2 minute read
Fortifying relationships
News from the CEO
There have been some welcome changes at Hort Innovation regarding the relationship between peak industry bodies and Hort Innovation.
Since the new CEO Brett Fifield came into the role some structural changes have been implemented, and outsourcing of some key functions, that have paved the way for a better working relationship between peak industry bodies –such as the Australian Table Grape Association – and Hort Innovation.
As we all should know, Hort Innovation receives all the levies you pay and is the custodian of how those levies are spent. The ATGA has to compete with other interested parties, on a transparent tender basis, for projects that are of significance and benefit to levy payers.
Projects that the ATGA has been successfully delivered in the past and present are the communications project, trade and market access project and the extension of technologies and best practice management project. We look into the levy investment process a bit more on pages 18-19.
One change Hort Innovation have implemented was the “Reset and Refresh” Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU provides clarity regarding the commitment of Hort Innovation and the ATGA and the collaboration process undertaken to refresh the advice mechanism.
The advice mechanism includes the panels, or subpanels, which exist to inform the investment of industry levies and Australian Government contributions. In the case of the table grape industry, we have a Strategic Investment Advisory Panel (SIAP) and a subcommittee for marketing (which workshops with Hort Innovation annually on marketing levy spend both internationally and domestic and then puts forward plans to the main SIAP), but other industries have different advice mechanisms depending on industry need.
As part of this mutual commitment, Hort Innovation and ATGA will act in accordance with the spirit and intent of this MoU, even though neither party intends that it be legally binding.
What the MoU provides is clarity regarding the design and implementation plan of the refreshed advice mechanism, and details required actions by each party. In the agreement, we acknowledge that we both have distinct and complementary roles in delivering RD&E for
Australia’s table grape industry and we want to maintain a positive and cooperative working relationship for the benefit of the industry.
The purpose of Hort Innovation is to fund and provide best practice project management to deliver on industry and government R&D priorities and for Australian horticulture. It will work in partnership with industry bodies to deliver results to levy payers and taxpayers in a timely fashion.
The ATGA’s role, with regard to investment of levy funds and contributions, is to engage with levy payers, including other industry bodies and relevant grower groups, to identify RD&E priorities, and work collaboratively with Hort Innovation and the Commonwealth Government.
ATGA, Hort Innovation and the government need to work in collaboration to increase productivity, farm-gate profitability and global competitiveness.
The ATGA has agreed to sign this MoU and we look forward to having a strong working relationship under the new “Reset and Refresh” approach of Hort Innovation. v