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Celebrating top growers

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The 2023 season started poorly as continuous wet, mild and humid conditions through budburst and flowering were ideal conditions for the onset and spread of downy mildew. Growers continually sprayed to try to control the disease, but difficulty in accessing properties due to saturated soils, rain events, availability of chemicals and the increased costs made the situation more difficult. Nearly all growers were affected, with some losing their entire crops. Overall, we expect that the crop impact on our early estimate to be about 20 per cent.

2022 Dried Vine Fruit Quality Awards

In our 13th year of recognising our best producers, the 2022 Sunbeam All Australian 18 team was announced recently. These award winners demonstrated in a very difficult season that their practices and timely management allowed the production of the best quality fruit for the season.

The five “Best On Ground” performers were: AJL Vineyards, MW and CL Dean, PG and RG Melton, Nicholls Mildura Trust, and A and R Palamara.

DR Appleby, RL and J Bennett, MJ

Cowling, MP and KV Dubois, KR and KM

Finnemore, Grapeland Pty Ltd, G & G Brothers Pty Ltd, DE and SN Hancock, R and E Kennedy, V and S Musolino, DG and NL Smith, SuniTAFE and AK Webley rounded out our team of 18.

The 2022 Export Award went to a parcel of 5 crown light sultanas produced by A and R Palamara.

The 2022 Yield Improvement Award recipient was MW and CL Dean. This award recognises the achievement of increasing the property yield through changed practices to maximise the vines’ potential.


Prunes were the star performer for Angas Park in 2022.

Very strong sales were achieved as private label prunes were out of stock on several occasions.

This, along with another season of successfully exporting smaller prunes, has made it a positive year.

We will now unfortunately have to temporarily substitute imported prunes for Australian as our stocks have run short. Once the 2023 crop is delivered we will quickly return to a 100 per cent Australian offering.

Prune Quality Awards

At our annual grower dinner and presentation, the 2022 Prune Grower Quality Awards were announced. The winners were J and R Adamas, Paeco Pty Ltd and J and A Cremasco.

Now in the eighth year of these awards, growers who achieve the highest quality prunes are recognised and awarded with an all-expenses trip for two to Sydney.

Dried Tree Fruit

The 2022/2023 harvest, while late, was completed successfully with very few disruptions.

The changed fruit fly requirements eased the burden on fresh fruit movements, which was a relief.

The maturity was behind and, as a result, the overall fruit size was slightly smaller than normal.

The new varieties performed well and showed all the attributes that were demonstrated in the breeding program. Angas Park apricot pricing for the season increased by 10 per cent and this is reflective of the changed demand for Aussie apricots and a positive signal for our growers.v


Supply Manager dried Fruit

David Swain | 0407 834 044

Field officer (including SA)

Alan Lister | 0409 437 801

Field Officer

Gary Simpson | 0429 960 234

Dried tree fruits operations manager – Loxton

Luke Fitzsimmons | 0431 894 515

Image: Members of the 2022 Sunbeam All Australian 18 Quality Team

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