Vital link TO B U YER S
A changing global trade landscape has amplified the need for adaptive digital marketing. ATGA’s 2021 Table Grape Industry Exporter Directory will be a vital link between exporting growers and their markets. The Exporter Directory is a powerful tool for the table grape industry, providing a snapshot of the industry as well as detailed list of exporters, their contact details, varietals list, and more. In 2021, the Exporter Directory will be interactive, allowing greater search functionality and accessibility at a
time when digital marketing must be easy to digest, yet informative. Previous editions of the directory have seen more than 50 exporters showcase their businesses and their grapes. AUSTRALIAN TABLE GRAPE
ATGA CEO Jeff Scott said the almanac was an important trade resource for importers, retailers and other buyers of Australian table grapes.
“The table grape industry is inundated by importers, retailers and distributors with requests about who to buy grapes from,” Jeff said. “We always refer those contacts to the Exporter Directory, we don’t single out growers or exporters to remain fair to all.” v
2021 Directory coming soon
Protection of the Ralli Seedless We pride ourselves on the high quality that Ralli Seedless have come to be known for. We’ve received many enquiries about the availability of Ralli Seedless vines and cuttings from next year - once its PBR protection expires. It’s important that industry members understand that this expiry does not put G & I Ralli & Sons Pty Ltd’s (“G & I Ralli”) rights in the Ralli Seedless vines into public domain. All Ralli Seedless vines that are in the possession of nurseries or growers have been supplied by G & I Ralli (or else are illegal), which has never sold the rights of ownership of any Ralli Seedless vines, cuttings or plant material and has only granted leases or licences to the right to grow or propagate fruit from such vines, cuttings or plant material.
The PBR expiry next year does not change the fact that all of those vines, cuttings and plant material are still the property of G & I Ralli. Any person who attempts to deal with them in a way inconsistent with our company’s property rights will be pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law.
We welcome all enquiries pertaining to the supply of Ralli Seedless vines, cuttings or plant material. Please contact: Joe Ralli m: 0427 375 625
Anyone parting with possession of Ralli Seedless vines, cuttings and plant material or purporting to sell or lease the same, without our company’s prior written approval, or in any other way to deal with them free of our company’s rights and not subject to our prior approval will be, in effect, dealing with our company’s property illegally. Our company would, in such circumstances, be entitled to take court action whether a private prosecution under the criminal law for theft or under the civil law for conversion and it will not hesitate to do so if necessary.