Eastern Ontario Model Forest th
25 Spring Gathering and Annual General Meeting Friday June 23, 2017 Limerick Forest Interpretive Centre Located at 1175 Limerick Rd., Oxford Station, ON
Agenda 8:30-9:00
Registration and coffee
Traditional Opening: Henry Lickers, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Introductory Remarks: David Nash, Mayor of Merrickville-Wolford & Jim McCready, President, EOMF
Business Meeting
Health Break
Jamie MacKinnon, Vice President, Environmental Solutions, Bluesource: “Forest Carbon Opportunities for Landowners through Improved Forest Management and Avoided Conversion” Jamie will provide an overview of the carbon protocols that are being developed through the Ontario Cap and Trade program relating to Improved Forest Management and Avoided Conversion. He will also discuss the current carbon market and how these protocols may present opportunities to private landowners.
Rob Keen, CEO, Forests Ontario: “Forest Carbon Opportunities for Landowners through Afforestation and Reforestation Projects” Rob will provide an overview of the carbon protocols that are being developed relating to afforestation and reforestation projects. He will provide landowners and forest managers insight on how these protocols will apply to them, and their impact on our forested landscape in Ontario. Rob will also discuss the role of Forests Ontario, and how it is helping to keep the private land community in Ontario well-connected throughout the Cap and Trade process.
Hot lunch
1:00- 1:30
Presentation of the Ross Silversides & Heartwood Awards Traditional Closing: Henry Lickers, Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
1:30 -2:30
Tour of Limerick Forest Memorial Trail by Geoff McVey, UCLG Forest Manager
Advance registration for this event is required by June 20, 2017. You can register and pay online at www.eomf.on.ca by selecting “Ways to Contribute” and then choosing “One Time Payment (Event/Purchase)”or, by calling 613-258-8241. Your $30 registration fee includes refreshments and lunch. Payments can be made by PayPal, Visa or MasterCard.