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Vinicius Costa

São Paulo, Brazil "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."GANDHI "Jesus given me the strength and Gandhi showed me the way" Martin Luther King Jr BE THE CHANGE! "A Free soul that flirts with the wind" Simple nice guys might seem crazy at times. Talk a lot but i have what to say. Always on the go because of my job i share my life with an amazing person which is my wife. Which makes my globe trotting adventures all the sweeter Um cara simples e legal qeu as vezes parece louco. Falo um monte mas tenho o que dize. Vivo viajando por causa do meu trabalho e divio a minha vida com uma pessoa maravilhosa que e a minha esposa o qeu faz as minhas viagens pelo mundo ainda melhor.


viniciuscosta05 Publisher Publications - Issuu