and it became clear to us that hard work is the secret to his success. Throughout the week-long adventure in LA, where we met more than 60 incredible artists, executives and leaders, we learned what it takes to succeed in Hollywood: Start at the bottom, either in the mail room or as a production assistant. This is everyone’s entry-level position—period. Expect to work harder than you ever have before. Network with everyone. Accept what’s given to you and then exceed expectations. Success is rarely a ladder leading you to the top, but more like a game of Plinko from The Price Is Right; you will bounce around based on your success. Do the right thing in all situations, just as Villanova has taught us to do.


Villanova Business / Summer 2017


VSB’s Center for Church Management Receives $750,000 Grant from the Lilly Endowment

CCM Team Meets the Pope

The Center for Church Management (CCM) provides programming to help church leaders be stewards of their resources, respond to the economic needs of their parish, and use their facilities effectively, thus building a stronger church.

The festival focused on creative solutions for the Church of the next 20 years, and was co-sponsored by the International School of Pastoral Management at the Pontifical Lateran University and VSB.

In March, Charles Zech, PhD, and James Gallo of VSB’s Center for Church Management, were greeted by Pope Francis while visiting Rome for the first International Festival of Creativity in Pastoral Management at the Pontifical Lateran University.

“ It is a true honor to receive the Lilly Endowment, and it is a reflection of the unique educational programs we offer church leaders.” –Charles Zech, PhD, of VSB’s CCM and professor, Economics

“Since Pope Francis expressed his desire to overhaul Church finances, our Church Management program has been a leader in providing the proper foundation for economic success within the Church. With this funding, we will work with seminaries to introduce financial literacy into the curriculum,” Dr. Zech continued. The Lilly Endowment is a private philanthropic foundation that focuses on support for the causes of religion, education and community development. The Endowment affords emphasis on projects that promote leadership education and financial self-sufficiency in the nonprofit charitable sector.

VSB Wins Three 2017 CUPPIE Gold Awards The Villanova School of Business was selected as a winner of the 2017 CUPPIE Awards for creative excellence in marketing and communications in education by College and University Public Relations and Associated Professionals (CUPRAP). CUPRAP is comprised of nearly 350 communications professionals dedicated to advancing the understanding of higher education and representing more than 100 institutions. VSB was recognized among the 386 submissions at the 10th annual CUPPIE competition for the following entries: Photography Gold

VSB Faculty Portrait Series Print/Magazines Gold

Villanova Business, Summer 2016 Advertising/Outdoor Gold

VSB Graduate Campaign



Adam Smith Prize

Endowed by Former Awardee When John Haines ’79 CLAS was an Economics major at Villanova, the Adam Smith Prize was a prestigious honor, but not a lucrative one. Haines won with a paper on the integration of personal and corporate income tax and was awarded $200 for his achievement. When Haines discovered in 2010 that the prize was still given, but that the award had not increased, he resolved to change that. “I wanted to create a certainty that the award would continue,” Haines asserts. He began with a generous 10-year commitment to fund both a first place and second place prize at $2,000 and $1,000, respectively. In 2016, Haines decided to formalize that arrangement by endowing the award. Times have certainly changed since his award; Haines says he wrote his paper over winter break, typing it onto a long roll of piano paper that was cut and pasted together. When he was done, he had about 15 feet of writing to be typed up.

Daniel M. DiLella Center for Real Estate Creates:

Nova Next


“ I admired those who won the prize ahead of me, and I’ve been increasingly impressed by the work in the years that followed.” –John Haines ’79 CLAS

According to Peter Zaleski, PhD, department chair, Economics, Haines’s generosity has had an enormous effect on the competition submissions. “The increased prize generates more entries at a higher quality level,” Dr. Zaleski says. Since Haines’s initial gift, two winners have gone on to win TAUSSIG awards; another has been published in American Economist; and the 2016 winner, Ryan Zalla ’17 CLAS, had his paper named as one of the top five undergraduate papers in the nation by the International Atlantic Economic Society.

Nova Next Council members are rising leaders within their organizations, possess five-to-20 years of relevant industry experience, and will serve as a conduit between students and professionals by shaping the content and delivery of programming, philanthropic efforts and networking opportunities offered by the DiLella Center. “We created the Nova Next Council to capture the energy and ideas of rising industry leaders and to promote the link between academic theory and practice,” said Benjamin Scheick, PhD, ’03 VSB, The Kenneth ’84 and Pamela Roessler Assistant Professor of Finance. Dr Scheick continued,

“This group is actively shaping the markets in which they operate, is passionate about sharing these experiences with the Villanova community, and will connect our students to today’s decision-makers.” Mark Thomson ’05 VSB, senior managing director and co-head of HFF Philadelphia, and Ian Christ ’04 VSB, vice president of US Transactions, PGIM Real Estate, served as co-chairs for the 2016/2017 year. Scheick and Jessica Taylor, center director, will serve as liaisons and advisors.. Daniel M. DiLella ‘73 VSB, chief benefactor for the DiLella Center for Real Estate, added, “Our hope for the Nova Next Council is to provide further support for faculty research and teaching, ensure relevance in our curriculum, and put the insights of industry experts into action.”

Visit Nova Next for more information at nova-next-members.


Villanova Business / Summer 2017

Thirty-six members were selected from a very strong applicant pool for the inaugural council. The members represent companies such as HFF, Equus Capital Partners, PREIT, EY, Brandywine Realty Trust, LaSalle Investment Management and more.


Kevin A. Tedeschi ’71 VSB

Gives $1 Million to Help Bridge the Gap Between Business Theory and Practice

My VSB education is what helped me run my own business. You have to have several things to be successful, but your education is the foundation.

Kevin A. Tedeschi ’71 VSB of Duxbury, Mass. has always been proud of his alma mater. But when the school was ranked as the #1 undergraduate business program in the nation by Bloomberg Businessweek in 2016, he said, “Being recognized around the country for that #1 ranking filled me with even greater pride.” For the past five years, Tedeschi has been active in VSB’s New England Campaign Committee, and later became a member of the President’s Advisory Council. Soon after the ranking, he decided to give back in another way: by donating $1 million to endow an assistant professorship and name a classroom in Bartley Hall. His gift will help continue the renovation of Bartley Hall and create a classroom that is designed to encourage collaboration and reflect the professional environments VSB students will enter post-graduation. “By endowing an assistant professorship at VSB, Kevin’s gift will provide greatly needed resources that enable our faculty to examine important issues in business today and help bridge the gap between theory and practice. Such support not only provides for academic investigation; it also helps ensure that our students receive a relevant, cutting-edge

business education,” said Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD, the Helen and William O’Toole Dean of VSB. Villanova gave Tedeschi the broadbased education that he says he very much needed and appreciated. Tedeschi is retired from a successful business career in liquor retail, branching from the Tedeschi family business of supermarket and convenience store chains that was started by his grandfather, Angelo Tedeschi. Six days after graduating from Villanova, Tedeschi started working for himself in the liquor retail business. “In those days, it was not uncommon to go right to work after graduating,” he says. “It was a natural thing for me to do, and within two years I bought a second store.” “My family has been in the business since my grandfather opened a small specialty Italian goods store in Rockland, Mass. in the 1920s,” he

says. Kevin’s father Ralph ran the business after returning from World War II; he and his brothers bought chain stores that were started by a local man, and their business grew from there. They named the first chain Tedeschi’s Supermarket; the second they named Angelo’s. The Tedeschis were successful, and within one year they doubled the businesses, started another chain and eventually sold it. “It’s key to know when the right time to sell is,” said Tedeschi. “You can guess, but you have to have the instinct. These things are never black and white.” Kevin was not the only Tedeschi to apply a VSB education to his career. Other family members attended VSB as well: his brother Brian Tedeschi ’72 VSB, and cousins Robert Tedeschi ’75 VSB and Charlie Fitzgibbons ’71 VSB.



Villanovans Helping Villanovans So often we hear reports from the field about how VSB alumni near and far are helping other Villanovans, furthering the Augustinian tradition of academic and personal growth and a commitment to service. Here are three alumni who are doing just that:

Jim Rowley, CFA ’93 VSB Jim Rowley is a senior investment strategist in Vanguard’s Investment Strategy Group who has been guest lectur­ing for the past four years in the Market Structure, Trading and Liquidity class taught by Michael Pagano, PhD, The Robert J. and Mary Ellen Darretta Endowed Chair in Finance. In that class, he discusses topics such as exchange traded funds, an area of expertise for Rowley. “It’s fun to teach; I love talking with students,” he says.

Jim Rowley ’93 VSB speaks to students in the finance lab.

Dan Aversano ’04 VSB Dan Aversano is senior vice president, Ad Innovation and Programmatic Solutions at Turner in New York City, and is one of the most engaged members of VSB’s Center for Marketing and Consumer Insights (CMCI) Council. His gifts to Villanova have been used for a number of initiatives, primarily funding student research projects in the Consumer Insights Lab. He’s taken part in VSB programs on campus, has hired students, and has hosted Villanova events at Turner’s innovative 10,000-square-foot media lab. “Once I heard about CMCI’s mission and learned about the opportunity to help students, I was eager to join,” says Aversano. “As a former marketing major, I can sympathize with the daunting nature of figuring out what a career in marketing means. It can be so many different things, from sales to advertising to brand management.” He explains that the marketing world is in a state of reinvention; marketing was traditionally thought of as closely tied to the creative process, but now is much more technology and data-driven. “I’m fortunate to be one of the early adopters and champions of these changes,” he says.

After graduating from Villanova as a finance major with a minor in German, Rowley went to Germany and became an English tutor for a program in the town of Rottweil that was sponsored by the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart. While there, he took on additional responsibilities: “My first lesson learned was that we all represent something bigger than ourselves,” Rowley says, “whether it’s your family or your hometown; when I was in Germany I wasn’t just representing myself, I was also representing Villanova.” Rowley carries this idea with him and likes to get involved to help others. When he speaks at Villanova, he encourages students to contact him if they’re looking for career advice. “I remember what it’s like to be starting out in the field and I know what the various job functions are, so I’m happy to help them,” Rowley says. Rowley also volunteers his time with the Villanova Equity Society, a student-run organization that manages a portfolio of equity securities, and serves as a liaison for VSB and its students to the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Society of Philadelphia, helping students understand more about the field. Rowley is also a trustee of The Support Fund Trust of the Province of Saint Thomas of Villanova. The Trust provides support for the aged, infirm and disabled members of the Augustinian Province of St. Thomas of Villanova.

“ Making time is always challenging, but we make time for what is important to us. And helping Villanova, alumni and current students is important to me. I owe much of my success to Villanova because it has shaped who I am today.” –Dan Aversano


Villanova Business / Summer 2017


“ I t’s really important to teach students

the business skills they need to succeed in life. The reality is that VSB students are so talented, they don’t require any hand-holding. ”

Tracy Brala ’90 VSB

Tracy Brala ’90 VSB Tracy Brala has been active in the Villanova Alumni Association for many years and is the immediate past president of its board of directors. She says the Alumni Association is the voice of the university to alumni, and vice versa. Brala has met alumni from around the world and tries to make sure they still feel a connection to Villanova. “Villanova gave so much to me; it helped me develop as a leader, so I feel like it’s absolutely important to give back to Villanova,” she says. Brala has been a guest lecturer in the Backpack to Briefcase class that focuses on the transition from being a student to being a member of the workforce. She’s made many introductions for Villanova students. An executive director for growth and strategy at Comcast, she has hosted Villanova students for an immersion trek that focused on digital marketing and included a new product demonstration by Comcast engineers. “The trek painted a picture of what it means to be in digital marketing, and to truly see what a day in that life is like,” says Brala. “Comcast is such a great employer in the Philadelphia marketing space. Plus, we’ve got so many Villanovans here that there are many opportunities for students to learn, grow and interact.” \v/



Vascular Surgeon with Villanova MBA Conducts Innovative Research in Chronic Wound Care For more than 25 years, Michael S. Weingarten, MD, ’96 MBA has been caring for patients in the Philadelphia area who have chronic wounds.


Villanova Business / Summer 2017



e opened the very first comprehensive wound program in the city at The Graduate Hospital,” Dr. Weingarten says. “Wound care has been a sub-specialty of mine. When I was recruited by Drexel University College of Medicine in 2001, they wanted me to set up a wound program, and that’s what I did.” A fellow of the American College of Surgeons, Dr. Weingarten also has an MBA from Villanova. He had been a practicing surgeon for several years, but enrolled in the MBA program at the suggestion of his wife Carol Toussie Weingarten, PhD, RN, ANEF, an associate professor at the Villanova College of Nursing. “In my day, you learned nothing in medical school about the business of health care and nothing about billing; that was taboo,” says Dr. Weingarten. “In fact, it was felt that doctors were to learn how to take care of patients without thinking about financial aspects. But in reality you can’t take care of patients without worrying about how their insurance is going to cover their health care.”

“There are literally millions of people in the US suffering from these wounds, and if you look at the economics of it, it’s a large burden on the health care system. So if we can find any way to speed up healing, that would be beneficial for the patient and for the health care system,” explains Dr. Weingarten. When he’s not caring for patients or doing research, Dr. Weingarten, who has been named a “Top Doc” by Philadelphia magazine five times, teaches a Business of Healthcare course to Drexel medical students. “I was the first person to teach the course, and I never would have been asked nor qualified to do this if I hadn’t gone to Villanova,” he says. Not only is Dr. Weingarten a top doctor in his field, he’s also a top educator. This spring he received the Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching, one of the most prestigious higher education awards given nationally.

While at VSB, Dr. Weingarten did an independent study on analytical hierarchical processing— a way of taking qualitative information and quantifying it—with Robert Nydick, PhD, professor of Management & Operations. He and Dr. Nydick applied the approach to a selection of applicants for surgery. Dr. Weingarten’s research was later published in the journal Academic Medicine with Dr. Nydick as coauthor. Dr. Weingarten is medical director of the Drexel University College of Medicine Comprehensive Wound Healing program and Drexel’s Non-Invasive Vascular Laboratory. For more than a decade he and colleagues from Drexel’s School of Bioengineering have been engaged in funded research on wound healing, and their work has been presented and published internationally. Their most recent project is funded by a five-year, $3 million grant from the National Institutes of Health and is focused on improving healing for patients with venous and diabetic wounds. He’s partnered with biomedical engineers who have developed new technology in the form of a small, lightweight patch that uses ultrasound to speed the healing process. They apply the new device to the patient’s wound in order to actively stimulate healing.

In the Villanova tradition, Dr. Weingarten and his family are committed to service. For example, for two-week missions over six years (2009–2014), Dr. Weingarten served as a volunteer vascular surgeon through the Combat Casualty Program and cared for wounded troops at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. His wife served as a volunteer with the Chaplains Wounded Warrior Ministry Center and as a consultant to the Department of Nursing. He and their daughter, Robin Weingarten Wood, volunteered together in Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. With both parents in the health care field, it’s no wonder that Robin followed suit; she earned her PhD in Nursing from Villanova College of Nursing this May and is nurse manager of the Emergency department at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. \v/



An Interview with

Professor Gerald A. Dougherty CPA, ’58 VSB

Professor Dougherty with 56 years of grade books.


Where Hard Work and Luck Intersect For decades, Accountancy majors could hardly graduate from the Villanova School of Business without having Professor Gerald Dougherty. After more than 56 years, he’s taught longer than anyone else at VSB and is widely considered a legend. Though not fond of the attention, Prof. Dougherty spoke openly about his career and the good fortune he’s enjoyed at VSB.


What brought you to VSB as a student and then as a teacher?

I thought maybe I could be an engineer. I took a year off after high school to work and earn the $300 [for tuition] and saw my buddies flunk engineering. Since I was starting college late, I took accounting instead and I loved it. As a student, I commuted to Villanova along with a faculty member. We’d talk and once I said, “I think I’d be interested in teaching.” After graduation, I was working for a small public accounting firm. He had since become the department chair and invited me to speak to the Accounting Society. In 1961, I started teaching part time and went full time in 1963. I was extremely lucky.


How many students have you taught?

I’ve taught every required [undergraduate] accounting class, so it’s not a simple answer. By my estimation, I come to 25,000 students, including CPA review and training seminars. Former students often come back and say, “You taught me!” I’ll ask where, because I teach at Villanova, at CPA training, at staff training, and they say, “All of the above!”


ell us about the classroom in Bartley, T dedicated to you in 2006, and the teaching award named in your honor in 2007.

A group of alumni led by Jack Surgent ’80 VSB and Bruce Peacock ’73 VSB came together and raised a generous sum to dedicate a room in my honor, and I was extremely humbled. Afterward, there was money left over and Jack asked me what they ought to do with it. We decided that the income from endowment would be used for the annual Gerald A. Dougherty Endowed Faculty Award for Undergraduate Teaching. Given my background teaching undergraduates, it made sense.


What made you stay for so long?

I have never, ever had a bad day here. I’ve enjoyed every minute in the classroom. I also taught a CPA review course for 27 years and delivered staff training programs for small- and medium-sized CPA firms for 32 years. So I was approached [for other jobs], but I had no desire to leave. I do not have a PhD. When I started teaching, an MBA and a CPA sufficed. When the national accreditation standards changed in 1968, I was the youngest member of the Accounting department. I also happened to be the assistant dean. Villanova was very kind and very fair. They grandfathered those with MBAs and CPAs and granted me tenure.


What’s been the highlight of your career?

Winning the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award for Outstanding Teaching has been the highlight. I came here to teach. What’s more important than being recognized by colleagues and students alike? I was very satisfied.

A Fan Like No Other Prof. Dougherty started attending Villanova men’s basketball at the Palestra in the early 1950s. A season ticket holder since 1961, he describes the 1985 championship as “the night I died and went to heaven,” but after 2016, he’s looking forward to a third title. “With this wonderful sports tradition, my degree and values that match my own, how could I not be satisfied at Villanova?”



VSB Dean’s Advisory Council (DAC) The DAC provides advice and guidance to the dean of the Villanova School of Business on important strategic initiatives under consideration at the school. Josef “Joe” Allen ’89 VSB

Lisa M. Gray ’86 VSB

John F. Phinney P ’17

General Manager, US Global Operations Center GE

Co-Founder and Managing Partner Phoenix IP Ventures

Co-Managing Partner Convergence, LLC

Robert “Rob” Arning P ’17

Peter J. Hofbauer ’84 VSB

Paul D. Ridder ’00 MBA

Vice Chair, Market Development KPMG LLP

Chief Operating Officer Concord International Investments Group

President Tasty Baking Company

Richard “Rick” Betz ’84 VSB

Martin “Marty” Hughes ’79 VSB

CEO Resolute Energy Corporation

Chief Executive Officer and Director Redwood Trust

President and Chief Executive Officer BWAY Corporation

Peter Cieszko ’82 VSB, P ’20

William M. “Bill” Kelly ’72 VSB

Chief Client Officer – Americas American Century Investments

Chief Executive Officer Blue Tee Corporation

Stephen “Steve” DeAngelis ’88 VSB

Peter Knobloch ’75 VSB

Executive VP and Head of Distribution FS Investment Solutions

Retired Chief Investment Officer Assembly

Joseph V. “Joe” Del Raso, Esq. ’74 VSB, ’83 VLS

John McCarthy P ’15

Partner Pepper Hamilton LLP

Justin DiGaetano ’02 VSB Founding Partner and Principal Fidato Partners

Peter P. DiLullo ’72 VSB

President and COO McCarthy Tire & Automotive Centers

Bill R. McDermott Chief Executive Officer SAP SE

Michael “Mike” McLaughlin ’88 VSB


US Country Head and Head of Credit Markets Macquarie Group Limited

Christine Dorfler ’97 VSB

Robert A. “Bob” McMahon ’79 VSB

CFO NBCUniversal Owned Television Stations

President, US Markets Merck & Co., Inc.

Kevin J. Dunphy ’82 VSB

Managing Partner, Greater Philadelphia Deloitte & Touche LLP

Managing Director, Head of Public Finance Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. Ltd

Christopher Gheysens ’93 VSB – Chair President and CEO Wawa, Inc.

Robert J. “Rob” McNeill Jr. ’88 VSB

Robert Mulhall ’80 VSB, P ’07 – VUAA Liaison Partner, Assurance Ernst & Young LLP

Francis I. “Frank” Perier Jr. ’81 VSB Retired EVP Finance and CFO Forest Laboratories, Inc.

Michael “Mike” Petrane ’93 VSB Partner, Assurance Services Ernst & Young LLP


Villanova Business / Summer 2017

Kenneth M. “Ken” Roessler ’84 VSB

Joyce E. A. Russell, PhD The Helen and William O’Toole Dean Villanova School of Business

Chrisopher G. “Chris” Ryan ’83 EG President, Americas; Pharmaceutical Packaging Systems West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc.

William M. “Bill” Shockley ’83 VSB, P ’14 ’16 Partner Tinicum Capital Partners

Celestine “Tina” Simmons, ’89 VSB Senior Vice President, Human Resources, Central Division Comcast Corporation

Stephen “Steve” Spaeder ’88 VSB, ’92 MBA SVP, Acquisitions and Development Equus Capital Partners, Ltd.

William “Bill” Tucker ’81 VSB, P ’15 Executive President Association of National Advertisers

Lorraine “Lori” Waldron Esq. ’90 VSB, ’93 VLS, ’93 MBA Partner Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.

Valerie Wieman ’92 VSB Assurance Partner PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

Susan Wolford ’77 CLAS Managing Director, Group Head of the Business Services and Media Group BMO Capital Markets Corp.

Undergraduate Programs Area of Study




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