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Profile Adrian Cordoma

Adrian Cordoma is the youngest grower on the ATGA board. As the export manager of Cordoma Group, Adrian has a leading role in growing and sales and, with his marketing experience, he has expanded the family business’s top label in South East Asian markets.

How long have you been in the industry? I’ve been in the industry about 10 years. Is the family involved too? Yeah, both sides of the family are in and around the industry in some way. How things have changed over the years?

Increased market access has allowed the industry to become more lucrative, as well as allowing our industry to grow at a rapid rate. It’s been a very productive few years from where I sit. A lot of family growers have turned into large enterprises and previously large enterprises have turned into cooperative style operations. Where do you see the industry going? I feel mainly new hybrid varieties and new growing regions all over the world as well as Australia will mean there is no week of the year grapes will not be over supplied. Therefore brand and quality will be more important for success than beforehand. Also possibly as our costs increase, technology will assist to reduce some grower costs. What do you love about the industry? I think it’s nice to be part of an industry that is known on a world stage. Australian grapes are really demanded on a global scale and I think we are only scratching the surface of our demand so we still have a lot of miles to cover and a lot of future growth. Is there anything unique that your business or you individually are looking into, in terms of innovation?

Mainly new trellising styles that aren’t traditional to Australia and some agtech automation, which will help reduce some costs hopefully. v

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