We love this new DIGITAL Singer Sewing Machine! Timeless style and modern innovation, this limited edition sewing machine is a nostalgic nod to the past whilst performing as well as any modern-day sewing machine – alas only available in the UK!
Barefoot Roses, 100% Quilters Cotton by Freespirit in stock soon at Vintage Lane EUR8.50 per half metre.
Welcome to the first ediion of Life
Vintage Lane Dungarvan | Autumn 2012
Welcome to the first edition of Vintage Lane Life where we share ideas, showcase new products, give details of giveaways and loyalty schemes but mostly, inspire you, our reader, to take up crafts and upcycling. We will be providing patterns for Diy gifts, recommending craft websites and blogs and give details on where to source craft supplies for all your sewing projects.
Before & After
Personalised Winter Ragdolls €18.95
Life Kids – Lifestyle – Crafts
Sourced at a local secondhand shop this 2 Drawer Cupboard was a steal. Repainted in Farrow and Ball ‘Midleton Pink’. Decorative Drawer Knobs. Great for storing craft items. The ’Granny Square’ is easy to crochet and very cute when made-up into blankets, cushions etc. Learn how to make one by logging onto Use different colour cotton yarn for best effect.
If you would like to advertise in the next edition please contact us by email:
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and you will win the beautiful personalised LARgE ViNTAgE-STyLE RAgDOLL - A gift for any age ! (or voucher to the value of EUR40) Vintage Lane News: –
Craft Workshops: We recently made these pencil cases at one of our craft workshops in Dungarvan. it was a great start-to-finish project and the final pieces were so pretty and very well made too! To book a group class ring Anita on 086-8338790 (max. 6 persons; Cost: €30; Duration 3.5 hrs (includes materials and refreshments).
We will soon be merging the Little Star Designs brand with Vintage Lane. The website for all personalised baby gifts will then be Vintage Lane will have the tagline ‘Kids – Lifestyle – Crafts’ The new Cath Kidston stock for Autumn/ Winter has just arrived, a 20% deposit secures any item – it is as gorgeous as ever! New Winter Opening Hours
Winter Opening Hrs: ClOsed MOndays from sept. tuesday to saturday 9.30 – 5.30p.m.
Closed Lunch 1.00 –1.30pm