Vinson Voice 6 Mar 11

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Inside this Issue: VTC | Navy Reconsiders Reopening FY | Sailor in the Spotlight VOL 2 / NO 23

March 6, 2011

Are you TUF enough? Story and Photos by AZ1 (AW/SW) Chad Cochuyt USS Carl Vinson Contributer

One lap down, one to go. With a 150-pound dummy thrown across his shoulders, it is much easier said than done in this race against time. As the runner makes his way around the makeshift 50-yard course marked off by weights in the hangar bay, four others are pushing their limits on the medicine ball toss, overhead lunge, squat to shoulder press and sit-ups. Their goal is to get as many repetitions (reps) in before the runner can finish his second lap. Then they switch stations and do it all over again. After five full rotations, the reps are totaled and a winner is declared. For the victor the prize is nothing more than bragging rights, until the next competition. For all of the participants, there is the satisfaction of a good workout and camaraderie as they push each other towards their fitness goals. This describes one of the “competitions” of the Tactical Underway Fitness (TUF) program. The group comprised of Gold Eagle and Team Quicksand Sailors meets Monday through Saturday at 11:00 a.m. in Hangar Bay 1, where their workouts always seem to draw a crowd of onlookers. Brett Pelfrey, Vinson’s Fit Boss, leads them through an advanced workout routine, focusing on all-around strength, endurance and cardio while keeping proper technique. “After establishing a very solid general fitness and Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP) for the Sailors on board, I recognized the need for a program targeting those with higher fitness capabilities and See ‘TUF’ Page 2 The Carl Vinson Voice is an internal document produced by and for the crew of the USS Carl Vinson and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government or the Departments of Defense or the Navy and do not imply any endorsement thereby.

Carl Vinson Voice

2 From `TUF` page 1

even higher goals,” said Pelfrey. “A lot of times these goals are aligned with a career path in special forces.” Aviation Electrician’s Mate Airman Matthew Gallegos, a West De Pere, Wis. native assigned to Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (AIMD)

just enough time to realize I’m having fun as well.” Airman Joel Metzger, a native of Flint, Mich attached to Air Department V-3 Division, is working to get into a special forces program. “TUF isn’t for the weakhearted. Some people will hate it and

“The routines Fit Boss comes up with are ‘outside the box’ and in between reps where I’m starving for air I have just enough time to realize I’m having fun as well.” -Chris Moore


IM-3 Division, explained how TUF offered the opportunity to maximize his physical fitness. “I got into TUF and training with the Fit Boss to push my body to limits I never thought possible. It doesn’t just happen overnight. I’ve trained all my life, and TUF definitely takes my training to the next level,” Gallegos said. “I am doing this workout because I want to gain strength and shed pounds in an aggressive way. TUF is both a flexible and enjoyable way to accomplish these tasks,” says Chris Moore, a civilian assisting the Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 squadrons with their radar systems. “The routines Fit Boss comes up with are ‘outside the box’ and in between reps where I’m starving for air I have Publisher

Capt. Bruce H. Lindsey Commanding Officer Executive Editors

Lt. Cmdr. Erik Reynolds Public Affairs Officer

Lt. Erik Schneider

Deputy Public Affairs Officer Managing Editor MC2(SW) Ashley Van Dien Photo Editor MC2(SW)James R. Evans Layout and Design MC3 Megan L. Catellier Staff Writers/Photographers MC2 Byron C. Linder MC3 Lori D. Bent MC3 Jessica Tounzen

move on; others will love to hate it so much they want TUF to be part of their every-day lives,” Metzger said. Electrician’s Mate 2nd Class (SW) Albert Evans, from Murray, Utah, works in Reactor Department Reactor Training Division. “I need a workout that tests my mental and physical abilities. Not to mention it’s always a lot of fun,” he said. Not everybody is ready for the TUF program, said Fit Boss. In order to take part in the monthly competition, one must work out regularly with the TUF program. For those seeking a fitness challenge and intense program, 11:00 a.m. in Hanger Bay 1 is the time and place for Sailors to test themselves and find out if they are TUF enough.

March 6, 2011


A New Way to Call Home Story by MC2 Byron C. Linder USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer


ailors on board Carl Vinson have a new venue for staying in touch with their family members through the efforts of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 1 and the Navy Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC). Video teleconferencing (VTC), a common professional tool used by leadership to exchange information across great distances or from isolated sites, is available on board Vinson for Sailors to see and talk to their families in real time from the 5th Fleet area of responsibility. From now until the first week in June, ship’s company Sailors can contact their departmental VTC coordinator and book a slot in the flag conference room Mondays and Wednesdays from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. CVW-17 personnel have opportunities the other days of the week and can contact their representatives to fill those slots. Information Systems Technician 1st Class (SW/AW) Shantae Clark, a Laurel, Del. native and CSG 1 Family VTC coordinator, explained how the program got started. “The admiral’s [Commander, Carrier Strike Group 1 Rear Admiral Samuel Perez] aide set up a family VTC for Christmas, and rotated some CSG 1 Sailors through it. It hadn’t been done before, and we wanted to bump it up to a larger scale for the ship and the squadrons,” said Clark. “After about three hours of smooth operation, the VTC took a hit, but we were able to dial right back in. At that point, we knew it could be done.” As of March 4, the VTC has successfully connected 15 Sailors to their families. One Sailor saw his 5-day-old son for the first time over the system, and one Sailor got the opportunity to talk with his parents. From 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, families can take advantage of one of 38 available time slots. VTC is a system dependent on multiple elements working in tandem. The satellite signal travels to a hub station in Hawaii, and meets a signal coming from the FFSC VTC system in San Diego. Plans are in development for including the VTC at the Norfolk, Va. FFSC, said Clark. “It’s tough trying to appease everyone with a program as large as this,” Clark said. “We’re trying to prioritize Sailors with children, spouses, and then single Sailors. It’s important for these babies who haven’t seen their mom or dad in the past three months.” Acknowledging the hit-or-miss nature of shipboard communications, Clark emphasized the importance of the technicians who would be on standby to assist with technical difficulties. “Communications are tough out here. We’re receiving several signals via satellite, and at any point we could take a hit and lose the signal. There’s a lot more traffic out here, and connectivity can be shaky. We’re allocating as much unclassified bandwidth as we can, and the techs will be right there to dial back in if it drops out. It’s not personal if the signal drops,” Clark said. “We’ll get it back.” The efforts from Vinson’s and CSG 1’s leadership to coordinate with FFSC and ombudsmen from Vinson and Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 are entirely motivated by improving the morale of

Sailors operating in a challenging environment completing a demanding mission. “This is all about the Sailors being able to see and talk to their families, and seeing they’re okay and your family seeing you’re okay. Phone calls and e-mails can’t measure up,” said Clark. “This is about doing all that we can do. We know how important this is.” Families have expressed their appreciation for being able to see their Sailor from thousands of miles away. “Each family has responded with gratitude and excitement. We have children that are so excited to see their mommy or daddy. They get in the room and just start talking away. We hear shouts of joy and lots of ‘I love you!’ and ‘I miss you!’,” said Carl Vinson ombudsman Jennifer Berensen. “When the families leave the VTC room, it’s like a burden’s been lifted from them. They look renewed. It’s such a great opportunity.” Clark reminded Sailors their family members have to have base access to use the FFSC’s VTC system. Family members are encouraged to contact the command ombudsmen with questions and to coordinate access for non-Department of Defense cardholders.

Chief Electrician’s Mate(SW/AW) Bart Levin communicates with his wife, Katie, via video teleconference in the flag conference room. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Megan L. Catellier.



Carl Vinson Voice


SPOTLIGHT AE3 Janae Rainbolt

Story and Photo by MC3 Lori D. Bent USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer


petty officer (LPO). “She upholds the strict, by-the-book standards set by our maintenance department.” Before her work day begins at 5:00 p.m., Rainbolt carefully checks every tool and discusses the condition of each aircraft the AE Shop is responsible for during a maintenance turn over meeting. “I have to know what has been done and what needs to be done with our aircraft during a pass down from day crew to prevent any kind of setback,” said Rainbolt. “One minute everything could be going fine and the next minute you could be picking up the pieces of a problem that could have been avoided.” As the qualified inspector, Rainbolt is required to be precise and thorough

et’s get it done and get it done right” is the motto of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 25 Aviation Electrical Shop’s Collateral Duty Inspector (CDI) Aviation Electrician’s Mate (AE) 3rd Class Janae Rainbolt as she conducts an inspection. Even as a junior Sailor in the shop, Rainbolt holds almost all the qualifications one can get in her work center and is the only CDI for the AE Shop. She ensures all required maintenance is done accurately to result in fully-operational aircraft. “She is a hard charger, accomplishing Rainbolt , a Bellville Ill. native, enlisted so much within our rate in such a short in the Navy three and a half years ago time. Rainbolt constantly seeks to learn and has deployed with VFA- 25 on USS and improve. She works extremely hard Ronald Reagan (CVN 68) and Carl day-in and day-out and is dedicated to Vinson. our mission.” “My recruiter And the mission has taught asked me what kind her more than the mechanics of job I wanted and of making an aircraft go. I told him I wanted “I have learned a lot a job where I could about working with diverse work on something,” people and in different said Rainbolt. “Being environments,” said Rainbolt. able to figure out “These experiences have made equipment or fix a me grow up a lot.” -Chief Michael Craycraft broken part for an Even though her role aircraft makes the demands her to be strict, job fulfilling.” every time she examines a part after Rainbolt is able interact and get along Team Quicksand Sailors meticulously maintenance is complete. There is no with her Shipmates while maintaining maintain aircraft by following strict room for error or miscalculations. professionalism, says Labrie. procedural compliance to ensure safety “She is focused and extremely “It’s the nature of the job sometimes of the flight deck crew and pilots. driven,” said Chief Aviation Electronics to be hard,” said Rainbolt. “But the end However, to guarantee maximum Technician (AW/NAC) Michael result is what matters; knowing that a effective maintenance, Rainbolt is there Craycraft. “She has accomplished a piece of equipment works because the to make sure everything gets done right great deal as a junior Sailor and has set Sailors in my shop fixed it. I just make an example for her peers.” the first time. sure they fixed it correctly.” Rainbolt’s tireless attention to detail “She gets the work accomplished Rainbolt’s short-term goals include effectively and efficiently,” said Aviation and properly-conducted maintenance making the rank of 2nd class petty Electrician’s Mate 2nd Class (AW) sets her apart from her peers, says officer and earning her Enlisted Aviation Joshua Labrie, VFA-25’s AE Shop leading Labrie. Warfare Specialist (EAWS) pin.

“She has accomplished a great deal as a junior Sailor and has set an example for her peers.”

March 6, 2011


M a r c h

Navy Considers Reopening FY ‘12 Budget To Cope With Continuing Resolution



USS Enterprise captures four pirate ships in the Gulf of Mexico.

Story by Carlo Munoz Defense Daily


“I think we would clearly have to go in and open up the FY ‘12 budget.” -Admiral Gary Roughead “I think we would clearly have to go in and open up the FY ‘12 budget.” Since the beginning of FY ‘11 last October, Congress has been financing Defense Department and the services under a continuing resolution (CR) to allow lawmakers time to pass the FY ‘11 version of the defense spending bill. Under the CR, military operations have been funded at FY ‘10 levels. The Senate yesterday passed, and President Barack Obama later signed, another temporary budget funding the government for two more weeks, extending the current CR for two more weeks and avoiding a government shutdown. The House passed the two-week measure on Tuesday. The current CR expires on March 4 (Defense Daily, March 1). But even with the proposal that passed Congress, Navy leaders are already preparing for the worst-case scenario--a year-long CR that would prompt a worse-case response by the service, Roughead said. Steps have already been taken to mitigate the effects of the CR, mainly in the service’s operations and maintenance accounts. A number of Navy directorates have begun compiling a list of “key contract items” to determine which industry partnerships can be terminated, if a year-long CR is enacted. Navy officials already submitted their lists to service procurement chief Sean Stackley before sending them to Pentagon acquisition czar Ashton Carter for review, Rear Adm. Joseph Mulloy, deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for budget, told Defense Daily in a Feb. 8 interview. “There are a couple of contracts that are close to the edge,” he added. “There has to be a path ahead.” The Navy has notified specific contractors of the projected four ship cancellations of four availability projects at shipyards in Norfolk, Va., Mayport, Fla., and San Diego. Ship availability cancellations at the Norfolk shipyards will net the Navy a savings of $28 million alone, according to service sources. The project terminations at Mayport and San Diego will tack on an additional $34.4 million, they added. While those cancellations have given the Navy some breathing room in terms of current operations, if it continues to function under FY ‘10 spending levels, an entire slate of service priorities set in the FY ‘11 and now FY ‘12 budget proposals will have to be moved to the right, Roughead said. ‘The reality is that we could get to the end of this year with a set of assumptions that did not happen. How do you then reassume and restack because something I wanted to do this year...if I didn’t do it [and] because I was [planning on] doing it this year, one could assume it would have a higher priority [over] what I was going to do next year,” the admiral said. “It is hugely disruptive.” When asked what kind of process would be needed to re-open the service’s budget request to adjust the schedules on those service needs set for FY ‘11 and ‘12, Roughead replied: “I haven’t the foggiest idea.”


This Week in Naval History

avy budget officials may be forced to reassess its fiscal year 2012 budget request if Congress continues to extend funding for the service at FY ‘10 levels, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Gary Roughead said yesterday. “We had planned on a lot of stuff happening [in FY ‘12]. It has not happened, [and] how then do you rack and stack” those overdue priorities, the service chief said after a Credit Suisse conference in Arlington, Va.


The Navy issues its f irst orders to women assigned aboard a combat ship - USS Eisenhower (CVN 69).



Battleship USS Wisconsin (BB 64) is decommissioned, leaving the Navy without an active battleship for the f irst time since 1895.



The f irst battle between ironclads - USS Monitor and CSS Virginia - takes place.



First use of jets assigned to operational squadron (VF-5A) aboard a carrier - USS Boxer (CV 21).



The f irst Navy landing craft crosses the Rhine River at Bad Neuenahr.



All American merchant ships to be armed in war zones.

Carl Vinson Voice


CAPTION CONTEST Think you can come up with a clever, cunning or comedic caption for this photo?? If your caption is chosen, you can pick a movie to play on SITE TV Saturday at 2000. Submit your caption to “Media Suggestions” in the ship’s global. The winner’s caption will be featured in Thursday’s paper.

Boat Keeper: assumes responsibility for care of the boat in the absence of the crew.

Flight Quarters: the manning of stations required for the eff icient and safe conduct of f light operations.

DECKPLATE Deckplate Dialogues

“What’s your favorite workout?”

AO3(AW/SW) Carrol Murray

LS1(AW/SW) Alex Halanes

LSSN Jesse Griffin

“I like to go to the fitness classes, especially Step and The Combine.”

“Elliptical, treadmill, and weight-lifting.”

“Running and calisthenics— things like dips and pull-ups.”

March 6, 2011


Sunday, Mar 6 0815-Wall-E 1000-Nothing Like the Holidays 1215-My Life in Ruins 1400-Dragonball Evolution 1530-Harry Potter: Prisoner of Azkaban 1800-The 70 1815-Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls 2000-The 70 2015-My Life in Ruins 2200-Nothing Like the Holidays 0015-Wall-E 0200-Dragonball Evolution 0330-Battle for Terra 0500-The 70 0515-Bedtime Stories 0715-The 70

Monday, Mar 7 0815-Toy Story 3 1015-Made of Honor 1200-The Fast and the Furious 1400-Footloose 1600-Blind Dating 1745-Nine 1945-Toy Story 3 2145-Made of Honor 2330-The Fast and the Furious 0130-Footloose 0330-Blind Dating 0515-Nine

Tuesday, Mar 8 0815-G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra 1015-Duplicity 1230-Big Red One 1430-Our Family Wedding 1615-Gracie 1800-Dan In Real Life 1945-G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra 2145-Duplicity 0000-Big Red One 0200-Our Family Wedding 0345-Gracie 0530-Dan In Real Life

Wednesday, Mar 9 0815-U-571 1015-Wing Commander 1200-Away All Boats 1400-The Bedford Incident 1545-Cool Runnings 1730-Coraline 1915-Four Christmases 2045-U-571 2245-Wing Commander 0030-Away All Boats 0230-The Bedford Incident 0415-Cool Runnings 0600-Jumper

Channel 6 Thursday, Mar 10 0815-Hairspray 1015-Austin Powers: Man of Mystery 1145-Boy in the Striped Pajamas 1330-Bride Wars 1500-The Scorpion King 1630-Spider Man 3 1900-Unaccompanied Minors 2030-Hairspray 2230-Austin Powers: Man of Mystery 0000-Boy in the Striped Pajamas 0145-Bride Wars 0315-The Scorpion King 0445-Spider Man 3

Friday, Mar 11 0815-17 Again 1000-Couples Retreat 1145-Man of the Year 1345-The Pursuit of Happyness 1545-Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen 1815-Wild Hogs 2000-17 Again 2145-Couples Retreat 2330-Man of the Year 0130-The Pursuit of Happyness 0330-Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen 0600-The Fantastic Mr. Fox

Saturday, Mar 12 0815-The Bucket List 1000-The Family Man 1215-Fast and Furious 4 1415-The Transporter 1600-Mr. Bean’s Holiday 1730-Sherlock Holmes 1945-Inception 2215-The Bucket List 0000-Fast and Furious 4 0200-The Transporter 0345-Mr. Bean’s Holiday 0515-The Family Man

Carl Vinson Voice


Sunday, Mar 6 0815-A Perfect Getaway 1000-Enter the Dragon 1145-Scrooged 1345-30 Days Of Night 1545-Eat, Pray, Love 1800-The 70 1815-1408 2000-The 70 2015-Sex Drive 2215-A Perfect Getaway 0000-Enter the Dragon 0145-Rambo 0330-Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem 0500-The 70 0515-The Other Guys 0715-The 70

Monday, Mar 7 0815-The American 1000-The Proposal 1200-Disaster Movie 1345-The Mist 1600-Haunting of Connecticut 1745-Vantage Point 1915-The American 2100-The Proposal 2300-Disaster Movie 0045-The Mist 0300-Haunting of Connecticut 0445-Vantage Point

Tuesday, Mar 8 0815-Legion 1000-Next 1145-Drillbit Taylor 1330-Sex and the City 1600-Fool’s Gold 1800-Drag Me to Hell 1945-Alien 2200-Next 2345-Drillbit Taylor 0130-Sex and the City 0400-Fool’s Gold 0600-Vampires Suck

Wednesday, Mar 9 0815-Snatch 1000-You Don’t Mess With The Zohan 1200-Elizabeth: The Golden Age 1400-Kick Ass 1600-The Grudge 2 1745-P. S. I Love You 2000-Snatch 2145-You Don’t Mess With The Zohan 2345-Elizabeth: The Golden Age 0145-Kick Ass 0345-The Grudge 2 0530-Surrogates

Channel 7 Thursday, Mar 10 0815-Role Models 1000-The Killers 1145-The Uninvited 1315-Wanted 1515-The House Bunny 1700-Rush Hour 3 1845-Vacancy 2015-Inglourious Basterds 2245-The Killers 0030-The Uninvited 0200-Wanted 0400-The House Bunny 0545-Rush Hour 3

Friday, Mar 11 0815-An American Werewolf In Paris 1000-Because I Said So 1145-Nine 1345-Unforgiven 1600-The Fast and the Furious 1800-A League of Their Own 2015-The Dark Knight 2300-An American Werewolf In Paris 0045-Because I Said So 0230-Nine 0430-Unforgiven

Saturday, Mar 12 0815-We Own The Night 1015-Norbit 1200-Definitely, Maybe 1400-Eastern Promises 1545-Men Who Stare at Goats 1730-Yes Man 1915-Unborn, The 2045-We Own The Night 2245-Norbit 0030-Definitely, Maybe 0230-Eastern Promises 0415-Men Who Stare at Goats 0600-Carriers

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