com-villemouvmt-damay_GB - Word 97 - 2003

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An RER in Brussels? Space of rivalries and mobility governance1 Ludivine Damay – Post-doc researcher FUSL-Bruxelles

Introduction Belgium is characterised by a centrifugal federalism (Pâques, 2005) in which the parties to the federation constantly seek to maximise their autonomy. This federalism of “dissociation” (Delpérée, 2011) is rendering political and institutional life in Belgium increasingly complex (Delwit and Pilet, 2004). These community conflicts have effects on the management of public problems, especially when these span regional and/or institutional boundaries which then have to be crossed. Issues of mobility are particularly typical of these problems. The division of jurisdiction in this domain places the Regions at the centre of the decision-making process, because the Regions are sovereign in their territories with regard to public transport. That having been said, the federal level also has jurisdiction, in particular because it controls the SNCB (Belgian National Railway Company). And finally, there is also jurisdiction at municipal level, which manages certain roads, parking policy and draws up a municipal mobility plan (transport planning document). This fragmentation of jurisdictions (Aussems, 2009) makes the management of mobility complex, especially as, along with the multiple levels of authority, there is the issue is relate to a wider scale that only rarely matches the institutional boundaries of the different territories. Yet this question of mobility is crucial to the future of the Brussels-Capital Region (RBC) which is regularly portrayed as a region on the verge of asphyxia under the pressure of cars… Since the creation of the RBC in 1989, this problem has been at the heart of political and societal debate. How to bring an end to an “all car” policy which, since the late 1950s, has profoundly marked the urban space by driving suburban growth and is severely damaging quality of life in the city? How to design a new mobility policy with a territorial planning process that would bring an end to urban sprawl? What can be done to overcome the institutional barriers between the federal Belgium’s different components, which make it impossible to untangle a public problem – the problem of mobility around the capital – which exceeds the scale of a single territorial entity and requires close collaboration between public and private actors operating at different scales? Around the case of the establishment of an RER (Regional Express Railway) from, to in and around Brussels, we will show that these questions of mobility lead to the formation of a “space of rivalries and management of those rivalries” (Nahrath and Varone, 2007, p. 237). We will begin by retracing the origins of this space of rivalries by showing that the REI is at the heart of numerous conflicts of usage, conflicts around visions of the city and also around the practical implementation of mobility policies. These conflicts have a powerful impact on the regulatory domain, which we will go on to explore, to the point that although emerging forms of governance may be observed that evince a distinct shift towards the desectorisation 1

This study forms part of a postdoctoral research contract begun on 1 January 2011, funded by the BrusselsCapital Region. In methodological terms, the study is based on a documentary analysis of archives and press articles covering the period 1989 to today. We also conducted 14 semi-directive interviews with people involved in the RER case.

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