Things You Need To Know 3 For Your Website To Succeed
Hi! My name is Mike Darnell. I was born in 1974 My 1st job was modeling underwear & Roman toys
My partner is Virode Imtarnasan Thai, 38 years old, married, studied law Career: EA, Sega, IRM‌ Web: Cnngo, Vertu, Playboy‌
Is your website targeting and engaging prospects?
Where we do business
The Fun Bit
Introducing the
IDEAL Website!!!
Make Me Rich Click Here‌
Every step you move away from it is
Care to guess how much?
100 Click 70 Click 49 Click 34 Click
Every click required to reach your goal “costs” you 30% of your visitors
24 Click…
When building your site you want to ensure you’re staying as close to the “Ultimate Website” as possible
To do this you only need to know
3 Things:
.1. What are your website’s goals?
.2. How do your “Funnels” serve your goals?
.3. How are you measuring success?
What are your website’s Goals?
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
• Who’s my audience? • What do I want them to accomplish? • Where should they do this? • When and how quickly? • Which requirements and constraints apply • How will I know it’s done? • Why is this important ? What’s the purpose of accomplishing this goal and what benefits does it hold for all involved?
This is easier than you think because‌
‌The constraints of the paradigm are set and constant:
Ultimately your website has only 1 goal:
Helping you make MONEY
Your audience is:
Selfish, Self Centered, Lazy, & Suspicious …and they’d rather be on Facebook
Your website is judged within 4-11 seconds
Every click costs you 30% of your audience
Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Timely
• Who’s my audience? • What do I want them to accomplish? • Where should they do this? • When and how quickly? • Which requirements and constraints apply • How will I know it’s done? • Why is this important ? What’s the purpose of accomplishing this goal and what benefits does it hold for all involved?
You MUST know how your website helps your business make MONEY
This is much simpler than you might think
There are ONLY 3 financial models for all the websites in the world
Care to guess what they are?
$34.2 Bn (2010)
Lead Generation
rd 3
quarter 2011 earnings = $10 Bn
Which of these models matches your business?
Never forget:
Your website’s goal is a BUSINESS goal It’s derived from how you’ve always run your business
There’s nothing new under the sun
Running a good business isn’t about
It’s about
Successful businesses know why their clients seek them out and never stop working hard to capitalize on these understandings
How do your funnels serve your goal?
What’s a Funnel?
A Funnel = A route to your website’s goals
It begins wherever your prospect first saw you, and ends at your goal
Google, Facebook, Email, Business card
Tout page
Google, Facebook, Email, Meeting, etc.
What we dream our funnel looks like
Tout page
Cute, optimistic and MYTHICAL‌
Google, Facebook, Email, Meeting, etc. Homepage Tout page Goal
What our funnel really looks like
Every step in your funnel
‌Because every click en-route to your goal costs you 30% of your traffic
Remembers this?
Yahoo! New year’s eve 1998
Online EMPIRES are born of
Amazon then‌
…And now
How do you plan your funnels?
.1. Define goals as something your users should
Enabling a user to buy my products
Enabling a user to fill in a lead form
Enabling a user to book a ticket or reservation
Enabling a user to lodge a complaint and/or get support
.2. Understand your user’s mindset and requirements
.3. List the measures needed to address your user’s mindset so they can achieve your goals
.4. Plan the fastest routes from your goal to addressing your user’s mindset
.5. Create your website’s content and functionality only to serve this process
Optimal Funnel Traffic source
Traffic source
Realistic Minimal Funnel Goal on homepage
Hi! I’m Mike Pellatt President of ICMS Asia We’re SEA’s leading Industrial Construction Project Management company Our business is building factories like this one:
Our clients choose us because they understand we can be trusted to deliver complex projects on time, on spec, and at an outstanding level of execution
The engagement to build a factory like that is closed in faceto-face meetings The goal of my website is to ensure I get the leads to generate these meetings
TRAFFIC SOURCES Google search, Meeting, Tradeshow
My Optimal Funnel: GOAL
Generate a qualified lead
Generate a qualified lead
For me to achieve my goal my prospects first need to know
To enable prospects to find me I invest in ensuring my website is ranked well for relevant Key Phrases like:
“Industrial Construction Project Management“
Generate a qualified lead I know from experience that for a meeting to happen my prospects also need to know: • • • •
Who we are What we do Why they can trust us How to contact us
That’s why my homepage looks like this:
Who we are
“Services” explains What we do
“Success Stories� are 3rd party validation that explains
Why they can trust us
How to contact us + Call-to-Action
Every page on my website serves only one purpose: Getting viable leads to contact my company‌
…so our contact details appear on all of them
I’ve explained the logic behind my website NOW YOU TRY IT!!!
Workshop Time!
Download at: Note capitalization!!!
Download at: Note capitalization!!!
Download at: Note capitalization!!!
Download at: Note capitalization!!!
Top Level/Page
Sub Category Page
Description Goals this pages addresses Methods by which the page addresses the goals Location of text (Google doc URL) Location of images (Picasa URL) Location of additional assets (Video = Youtube URL, Presentation = Slideshare URL, etc) Comments
Products/ Services
Testimonials/ Case studies/ References FAQ/Support Blog
Terms and Conditions (bottom menu)
Privacy Policy Sitemap Download at: (bottom (bottom Retailers Contact us menu) menu) Note capitalization!!!
Before we move on‌
‌5 tips that will save you heartache, aggravation, and money:
.1. Register your own domain Buy your own hosting Setup your own emails
.2. If you're paying peanuts you're probably working with monkeys
.3. "Stand on the shoulders of giants" Use popular open source solutions & avoid custom development
.4. Launch your site as soon as it passes a MINIMAL sanity check Do changes and adjustments later‌
.5. A website is a voyage, not a destination Collect feedback, and schedule updates as a matter of routine
…Which brings us to our last point:
How do you evaluate your Website?
Great websites‌
…are constantly improving
They do it based on
HARD DATA …and not intuition
It begins with asking questions‌
Why are people coming to your website?
To expand their knowledge?
To evaluate your offering?
By Mistake? To solve a problem?
What do they think about your website?
Are they interested and excited about your offerings?
Make a list of questions and keep adding to it always
Getting answers to your questions is easy‌
Collecting feedback is as easy as publishing a poll on your site
Services like Polldaddy and Surveymonkey are excellent tools designed to meet this precise need
Customer service and support sites like GetSatisfaction and UserVoice are designed to help you collect, address, and document feedback
For as little as $19/month you can provide support on par with these guys:
You also need to start collecting data
Google Analytics are to your website, what your accounting is to your finances
You can’t make good decisions without this data!
What you need to look at:
Where are people coming from and how? Does the data match the behavior of likely prospects?
What are people looking at and doing? Are they doing what you want them to? HOW OFTEN? WHAT PERCENTAGE?
Are things improving over time?
It’s a long drive, but “Practice makes Perfect”
We’ve “Been in Business” longer than our written history records
All businesses are the same
They sell stuff
All Marketing is the same
Convincing, but not profitable‌
What makes yours special?
YOU are the only thing that’s special about your business
People don’t Remember: remember facts, figures and features, but a good story will remain with them for a long time Use your unique story to weave together your website goals and audiences and you’re well on your way to
Homework: Complete the worksheets provided
See you here on the th 9 of February. Please consider attending our meeting as well.
Thanks! ‌I’m at Mike