SEQ Investment Prospectus

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South East Queensland

Natural Assets Investment Prospectus

Biodiversity... Waterways... Ecotourism... Scenic Amenity... Recreation...

Tourism Queensland

Foreword by Council of Mayors (SEQ) Chairman

LEGEND SEQ Strategic Regional Corridors Key areas for investment

South East Queensland (SEQ) is a beautiful part of Queensland as well as being the economic gateway to the State. As leaders of the Councils of SEQ, the Mayors are keen to maintain the liveability of the region and ensure those who live, work and visit here have access to world class outdoor experiences. The natural assets of the region, the bushland corridors and waterways, are valuable to the community, providing the basis for our clean air and water, biodiversity and productive soils. All levels of government, in partnership with the community, can work together to maintain and improve our region’s natural assets.

Conondale NP Bunya Mountains NP

Tarong NP D’Agu

ila r

H i g h way



Somerset Dam

Crows Nest

Lake Cressbrook


Crows Nest NP

Lake Wivenhoe


D’Aguilar Range NP




Warre go

Highw a y


Ne w E n g l a

nd Hi gh

The priority investment areas and associated projects identified in this prospectus give a clear picture of where Councils would like to direct future investments in collaboration with neighbouring Councils, the Queensland Government and the Australian Government. Other investing partners are welcomed.

Outside SEQ Connecting Corridor

w ay

Council of Mayors (SEQ) provides a point of contact for the regional natural assets investment prospectus and I invite you to contact myself and the Council of Mayors (SEQ) Secretariat to discuss proposals.

Warrill View Main Range NP

Boonah B Lake Moogerah in C u n n g h a m H i g h way

Main Range NP


Mt Barney NP Mt Clunie NP

Cr Graham Quirk Chairman, Council of Mayors (SEQ)

Maryland NP Captains Creek NP

Tooloom NP

Yabbra NP


Richm Rang

Priority investment areas

Great Sandy NP Lake Cootharaba

11 Eumundi

Tewantin Noosa Heads

The priority investment areas are key points in national, state and regionally significant wildlife corridors and the headwaters or riparian zones of priority SEQ waterway catchments which drain to the internationally significant Moreton Bay. The priority investment areas are:

Lake Weyba Noosa NP

Nambour Maroochydore Maleny



1. Pumicestone Passage Riparian Restoration

Bribie Island NP

2. Southern Russell Island Conservation Park

Bribie Island

3. Karawatha Flinders – Border Ranges Restoration Link Cape Moreton

5. Pine Rivers Koala Coast to Rural Restoration Link

Caboolture Lake Samsonvale

Moreton Island NP


Moreton Island

Redcliffe Sandgate






North Stradbroke Island




Blue Lake NP



Nerang Mudgeeraba

Southern Moreton Bay Islands NP

Southport Burleigh Heads

Coolangatta Tweed Heads Springbrook

12 Lamington NP

Border Ranges NP

r NP

mond ge NP

Murwillumbah Mt Warning NP Mebbin NP Nightcap NP

7. Great Eastern Range: Integrated Second Range Crossing 9. Somerset Dam Eco Trails



6. Bremer River Recovery – Black Snake Creek Restoration 8. Brisbane Valley Koala and Recreation Precinct



4. Logan River Recovery – Koala Coast Restoration Link

Mooba NP

10. Brisbane – Gold Coast Interurban Break Enhancement 11. Noosa Riparian Restoration 12. Gondwana – Border Ranges Restoration. The works required at different sites include vegetation restoration, strategic land acquisition, establishment of ecotourism and recreational facilities, construction of wildlife crossings, waterway restoration and infrastructure projects. Community and landholder engagement are key parts of all work in priority investment areas. Projects that are “ready to go” are detailed in the accompanying fact sheets.

Why invest in SEQ? SEQ is home to one in seven Australians. Brisbane, the capital of Queensland is located in the region along with major population areas of the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Logan, Caboolture, Redlands, and Redcliffe. Contrasting the high population areas are the hinterland and farming valleys of Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley, Toowoomba and Somerset. Lockyer Valley is one of the most productive agricultural regions in Australia.

SEQ Councils collectively invest at least $90 million annually towards natural asset protection and management in the region. Partnering with the Council of Mayors (SEQ) will provide a secure return on investment.

The region’s natural assets provide significant values, including biodiversity, ecotourism, scenic amenity, and recreation.

With local government best placed to know and meet the needs of the SEQ community, your investment provides a tangible and measurable social, economic and environmental outcome.

Moreton Bay features internationally recognised wetlands and unique sand islands, amongst the largest in the world. Significant natural assets of the region include white sandy beaches, sub-tropical rainforests of the World Heritage Border Ranges, open woodlands of scribbly gums, and the eastern edge of the brigalow belt. SEQ is the one place in Australia that international visitors can see the iconic species the koala in its natural environment, within 30 minutes of arriving at the airport.

SEQ Councils are keen to enhance the economic development of the region. Our natural assets provide a sound basis for activities that deliver economic and social outcomes well into the future.

Partnering with SEQ Councils on our priority projects provides a great way to test new models of collaboration and prepare case studies to provide rationale for other projects in Australia or internationally. Our relationship with the Queensland Government ensures a coordinated state- regional approach. Our track record includes the SEQ Regional Trails Network, Queensland Moto Park, SEQ Land for Wildlife, and SEQ National Reserve System Partnership.

The Council of Mayors (SEQ) is Australia’s largest regional Local Government advocacy organisation, representing the South East Queensland (SEQ) region which is home to one in seven Australians, generates one fifth of the nation’s economic growth and remains a powerhouse of Australia’s future.

delivering, the infrastructure and services needed to improve productivity and reduce the cost of living pressure, while maintaining the liveability of the region.

Five of Australia’s six largest Councils are located in SEQ, and the Council of Mayors (SEQ) offers governments and stakeholders a unique opportunity to build effective partnerships across one of Australia’s fastest growing regions.

n Advocate for a better planned and resourced region;

The membership of the Council of Mayors (SEQ) includes ten Councils of SEQ: Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan and Redland City Councils and Lockyer Valley, Moreton Bay, Scenic Rim, Somerset, Sunshine Coast and Toowoomba Regional Councils. With a projected population growth of 4.4 million by 2031, SEQ faces the challenge of planning for, and

With this in mind, the Council of Mayors (SEQ) speaks with one united voice, aiming to: n I nfluence other levels of government to support a growing and sustainable region; and n C ollaborate for leading practice in service delivery for the region. Contact us: (07) 3040 3460

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