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Spring 2010

Volume VI Issue 1




D AV E N EAV E agement, landscape and wildlife conservation, and thoughtfully engaging woodlot and landowners while staying sensitive to their issues and concerns. He remained a consistently positive force and was upbeat as a past board member and more recent special adviser to the EOMF Board of Directors, and chairman of its communications committee.

Spring has sprung... WHAT’S INSIDE Remembering Dave Neave


Message from Mark


Hot Off the Press: ‘Sustaining What We Value’


Announcement: EOMF’s 18th Annual General Meeting


Program Spotlight: Forest Certification


Project Spotlight: Ecological Goods & Services


Wood Centre & Eco-Industrial Park: 6 Update Regional Forest Health Network: Update


What’s Been Happening: Event & Meeting Highlights


What’s Coming Up?


The Eastern Ontario Model Forest and the Canadian Model Forest Network continue to feel sadness and a sense of loss after the passing of our beloved friend and colleague Dave Neave. We are discussing ways in which his spirited persona and invaluable contributions to both organizations can be honoured. Dave was one of Eastern Ontario's foremost conservationists who died unexpectedly of a heart attack on January 25, 2010. Dave’s lasting legacy and impact on the model forest cause has both depth and breadth. He was a past-president of the 18-year-old Eastern Ontario Model Forest and was instrumental in launching the Canadian Model Forest Network where he also served as the organization's interim general manager. Dave owned a Westport sugar bush and woodlot where he practised many of the concepts he preached for more than 20 years. Right up until his death, Dave was stalwart and passionate about promoting wise and sustainable forest man-

Brian Barkley, past EOMF general manager, called Dave Neave a good friend as well as an inspiration to himself and all those involved in promoting sustainable forestry in the eastern part of the province. Brian shared that his friend had a sense of humour that was sometimes mischievous, adding he was always interested in the big picture when it came to conservation, believing the causes of general stewardship and wildlife preservation should be tied to forest expansion. For current EOMF general manager Mark Richardson, Dave's death was like the loss of a family member. Mark has been involved in projects with Dave's children Erin and Peter, both of whom followed in their father's footsteps in forestry and agriculture. "Through his skill and leadership, Dave reached out and touched so many people as a colleague and friend," Mark said. ...continued on page 7

Message From Mark

Hot off the Press Sustaining What We Value: Building Integrated Landscape Management Capacity in Our Communities Achieving integrated landscape management (ILM) requires the strong support of people living in a particular landscape. With funding assistance from GeoConnections (Natural Resources Canada) the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, in partnership with St. Lawrence Islands National Park, has launched an ILM pilot project in the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. At the heart of the project is an effort to engage community members in articulating a common vision for a desired future landscape in Leeds and Grenville. The project is also looking to the broader community for input on important community values, in particular through a Community Values Mapping tool that has been created with the help of the Centre for Community Mapping. Ultimately, the project will help to identify values important to local communities in Leeds and Grenville and provide a toolbox to help ensure that planning strives to preserve those things collectively identified as important to life in the region – reflecting natural, cultural, spiritual, social and economic community interests. We invite you to an Open House on May 29th in Athens. For details and more info please click brochure above or visit:

For more info on the Open House, please contact Elizabeth Holmes at (613) 258-8415. 2

General Manager, EOMF

Hello everyone, The winter of 2009/10 has come and gone, although it seemed to ‘go’ well before spring was to officially arrive. The coming of spring also brings a whole new year for the Model Forest and over the past few months, our Board and staff have been busy summarizing the activities from last year and most importantly planning for our next. Our work plan for our activities under the Forest Communities Program has been submitted to the Canadian Forest Service for review and we are expecting to be out of the gate running on a number of key initiatives once the next fiscal year rolls around (April 1st). To this end, I would like to highlight some of the new opportunities I feel are going to be strongly influencing our direction for the next few years and probably even beyond. Firstly, Ontario’s forestry sector continues to struggle with the many challenges associated with the downturn in the global economy and although I feel there is significant opportunity in the future, particularly in the area of bioenergy (which I will speak to later), the EOMF is actively trying to seek opportunities to assist the forest industry. To this end, the EOMF will be dedicating significant effort to partnering with industry and other stakeholders on initiatives that help foster economic development of the forestry sector and forest communities. This is a big one for us folks; there is a lot of forest within our region, and a healthy forest sector offers many, many benefits. To have a healthy forest sector we need to be harvesting trees.

Secondly, Ontario is moving towards a bioeconomy and the EOMF is exploring where our role will be. I feel very optimistic that there will be opportunity for the private landowner in the (hopefully!) near future. In particular, the potential for using wood as an energy source has great and immediate potential – whether on a large scale like Ontario Power Generation’s plans to offset their dependency on coal by burning wood – or on the smaller-scale like locally produced community heat and power. Markets to sell our more than plentiful fibrequality wood are an absolutely necessary component of sustainable forest management. And finally, the EOMF is going to be engaged in a number of other initiatives which are geared at helping foster thriving forest communities. Projects like developing a business case for a fine scale vegetation inventory (can anybody say southern Ontario FRI?), evaluating new ideas for compensating rural landowners for the many ecological goods and services their properties provide, and building new partnerships and opportunities in the value-added wood products sector, are just a sampling of the new initiatives we are embarking on. Although there are many challenges ahead of us, I am very optimistic on the opportunity for us to achieve our objectives. I welcome any and all comments, and would welcome the chance to talk to you in person if you need any additional information. Thank you, Mark (613) 258-8424

Notice of EOMF Annual General Meeting

Please join us for EOMF’s 18th Annual General Meeting! Saturday, May 15, 2010 @ Drummonds Sugarbush & Limerick Forest Chalet *Per Person Meal Cost: $15 for breakfast and lunch OR $8 for one meal only*

Agenda 8:30-9:30

Registration and pancake breakfast


Traditional opening—Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Opening remarks – Jim McCready, EOMF President Drummonds Sugarbush introduction – Robert Drummond


Business meeting (Mark Richardson - Agenda will be distributed at AGM)


Awards presentation (Ross Silversides Forestry Award, Heartwood Volunteer Award)


Official closing (and directions to Limerick Chalet)


Travel to and meet & greet at Limerick Chalet


Overview of the brand new FSC-certified Limerick Chalet


Chili luncheon


EOMF project and initiatives features (Mark Richardson)


Optional traditional medicine walk in Limerick Forest

To register please contact: Mary @ 613-258-8241 or at *Meal Cost: $15 for breakfast and lunch OR $8 for one meal only*

Drummonds: (613) 658-2188 3719 County Rd 21 West of Spencerville Limerick Chalet: Limerick Forest Road 3

Program Spotlight: Forest Certification Ottawa Valley Forest Inc. seeks Forest Certification in Renfrew County The Ottawa Valley Forest Inc. (OVFI) in partnership with the Renfrew County Community Futures Development Corporation (RCCFDC) and the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF) is seeking Forest Stewardship Council certification for the Crown forest area in Renfrew County. Formed in 1998 OVFI is a Sustainable Forest License holder that is a cooperative venture between six local sawmills, two logging contractors, and one group of independent loggers located in Renfrew County. In exchange for harvesting rights, OVFI agrees to assume responsibility for the ongoing care and maintenance of the Crown forests located in the County. The Ottawa Valley Forest covers an area of 806,766 hectares of which 240,000 hectares are managed Crown land. The rest is comprised of private land, parks, conservation reserves, federal land, and a first nation’s community. The FSC is an international, non-profit organization that supports environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. The FSC was founded in 1993, in Canada by representatives from environmental groups, the timber industry, the forestry profession, Aboriginal organizations, and community forestry groups. There are over 100 million hectares of FSC certified forests in 80 countries. The EOMF applied for funding through the RCCFDC Community 4

Capacity Program to assist the OVFI achieve FSC certification. The EOMF has been a FSC certificate holder for 8 years and brings the experience to assist the OVFI through the FSC certification process. Mark Richardson General Manager of the EOMF states, “When the Ottawa Valley Forest receives FSC designation, our region of Ontario will hold the highest density of FSC certified privately owned, community and Crown forests in Canada, and demonstrates the regional commitment towards sustainable forestry”.

and sell their forest products from our forests with the FSC stamp which is recognized world-wide as a symbol of responsible forest management.”

EOMF FSC Certification Program Completes Audit On March 8th 9th and 10th the EOMF Certification program underwent their 2010 annual audit conducted by SmartWood. The purpose of the audit was to measure the compliance of all participants against the Great Lakes St Lawrence Laurentian Standards for forest management.

Demand for FSC certified forest products is on the rise and according to Terry Murray, president of Murray Brothers Lumber, this certification is critical to maintain market share. “Murray Brothers recently achieved certification for our milling operation and some private forest holdings through the EOMF program and felt it was necessary to offer FSC certified forest products to our customer base in order to maintain market share. Forest certification simply recognizes our commitment to sound forestry.” Alf Van Dyke, acting General Manager of Ottawa Valley Forest Inc. recognized that FSC certification was inevitable for the OVFI. “We are grateful for the funding support of the Renfrew Community Futures Group and the technical support from the EOMF as we seek to achieve FSC certification for the Ottawa Valley Forest. With the help of these partners we hope to achieve our FSC certification in late 2010. This certification will enable our shareholders to market

This audit brought the team to 16 site visits spanning from Pembroke to Casselman. Community Forests, private forest owners and maple operations were visited and owners and managers discussed forest management operations and current trends. Currently the EOMF FSC certification program includes 5 community forests over 100 forest owners and 7 maple producers representing 100,000 acres of FSC certified forest in eastern Ontario. By Scott Davis, for more information on the EOMF Forest Certification Program, please contact him at (613) 258-8422 or

Project Spotlight: Ecological Goods & Services… Recognizing Landowner Contributions by Elizabeth Holmes Ecological goods and services (EG&S) refer to the benefits arising from healthy, well-functioning ecosystems – things like climate regulation, erosion control, food and medicines, biodiversity, clean water, recreational opportunities. In the face of escalating public demands for environmental protection, landowners are under mounting pressure to deliver EG&S.

What methods can be used to recognize or remunerate landowners for providing or safeguarding EG&S? This topic is garnering much attention in the environmental stewardship community and is being taken up by a variety of groups and organizations – including the Eastern Ontario Model Forest. Programs for remunerating landowners for the provision of EG&S are proliferating the world over. In Costa Rica, a nation-wide framework of payment for ecological services is supported by the state. Payments are available to landowners for the provision of water services, biodiversity conservation services, and carbon sequestration services. In Australia, ‘conservation tenders’ are used to encourage and reward the provision of EG&S by landowners through programs like Eco-Tender and BushTender. Competitive bids are submitted by landowners to undertake an agreedupon set of management actions in support of particular environmental stewardship objectives. The bids are assessed on the basis of the degree to which the management actions sup-

port the stewardship objectives in question and on the basis of costeffectiveness. If a bid is accepted, payments are rendered upon the fulfillment of the stewardship objectives set out in a formalized contract. Throughout the world there are many other examples of programs that reward landowners for the provision of EG&S; these include, for example: the Conservation Reserve Program and the Environmental Quality Incentives Program in the U.S.; the Environmentally Sensitive Areas Scheme and the Countryside Stewardship Scheme in the U.K.; and, the CAMPFIRE program in Zimbabwe.

Closer to home, EG&S remuneration approaches and programs have been slower to develop. The most widelyreferenced Canadian example of an emerging framework for rewarding farmers for the provision of EG&S is ALUS - Alternative Land Use Services. ALUS is a farmer-driven, feefor-service approach that offers farmers annual payments for the provisioning and enhancement of EG&S. Payments are based on land rental rates and address four landscape features: wetlands, riparian buffers, natural areas, and ecologically sensitive areas. Pilot projects have been undertaken in the Regional Municipality of Blanshard in Manitoba and in Norfolk County in Ontario, and a full-scale provincial program has recently been instated in Prince Edward Island. While still at the stage of early days, emerging assessments point to the

potential value of the ALUS approach in enhancing the flow of EG&S to society and in better recognizing and rewarding farmers for the critical role they play as environmental stewards. It is recognized equally that there are a number of existing stewardship programs in Canada that embrace some element of rewarding/compensating landowners for providing EG&S. In Ontario, for example, the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP) and the certification of forests both provide direct or indirect compensation for pursuing sustainability goals. Emerging opportunities with potential application here in eastern Ontario also come in the form of carbon credits for landowners. As part of our work plan under the Forest Communities Program, we are exploring with our many partners opportunities for better recognizing the contributions that landowners make in providing and safeguarding EG&S.

Over the course of the next eight to twelve months, EOMF will be hosting a series of focus group sessions and workshops with both landowners and program/policy developers to identify requirements and ‘conditions for success’ in developing a workable, community-supported EG&S recognition/ remuneration framework for eastern Ontario. ...continued on page 8 By Elizabeth Holmes, for more information on EG&S please contact her at or (613) 258-8415. 5

Ontario East Wood Centre & Eco-Industrial Park est industry in the Ottawa Valley.

Some news updates since the Fall issue of Forestry Forum include: FPInnovations In September, 2009 Frank Noccey, Mark Richardson and Sandra Lawn met with Pierre Lapointe, President of FPInnovations, Hervé Deschênes and Gerald Beaulieu in Québec City. The meeting was productive and the first result has been FPI’s partnering with the EOMF on a proposal for technical guidance. The opportunity for further collaboration is ongoing. Financial support In total, $1.4 million dollars from the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal, EOMF, the Regional Eastern Ontario Development Program, the Grenville County Community Futures Business Corporation, the Rural Secretariat of Agriculture Canada and thousands of dollars of in-kind support from EOMF, IRAP, TAG members, the Township, our academic partners and countless volunteer hours is keeping everything moving. Community Colleges La Cité collégiale, Algonquin College and St. Lawrence College have all signed MOUs with us. Each college is active in applied biotechnology and/or marketing and construction trades with wood and much more. Queen’s University support In December 2009, six final year Commerce students completed a plan for trading solid wood products with East Asia. Brian Barkley assisted the students to make contact with the for6

Three fourth-year Engineering and Applied Science students are working on a TEAM project identifying the best business opportunities utilizing the chemical transformation of woody biomass. Senior scientists with wide industrial experience are guiding them. Thanks to the Faculty of Law’s Business Law Clinic (QBLC) who completed the documentation for incorporation of the OEWC & EIP. We are on the verge of incorporation! Working together with Queen’s and GreenField Ethanol Queen’s engineering students and advisors meet with Brian Gartley Production Manager of the GreenField Ethanol Plant at Johnstown on the OEWC site. TEAM is utilizing Moxy Knowledge Management for facilitating their project. The plant is now successfully operating at 110% of capacity and is currently researching cellulosic ethanol at their Chatham location. Budget 2010 included the word “forest” or “forestry” 33 times; a good sign? We know Canada can use and export bioproducts in all three sectors: value-added materials, energy and chemicals. the OEWC will be a Flagship Demonstration Project utilizing sustainable forest and woody crops, on a transportation system that serves the entire Great Lakes/St.Lawrence economic trading area and all domestic and international markets available via the Atlantic ocean and beyond. For more information on this Wood Centre project contact Sandra Lawn, Project Leader @ 613-925-5568 or Visit:

Regional Forest Health Network: Update The EOMF is a central player in the Regional Forest Health Network (RFHN), a partnership of many regional organizations that meet periodically to discuss issues and take strategic action to protect and promote the health of our forest. Jim McCready, President of the EOMF, is also the Chair of the RFHN. The arrival and slowing of the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer across Eastern Ontario is top of mind for the RFHN. The EOMF continues to work with its RFHN partners to develop and distribute communications materials and tools tailored to rural residents and woodlot owners. Please visit the central EAB website for the latest news: . A central focus in the coming months is to plan for a series of events to highlight the week before the May long weekend as “EAB Week”. Some activities we hope to facilitate include a radio feature with a popular CBC host, as well as info displays at the Arboretum and Museum of Nature. We are also planning to highlight the potential socio-economic and cultural impacts that the EAB poses to the Mohawk of Akwesasne and their traditional black ash basket making industry, as well as some of the unique ways they are using lacrosse sticks to battle the bug. All partners will also be raising awareness and distributing EAB fact sheets and give-aways at the numerous rural events being held between now and the fall. Remember, don’t move firewood! For more info on communications issues concerning the RFHN, contact Melanie Williams @ (613) 258-8365 or

Dave Neave (continued from page 1)

An outpouring of heartfelt condolences to the family, and tributes to the man, were shared by Dave’s numerous friends and colleagues through email and in quiet remembrance at his funeral, and afterwards as pints were raised to him at one of his favourite pubs. His obituary read: “He will be missed by many including his children Peter (Brockville) and Erin (Constance Bay), his mother Anne (aged 102 years), and especially by his grandchildren Liam, Molly and Sean who know him as 'BEEPS'. Dave was born in Northern Ireland and immigrated to Canada when he was 11. He quickly developed a passion for the outdoors and worked as a trapper, conservationist and stevedore in Manitoba. He went to UNB where he met Nancy and they married in 1964, and she predeceased him in 2007. He worked in Alberta as Director of Wildlife and Habitat Programs and brought his family to Ottawa in 1984 as founding director of Wildlife Habitat Canada. In 2000 he 'retired' but still worked as hard as anyone at Wren Resources, the Fur Institute of Canada, the Model Forest Network and as an active member of Christ Church Bells Corners. His favourite pastimes were weekends with the grandchildren, golf, watercolour painting, poetry and skiing. We will miss his enthusiasm, positive outlook, and mostly his hearty and echoing contagious laugh.”

We miss you Dave, Rest in Peace

Highlights: Recent Events & Meetings Since our fall issue of Forestry Forum, the EOMF has participated in an array of events and meetings focused on forest and forest-community related issues. A few are mentioned here. Winter Woodlot Conference One of our key activities was to once again play a central role alongside other key partners in planning, organizing and facilitating the programming, communications, sponsorships and registration required to launch the 23rd Annual Kemptville Winter Woodlot Conference in February. Our theme was “Growing Diverse Values in Woodlots” and featured numerous guest speakers and panelists. As part of the Working Woodlot Panel, private landowners John Stuart and Ron Toonders described experiences and lessons learned while managing their timber plantations and farm woodlots. Victor Brunette showcased some well-managed, multi-use woodlots in Quebec as well as the emerging carbon credit program designed for woodlot owners. Local author Brent Connelly shared colourful anecdotes and real-life stories to help illustrate the evolution of logging and sawmilling in the Ottawa valley. Planning and growing successful nut orchards were highlighted in Todd Leuty’s (OMAFRA) agroforestry talk on nut production basics. He also touched on the benefits and how-to’s of planting natural windbreaks to protect crops and other natural assets. Tom Richardson and Kris Heideman shed some more light and perspective on the economics affecting our local forest industry by highlighting some

of the challenges and solutions offered by plantation managers and the sawmills that they supply. Rob Lyng of Ontario Power Generation graciously made the trip from Toronto to give the audience an update on their large program in process that will see the biomass conversion of its coal-fired energy generating plants. He was sure to outline the potential economic benefits to private woodlot owners and any pellet plants that may emerge. EOMF has good relations with Rob and OPG and is working with other partners such as the Ontario Woodlot Association to maintain an influential and productive dialogue with OPG that will help ensure these potential benefits are realized in a sustainable way. Amy Cameron entertained listeners with an engaging and enlightening presentation on the Bats of Ontario. Many walked away with a new appreciation for the highly misunderstood and maligned creatures. Anyone that has a colony on their property is encouraged to contact Amy. A special thank you to all the speakers, volunteers and partners that helped make it another success! International Visits As part of its duties to act as an Ambassador for the Forest Communities Program, EOMF recently hosted three international delegations. Two were from China: Anhui province in the Yangtze River Delta and Hulunbuir province near Inner Mongolia. The other was from the Khabarovsky Krai region of Russia near Siberia. It was a pleasure to learn about forestry practices and challenges in their areas too. 7


What’s Coming Up?

(continued from page 5)

What follows is a taste of the types of questions we’ll be exploring:  How might the responsibilities and costs for providing and protecting EG&S be shared amongst groups (e.g., institutions, tax payers, consumers, landowners)?

April 9-11, 2010 Ottawa Cottage Show & Big Backyard Show Place: Lansdowne Park, Ottawa Details: April 9-11, 2010 Valley Fishing and Outdoor Show Carp Fairgrounds, Carp, Ontario Details:

 What constitutes going the extra step towards protecting EG&S (beyond what might represent a moral obligation), and how is that translated into payment?

April 14–16, 2010 Ontario Professional Foresters Assoc. AG Meeting & Conference – Pembroke Theme: “Community Forests: Practicing Forestry in Front of 13 Million People” will include discussions on "Why do Americans Hate Canadian Lumber Imports"; “The Reality of Community Forests in Canada: A Surprising Diversity” and more. Details

 What types of incentives or forms of recognition are most attractive to, or valued by, landowners?

April 21, 2010 Eco-Stewardship Fair—Ottawa Details:

 What elements of existing EG&S approaches and stewardship programs might we build on?

EOMF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Saturday, May 15 2010 Please see page 3 for details

 How do we generate/sustain funding in support of incentives?

May 29, 2010 Spring Woodlot Tour – Lanark County/Ottawa Region This joint Lower Ottawa Valley Chapter and Eastern Ontario Certified Forest Owners workshop will feature a tour of a location woodlot. For information, contact Dick Lalande 613-836-2559. Details

 How do we measure or verify that EG&S have been provided or safeguarded given the sheer complexity of ecosystems? Already many individuals and organizations have expressed an interest in participating in these discussions, and we openly welcome others who would like to do the same. We have a great opportunity in the EOMF to explore these issues and advance the thinking in program and policy development circles in so far as innovative and practical approaches to recognizing landowners for providing EG&S are concerned. Exciting times lie ahead! For more information, please contact Elizabeth Holmes at or (613) 258-8415.


To get the most current listing and details around Upcoming Events check our website at

Forestry Forum is a publication of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, a proud member of the Canadian Model Forest Network. ISSN 1201-3978 The Eastern Ontario Model Forest gratefully acknowledges the support of Natural Resources Canada through the Canadian Forest Service’s Forest Communities Program.

Please send comments and articles to: Melanie Williams, Editor Forestry Forum c/o Eastern Ontario Model Forest 10 Campus Drive, P.O. Bag 2111 Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0 Phone: (613) 258-8365 E-mail: Web site:

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