January 2016 | Issue 1 | 1
Cover Feature
Holy Door Opens
Jubilee Begins n December 8th, 2015, after the Solemnity Mass of the Immaculate Conception, Pope Francis walked towards the Holy Door and pushed it open. But why did Pope Francis open the Holy Door? Generally, Jubilee years (also called a Holy Year) are celebrated every 25 years, the last one celebrated in the year 2000. Therefore, the Holy Year would be in the year 2025. However, a Pope may call a Holy Year in between Ordinary Jubilees. These are called Extraordinary Jubilees. The Pope may call one if he wants to emphasize an important message to the Catholic Church or to commemorate an important event. The opening of the Holy Door marks the inauguration of the Jubilee Year and the door’s closing marks its conclusion. Back on March 13th, 2015 the occasion of Pope Francis’ start of his third pontificate year, he stunned the whole world by announcing a Jubilee of Mercy. At the start of his pontificate, he started to reform the papa-
cy. He put aside the fancy vestments and rather used plain simple ones. He even refused to live in the elegant Apostolic Palace but rather chose to live in a humble guest room at Domus Sanctae Marthae, a dorm for Catholic clergy. Pope Francis never forgot about the poor and the suffering. He continued to support them through surprise appearances in homeless shelters and in places where you would not expect to see the Pope. He did the very similar thing when he was the Archbishop of Argentina, Cardinal Jorje Bergoglio. He would often use his free time to visit those in the slums and preached the Gospel of God’s mercy through the simplest actions. This became much more evident when Bergoglio became Pope. The Jubilee of Mercy is a chance for us Catholics to go towards and receive God’s mercy, especially through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the passing through the Holy Door. The Holy Door during this Jubilee of Mercy becomes a “Porta della Misericordiae” or “Door of Mercy”. Pope
by: Vincent Pham
Francis said in his homily on December 8th: “To pass through the Holy Door means to rediscover the infinite mercy of the Father who welcomes everyone and goes out personally to encounter each of them.1” When we pass through the Holy Door, we are saying Pope Francis pushes open the Ho “YES!” to Central Africa Republic. Pope Fr God’s mer- Door in the one of the most poores size that we need to merciful cy and saying “YES! I am going to try to become a more merciful and compassionate person.” Usually, there are only Holy Doors in the four Papal Basilicas of Rome and a few special churches in the world. However, Pope Francis understands that many people will not have the chance to go to Rome, especially the elderly and the poor to pass through the Holy Door. Pope Francis said that “This Jubilee excludes no one2 ”. Therefore, he
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has decreed that there be a Holy Door (at least one) in every diocese in the world. There are nine Holy Doors in the Archdiocese of Toronto (visit www.archtoronto.org/mercy for a list of Holy Doors). In fact, Pope Francis himself opened his first Holy Door in Bangui, a small poor town in Africa. He also opened a Holy Door in a homeless shelter in Rome. With the passing through oly Door in the Bangui Cathedral, the Holy rancis chose to open his first Holy Door, we st countries in the world to emphaare repeople, caring for the needy. quested to pray for the Pope’s intentions, receive the Eucharist and most importantly, receive God’s mercy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Many teens I know are scared of confession. Perhaps they are ashamed to confess their sins to the priest. However, Pope Francis said,
“There are peo ple w ho are afraid to go to confession, forgetting that they will not encounter a severe judge there, but the immensely merciful Father.3” Through confession, we are proving our “Yes” to God that we just did through the passing through the Holy Door. Pope Francis has gone to confession twice in public. This is to show that we are all sinners and that we need God’s infinite mercy. During this Jubilee, we should be aware that this is not called the Jubilee of God’s Mercy. However, it is called the Jubilee of Mercy. Therefore, we are called not only to receive God’s mercy but to also be merciful people. Youth today have become so attracted to brandname goods like Apple or TNA that we forget about caring for those less fortunate than us. Or, we may be so attached to our friends that we forget about to have compassion to those who are suffering, may be not physically but mentally and/or spiritually. We need to be people of compassion, merciful people, being “m erciful lik e the Fa-
ther4”. Consider spending some time with those who seem to be “unpopular” in our schools. These people are in need of friendship and just one act of kindness will have a big impact on them. Another act of mercy you may consider would be to volunteer at a retirement home or a food bank. The elderly and the poor are often forgotten in our world today. Therefore, to be present with the elderly or setting up a bed for a man or woman that will sleep in that room later on at night helps to assure these people that there are kind people out there caring for them. Keep in mind always when doing acts of mercy, that Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me5 ” (Mt 25:40). Need more ideas on acts of mercy? The best source to refer to would be the seven corporal works of mercy and the seven spiritual acts of mercy. These fourteen acts of mercy will be emphasized by Pope Francis during this Jubilee for Mercy. Since the beginning of Pope Francis’ pontificate emphasized
January 2016 | Issue 1 | 3
through both his words and actions that mercy and compassion are virtues that everyone should be living, especially us Catholics. Pope Francis said, “Let the Church alw ays be a place of mercy and hope, where everyone is welcomed, loved and forgiven.6 ” If we Catholics can live out this virtue of mercy, especially us, the youth, we may be able to bring the message of God’s infinite mercy to those who do not know of this beautiful gift.
Work Cited 1 Homily of His Holiness, Pope Francis: Holy Mass and Opening of The Holy Door https://w2.vatican.va/ content/francesco/en/homilies/2015/ documents/papafrancesco_20151208_giubileo-omelia -apertura.html Letter of His Holiness Pope Francis According To Which An Indulgence is Granted to the Faithful on the Occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy https://w2.vatican.va/content/ francesco/en/letters/2015/documents/ papa-francesco_20150901_letteraindulgenza-giubileo-misericordia.html 2
Quote on confession http:// www.catholicnews.com/services/ englishnews/2015/dont-be-afraid-orashamed-to-go-to-confession-popesays.cfm 3
From the theme of the Jubilee of Mercy, based on Lk 6:36 4
Need to find the correct readings for Mass? Need to find an appropriate Catholic website? Then Catholicism Time website directory is for you!
Mt 25:40 from NABRE Bible translation 5
Pope Francis’ tweet June 16, 2013 @Pontifex https://twitter.com/pontifex/ status/346209446004920320 6
References What is a Holy Year? http:// www.vatican.va/jubilee_2000/docs/ documents/ju_documents_17-feb1997_history_en.html
The official logo for the Jubilee of Mercy Logo designed by Fr. Marko I. Rupnik S.J. To see explanation of logo, visit http://www.im.va/content/gdm/en/ giubileo/logo.html
Francis announces new global jubilee, the Holy Year of Mercy http:// ncronline.org/news/vatican/francisannounces-new-global-jubilee-holyyear-mercy
Visit www.catholicismtime. website.tk
an e-directory of Catholic Websites!
Official website of the Jubilee of Mercy http://www.im.va/content/gdm.html
4 | Catholicism ime
January 2016 | Issue 1 | 5
THE CATHOLIC MAN The Catholic Man (Vincent Pham) offers advice on Catholicism Time magazine to those who write to him seeking counselling. He uses the LISTENS process to give his advice. LISTENS is an acronym that stands for: LOOK for the facts, IMAGINE the possibilities, SEEK beyond your own insight, EXPECT God’s help, NAME your decision and SEARCH for the best outcome. He also gives advice based on the Bible, the 10 Commandments, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Code of Canon Law
There are a few things you can do
time to go to the last resort.
in this situation. First of all, talk to those who are teasing you. Explain to them that what they are doing is wrong and that you are very upset. What they are doing is
going against the fifth commandment “You shall not kill”. They may not be killing you physically but they are killing you emotionally. If the bullies continue, then present this problem
Dear The Catholic Man,
to your teacher. He/she can
My name is Justin and I am kid with
help you find a solution
red hair and freckles. I am being
and deal with the bullies. If
teased at school. After some time, I
that does not work, you may need
got really annoyed and decided to
to present your issue to the vice-
dyed my hair. I though that would
principal or principal of your
work but instead, I was teased even
school. There will be consequenc-
more. Desperate , I’ve told my parents
es to the bullies’ actions. There-
and asked them if I can transfer
fore, once the issue have been pre-
schools. However, at the same time, I
sented to your principal, the bul-
don’t since I’m enrolled in a special
lying should end. If not, then you
computer program that is only offered
should turn to the last resort
at my school. I am also top 10% of my
which would be to move school.
class in this program. I’m being bul-
However, I think that everything
lied. What should I do?
should stop after being told so by -Justin
Advice Column
the principal. If the principal does
What would Jesus do (WWJD)? He would likely ignore the situation and just continue going on his mission. For example, when Jesus was on the cross, he was made fun for being the “King of the Jews” and “Son of God”. Jesus just ignored these people and instead said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing .“ (Lk 23:34). Have you ever tried to ignore them? Ignoring might make the bullies feel less
engage to hurt you and others. Also, with that, you need to forgive the bullies. Holding in grief and being upset at others will cause you no good. You may be depressed and may not be taking care of yourself which is against the fifth commandment “you shall not kill”. When you forgive others, you are not only relieving
yourself but you are also making the bullies realize the wrong they have done.
Hi Justin,
not do anything then it would be a
I know you are going through a
good idea to change schools since
I strongly suggest you spend
very tough time and I feel you. I
if a principal, the head of the
sometime praying each day to
think that transferring school
school cannot stop the situation ,
God and ask for strength and
should be your last possibility in
that means that the situation has
hope. Be assured always that God
this situation.
reached the boiling point and its
6 | Catholicism ime
is always there for you and you
that it is good to do sports, how-
you go to the track-and-field meet.
should note loose hope or faith in
ever do not allow the sports to
That is fine. He has to right to be
take over God nor push too hard
proud to have a daughter who is a
that it will cause harm to your-
champion high jumper. However,
I think that your father may have
Therefore, the Catholic Church
forgotten that he (the parent) have
does not object the playing
the first responsibility for the edu-
cation of their children as stated in
In your situation, based on what
CCC 2223. You might think that to
I know, I would suggest the fol-
choose to do the exam over going
Hi Catholic Man,
lowing: Ask your teacher if there
to the meet would be going
I am a champion high jumper. I am an
is a make-up exam day. Or you
against the fourth commandment
average student and I am hoping to
may suggest some arrangements
“Honour your father and mother”.
get high marks to get into the univer-
with your teacher.
This is true. How-
sity I wish to go. I am have a provin-
Explain to him/her
ever, in this situa-
cial track-and-field meet in three
that you have a
tion I would spend
weeks and it falls on the same day as a
provincial track-
time and talk with
very important exam at my school.
and-field meet on
your dad about the
My dad says that I should go to the
the same day as the
situation and see if
track-and-field meet. I am unsure.
exam and that you wish to do
reconsiders what he has insisted.
What should I do?
both. Your teacher may arrange a
WWJD? Jesus always spent a lot of
different date for you to write the
time in quiet prayer. Jesus was
Greetings Ella,
exam or may give you sugges-
true human and therefore under-
First of all, congratulations on
tions to help make a wise deci-
stood how it felt to make deci-
getting into the provincial track-
sion. If the teacher does not help
sions. Do you remember what fa-
and-field meet!
you then you should talk with
mous Jesus said when he was
School or sports? Sometimes in
the school principal or vice-
praying in sorrow in the garden of
our life, there are important deci-
Gethsemane? He prayed, “Father,
sions we have to make and you do
Many schools have a saying
if you are willing, take this cup away
not know where to go!
“student first, athlete second”.
from me; still, not my will but yours
Let us take a look at the Catechism
Therefore, the truth would be
be done.” (Lk 22:42) Jesus since he
of the Catholic Church and see
that you need to put your educa-
was human felt that fear of death,
what it suggests:
tion on a higher priority than
the beatings, the pain that will
CCC 2223 says: “Parents have the
your sports, especially now that
come. However, he accepted the
first responsibility for the education of
you want higher grades to get
their children. “
into the university your wish to
Consider spending sometime to
CCC 2288-2291 talks about the re-
the Holy Spirit for guidance so to
Remember to NAME your decision and SEARCH for the best outcome. I hope my suggestions help you in finding a solution.
spect for health. Sports is men-
Now, your father insisted that help you decide on a wise decitioned in section 2289 and says ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
January 2016 | Issue 1 | 7
neighbor.” (Ex 20:16) since he is
the assignment, you should do
I hope my suggestions will help
lying to his teacher that assign-
your part by urging him to tell the
you make a good decision under
ment he has handed in is his own.
truth. He should tell Geri Ann
God’s guidance. May God bless
This may also be considered pla-
about what he has done. After, he
giarism. This action will have a
should report to the teacher. Even
consequence towards himself. The
though this may lead to some un-
teacher should have a good un-
easy scenes, at least he is doing
Catholic Man,
derstanding of each student’s abil-
the right thing. I am sure that as
I have something that I’ve been think-
ities. Therefore, Lorenzo’s teacher
long as Lorenzo tells the truth, he
ing about the past few days. Geri
would likely know how well a po-
will feel more comfort and that his
Ann, my friend, is a tal-
em from Lorenzo
teacher will be more than willing
ented writer. She has
should be. Howev-
to have him redo the assignment
dropped a composition
er, if Lorenzo gets
as long as he is willing to receive
piece she made but thank-
away with it, then
help and feel sorry for what he has
fully it has been graded
he may have had
with an “A”. However, I have been
won physically but I am sure that
WWJD? Sometimes in life we are
told that a guy in my class named
the on the inside he will feel guilt
tempted to do things because of
Lorenzo has picked up the composi-
sooner or later. If he does get
our human weaknesses. We need
tion. Writing does not come easily to
caught, he will loose trust from his
to overcome those temptations
him. Therefore he just took the compo-
teacher and at the same time likely
and do what is right. Matthew 4:1-
sition and copied in, changed a few
have a zero on that assignment
11 records Jesus being tempted by
words around and handed in to an-
which may reflect greatly on re-
the devil during his time fasting in
other teacher as another assignment
port card. Therefore, negative ac-
the desert for 40 days and 40
the next day as if it were his own
tions will have a negative conse-
nights. Jesus should have been
work. What should Lorenzo do?
very hungry during these days
What can Lorenzo do? In the first
and being tempted to turn the
place, Lorenzo should of have
stones into bread… how tempting!
Thank you for your question. First
asked for help from his teacher
However, Jesus knew that even
of all, we need to understand that
and explain to him/her that writ-
though he could do so, he would
what Lorenzo is doing is against
ing does not come easy to him. For
not live on bread, material things
the seventh commandment, “You
sure the teacher will help him
but rather do the will of the Father
shall not steal” (Ex 20:15) since he
with the assignment. This is a win
and obey the Father rather than
is taking and copying someone
-win solution: Lorenzo would re-
the words of the devil (cf Mt 4:4).
else’s work without giving any
ceive help and does not have to
Jesus did what was right even
credit to the actual author. His ac-
think of copying, plagiarism and
though tempted to do wrong.
tion is also going against the
all that stuff. However, in this case
I hope you recommend these tips
eighth commandment, “You shall
now that Lorenzo has handed in
and pray for Lorenzo for God’s
not bear false witness against your
guidance to do the right thing.
8 | Catholicism ime