4active judesio analizes bendra ataskaita andrius j

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Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

Jagminas Andrius 1981-04-14

0000 andriusjagminas81@one.lt

Type of analysis

Gait, variant III (full body)

Date of analysis


Body length [cm]


Weight [kg]


Comment for this analysis

Begimo klubo tyrimas, pilnas

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Leg axes dorsal, barefoot Jagminas Andrius - 2017-02-27


-5.1° 2.3° 2.9° -1.2°

Calcaneus angle static Achilles tendon angle static Leg axis static Pelvic obliquity static

-2.7° 8.5° 3.7°



5.6° -5.6°

Achilles tendon angle Calcaneus angle

9.8° -2.4°



0.4° -9.4° -9.7° -4.6°

Leg axis Thigh angle Calf angle Pelvic obliquity

-3.4° -10.1° -6.7° -4.6°


Leg axes dorsal, barefoot Jagminas Andrius - 2017-02-27


-5.1° 2.3° 2.9° -1.2°

Calcaneus angle static Achilles tendon angle static Leg axis static Pelvic obliquity static

-2.7° 8.5° 3.7°



5.6° -5.6°

Achilles tendon angle Calcaneus angle

9.8° -2.4°



0.4° -9.4° -9.7° -4.6°

Leg axis Thigh angle Calf angle Pelvic obliquity

-3.4° -10.1° -6.7° -4.6°


Trunk Jagminas Andrius - 2017-02-27 Barefoot:



Trunk angle



With shoe:


Trunk angle


Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

Analysis date 2017-02-27

dubens nusileidimas i desine, silpni dubens ir sniniai raumenys, kelio ir ciurnos apkrovos istrizines

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

desines atramines kojos analogiski nukrypimai

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

didelis stuburo nuokrypis, silpna desine puse

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

nuokrypis ant kaires kojos

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Analysis data video and motionQuest (static) Jagminas Andrius - 2017-02-27

Assessment of findings foot Left


Initial examination established that you have 'normal arched' feet

Initial examination established that you have 'normal arched' feet

Static leg axis Under static observation a 'varus' leg axis was determined (bow-leg, genu varus).

Flexibility of the upper ankle joint The deep squat position could not be reached. This poor flexibility of the upper ankle joint could occur for a number of reasons including: tight dorsal extensors of the foot, a shortened flexor muscle groups or abnormal biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.

The deep squat position could not be reached. This poor flexibility of the upper ankle joint could occur for a number of reasons including: tight dorsal extensors of the foot, a shortened flexor muscle groups or abnormal biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system.

Analysis data video and motionQuest (dynamic) Jagminas Andrius - 2017-02-27

Dynamic leg axis Your static 'varus' leg axis inwardly rotates during the dynamic mid-stance phase. This causes high rotational forces between the tibia plateau and the femoral condyle of the knee.

Your static 'varus' leg axis inwardly rotates during the dynamic mid-stance phase. This causes high rotational forces between the tibia plateau and the femoral condyle of the knee.

Pelvis stability Significant pelvic instability is evident during mid-stance phase over both the right and the left sides. This is caused by a weak gluteual muscles. Strengthening exercises should be carried to address this.

Overcrossing During the stance phase both feet over crosses the body median. This often indicates a muscles imbalance in the pelvis region.

Rotation of the foots about its longitudinal axis Left


The foot clearly rotates outwards during movement. This causes the heel to pronate.

The foot clearly rotates outwards during movement. This causes the heel to pronate.

Analysis data video and motionQuest (step phases) Jagminas Andrius - 2017-02-27

Initial contact Left


If the heel makes first contact with the ground during a The midfoot makes initial contact with the ground when normal running stride, the individual is categorised as a running. 'heel striker'.

Stance phase

The calcaneus inverts during the stance phase while the toes become varus.

Toe-off Left


Toe-off occurs over the hallux (big toe).

Toe-off occurs over the hallux (big toe).

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

Didelis kryziavimas didina supinacija, del dubens nestabilumo

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

kryziavimas vedantis prie supinacijos padidejimo

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

Jagminas Andrius (born 1981-04-14 )

Kojos tatymas pries save, saves stabdymas

Tel. +370-698-24263 www.4activesport.com, info@4active.lt

Analysis date 2017-02-27

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