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Angellala Bridge Explosion and Historic House Museum
Moments before 9:00 pm on Friday 5th September 2014, a truck carrying 52.8 tonnes of ammonium nitrate was involved in a singlevehicle incident. The explosion was the equivalent power to 10 – 15 tonnes of TNT and so powerful that 30 km away Charleville residents thought there was an earthquake. The explosion was measured as a seismic event measuring 2.1 on the Richter scale. Thankfully not a life was lost in the largest explosion in Australian transportation history.
Leafless trees fringed the site after 44 bags of ammonium nitrate, each bag weighing 1.2 tonnes, exploded alongside the Matilda Highway.
The site and ruins of this historic explosion are signposted and the story is told through a specially prepared interpretive area at the site. The railway bridge will never be rebuilt.
You can find the explosion site 30 km south-west of Charleville. There’s a pull-off area for caravans and camper trailers.

There are very few buildings in Charleville that can boast a history as long and colourful as the Charleville Historic House Museum. Purposebuilt in 1887 as the town’s first Queensland National Bank, it became a private residence in 1942, then a boarding house.
In 1973 the Charleville & District Historical Society purchased it to establish the fascinating museum it is today. Filled to the brim with treasures of yesteryear, some dating back to the 1800s, it retains its original features from the bank such as marble fireplaces and the vault. Outside, the collection continues with an original rail ambulance, steam engine and life-size replica of a Cobb & Co coach.
87 Alfred St, Charleville 07 4654 3349 historichousemuseum@bigpond.com
Mon to Fri: 9am to 3pm; Sat & Sun: 9am to 2pm Times of opening vary as this is volunteer-run. A small fee is charged for admission.