Vincent Wong Portfolio 2012

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of . vincentwong


ll o My name is Vincent Wong, a 3rd year student majoring in visual communication design at School of Design Binus University. As a designer who have great interest in editorial design and branding, I am always interested in how aesthetic combines with logical thinking to deliver a message. Personally, I am a young man who love the smell of books, travelling, and enjoy interact with people. Thank you and this is the collection of my best works. :)

full name

vincent hadi wijaya

plac e of birt h

tanjung balai, sumatera utara

date of birt h

personal detail

gend er

mobi le

emai l

port foli o

addr ess

19 december 1990


+62 878 684 116 18

jl. k. h. syahdan no 54, kemanggisan - jakarta barat 11480


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Ps abilities

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event organizer Typography Exhibition & Seminar with Thinking*Room


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mar ch

head of design division DKV Binus Temu Keakraban Himpunan 2011: Marcapada

sep tem ber

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head of design division 3rd Place

DKV Binus

SCOPA Jubilee

Plaza Desain 2012:

Conceptual category



jan uar y

mar ch

jan uar y editor in chief of Titik Dua activist in Himpunan Mahasiswa DKV Binus

jul y pre sen t



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iden tity

1 0 . 1 1

a mini

computer store

established by

a couple of

husband and


0 1 p r o j e c t Two Mart visual identity redesign

t y p e student work 5th semester


y second branding assignment, rebranding a small-medium business located around my college.

Two Mart is a mini store that sells computer and its accessories. The name "two mart" is derived from a couple of husband and wife who established the shop. Two Mart got the best services to its customers, mostly students, which is becomes one of Two Mart's value.

original logo

The visual concept for the new "Two Mart" are 'mini' and flexible. The logo is designed with replaceable iconic system, consisting 5 computer-about icons, that is 'mouse' as the main icon, and the rest are monitor, printer, speaker, and keyboard.

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P +6221 5365 4144 +6221 9234 6680 +6221 6877 7972 A Jl. K.H. Syahdan no 14C Palmerah - Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia

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P +6221 5365 4144 +6221 9234 6680 +6221 6877 7972

A Jl. K.H. Syahdan no 14C Palmerah - Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia

T E D D Y +6221 5365 4144 Jl. K.H. Syahdan no 14C Palmerah - Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia

P +6221 5365 4144 +6221 9234 6680 +6221 6877 7972

A Jl. K.H. Syahdan no 14C Palmerah - Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia

believe in the

harmony of

inner and

outer beauty

0 2 p r o j e c t visual identity for Cacika

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t y p e commisioned work


acika is a brand focus in women's need, providing the finest beauty product to achieve the consumer's trust. They believe beauty can be formed only by harmony of inner and outer beauty.

Departs from their core value, I created an ambiguous logo which portray a swan and a woman to represent the harmony with the touch of elegance and classical look.

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Jakarta, 1 Januari 2012 Perihal : Permohonan ijin gedung baru.

Lidya Winda Dengan hormat,


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fringilla odio at diam malesuada sed faucibus lectus porta. Cras faucibus, ante a facilisis luctus, tortor sapien facilisis tellus, vel condimentum lacus dui vitae urna. Phasellus felis ligula, tempor nec aliquam sed, blandit id diam. Curabitur convallis turpis ipsum, vitae lobortis quam. Quisque purus metus, fringilla quis varius sed, fermentum non lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec ultricies lobortis consequat. Phasellus ac lacus at velit cursus dictum. Nunc vitae ligula non sem congue semper. Proin ut mi ac nisl posuere aliquam vitae eu dui. Integer condimentum consectetur rhoncus. Sed sit amet neque tellus. Vivamus consectetur sollicitudin odio ut rhoncus. Etiam vestibulum lacus nec metus interdum tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tincidunt est sed tortor facilisis accumsan. Maecenas rutrum vulp utate mauris ac volutpat.

mobile phone fax e-mail

+62 61 7726 6590 +62 61 4156 669 +62 61 4520 307

Jl. Kartini Dalam no.23, Kel.Madras Hulu, Kec. Medan Baru, Medan - Indonesia

Sed tempor, tellus sed consectetur tempor, augue orci egestas augue, sit ametmalesuada erat sem sit amet eros. Proin faucibus eleifend metus, vel ornare ligula sagittis posuere. Nam eget nunc rhoncus mauris facilisis vulputate ut non neque. Praesent a risus risus. Sed venenatis leo sed mi rhoncus in lacinia diam congue. Integer volutpat sem elit, id rutrum massa. Mauris ac sodales nulla. Aenean ut nisl et lacus bibendum rutrum et sit amet lacus. Duis nunc erat, blandit in pulvinar sed, pretium at velit. Fusce auctor ipsum ut ligula fermentum a eleifend enim sagittis. Nunc venenatis lorem vitae odio accumsan vel congue purus convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis at velit nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque neque urna, vehicula at pretium eleme ntum, egestas ac massa.

Hormat kami,

we define beauty by harmony

Nama Pemohon

Jl. Kartini Dalam no.23, Kel.Madras Hulu, Kec. Medan Baru, Medan - Indonesia phone

+62 61 4156 669


+62 61 4520 307


Jl. Kartini Dalam no.23, Kel.Madras Hulu, Kec. Medan Baru, Medan - Indonesia e-mail phone +62 61 4156 669 fax +62 61 4520 307

a pleasant and

friendly place

for the urban


0 3 p r o j e c t Slipi Jaya brand guideline

2 0 . 2 1

t y p e student work 5th semester


lipi Jaya is one of many shopping malls in Jakarta that has served its visitor since 1990. Slipi Jaya’s old Identity is problematic, either the form or its meaning which doesn’t reflect Slipi Jaya’s personality.

Based on my research, Slipi Jaya is well-known for its strategic spot and has been a melting pot for various type of visitors. The new identity was created based on the research packed with cheerful and friendly looks.

original logo

7.8 x 3.5 x

3.5 x

0.5 x 0.6 x


0.8 x 0.35 x

0.2 x 1,75 x

2 2 . 2 3

Jakarta, 1 Januari 2012 Perihal : Permohonan ijin gedung baru.

Dengan hormat, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fringilla odio at diam malesuada sed faucibus lectus porta. Cras faucibus, ante a facilisis luctus, tortor sapien facilisis tellus, vel condimentum lacus dui vitae urna. Phasellus felis ligula, tempor nec aliquam sed, blandit id diam. Curabitur convallis turpis ipsum, vitae lobortis quam. Quisque purus metus, fringilla quis varius sed, fermentum non lectus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec ultricies lobortis consequat. Phasellus ac lacus at velit cursus dictum. Nunc vitae ligula non sem congue semper. Proin ut mi ac nisl posuere aliquam vitae eu dui. Integer condimentum consectetur rhoncus. Sed sit amet neque tellus. Vivamus consectetur sollicitudin odio ut rhoncus. Etiam vestibulum lacus nec metus interdum tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum tincidunt est sed tortor facilisis accumsan. Maecenas rutrum vulp utate mauris ac volutpat. Sed tempor, tellus sed consectetur tempor, augue orci egestas augue, sit amet malesuada erat sem sit amet eros. Proin faucibus eleifend metus, vel ornare ligula sagittis posuere. Nam eget nunc rhoncus mauris facilisis vulputate ut non neque. Praesent a risus risus. Sed venenatis leo sed mi rhoncus in lacinia diam congue. Integer volutpat sem elit, id rutrum massa. Mauris ac sodales nulla. Aenean ut nisl et lacus bibendum rutrum et sit amet lacus. Duis nunc erat, blandit in pulvinar sed, pretium at velit. Fusce auctor ipsum ut ligula fermentum a eleifend enim sagittis. Nunc venenatis lorem vitae odio accumsan vel congue purus convallis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Duis at velit nisi. Aliquam erat volutpat. Pellentesque neque urna, vehicula at pretium eleme ntum, egestas ac massa.

Plaza Slipi Jaya Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav.17-18 Jakarta 11480 Telp : (021) 5304023, 5493545 Fax : (021) 5304048

Riska Diah Permata Marketing & TR

Plaza Slipi Jaya Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav.17-18 Jakarta 11480 Telp : (021) 5304023, 5493545 Fax : (021) 5304048

Nulla eget dolor in dolor pretium tincidunt eget ac nunc. Phasellus a ante orci. Morbi elementum, urna eget rhoncus feugiat, dui est vehicula arcu, eu iaculis neque urna lobortis lorem. Proin id auctor lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut metus eu ante tincidunt ornare. Suspendisse vulputate nulla et purus vestibulum vitae semper ligula cursus. Suspendisse eget dui dolor. Suspendisse non purus arcu, vitae ornare dui. Suspendisse tempor, orci quis aliquam feugiat, libero lorem sagittis elit, at aucibus mi felis non dolor.

Hormat kami,

Nama Pemohon

Plaza Slipi Jaya

Jl. Let. Jend. S. Parman Kav.17-18 Jakarta 11480 Telp : (021) 5304023, 5493545 Fax : (021) 5304048

brand guideline

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publ ishi ng

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how can one

be refered as

a (design) hero?

0 4 p r o j e c t Design Heroes book design

t y p e student work 6th semester


his book was a group project in design methodology course. We have to pick our design heroes and discuss their works and way of thinking. 6 great designers are featured here: Shigeo Fukuda, Jonathan Barnbrook, Michael Johnson, Louise Fili, Simon C. Page, and Moshik Nadav. These are some interesting quotes from the designers: "I believe that in design, 30% dignity, 20% beauty, and 50% absurdity are necessary." - Shigeo Fukuda "In the past, we branded slaves. Now we are slave to brands." Jonathan Barnbrook "I never design anything that conflicts with my aesthetics or interests." - Louise Fili "I find it very satisfying getting mathematically correct proportions when design something." - Simon C. Page "When you want people to really think about design in a more abstract sense, It's better if you show them what wrong design looks like." - Michael Johnson "One can get inspiration from people - the way they talk, the way they walk, even the subtle way they hold and/or present themselves." - Moshik Nadav

Headline: Santana // Bodytext: DIN Family

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metodologi desain

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talking about

graphic design



on paper

0 5 p r o j e c t Graphology Newsletter Design

t y p e student work 4th semester


raphology was a graphic design newsletter that fully designed with types to fulfill my final typography project.

As you can see, I used diagonal grid on all the pages, I found it interesting to break the gesture of how people read in general. For the headline, I mixed two typefaces with totally different character.

Headline: Big Noodle Titling & Ballpark // Bodytext: Corbel Family

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othe r

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quality for

modern and



0 6 p r o j e c t Nusantara Spices Packaging

t y p e student work 4th semester


usantara is a spices brand that offers premium quality for the modern and lifestyle-minded people. It is one of my packaging assignment during my 4th semester. My main visual concept is to gives a premium feel through the looks of Indonesia's heritage.

I used one of Maluku's pattern as the main element for the packaging which is shaped like a four sided flower. Maluku is one of the provinces in Indonesia which is well-known for its quality spices.

Nusantara has 5 variant of spices, Cinnamon, Cloves, Turmeric, Nutmeg, and Coriander. Each consists 8 sachets of one tea-spoon spice.

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the premium flavor

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designing type

with type

0 7 p r o j e c t Graces Typeface

t y p e Personal Project


races is a new typeface which I created during working on graphology newsletter. The form of this type was created from the shape of brace ( { )

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the end of my portfolio

than kyou

copyright Š vincentwong

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