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Why Arabian Ponies?
Australia is home to a beautiful and diverse collection of Arabian Derivatives. Each of our Derivative sections has its own strengths and its own history, from the earliest registries (Partbred and Anglo Arabian in 1949) to the most recent (Half Arabian in 2015).
One of the most prominent registries, in terms of both numbers and general popularity, is surely the Arabian Pony. Introduced in 1971, the Arabian Pony is one of our oldest and most distinguished Derivative sections and, almost half a century after the creation of its registry, remains a popular and admired ambassador for the Arabian breed.
The countless attractions of the Arabian Pony are immediately and easily discernible. Like the Partbred, they represent a comprehensive spread of sizes and colours. Unlike the Partbred, however, they must be descended exclusively from registered stock and their pedigrees can be traced accordingly. The smallest Arabian Ponies are extremely petite, well within the restrictions for Leading Rein classes. Whether it’s as a small Show Hunter or Open pony, or as a means of introducing Arabian refinement and type to a miniature breeding program, they are sought-after additions to many families. At the other end of the scale, and depending on the parents used, an Arabian Pony could easily exceed 15 hands. Taller Arabian Ponies can often be found competing with success in the Partbred and Half Arabian rings, a testament to the desirability and correctness of their pony heritage.
Representing various colours, as well as sizes, the Arabian Pony occurs in almost every colour of the equine rainbow. In addition to the usual suite of solid colours, and the perennially lovable grey (a little grey pony with big black eyes is difficult to resist), dilute Arabian Ponies have been enduringly popular for many years. Dilution occurs with a high frequency in certain pony breeds, making the Arabian Pony an ideal choice for anyone seeking to produce a coloured Arabian Derivative. For those who favour patches, eye-catching pintos can also be seen in Arabian Pony classes all around Australia.
Arabian Ponies possess an enduring appeal that has made them a popular promotional avenue for the Arabian horse more generally. If you visit the Arabian Derivative page of the Arabian Horse Society of Australia (AHSA) website, you will find them represented by a photo of an Arabian Pony. When the society introduced the Half Arabian registry, their print advertising featured an Arabian Pony with a Purebred parent. International judges at our leading

shows are consistently impressed with the quality of our Arabian Derivatives, but our Arabian Ponies are often singled out for special attention.
One reason for this promotional power is that the Arabian Pony is the ideal ‘stepping stone’ (some might say ‘gateway drug’) for newcomers to the breed. Whether it’s a matter of space, youth, budget or inexperience, Arabian Ponies are an ideal introduction to the wider world of Arabian horses. Generally easy keepers, they are often an ideal prospect for that first-pony home with minimal land. Smaller and less intimidating than their Purebred forebears, but combining brains and trainability from both sides of their pedigrees, they are ideal child’s pony candidates. As far as purely practical considerations are concerned, a good Arabian Pony youngster, capable of competing successfully at National level, can often be found at a much lower price point than a Purebred of comparable quality. For those wishing to compete at Arabian shows, but who might be daunted by the idea of showing in the Purebred ring, or feel they might be outrun by a larger horse in full flight, Arabian Ponies are a friendly and manageable alternative. Similarly, for those downsizing after a lifetime of involvement with the breed, and who might no longer possess the mobility or confidence to manage their larger horses, the Arabian Pony is a logical next step to facilitate a continued engagement with the Arabian horse.
In terms of their potential, Arabian Ponies are almost unlimited. Most are eligible for additional registrations such as Part Welsh, Part APSB, or coloured, and many prove competitive and successful across multiple breeds and arenas. They are halter horses, saddle horses, dressage ponies, youth horses, all-rounders and trusted family members. They will turn their efforts to anything: pony club, harness, combined training, mustering, jumping, HRCAV or just a gentle trail ride. No matter their level or discipline, they are a potent reminder of the power of Arabian blood in improving even the most accessible and beloved of breeds.
For many, the Arabian Pony is the ultimate representation of the Arabian dream. Some are tall and typey, some small and stocky, others somewhere in between, but whether it’s in their dished faces and extravagantly-carried tails or their hardiness and willingness to please, all bear the hallmarks of their Arabian ancestry. The fact remains that, whatever you want to breed, whatever you want to own, whatever you want to do, you can almost certainly achieve it with an Arabian Pony.

Author Nicola Kelly Images courtesy of Dee Kelly, Samantha Taylor, Sue Crockett & Tracey Bavinton