Habita birds

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A pair of binoculars and a good field guide are practically all that is necessary to discover the most extraordinary bird species while engaging in bird tourism in the most appropriate of all places: Colombia, the country with the largest bird diversity in the world. Bird observation and interpretation in Colombia can be carried out in four regions in the company of experts from the Red Nacional de Observadores de Aves (the national network of bird observers), who will take visitors along the best ecological routes. This way, bird lovers have the possibility of observing hummingbirds and anteaters throughout the Andean region (the Eastern Range, the Central Range, the Western Range of the Andes). The highest concentration of endemic birds in Colombia, outstanding among them the Santa Marta small parakeet and antpitta is found in the Caribbean region, specifically in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. But if a tourist prefers to admire the birds of Central and South America, there is no better place than the Pacific region, which is characterized as being a migratory bird corridor. It is also worthwhile to visit the Amazon region; its enormous ecosystem is host to approximately 530 species. Colombia offers the world and bird lovers a gamut of possibilities for enjoying exceptional natural wealth, embellished by thousands of colors and the songs of birds.

Aplomado Falcon

Cattle Egret

Common Tody Flycatcher

Verlmilion Flycatcher.

Screetch Owl

Black Billed Thrush

Lineated Woodpecker

White Lined Tanager

Yellow Headed Caracara

Colombian Cachalaca

Dusky Capped Flycatcher

Orange Chinned Parrakeet

Red Crowned Woodpecker

Tropical Mockingbird

Eared Dove

Black Vulture

Ruddy Ground Dove

Roadside Hawk

Barred Antshrike

Crimson Backed Tanager

Golden Olive Woodpecker

Squirrel Cuckoo

Atlantic Canary

Scrub Tanager

Yellow Oriole


House Wren

Summer Tanager

Blue Tanager

Palm Tanager

Montane Woodcreeper

Grey Seedeater

Thick billed Euphonia

Blue and White Swalow

Great Kiskadee

Greenish Elania

Green Ibis

Smooth Billed Ani

Tropical Parula

Southern Rough-Winged Swallow

Streaked Saltator

Grey Headed Dove

Shiny Cowbird

Cattle Tyrant

Southern Lapwing

Yellow Faced Grassquit

Guira Tanager

White Neched Jacobin


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