Above: Fame Maker R (Fame VF x Inschallah El Shaklan by El Shaklan)
Attitude and presence with a capital ‘A’ and capital ‘P’ were two of the principal reasons Fame Maker was purposefully sought as the logical next step for the Mulawa programme.
Celebrating 20 years of
FAME and FORTUNE Story by Scott Benjamin
oncluding an undefeated trio of shows in 1997, including the esteemed East Coast Championships and the always competitive Victorian Classic, the latter competition held just the week prior at the same Werribee venue, the horse that had travelled from the opposite side of the globe to captivate and inspire Australians, as only he was so effortlessly capable, laid the foundation for what is now immeasurably celebrated as the ever-expanding and profound legacy of Fame Maker R. A son of US National Champion and Arabian breed pillar Fame VF (Bey Shah x RaffoletaRose by Raffon) and the beautiful ¾-Spanish beauty Inschallah El Shaklan (El Shaklan x Prometida by Zanjar), Fame Maker was bred in the United States by actress Joyce DeWitt of Three’s Company fame. The ‘R’ in his registered name was attributed to his handler and promoter, internationally respected horseman Gene Reichardt, a long-time family friend of the Farrells who was responsible for introducing several key breeding horses of immense importance to the Mulawa programme over the years. Fame Maker was first admired by Greg as a two-year-old at the annual Scottsdale Show, whom he followed back to his stables for a closer look after finishing second in his class. Five years later, with the important titles US and Canadian National Champion Futurity Stallion to his credit, Fame Maker was offered as a premier attraction in the 1996 Arabco Auction during the Scottsdale Show. Eager to take advantage of the
opportunity, Greg, Julie and Jane attended the auction, a vivid memory Jane recalls as ‘the only time we searched for a stallion and knew exactly who we were after.’ Keen interest by fellow Australian, David Westbrook, who had travelled specifically to Scottsdale to purchase Fame Maker as well, could have complicated matters. In perfect Farrell Family ‘good fortune’ fashion, however, TS Al Malik was also discovered on the same trip, and purchased prior to the auction through David Boggs and Midwest. Enthusiastic to create opportunity for both Fame Maker R and TS Al Malik in Australia, the Farrells and David Westbrook came to an agreement prior to the auction, the result of which was the Farrells abstaining from bidding on Fame Maker, while at the same time, committing to promote and prepare Fame Maker for the show ring under the Mulawa banner on David’s behalf, should he be the successful bidder. Never before were the Farrells so happy to see a horse they so fervently desired end up in another’s ownership at the end of an auction. A short three years later, both stallions would end up as unencumbered fully-fledged members of the Mulawa programme on Australian soil.
‘Attitude and presence with a capital “A” and capital “P”,’ acknowledges Jane, were two of the principal reasons Fame Maker was purposefully sought as the logical next step for the Mulawa programme. It was these special qualities that Greg worked diligently to bring out in Fame Maker after his arrival, having witnessed both in him in abundance as a youngster at Scottsdale. ‘Fame Maker arrived in Australia completely over the machine-like stand-up and inability to express himself,’ Greg candidly reveals. ‘It took considerable time and patience for him to really feel at home again in his own skin and for him to conquer the demons to which he had been subjected. When it finally all clicked for him, Fame Maker understood very clearly that the show ring was his place to shine. From that moment forward, he never looked back. It was a wonderful privilege to be on the other end of the lead – I just had to praise him and hang on!’ Fame Maker’s first show Down Under was the important National Stud Show in Sydney in 1996. Coming up against the King Estatebred Wanted KE, an imposingly masculine stallion with a pure-Mulawa pedigree, Fame Maker stood second, and eventually Reserve
Never before were the Farrells so happy to see a horse they so fervently desired end up in another’s ownership at the end of an auction.
Right: Multi-Australian National Champion Flame Maker (x Mulawa Kara Mia MI by GLF Apollo)
Champion Senior Stallion, for the one and only time in his career in Oz. Jane recalls this showdown as an ‘unbelievable show performance’ for both stallions, giving the added edge to Fame Maker for his unrivalled ‘high opinion of himself’. Jane adds, ‘It felt incredibly special just to be there.’ Fame Maker’s East Coast win under renowned Brazilian breeder Lenita Perroy at the same venue, the old Sydney Showgrounds in Moore Park, just a few months later was ‘exhilarating’ according to Jane, and ‘perhaps the best class of stallions I can remember seeing to that time.’ Julie remembers Fame Maker as ‘the only horse in the ring with his neck arched and tail flagged as he danced around the arena.’ Greg recalls that championship with great clarity, ‘Fame Maker absolutely loved the competitiveness of being in a ring full of stallions. He would light up as soon as he was asked to circle prior to his entrance, trotting and snorting and prancing with maximum effort the entire time. His show ring attitude was all natural charisma and pure exuberance.’ Fame Maker’s final foray in the show ring was a back-to-back performance at the Victorian Classic and the Australian Championships a few weeks later. Typically against Mulawa policy to show the same horse two weekends in a row, Fame Maker was scheduled to compete in the rare double header at co-owner David Westbrook’s request, as both shows were on his home turf in Victoria. Fame Maker was his typical fully engaged self at the Victorian Classic – tail flagged, snorting, blowing and exuding his trademark commanding presence, so much so that ‘the committee had him swabbed three times in 24 hours between his qualifying class and the stallion championship’ according to Julie, as they were certain ‘a stallion with that much charisma every single time he showed must certainly be on something. Greg loved to lead him around after his class for spectators to pat,’ Julie confesses, ‘to showcase his intelligence and kindness. Everyone was always surprised at what a gentle and composed gentleman he was. Fame Maker won legions of fans as a result of these special post-show moments.
Both Greg and Fame Maker had such a great understanding between them.’
unable to attend. He cried with tears of joy when phoned with the good news.
After successive standard-setting displays of show ring magnificence resulting in undeniable Senior Stallion Championship honours, only the Australian Championships lay yet ahead to conquer for Fame Maker. The week in Victoria away from home took its toll on Fame Maker’s attitude and energy, the result of which was a ‘quieter performance by Fame Maker standards’ in Jane’s words, but still ‘exuberant enough to inspire the crowd and the international panel of judges.’ Jane remembers one of the judges relating afterwards that ‘although Fame Maker was winning the class when he came in at the trot, he won decisively at the walk, with his exceptional balance, quality and irresistible presence.’ Jane shares that ‘it was a very satisfying win,’ made sweeter by the fact that just a few days prior to the Australian National Championships, the Farrells were able to secure full ownership in Fame Maker. It was the first Australian National Championships missed by Greg Farrell Sr., who was ill and
Two decades later, the Fame Maker legacy has expanded from his own show ring brilliance to include generations of invaluable descendants who embody his best qualities. The trademark Fame Maker ‘movement, tail carriage, balance, topline and show attitude’, according to Jane, are alive and well in his celebrated progeny and their descendants, including Fames Presence, Gold N Wings, Mulawa Claim To Fame, Fames Passion, Angel Of Fame, Befame, Makeher Jazz, Mystic Fame, Fire Flame, Miss Fame, Be My Flame, Kari MI Flame, Forever Fame, Flame Afire and Makers Mark, the vast majority of whom are honoured with some portion of their sire’s famous and instantly identifiable name. Greg, Julie and Jane are in unanimous agreement that Fames Harmony, Flame Maker and Fames Phantom MI most faithfully represent the excellence of their sire phenotypically, with Fames Harmony proving her worth as his best producing and most broadly influential daughter, Flame Maker the most alike in sheer exuberance and presence, and Fames
Right: Full sisters by Fame Maker R (l to r) Mulawa Claim To Fame, Fames Harmony and Mystic Fame (x Perfect Harmony by GLF Apollo)
Phantom as his sire’s best ambassador of versatile athleticism, willing trainability and naturally intelligent kindness. ‘We would be remiss not to mention Klassical Fame MI,’ Greg shares enthusiastically, ‘a Fame Maker granddaughter out of Forever Fame, who represents the best of the next generation.’ Sired by Klass, the premier son of TS Al Malik, this ‘extraordinary filly embodies the perfect blending of both stallions’ purchased during that decisive Scottsdale more than two decades ago. ‘We expect her to fly the Mulawa flag proudly both at home and abroad as she matures.’ Now, at nearly 29 years of age, every day with Fame Maker is an extraordinary gift. ‘Fame Maker loves to stand in the front corner of his paddock at Ambition, where he can observe the halter horses being exercised across the road at Mulawa,’ Greg apprises. ‘I can see both from my office, and it always seems to me that Fame Maker shows more interest in
the horses with flagged tails and long strong straight docks, the vast majority of which are most likely his descendants.’
character. Thank you, Fame Maker, for the many blessings you have brought, and continue to bring, into our lives.’
Jane shares these final thoughts. ‘The memory of Greg’s partnership with Fame Maker is one I will always treasure. They had a special bond that few people and horses ever get to experience and share.
Together, because of the good fortune of both Fame Maker and the Farrell Family, we can look forward to many more years of fame and fortune ahead for the Arabian breed. v
‘We always consider ourselves very fortunate that Fame Maker found his way to Mulawa and into our lives. Conversely, we believe that Fame Maker has been fortunate as well, as Mulawa has become the ideal home for a stallion of his calibre and unique
Below Left: Fame Maker R granddaughter Klassical Fame MI (Klass x Forever Fame) Below Right: Fame Maker with Jane, Greg and Julie Farrell in March 2017