Strathcona Aquatic Centre design process

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STRATHCONA a q u a t i c c e n t r e design process

vinny enoch | ARSC 8000 | december 2013 | michel lebrie. peter levar. ron kato

acknowledgement I acknowledge many individuals who have given me support to complete this project (as per fall 2013). This project could not have been succesfull without any of your dedication. Faculty Peter Levar, Michel Labrie, Wesley Wollin, Ron Kato Reviewers Shape architecture | Kate Busby City of vancouver | Scott Heins vancouver school board | Jay Hiscox

BCIT | Maureen Connely, Pauline Thimm UBC SALA | Bill Pechet Dialog architect | Martin Nielsen

Classmates Sunshine Moradi, Alex Raymundo, Riley Syjuco, Helen D, Jochem Moerman, Brent Wiebe, David Gordon, , Zainab Naji, , Fargol Moshiri, Kimberley Walhstrom, Emily Pawluk, Jon Toronchuk, Collin Ross, Andrew Sullivan, Alison Walker, Sara Coradin, Francesca, James Blackford, Michael. D Family and friends Mama, Ayah, Marco, Virgi, Alex N, Dado, Shervin, Dennis, Gerry

abstract This document is a summary of the work in fall term 2013. The project will be resumed after January and will be completed at the end of the final year of the Architecture Science degree program. The lack of recreational use in Strathcona area is driven me to design an aquatic centre that promotes fun, wellness and community. As i remember, I always had fun with water when i was a kid. Nevertheless, proposing an aquatic center in area where people are very diversed could be a mean to unify and bring community together. Strathcona aquatic center is a part of the development of the recreational area in Stratchona. This facility will provide an important amenity to a neighborhood, boasting a water slide, hot tub area, a 25 meter lap pool, multi purpose space, and fitness centre.

inspiring community towards fitness, wellness and health

table of content

inrervention site hasting corridor underpass hasting residential industrial parks | public realm transportation

site location vicinity plan site context contour sun | wind | shadow urban planning transportation code compliance

precedents big idea parti sketch urban planning mission vision goal public realm concept site strategies program development massing study progress floor plans sections elevations sustainable sections structure materiality wall section mass model

photos feedback reviewers list

s i t e analysis

inrervention site hasting corridor underpass hasting residential industrial parks | public realm transportation site location vicinity plan site context contour sun | wind | shadow urban planning transportation code compliance

MACRO context

neigborhood intervention | S t r a t h c o n a

Strathcona is located east of downtown Vancouver, it is neigbor to the Port of Vancouver and Historic Chinatown. The area under consideration is adjacent to Clark drive which is the principle transportation route leaving the port of Vancouver with freight to be distributed throughout metro Vancouver and other destination farther east. There is also a large train yard to the north that is linked to the port. The port and rail yard limit or eliminated recreational access to the waterfront. Buildings north of the intervention area are primarily commercial. industrial. The downtown eastside, an area of Vancouver well known for increased incidence of street level drug sales and use as well as homelessness, is on the western edge of Strathcona.

Burrard Inlet

English Bay


Fraser River

Vancouver Harbour

s i t e analysis

3 min. transit to chinatown

9 min. transit to gastown

13 min. walk to science world






s i t e analysis

The initial steps were, to investigate, analyze, interpret, and evaluate the intervened area, which gave me a better understanding of the site - the community, the behaviour, and the context. As a class, we went for a site visit, and gathered some information and feedback from the neighborhood. Strathcona is determined to be a diverse community. Some problems that the community face are the fast increasing developments ( gentrification), rapid rate of market residential and slow delivery of social housing. That concluded us to focus on the health, safety and soc v ial service in the area, create more social housings that are affordability and poverty reduction, incerase the number of job opportunity, and create recreational for a destination point. After analyzing, I divided the area into four different areas based on their characteristics: the hasting corridor, the underpass, the residential, and the industrial

celebrating diversity

hasting corridor

A number of specific properties of heritage interests along east hasting corridor. The diverse neigborhoods surrounding the corridor are populated in distinctive district. the Corridor changes character to the main shopping street of the HastingSunrise neighbourhood, an increasingly popular working class community composed of low-rise storefronts surrounded by Vancouver specials and a large number of heritage-worthy homes.

UNDERPASS hasting bridge | raymur ave the area is isolated and well known as the red light district. It is also a place for homeless and an “injection� site. The city of Vancouver encourage us to develop this area and think about how gentrification can affect people who occupy this area.

s i t e analysis

residential area within five minutes walk, the residential area is reached. Vibrant in colour and calm neigborhood. Pitch roof and wood siding are the character.

the industrial An obvious transition between residential area to industrial is evident in the Raymur drive, where it has social housing on the west and few of au tomobile and manufacture factories on the east. In addition, a line of industrial factories are giving this area a distinctive character,

s i t e analysis

the skyline The railway that across the site has a significant characteristic in the area. To celebrate it, as a class, we decided to create a skyline. The skyline is a 10m linear park elevate 8m from the ground above the train track. It will run along Raymur drive from Hasting Street and terminate at Union Street. It will be designed and planted as an aerial greenway. The skyline will connect the facility along raymur and glen drive. The main purpose of the skyline is to promote pedestrian friendly.

new york skyline, new york

s i t e analysis bio scrubber

vent stack pull the smoke out

pollution catchment steel structure

mesh to block people going on the train tracks without blocking light

skyline concept

c o n t e x t p h oto s


2 2 3 4



8 9


1. Artist studio & residential 2. Culinary school & market place 3.Senior housing 4. Strathcona recreational center 5. Youth at risk & residential, 6. Elementary school 7. Gelato Ice cream, 8. “Noble� subtrade company 9. Strathcona park 10. Senior housing 11. Chinese community center 12. Social housing view A



view b


view c

view d

view E

view F

s i t e analysis

medium traffic

heavy traffic

bus route

bike route

transportation | bus | bike

s i t e analysis



3 4 6


1. Oppenheimer park

2. Elementry school park

3. Mclean park

4. Strathcona linear park

5. Strathcona park

6. Social housing private park


slope the building height to the north side to get more reflective daylight and to prevent to overcast shadow to the next building

senior housing | 3 storey buildings it will overcast little shadow on the site in the winter time

winter morning

winter noon

winter evening

the shadow study was derived from the concept model that i did on the 3/4 review. The shape of the building is not the final shape.

s i t e analysis

summer morning

summer noon

summer evening

sun and shadow

no side setback no front setback no side setback


7m 5.5 m







s i t e analysis

recreational center

aquatic center skyline

senior housing


union street

building height

preliminary |

code review

CIVIC ADDRESS 680 Raymur Avenue Vancouver, BC SITE AREA 3335.67 sq.m GENERAL BUILDING INFORMATION LEVEL 01 1660.37 sq.m LEVEL 02 397.66 sq.m LEVEL 03 125.56 sq.m

BUILDING CLASSIFICATION AND OCCUPANCY EXISTING ZONING I-2 Industrial district PROPOSED USE Recreational (Aquatic Center) BUILDING OCCUPANCIES Major division - A3 – Indoor swimming pool +gym (1262.86 sq.m) 1262.86/9.30= 135.79 Minor division – Café (119/1.20= 99.17 Occupant load | table 3.1.17 A3 Aquatic center = 235 ppl

PARKING SPACES REQUIRED (PER PARKING BY LAW) pool (one space for each 9.3 square meters of pool or surface area used for assembly purposes)= 49 stalls required (shared with the recreational centre) ASSEMBLY RATING Article Group A, Division 3, Up to 2 storeys and sprinklered Maximum building area: 6000 sq.m Construction: Non combustible Floor assemblies: fire separation with fire resistant (1h) Mezzanines: fire resistant not less than 1h Loadbearing structure: fire resistant Fire suppression sprinklered in accordance with NFPA-13 UNPROTECTED OPENING LIMITS FOR A BUILDING OR FIRE COMPARTMENT THAT IS NOT SPRINKLERED (table L.D (m) Max.Area (sq.m) H/L Ratio % Opening North face 4.5 150 or more 0.11 43% West face 28 150 or more 0.41 100% South face 8 150 or more 0.20 82% East face 13 150 or more 0.41 100% Allowable area of unprotected openings in the exposing building face is between 25% and 100% -> need Article a fire resistance rating of not less than 45 min. FIRE ALARM AND FIRE FIGHTING PROVISIONS

REQUIRED SETBACKS AND DEDICATIONS Frontage N/A Front setback N/A Side setback N/A Rear setback N/A Courtyard dedication 6m on the north side

Subsection 3.2.4 | Fire alarm and detection systems | A fire alarm system is required The fire alarm shall comply with article in regard to signaling the fire department, visual alert devices shall be provided in addition to auditory alert devices in compliance with sentence | Access is required to basement | Access is required to any roof with a slope less than ¼ | Every floor area shall be served by at least two exits | An access route is required | Travel distance 40m for business and personal services occupancy

Design and requirement of access route is determined by | standpipe system is required The fire department connection for an automated sprinkler system must be located within an unobstructed 45m distance from a hydrant per sentence, at the discretion of the authority. | portable fire extinguishers required Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with the British Colombia Fire Code per article, at the discretion of the fire authority. Subsection 3.2.7 | Lighting and emergency power systems

MEZZANINES AND OPENINGS THROUGH FLOOR ASSEMBLIES | Mezzanines that do not terminate at an exterior wall, firewall or vertical fire shaft shall: | terminate at a vertical fire separation having a Fire Resistance Rating not less than that required for the floor assembly & the floor assembly above | Means of egress hall be provided from every roof which is intended for occupancy, and from every podium, terrace, platform, or contained open space 3.3.2 | Assembly Occupancy requirements | A minimum of two egress doorways. - occupant load more than 60 - Sprinklered. - Does not contain a high hazard industrial occupancy | Travel distance 45 m in a floor area that contains an occupancy other than a high-hazard industrial occupancy, provided it is sprinklered throughout.

Section 3.3 SAFETY WITHIN FLOOR AREAS Fire resistance ratings of rooms Area Fire separation Reference Janitor room 0 – 1hr Storage rooms ¾ - 1hr Service rooms 1 hr Section 3.7 | Health requirement Table A Water closets for an Assembly Occupancy Numbers of each sex -> Male (6) Female ( 11) >> regarding the need of shower and change room, the facility provided more stalls. Section 3.8 | Building requirements for persons with disabilities (1) shower to be designed to provide maneuvering space up to each type of fixture required to be useable by wheelchair (2a) Atleast one toilet compartment be not less than 1500 mm wide and 1500 mm deep (2b) Have a clearance of not less than 1700mm between the outside of the stalk and the face of the an inswinging washroom door. (1a) Access shall be provided to every type of public facility (1c) Atleast one changing room for each sex, where changing rooms are provided. (2 )Changing rooms shall each have at least one shower conforming to sentence shall be not less than 1500mm wide and 900mm with not less than 1500 wide entrance (11.b) have a clear floor area in front of the entrance to the shower not less than the width of the shower

s i t e analysis

u n d e r sta n di n g t h e p ro g r a m precedents big idea parti sketch urban planning mission vision goal public realm concept site strategies

pa r t i mission v isio n g o a l

p r ec e d e n t st u di es

a series of precedent studies were conducted to understand similar programmaric requirements to that which we were proposing. These precedent studies were used to guide the development of my project, and how i can incorporate the program to the site surrounding.

Killarney Community center HCMA | Vancouver,BC

I am mostly interested in the circulation of the floor plan. The easy flow makes it easy for the users to enjoy the facility. The vibrant colours on the glazing and on the water slide creates a fun atmosphere. The aquatic centre replaced an existing outdated facility with a new state of the art community aquatic facility that transformed the character of the entire multi-purpose complex, which includes an ice rink and a community centre. The pool includes a 25-metre lap pool, a hot pool, a leisure pool, multi-purpose space and related administration and changing facilities. An innovative universal change room design allows all users ease of use while improving safety and security.

pa r t i mission v isio n g o a l


Balancing transparency and obscurity is a theme throughout the building, apparent in the dot patterning on interior and exterior glazing. The lobby area is very open and there is a visbility between people at the lobby to the swimming pool, which gives a good sense of relation in the facility. The connection of interior and exterior expands the sense of space around the indoor field, resulting in an open-span structure that seemingly hovers above the ground plane.

pa r t i mission v isio n g o a l

M is sio n v isio n g oa l | p a r t i s ke t c h e s

integrating a ramp into the building for accesibility When I first picked the site, I notice there was a big disconnection between raymur Ave and Glen Dr due to the railway that runs in between. This problem can be easily fix if there is a mean of access that connects both street. Therefore, i am proposing a ramp building that can be use for public. By doing this, people can be engaged into my building whether they are using the facility or not.

Community hub I want to create a recreational hub for the Strathcona community. My two neighbors that are designed by my classmates are Strathcona recreatinal center, on the north side, serves ice rink and fitness center; and Youth-at-risk center on the east side, serves an indoor skatepark, parkour and residential unit at the top floor. These facilities won’t compete but complement each other. Idea of having a courtyard will be mentioned on the further discussion.

visibility within the facility Balancing transperancy between exterior and interior, and within the facility.

POCKET PARK Creating a a small park accessible to the general public. From the shadow analysis, I realize that I have an abundant amount of daylight.

organic form Building form to have a relation with the water characteristics which are organic and flowing. No symmetry, random and reflective.

pa r t i mission v isio n g o a l

site concept


shared courtyard to facilitate the occupants to have an easy assess between the aquatic and the recreational center.

Strathcona Recreational Centre multipurpose rooms | fitness | gymnasium | ice rink

Strathcona Aquatic Centre pool | dance studio | fitness | water park

water park The pavement along these two facilities will be changed, possible brick. Outdoor sport activities will be held here, such as hockey on the street.


architecture significant

my building is visible and noticable from Strathcona park and the bus stop, thus, i want my south side to have an architecture significant so it will attract people and will be an easy find building. entrance

the entrance of the building will be on the west side where it is closer to the community (social housing). the second entrance will be on the north side between the aquatic and the neigbor recreational center. public realm

the public realm of the aquatic center is connected to the skyline, which creates a connectivity between the buildings.

program development massing study progress floor plans sections elevations sustainable sections structure materiality wall section mass model

d e s ig n process

p r o g r a m d e v e lo p m e n t | f u n c t i o n a l p r o g r a m












After understanding the program and what it needs, I came out with a functional program, which allows everybody, wherever they are in the building, to have the pool as their focal point. The circulation will be an easy flow and nobody will get lost since they always have the pool as their reference point. There will be a transparency between the wadding pool outside and the wet area inside.

Pool: - lengths (continues length swim for all ages) - swimming class (toddler, kids, adult) - Aquafit (Water exercise to music in shallow water & deep water) - Leisure pool (water jet, water splash, lazy river, beach entry, waterspray) - Hot tub Fitness center - treadmills - spinning & stationery bikes - stairmaster - hammer strenght half racks - free weight & benches - weightlifting platform - functional training accesories (BOSU ball, medicine balls, swiss balls, foam rollers) - Leg extension, leg curl, leg press Multipurpose room - birthday party - meeting room - dance studio - yoga studio Cafe - accesible from the courtyard level

d e s ig n process

m as s m o d e l st u d y

concept 1 i was originally started with a different site and with the concept where the whole building is a ramp. People can go up to the top and hang out there. In each location there will be a different observation spot. This idea is derived from my goal to give an access for people to the skyline, and to connect between people on two streets (Raymur Ave and glen drive)

problem: difficult to create a comfortable headroom clearance

concept 2 the second concept was to have only the first ramp that will be accesible for public. The ramp will give people access to the courtyard and the skyline although the concept worked, i didnt quite like it. The gesture i did for the roof was not as strong as the first one

d e s ig n process

concept 3 I went to a conventional concept. and just play with the facade. Thou its interesting, i missed my ramp idea.

f lo o r p l a n s


21 19






17 18

6 1






5 12




ground level



second level | courtyard level




1. water park 2. entrance 3. lobby 4. multipurpose 5. multpurpose 6. receptionist 7. staff | lifeguard 8. universal changeroom

9. female changeroom 10. male changeroom 11. lap pool 12. hot pool 13. outside pool 14. leisure pool 15. diving platform 16. water slide

17.sauna 18. storage 19. mechanic 20. exit stairs 22. second lobby 23. info booth 24. washroom

25. dance studio 26 storage 27. waiting room 28. fitness

25 24



non accesible roof garden

accesible roof garden

d e s ig n process third level





e l e vat io n s

south elevation as i mentioned before, i would like my south facing facade to have an architectural significance so it will attract people from Strathcona Park and the bus stop. The idea of the facade comes from “shimering water�. The material on the facade is channel glass with metal panel screening. By having a transluscent material, the building will glow at night without being transparent from outside. The screening also helps for excessive daylight.

west elevation The entrance to the building is facing the social housing. The steps on the left can be used for seating area for parents who are observing their kids playing on the waterpark, and as an access to the courtyard level. Only the first roof is accesible for public. This is due to code issue, and headroom clearance.

east elevation This side is quiet, which one of the reason why i put my water slide on this side. The colour of the slide is to create a fun atmosphere.

north elevation | courtyard level

d e s ig n process

s u sta i n a b l e a p p r oac h | p e r s p e c t i o n a n d s e c t i o n

louvre and operable windows will be provided for natural ventilation

rain water flow (will be harvested)

1. Heating | aquatic centre is characterized by a high demand for heated water excess heat from the ice plant (from the ice rink at the recreational cetre) will be used to heat water in the pool. 2. HVAC | for bather health and building longevity, air movement design is critical. Water-level cross basin air flow: has to be designed to scour the concentration of chloramines and nitrogen trichlorides from the water surface. Natural ‘Flow Through’ ventilation: allows for a ‘low tech’ natural ventilation stream from low level sliding exterior panels through upper level skylight ‘stacks’ or louvred discharges. Radiant floor hydronic heating: achieves indoor climate control for thermal comfort using conduction, radiation and convection. 3. Water conservation | A primary design factor in aquatic centre design. Minimize Water Evaporation: with balanced, dehumidified supply air flow to remove water surface contaminants with minimum evaporation. Low –Flow fixtures: minimize water use throughout the facility. Rainwater harvesting: can provide a water supply for exterior (site irrigation) or internal (WC) use. Washback water: the water from the pool is frequently replace every hours, the water that is replaced will be used for couple of water feature that will be provided in the facility. exessive heat from ice rink

water storage tank

4. Natural light| providing energy savings and an attractive pool atmosphere. Daylight ‘harvesting’: the facade on the south facing is a translucent material, therefore will let the lights into building. The metal panel screenings are preventing an excesive heat gain. The also facade also angled to reduce amount of heat come in during the day. Low-tech: illumination patterns are determined by roof overhangs on the west side, louvers and building orientation to avoid south-west exposure glare.

d e s ig n process

wa l l s ec t io n s a n d m at e r i a l i t y

laminated veneer lumber structure

channel glass

metal planks panel (shiny & 2 colors)

d e s ig n process

st r u c t u r e | a x o n o m e t r i c | p r e c e d e n t green roof

concrete slab with concrete panel floor finish

laminated veneer lumber trusses

polished concrete concrete slab structure

lvl column

STRUCTURE MODEL * clear span for atleast 25m by having three members of trusses across the long span of each roof, i will be able to have a clear span without needing any column to support it in the middle. * lvl (post and beam) material used: cardstock 1mm

d e s ig n process

precedent inca Public market | Spain

by Charmaine Lay & Carles Muro

mass model progress and product

d e s ig n process

d e s ig n process

e x p e r i e n c e i n si d e t h e po o l

d e s ig n process


final presentation dec 6 Reviewers faculty | Ron Kato, Michel Labrie, Peter Levar BCIT | Maureen Connely, Pauline Thimm UBC SALA | Bill Pechet Dialog architect | Martin Nielsen

Suggestions and feedbacks: 1. Wrap the facade, (continuity at the corner) so it looks like a whole building 2. Have either horizontal or vertical mullions for the channel glass, not both. 3. See LVL for the structure instead of heavy timber 4. Add more green 5. More connection to the recreational center 6. water chanel for water feature on the roof

photos feedback reviewers list

present as per dec 6,2013

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