Learn Piano Online Piano practice can be fun too!
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You may be wondering why many people prefer to learn to play the piano online while they can learn this at an accredited music school. If you prefer to enroll in a music school, it's great. However, if you have tight schedules and find it difficult to add piano lessons to your daily activities, consider an alternative that still helps you learn to play the piano without affecting or sacrificing your usual activities. You certainly know how difficult it is to change the lifestyle that you get used to. Internet is the best source of everything today. Almost everyone uses the internet when they need to know more about something. It's good that you can find many online piano tutorials nowadays. It is up to you whether you want to spend a few hours before your piano lessons online. You are the boss of your own time if you prefer to take piano lessons online. Not only that. You can also quickly purchase and download electronic books with piano lessons. There are also many video tutorials from different video streaming websites that help you learn more about playing the piano. As you can see, learning to play the piano is very simple, as long as you have a computer with internet access. Learning to play the piano online can also be beneficial for mothers. They will still have the opportunity to be with their children while they learn to play the piano. They can even ask their children to join them and learn the piano all together. Of course you can never learn and experience these benefits without the most important thing you should have. What is it Well, you need a piano! You do not need a new piano at this time. You can borrow one of your family or friends. However, it is also fine if you prefer to buy a new one. If this is the first time you have a piano, you have to choose a good one. Of course you don't need a piano that is perfect for experts. You have to buy a piano that works well for beginners. If you can find a great piano
that is perfect for all types and levels of users, then this is great. If you cannot afford a piano, a keyboard is a good alternative. As you can see, online piano learning can offer you more freedom and time flexibility. However, it is still up to you if you prefer to learn that way. You still have to strive to learn the different strategies and techniques to play the piano. Self-study may not be a good option for everyone because some people find it easier to understand every type of lesson with the guidance of a teacher or instructor. Try to learn the piano online and see if it works for you. Have a great musical experience! Are you looking for piano lessons? Click here to view the latest piano lessons and learn to play the piano! Piano practice can also be fun! Most people really don't want to "learn" to play the piano or "practice", they just want to play the piano. "Playing" sounds fun, "practicing" sounds like a task. We get this childhood image: a child trapped in 'practice scales' while all other children 'play' outside the window. So the first thing to do is to see our piano practice in a new light. See it as a way to speed up the learning process, so SOON you can "play" the piano and play well. If you don't practice and just play old familiar melodies, you move fairly slowly. Yes, you will improve by playing those familiar old melodies, but technically you will not push yourself to greater heights.
A good and structured piano practice helps you progress. I say "good" because many people have an idea that it is normal to keep playing songs. The practice must concern unknown territory. The golden rule is: "practice what you CANNOT play, not what YOU CAN play." First calculate what you want to achieve. Do you want to know all your chords without thinking about how they are formed? Then develop a practice routine that brings you to that goal. You may want to know more about investments or replacing agreements; Adjust the exercise to fit the goal again.
Divide your practice session into two halves. Touch the difficult things in the first half (to begin with, your mind is sharper) and reward yourself with some nice, but fairly difficult songs. Make sure you feel comfortable. Many back problems have occurred due to a bad piano stool at the wrong height. Make sure your piano is tuned. If you don't have a good piano and take learning seriously, BUY GOOD.
Extend your arms and shoulders every 15 minutes and twist your neck to fight stiffness. View some yoga exercises for shoulders and back. Follow the rule 3 times a day. The repetition in practice is ESSENTIAL. If you find something particularly difficult, you must practice it at least 3 times a day. Don't worry if it takes months to get the hang of it: it will happen. Don't play for neighbors. Practice the piano at a time when you don't care who is listening, so you can make many mistakes and play things over and over again. Organize your piano music carefully, do not keep it in a pile where you continue to play it above. If you download scores, place them in a folder. Keep lots of shelves at the piano. Be realistic: I truly believe that anyone can learn the piano and learn at a pleasant level, but no two people are the same, some are more "naturally" gifted than others. If you have an average ability, it all comes down to practice. The more you practice, the more you learn.
Practice occasionally with your eyes closed, or do not look at the keys, this really sharpens it. Organize your life so that the exercise is possible (this is where mindfulness comes in). Too many people think they don't have time to practice if they haven't really found the time. How long do you have to practice? That depends on what you want to achieve. You don't have to be a concert pianist. Even if you only play for yourself, just enjoy it. The archer whose mind is focused on the prize cannot concentrate on the target. Accept bad days when you can't seem to play a note. Sometimes it's better to get away. So remember
that "playing" the piano and "practicing" the piano are different. What are you doing? Point out a bit of both. What is better ... Keyboard or piano? The real pianos are great, but the big disadvantage is that you can't lower the volume, so with a piano you usually play for the neighbors. With a keyboard you can put on headphones and play what excites you: you can experiment, make mistakes and sound crazy and play something a thousand times without making other people crazy. Ideally BOTH! If you buy a piano, it is preferable to buy an extra large piano, not a straight one! How to know: lift the top cover of the piano, you should see the tuning pins at the top of the piano. If the tuning pins are evenly distributed over the block of pins and the strings are all parallel and vertical, this is a piano with straight strings. If there is a group of tuning keys on the left and a separate group on the right and the strings cross in an X shape, this is an excellent piano. Also ask a tuner to verify it. I once bought a piano for which the wood had to be treated, because all the pins (which secure the strings) were released very quickly after tuning: disaster!
Which keyboard should you choose? A lot depends on what you want. Do you want a keyboard that sounds and feels like a piano? Then you are looking for a digital keyboard or piano with HEAVY keys. Listen carefully to the piano sound; Don't be fooled by all the other buttons. If you want
something portable, then you are looking for a keyboard. Personally, I would still look for one with heavy keys: I hate the feeling of lightweight plastic keys. Buy a keyboard with at least 61 keys, everything less and you will want more keys after a few days. Also make sure you get a sustain pedal, a keyboard is definitely a dead thing without one. Without a sustain pedal as soon as you take your finger off a key, the sound stops (with a piano at least the strings vibrate for a second or two), the difference is quite noticeable.