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Vinoth Winoath
WARNING: DO NOT READ...!!! Something is better... But... Better be without... The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education. so while learning i keep thinking that, "Is man one of God’s blunders...? Or is he one of man’s blunders...?" Hope both are mutually blundered, as I'm one amongst to advocate. So don't be careful about reading health books. You might not die of misprints. And a kind advice to myself is not to go around saying the world owes me a living. Actually the world owes me nothing as it was here first. "COULD YOU UNDERSTAND ME..." I couldn't... SO, WHAT is "ME...?!" The above question is me, I suppose. OK... let's start from the beginning... Will let you know after i analyze knowing myself... But It's better to keep my mouth shut and give the impression that I'm stupid than to open it and remove all doubts... ABOUT ME...!?