2 minute read
Getting to Hughenden
from Visit Hughenden
BY ROAD Hughenden has five major roads connecting south to Winton and Muttaburra, east to Townsville, west to Mount Isa and north to Cairns. Most of these roads are fully sealed highways; however if travelling on unsealed roads, please check at the Flinders Discovery Centre for road conditions. Also visit www.qldtraffic.qld.gov.au | Ph: 13 19 40
BUS QUEENSLAND Operates to Townsville Tuesday, Friday & Sunday | Operates to Mount Isa Monday, Wednesday & Saturday Ph: 1300 287 537
GREYHOUND BUS SERVICE Operates to Townsville Thursday | Operates to Mount Isa Wednesday Ph: 1300 473 946
REX AIRLINES Flights Monday, Wednesday & Friday between Townsville – Hughenden – Mount Isa Ph: 13 17 13
TRAVEL TRAIN Operates to Townsville Friday & Monday | Operates to Mount Isa Wednesday & Saturday Ph: 1300 131 722
Reservations can be made at the Flinders Discovery Centre for Rex Airlines & Travel Train.


When travelling in Queensland’s outback make sure you have plenty of fuel, water and food. ALWAYS check road and weather conditions before leaving. Always observe local road condition signs. Watch out for livestock and wildlife on the roads, particularly around dawn and dusk. If a road is accessible only by 4WD – use only a 4WD. Don’t forget to bring a hat, sunscreen and insect repellent. Advise friends and family of your destination. Obtain good road maps and plan your route. Don’t forget to take regular breaks to prevent fatigue.
Drive safely and enjoy your stay in the Hughenden region.
Regional Express, best known as Rex, is Australia’s largest independent regional airline with some 1,500 weekly fl ights to 60 desti nati ons across Australia, with 25 of those locati ons in Queensland. We off er fl ights to regional and remote desti nati ons right across the country, including fl ights from Townsville to Hughenden three ti mes a week. Our Monday, Wednesday and Friday services take only one hour, and off er breathtaking views of the outback while sipping on a complimentary coff ee or tea, and indulging in a complimentary snack on board. Once you’ve landed in Hughenden, you can visit one of their four nati onal parks, take a trip to the Flinders Discovery Centre, or sit under the historic Coolabah Tree. Instead of spending long hours on the road, take a ride up in the sky and enjoy Rex’s heartf elt hospitality.
P: 13 17 13