2 minute read
Gone fishin’
Sit back and relax as the Murweh Shire boasts some fantastic fishing opportunities.
With the Warrego and Ward Rivers on our doorstep plus an abundant restocking program by the local fishing club continuing to protect this important river system, you are in for a bite or two and hopefully a goodsized catch. The Warrego River is one of the few rivers where silver perch continue to breed naturally.
Golden Perch (Yellowbelly)
Size limit: 30 cm Possession limit: 10
Murray Cod
Minimum size: 60 cm Possession limit: 2 Closed Season: 1 August to 31 October
Eel-Tailed Catfish
Size limit: 35 cm Possession limit: 5
Spangled Perch (Bobby)
No size limit Possession limit: 20
Silver Perch (Black Bream)
No take species in the Warrego and Paroo Rivers.
Blue Claw Yabby
No size limit Possession limit: 100 from their natural range Females carrying eggs must be released safely back into the water.
European Carp
All noxious fish if caught must be killed immediately and not returned to the water.
You cannot keep, hatch, rear, sell, consign or place in any container. Why? Noxious fish compete with native species and gradually reduce their habitat and affect numbers.

Visitor’s Tips
For all the latest in fishing and camping gear and where they are biting visit Judey’s Browse Inn in Alfred Street
Free camping areas have NO toilet facilities – rubbish bins are provided
Keep up to date about rules and regulations on size and catch limits
Enjoy your time and we hope you catch a beauty
For live bait only use yabbies, shrimps, worms and bobbys. The use of fish and crustaceans out of their natural environment is prohibited. When measuring your catch, it is from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail.
The Charleville Fishing and Restocking Group is involved in many programs conducted using tags to give scientists a better understanding of fish movement, growth or number decline. If you catch a tagged fish call 1800 077 001 (toll free) or return the tag to the Tagging Coordinator, PO Box 9793, Frenchville QLD 4707.
Keep in mind the date and place of capture, the fork and/or total length and details if the fish was kept or released.
If the tag has ’Keep Frame’ on it, please freeze the fish and contact the coordinator on 1800 077 001 or your local QBFP office.