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Alkeynos EA
In a world in which many of the bestknown and most successful Arabian horse farms have existed for, perhaps, 15 years, Walt and Jeannette King Lane are unique in many ways, not the least of which is their longevity in the industry. Even before their lives converged, the Lanes were each on a path that would not only bring them together as husband and wife, but one that would help establish and promote some of the most successful Arabian horse families in our industry.
Walt Lane established Esperanza Arabians as a successful show and breeding farm almost 50 years ago and quickly became a member of the original Padron Syndicate. It didn’t take long for the farm to begin its legacy of breeding champions in both halter and performance.
Though their Padron get and grandget were immensely successful in the show ring, the Lanes found themselves searching for an outcross for Esperanza’s heavily Padronbred mares.
Jeannette, like Walt, always appreciated a beautiful athlete. She literally grew up showing her own horses under saddle, and in fact, continues showing her own horses, both in halter and under saddle, even today. It is not enough that an Esperanza horse be beautiful. Athleticism and trainable dispositions are absolute requirements.
The Esperanza mares were historically very successful in producing champions in a variety of disciplines, so the goal was to find an outcross stallion that didn’t dilute the good qualities already present at Esperanza Arabians. During their search, it was Jeannette who wisely decided it might be a good idea to incorporate the considerable influence of Lenita Perroy’s Haras Meia Lua into their program. Walt and Jeannette eventually became foundation members of a cartel involving an exciting Haras Meia Lua import, the grey stallion Dakar El Jamaal, sired by Lenita’s legendary U.S. National Champion, Ali Jamaal, and out of her Canadian National Champion Mare, Sonoma Lady.
The Dakar Kartel was founded in February of 2001. That same year, Dakar El Jamaal became U.S. National Reserve Champion Stallion and the following year, he was crowned U.S. National Champion Stallion. In 2007, the beautiful Dakar El Jamaal son, Dakharo, elevated his sire to the world stage when he was named World Champion Stallion at the prestigious Salon du Cheval in Paris, France.
The Lanes eventually gained sole ownership of Dakar El Jamaal, and throughout the years they have made good use of the Ali Jamaal blood in their

program, producing some outstanding Dakar daughters and granddaughters who continue to create champions for Esperanza. They also stand the double Ali Jamaal grandson, Mazkarade, by Dakar and out of Doug Dahmen’s national and international champion producing Ali Jamaal daughter, Majalis. Mazkarade is himself a three-time U.S. National Top Ten and the sire and grandsire of many champions, but the rising star in the Esperanza breeding program is the exotic young multi-champion stallion Alkeynos EA. Sired by World Champion Stallion ABHA Qatar (Marwan Al Shaqab x ZT Ludjkalba by Ludjin El Jamaal), Alkeynos EA is out of Mazkarade’s full sister, Maisa El Dakar. It seems only fitting that the next step in the Esperanza program would combine Esperanza’s concentration of Ali Jamaal blood with the genetic power of Marwan Al Shaqab – and Alkeynos EA has quickly validated the wisdom of that breeding decision. Tall, elegant and athletic, Alkeynos EA is a striking stallion with an extreme type only rarely seen, especially in a horse with so many other good qualities apparent.

With a regional championship, a Scottsdale victory and a Scottsdale Bronze Supreme Championship to his credit, Alkeynos EA has demonstrated the worthiness of his triple Ali Jamaal pedigree. Not only is he a successful halter stallion in very limited showing, he has also been trained and shown in western pleasure and hunter pleasure. And although a nice show record is a wonderful thing to have, good breeders understand that the real proof of a stallion’s value is in his foals – and Alkeynos certainly has huge shoes to fill in that regard.
It would be easy for a stallion born to such a lineage to fall short, to disappoint, but Alkeynos seems to be that rare stallion who is not only beautiful, athletic and extremely well bred himself – he is siring what his pedigree says he should. His very first tiny foal crop produced a U.S. National Top Ten. The second Alkeynos EA foal to enter the show ring, the bay filly, Chrystal EA, was born the very next year, and she was everything a breeder hopes to achieve – typey, elegant, bright, feminine and a lovely mover! Bred and owned by Esperanza Arabians, Chrystal EA is a virtual tribute to the value of Lenita Perroy’s insight into breeding superior Arabian horses – tracing in lineage five times to Lenita’s beloved Ali Jamaal. This tall, exotic bay Alkeynos EA filly earned the prestigious title of 2018 Arabian Breeders World Cup Gold Supreme Champion Mare/ Filly AHT – as a yearling!
Jeannette smiles, ‘We have been very successful with the Ali Jamaal blood and it is quite satisfying to see such good results from combining Ali Jamaal with a bit of Marwan blood through Alkeynos EA. The foals he is siring have size, athletic ability and they are extremely beautiful. As more of them enter show rings around the world, we can hardly wait for others to see what we have seen! We are very excited about Alkeynos EA’s future as a sire and we congratulate those with the insight to breed their mares to him!’
Apart from the multitude of national and international champions in the first five generations of his pedigree, Alkeynos EA’s sire, grandsire and great-grandsire are all World Champion Stallions.
Author Nancy Guthrie Pierce Images courtesy of Javan, Judith Wagner & Kelly Campbell