The Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine #21

Page 1

September-October 2015 Volume: 4 Number: 5

Good News About Hard To Find Locks page 32

800k Trailers Roam America’s Highways

page 10

2016 Rally Dates Sure to fill up! page 39

The magazine for all vintage camper trailer collectors, restorers, admirers and dreamers.





What our customers have to say about us

We picked up a 62 Shasta trailer and the side looked like a kid took a stick to the side of it. It was bad. We brought the skin to Hemet Valley RV and they Made a new peice. The Bottom skin is new and the top skin was old, but they look identical. It had 6 inch lines and it turned out perfect. Thanks Guys. Great job. -Barry


Located in Hemet, California, we offer a wide variety of RV siding and camper siding for a variety of vintage camper trailers. Our panels and products are ideal when it comes to completing seamless repairs to siding, roofing and edging on your vehicle. Hemet Valley RV guarantees to deliver the results that you expect right to your door.


Five Star Plus!!! Steve and his company demonstrate what customer service should look like. Thanks so much! -Glenn I recently purchased all of the siding,trim and entry door for an 1970 11’ foot trailer that I rebuilt using only the metal frame of the original trailer. I contacted Steve at Hemet Valley RV and sent him a side view of the trailer with the dimensions on it. Steve figured out what material I needed and the amount and sent it. Everything that I needed I received in a timely fashion and it was packaged in very strong boxes...Thanks so much for the great job Steve, I have no doubt that your business will have continued success, Great Job. -Wayne M.

Extensive knowledge and quality materials. Very fair pricing and quick turn around time. Steve and Tammy are always helpful. -Larry

Rich and Debbie Hershey owners of The Body Shop in Hollister, CA, enjoy showing their 1955 Roadliner being towed with their 1957 Ford Country Sedan Wagon. They have owned their Roadliner for 9 years and take it out a few times a year. When I spoke with Debbie and Rich, Debbie was baking fresh peach cobbler in the trailer. They restored their trailer and Debbie made the curtains to match the car.


Inside This Issue

The Good News pg. 32


Vintage Resort pg. 14 2 Million Nomads pg. 10

Articles Two Million Nomads Lighthouse - A Vintage Trailer Resort Two Happy Endings Gypsy Chic - A Vintage Vendor

10 14 26 38

Pictorials Gallaghers Starkraft Lil Ms Bliss 1970 Mountaineer Montana 1954 Traveleze Daisy, A Gluten Free Trailer Coke Inspired - It’s the real thing!

6 23 24 27 30

Rallies Roslyn, WA Rally Riverbend Rally - Sweet Home, OR Trailers In the Trees - Felton, CA Tearjerkers 2015 Tiny Trailer Rally East Dummerston,VT Rally USA Rally Calendar

12 18 20 28 36 39

Technical and How-To How To Install Laminate The Good News About Hard to Find Locks

8 32

Publisher Paul Lacitinola Editors Caroline Lacitinola Nancy Veal Contributers to This Issue Thomas Miller Ilsa Hess Stacie Tamaki Richard Owens India Panico Zena Panico

American Trailerite By Paul Lacitinola Publisher VCT Magazine

Volume: 4 - Number: 5 - Issue: 21 PO Box 354, Elverta CA 95626 (916) 572-8554 Publisher: Paul Lacitinola American Trailerite The VCT Magazine is published bi-monthly January, March, May, July, September & November. I’d like to build the world a home And furnish it with love Grow apple trees and honey bees And snow-white turtle doves Vintage Camper Trailers is a non-denominational supporter of the vintage camper trailer hobby. We welcome all collectors, restorers, admirers and dreamers. SubscribeToday - See page 40 for details.

Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine reserves the exclusive right to reject or accept advertising or editorial material submitted for publication. The editorial content contained in this magazine does not necessarily represent the views of the publisher. Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine (USPS Publication Number 15940) is published bimonthly (in January, March, May, July, September, November) by Vintage Camper Trailers, 8416 Elwyn Avenue, Elverta, CA 95626-9552. Periodical postage paid at at Elverta, CA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Vintage Camper Trailers, PO Box 354, Elverta, CA 95626-0354.

WE BUY Vintage Camper Trailers, Bicycles, Cars, and Pick-Ups. (916) 992-1427

It is said that “variety is the spice of life.” The phrase pronounces that new and exciting experiences make life more interesting. Within the vintage camper trailer hobby, the two most obvious examples of “variety” are the models of trailers and the people. Not a week goes by that I don’t receive an inquiry about a trailer make that I have never heard of. At every event we attend we meet new and interesting people from all walks of life. The trailers bring us together as they are our common bond. They remind us of a different time in America’s history. A time that we try to preserve by restoring and protecting the things that remind us of the post-war USA lifestyle. Many small manufacturers of trailers entered the RV industry that was booming after WWII. This rush of builders made for many different makes of trailers being introduced, not all of which were able to stay in business long term. Leap forward 65 years and there are many “rare” trailers out there waiting to be rescued. We will be working with the California Auto Museum in Sacramento, CA to present a display that represents this era. It will run from November 2015 through April 2016 (See ad on page 46.) The variety of people in the hobby never fails to amaze me. We have met Santa Clause, a professional snow boarder, dentists, felons, television actors and an endless list of people that have their own story. Everyone has a story. Spending time with folks for 3-4 days at a rally gives you an opportunity to get know them. We see our “trailer friends” several times a year, for several days at a time. More often than most other friends and even most of our family. The variety of the people we have met inspired us to write a book. We wanted to share the stories of the people we have met in this hobby. This easy read coffee table book will be out in the spring of 2016. The stories will entertain, inspire and move you. We want to share not only the trailers with readers, but also the people that gave them new life. We have seen a variety of different rally formats in our travels. Some that have live bands and car shows, and others that don’t even provide electricity! Whether it is a full agenda or just rolling in and camping, change, and new experiences, make life, and vintage trailering, more interesting.



Bob and Jacyn Gallagher knew that Brian’s Vintage Trailers could pull off their custom concept of a vintage double decker trailer. Jacyn sketched out the basic shape of the trailer as well as the pattern used to make the custom made curtain material. Vintage parts give it a dated feel. The ground up build took Brian nine months to complete. You will attend a lot of rallies before you ever see another two story Starkraft. (The image to the right is the upstairs bedroom.)



Install Laminate by: “Heffrons A Moment In Time Retro Design”

At “Heffron’s A Moment In Time Retro Design” we receive many orders each and every day for our laminate collection. We have Retro, Boomerang, and Cracked Ice just to name a few. So you can imagine how many of our customers have questions on the installation of the laminate.

If you’re installing over existing laminate, the old countertop surface should be thoroughly sanded and cleaned to remove all debris. The sanding will help to remove any existing glossy coating and roughs up the surface for better bonding with the countertop adhesive.

It might seem like a daunting task for someone who has never installed laminate. However with a little patience and following the steps in this article you’ll see that there is no need for worry. So before we begin, let’s take a look at some of the tools you’ll need for this project.

What You’ll Need: 1. Sheet(s) of your favorite laminate 2. Tape Measure 3. Power or Table Saw 4. Tape (when cutting laminate) 5. Contact Cement 6. Paint Roller or Brush 7. Wooden dowels 8. Router with Bevel trim bit 9. Sanding File 10. Sander (Optional) Step 1) The first step will be based on your existing countertop. If you have a new or clean countertop then you can move onto step two. If you have old laminate that you are replacing then you’ll want to stick around.


Step 2) Next you’ll want to measure your countertop. It’s important to measure 1-2 inches larger than the actual size to be on the safe side. Any excess laminate will be removed later. Once you have your measurements you can cut the laminate using a table saw or handheld power saw. It’s recommended to tape your laminate along the line cut prior to cutting. This will help avoid chipping. Step 3) After your laminate is cut you are going to use the contact cement. Be sure to work in a well ventilated area if possible. Make sure the area is dust and particle free to keep countertop clean as well.

Step 6) The laminate is now firmly placed onto the countertop. Since we cut the laminate a little larger than needed there is probably some extra hanging off the edge. To remedy this you will want to use a router. We recommend using a “Bevel trim bit” to trim your laminate edge. Step 7) Now that your laminate is trimmed you may notice that your edges are still a bit sharp. A file will work perfectly to smooth the edge of your countertop and give you the desired touch you’re looking for.

Consult the instructions on the label to determine how much you should use. Take off the lid and make sure to stir before using. Flip the laminate over and apply the contact cement. Grab your paint roller and begin distributing the cement across the surface. Once you are done with the laminate, repeat the process this time with your countertop. Step 4) Now wait for the contact cement to dry. This can vary depending on what you buy so please read the manufacturer’s instructions. Some may be wondering, why we are letting the cement dry? That’s because contact cement bonds to itself, rather than carpenters glue where you’re gluing two materials together. Step 5) Once the cement is dry you’ll want to go back to your countertop and place wooden dowels onto it. The reason we use dowels is because they roll and this allows you to easily adjust your laminate that you are going to place on top of them. After everything is aligned you will want to start at the center and remove the first dowel. Press down firmly onto your laminate, applying even pressure and working your hand out towards the edge.

There you have it! By following these steps you will be able to install any type of laminate onto your countertop or table without paying someone to do it for you. Good luck with your project and remember, for all of your laminate needs head over to We look forward to hearing from you!

Repeat this process for each dowel and work your way towards one edge at a time. Take your time and make sure that your laminate is being placed properly and is lining up the way you want it to look.

The laminate is hanging off the edge and needs to be trimmed flush with a router.



800,000 Trailers Roam America’s Highways One of the most financially solvent persons in the world is King Ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia. Nobody thought of referring to him as “trailer trash” or a “tin can tourist” when he recently bought a $20,000 house-on-wheels, complete with throneroom, with which to tour his oil-rich domain in air-conditioned comfort. He was just keeping up with the times.

About 200 trailer manufacturers now turn out close to 100,000 trailers a year, valued at better than $300 million.

Highway-roving homes are still rare in most of the world. Not so in the United States, where in a few short years they have grown in efficiency, comfort, and luxury from the tent–on-abox to the complete home, paneled in rich woods and better-equipped for gracious living than the vast majority of houses “built to stay put.” It was only shortly after World War I that the United States earned the appellation “a nation on wheels,” which still holds good today. Since World War II, it has – in part at least – fast become “a nation of wheeled homes.” And the trend is going strong. Today, more than two million persons live in some 800,000 trailer homes. They are primarily family groups. The average trailer family income is $1,137 above the national family - $4,450 as compared with $3,313 according to the 1950 census. Their credit rating is high; banks and finance companies report losses on trailer financing at less than 0.16 percent. Surprising as it may seem, only about one percent of trailers are now bought for vacation purposes, as compared with 50


percent only 16 years ago. About four percent are bought by “nomads” people who are handy at earning a living but have the wanderlust. Fifty-five percent are accounted for by earners in “mobile occupations” construction workers on dams, highways, housing and so on: migratory agricultural workers who follow the sun from south to north and back again over well-established routes and schedules each year; and others who generally receive high pay but whose job duration in any one location is short. In this class is included a considerable number of defense workers of all categories, including atomic scientist. Service men and their families account for another 25 percent. The day is past when a reservist or guardsman or new draftee, for that matter, with a family will put up with and $85-$100- a month dump miles from camp. Retired persons account for another 10 percent, and “miscellaneous” makes up the remainder. Among this latter group are very often newly married couples who want to remain permanently in their

community, but who can’t find satisfactory housing. They usually turn their trailers into the second hand market and use the money for a down payment on a home or for furniture as soon as they find permanent housing. The trailer owner is indeed a far cry from a nomadic bum. Estimates on the total of trailers bought exclusively for use as homes range as high as 93 percent, while a surprising fact is that only about 45 percent of these trailers are seldom moved at all from their original site. In view of these facts, it is not surprising that the trailer industry is big business. About 200 trailer manufacturers now turn out close to 100,000 trailers a year, valued at better than $300 million. There are about 3,000 trailer dealers scattered throughout the United States, most of them in smaller outlying areas where space for trailer “parks” or sites for trailer communities are available. A curious fact is that the Greater New York area has only one or two trailer-coach dealers, while smaller communities often have several.

Two years ago, there were only 6,000 trailer parks; today there are twice that many and the total is climbing rapidly. In Florida, California, and Arizona alone-havens for the retired- there are probably more than 3,000. All major highways are beaded with them, and they are numerous near all high employment and housing–shortage areas. Most military camps now provide them. Publications like “Trailer Park Directory” keep trailerites informed on what goes on in the mobile-home–site world. Trailer parks range in size from three or four “home sites” to 2,544 at Paducah, Kentucky, where 8,100 persons-families of atomic energy workers-dwell. The Savanah River hydrogen bomb project accounts for 10,000 in the Aiken, South Carolina area. Some other big parks are: Naval Training Center, Great Lakes, Illinois; Van Nuys, California; Bradenton Trailer Park, Florida; Fort Worth, Texas; Tucson, Arizona; Memphis, Tennessee. Continued on page 22


Roslyn, Washington Vintage Trailer Rally Rosyln, WA is a quaint little town located in central Washington State. It is most recently famous for being the location that the CBS television series, Northern Exposure, was filmed in the 90’s. Many of the locations portrayed in the TV show as being “in Cicely, Alaska” were filmed in Roslyn, WA. The town is home to about 900 residents. On Father’s Day weekend 2015 the population soared as vintage camper trailer enthusiast came to rally at Runje Field in Roslyn. Trailerites circled their trailers in a large grass covered park for a weekend of dry camping. No one seemed to mind as they enjoyed open house and shared laughs at the talent show. Kim Ross and her crew of volunteers did a great job hosting the rally.



Lighthouse trailer resort & marina

The camp store 2015


Family owned campgrounds are a time capsule. The Lighthouse Trailer Resort and Marina is a family owned campground in Big Bear, CA. The Lighthouse was established in the mid 1920s. It had 20 rustic cabins, 15 RV sites and 10 wooden boats when retired Naval Commander Ed Dobis and his wife, Grace bought the resort in 1962. The story goes that Ed and Grace had been traveling around the United States in their Scotsman camper trailer following Ed’s retirement from the Navy. They realized that there was a growing need for resorts. They found the Lighthouse for sale and bought it. They then asked their son, Ted and his wife Kris to join them in Big Bear to help run the resort. 53 years later, the Dobis family is still running the resort. Ed and Grace

Archives from the mid-1960’s


The Original The Original

RV Leveling system RV Leveling system

Works as great as our Stop n’ Chock But has Works as great as ourofStop n’ Chock But has the added benefit a dock as well! theIdeal added benefit of a dock as well! for: Travel Trailers, MoTor HoMes, UTiliTy

Trailers, BoaT Trailers, anyTHing wiTH a HiTcH jack Ideal for: Travel Trailers, MoTor HoMes, UTiliTy Trailers, BoaT Trailers, anyTHing wiTH a HiTcH jack


continued from previous page have passed on and Ted and Kris are retired. Ted and Kris’ boys, Mark and Craig are now in charge with much help from Mark’s wife Lori. Max, the fourth generation is now helping run the resort as well. He is building websites and reaching out to campers on social media.

Lighthouse in the 1950’s (Opposite Page) This gathering place is a cross between the maintenance shed and a sports bar. Equipped with a flat screen TV, a jack-a-lope and plenty of tools and parts to maintain the campground. It is decked out with lots of interesting old relics including a 4’ diameter saw mill blade adorned with fishing lures. Not the type of place you will find in a park with no trees on the side of the freeway.

Over the years, the Lighthouse Trailer Resort has seen a lot of strange and exciting things take place. What is now the General Store, started out as a bar serving lunch and dinner, with Kris (Ted’s Wife) and Grace serving the drinks and cooking the food. Now when you go into the general store, you are taking a step back in time with wooden floors and stocked shelves. Memorabilia and pictures from the past 50 years line the walls. A true treasure. When the property was bought there was no lake. After a string of good winters, especially 1969, referred to as the Big Bear Miracle, the lake filled up and duck hunters and fishermen soon began flocking to the area. In 1975 a plane crashed on the Lighthouse Resort’s property and in 1976 a tropical storm hit sinking boats kept at the resort’s marina. The Dobis family has worked hard to maintain and grow their resort. It now has 85 sites and is open for business May through October. The Dobis family and The Lighthouse Resort and Marina are very supportive of the vintage camper trailer hobby. They are even in the process of adding “vintage camper trailer rentals.” This last spring, fellow vintage camper enthusiast, brothers Paul and Brian Geary, invited us to come check out their rally at The Lighthouse. The Dobis family very graciously allowed us the use their personal vintage camper trailer. We loved our time in Big Bear and again met great people in the vintage camper trailer hobby. If you are heading in their direction, call for a reservation and tell them you saw them in the Vintage Camper Trailer Magazine.

The Lighthouse in 2015 (above and above right)



Riverbend Rally Sweet Home, WA

The Rollin’ Oldies Vintage Trailer group is a loosely organized group of vintage trailer enthusiasts, based in Oregon. They have members throughout the Northwest and welcome all vintage trailer fans. An active group, headed up by Jerry Kwiatkowski, ROVT hosts vintage trailer rallies for members and welcome owners of retro trailers, teardrops, and motor homes. ROVT considers vintage trailers to be those built before 1980, or those built later with the same design as the original vintage trailers. Homebuilt teardrops are also welcome to attend their events. We attended this event’s open house on July 25th, 2015. The campground was beautiful with each site secluded amongst the large trees that provided shade and privacy. It was fun to tour each trailer as you could hardly see what was waiting for you in the next site. As always we made many new friends and we look forward to attending more ROVT events in the future.


Trailers in the Trees Felton, CA

Penny Cotter hosted this SOLD OUT rally in the Santa Cruz, CA mountains. Everyone enjoyed the temperate weather, taco bar and vintage waffle maker breakfast. This annual rally is held at a family owned resort named Smithwoods. In 1920 Charles and his wife Frances Smith, opened the campground under the name of Big Trees Auto Camp. They had traveled to the Santa Cruz Mountains on vacation and fell in love with the trees, the river and the weather. Based on that visit they decided to purchase the 13 acres of paradise. The property, originally a brickyard, became an immediate attraction for auto campers from far and wide. Visitors enjoy the beautiful outdoors and can relax under the canopy of the impressive redwoods.

Above, left to right: The Lukes Corvette, Judy and Eric Gregerson selling home made jam from their Airstream, Charlie (the rally co-host) catches up with Lee and Rose Terra at their site. Below, left to right: Nancy & Roger Lopez’s Kenskill, Lauri & Desmond’s Businessmans Prototype. Opposite page: John and Phyliss Green’s Westwood trolley top. Randy and Char Bonfantini’s freshly, self-restored, 1955 Lakewood. (bottom right)



Tee Shirts for all vintage camper trailer collectors, restorers, admirers and dreamers.

Join the club with a Tow Girlz T-shirt and a sticker for your trailer! Just for fun! Park facilities have improved greatly in the past few years. They represent a big investment-currently estimated at around $250 million, while many park owners put as much as $1,000 into each home site. Facilities range from water, electrical and sewage connections to “the works”-all the foregoing plus landscaped plots, telephones, bath houses, laundry, milk and newspaper delivery, recreation halls and play areas for children, and shopping centers. A few even sport swimming pools.

Ladies t-shirts, shorter cut through the body and sleeves for a more feminine fit. 6.1-ounce, 100% cotton (preshrunk). Logo on the front on pink and Mens Heavyweight Silk Screened 6.1-ounce, 100% black. preshrunk cotton.Logo in the USA is lsmall on the front.


Rentals in a trailer park vary from a minimum of $1 a night for transients through $3.50 a week to $15 to $30 a month. Utilities may or may not be separately billed over the base rate. Sometimes an extra charge of $1.00 to $3.00 a month is made per child No longer eyesores, trailer camps are now generally welcomed by the city fathers, who have learned rather belatedly that the trailer dwellers are solid citizens and bring profits to local merchants. At one time there was resentment toward trailer children attending local schools, and various devices were used to get eh parents to pay for tuition. Now this resentment has largely vanished and trailer children are welcome, tax assessments on the camps alone generally are higher than on local homes housing an equal number of school children. So, if conditions fit, why not join the swelling ranks of trailer owners? You’ll find that they’re one of the most respected, fraternal, solvent, and happy groups in the American economy. Taken from “Your Car Magazine” December 1953. Your Car Publishing Company, Vol. 1, No. 3 Printed in the USA


Tow Boyz Black T-Shirt $20.00 Tee-Shirts $15-$20

Dickies Tow Boyz Shirts $35 (Not Shown)

Dickies Tow

Order Online Shipping is only $5 for as many tee shirts as you need.

Linda Franz said she bought the “ugliest trailer ever seen!” After towing it home and having her husband, Brian, shake his head at her purchase, they got to work restoring Lil’ Ms Bliss. A quick trip to Harp’s RV to look over the 1970 Mountaineer, Montana and make sure she was roadworthy, gave Linda the confidence to move forward with her project. Linda

resealed all the windows, replaced much of the wood and painted the cabinets. Linda found tiles from an old bank and repurposed them in her bathroom. Now, both Linda and Brian enjoy camping in Lil’ Ms Bliss. Linda enjoys relaxing and glamping while Brian enjoys spending his day hiking and exploring the area where they are camped.

Lil’ Ms Bliss


1954 Traveleze Dan and Sue Cutright Napa, CA



Two Happy Endings by Thomas Miller This is not about perfect restorations. These transformations might encourage people that they can do it. I have two examples of personal campers of mine that I sold. The intent wasn’t to “flip” them but to “save” them and the ability to see beyond the paint and visualize the potential. At the same time, my friends call me a sucker for a sad case!

1964 Scotty. I bought this trailer for $200. The camper was in

the middle of the woods and the owner was asking $600. He would have taken a hundred bucks, which was the fair price but it was surprisingly complete and the interior was actually pretty solid. I liked the guy and he was about to go to prison, and he would need the extra hundred bucks. I was happy to see that the aluminum skin was decent and that it had an original door window underneath the plywood tacked to the door. I replaced the Bargman lock and sanded and painted the body. I installed a new tongue jack and new chrome hub caps on it and painted the interior a similar factory blue. I sold it at a loss for $500 to a good friend who is going to continue the restoration probably from the frame up. I really felt like I saved something with this one and he loves it! Happy Ending!

1963 Shasta Astrodome. This was a find thanks to the city

of Terrell, TX that said that you cannot have a camper in your backyard, behind your fence, completely out of sight without it being actively registered for active use on Texas roadways under the “inoperable vehicle” statute. This camper hadn’t been moved in over 20 years so I guess the city was short on cash because a friend of mine alerted me that the camper was now sitting in his neighbor’s driveway for sale. The interior of this camper that contained the original bathroom was in surprisingly good condition, but it was incredibly ugly with a faded vomit brown and a hidden “lucy blue” underneath. I cleaned the interior and repainted it the light blue that was underneath. The kicker to this story is that when I first bought this camper, a woman drove up on my property who had fallen in love with the camper but did not have any money to purchase it. Every few months she would just stop in to say hello to it. Once I had it cleaned and painted and ready to sell, before I listed it anywhere, I told her that if she wanted it, that it was hers. She was able to pull it together to take the camper home. Seeing her smile was worth it all. Happy Ending!


before and afters


a gluten free trailer All Bigfoot Ultra Pads carry a full lifetime guarantee.

I purchased my 1962 Oasis, Daisy, in January of 2014 to use to promote my business, Nacheez Dairy-Free Nacho Sauce. I started my business because I was laid off from the County of Sacramento as an IT Analyst back in March of 2010. One door closed and a window opened. My Mother (Mama Nacheez, aka Carolyn) and I fixed up Daisy and finally got her on the road this year for an event at the Gluten Free Specialty Grocery.

Our RV Pads are made from the same materials we use to make pads for heavy construction equipment and military use. Visit our website for pricing. (888) 743-7320

Our most recent event was being in the Pocket Parade for 4th of July in the Pocket Area of Sacramento, CA. A friend made the custom screen door. The top screen can be pulled out and a custom counter slides in to create a counter and pass thru screen. This is great for events where I hand out samples and sell Nachos. Ilsa Hess Love & Joy Foods Owner, Makers of Nacheez Dairy-Free Nacho Sauce


Recap of the Tearjerkers’ by Stacie Tamaki

2015 Tiny Trailer Rally This past week and weekend Fred and I attended the largest tiny trailer gathering east of The Rockies. The Crossroads of America (aka The CRA) gathering is held every other year in Spencer, Indiana at McCormick’s Creek State Park. It’s hosted by the “Tearjerkers” a large (but close-knit) group of international teardrop and tiny trailer owners who congregate at gatherings in real life and on the Tearjerkers’ forum online. Word is 147 trailers and 289 campers made the 2015 CRA a smashing success! I was able to meet in person, friends I’d made on the Tearjerkers and Teardrops and Tiny Travel Trailers forums as well as new friends who don’t actively participate on either forum. Some I got so caught up having fun talking with I forgot to take pictures of their trailers! Though there were many activities available at the State Park, I came to see the trailers. For a northerner (like me) it was really hot and terribly humid but I slogged around (albeit at a snail’s pace) to see as many trailers and to


meet as many people as I could. One of the things I love most about the tiny trailer community is the can-do spirit everyone who seems to be a part of it shares. Whether purchasing a finished trailer and customizing it with our own touches or designing your own build from scratch, restoring a vintage trailer, or modeling a new trailer to build from a classic vintage profile there’s room for all and something for everyone. Part of my fun was finally using the vintage, Danish, cast iron, Aebelskiver pan my friend Dana found for me at an estate sale in California. It was a little rusty, dirty, and sticky so I had to clean and re-season it. Before we left Michigan I gave it a test run on the gas kitchen stove to see how the Aebelskiver (aka Ebelskiver or as Fred calls them “Eagle Poppers”) would turn out. I discovered the pan doesn’t heat as evenly as the non-stick aluminum Ebelskiver pan I started with. But I’ll be bringing the cast iron pan camping from now on. It was great for

keeping the finished Ebelskiver warm while I cooked the rest of breakfast. I just popped them onto a metal camping plate then set that on top of the still very hot cast iron pan and they were still warm when we sat down to eat. These were filled with an apple-pear filling spiced with nutmeg and cinnamon. I’d made the filling before we left home so it was easy to simply add a spoonful to each well as I made breakfast. I also pre-measured all of the dry ingredients and put them in a small container so it was like using a box mixed made from scratch. Speaking of cast iron I was honored to part of the Dutch Oven cast iron cooking seminar hosted each year by Bob Henry. What began as a group of 17 attendees quickly grew to more than 34! Bob had asked me to be his “Vanna White” assistant handing him all of the different items he would be describing to the audience. Since I know my way around cooking utensils I said sure. Turned out it was really easy because Bob was very organized. We sailed through the presentation.

The science behind Dutch oven cooking is to place hot coals both below and on the lid of the pot which replicates an oven heating it from top to bottom. It’s basically baking without an oven. To kick things off he made a “Cooler Clean-out Casserole” which is where you take all of the leftover food in your cooler Sunday morning, toss in some grated cheese, pour in some scrambled eggs and bake the whole mess, um I mean delicious combination, in a Dutch oven. His included sausage, meat, potatoes, and beans. His volunteer taste tester gave it a thumbs up after his first bite! There was a potluck and lots of other activities some I tried and some I missed out on. Apparently there was a hula-hoop contest, karaoke, some type of giant underwear race (lol), a builder’s seminar, a backing up seminar, a silent auction, a Dutch oven cooking contest, outdoor movies, a group breakfast provided by our hosts, and more. You can participate as much or as little as you’d like but you better come prepared to

be social because meeting people and making new friends is what these rallies are all about. Each year the directors of the CRA ask for suggestions to improve the event the following year. From a participant’s standpoint there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of room for improvement. The event was very well organized. I guess the only suggestion I’d make is if name tags could include forum avatars and forum user names as that’s how I would quickly and easily recognize most people. If I come again I’ll even volunteer to make them. Thank you so much to Kurt, all of the Chapter Directors, and volunteers. Your hard work and effort to make this a great even was obvious at every turn and very much appreciated.


It’s the real thing! 1956 Hiawatha trailer. It is only 12 ft long. It still has the original wood interior & cabinets. We recently completed a re-paint and decorated it with the Coca-Cola theme. We pull it with our classic 1955 Ford F-100 pickup. Lisa McDonald, Milton-Freewater, OR 97862


Margaret and Eddy Swanzy have always loved to camp. While traveling around the United States researching their genealogy, the Swanzy family would tease their kids about getting their own little tin can trailer. Now, the joke is on Margaret and Eddy as they are the owners of the teased about canned ham. The Swanzys bought their 1963 Mobile Scout and after completing the restoration, chose the theme “Lost in the 50s.” Margaret said that some have suggested the trailer should have been restored back to original but they disagree. They are happy with their trailer and how they decorated it because it represents them. Their trailer is the talk of their small town of, Springtown, Texas. Margaret and Eddy are looking forward to attending more rallies in their Mobile Scout. Margaret and Eddy Swanzy Springtown, Texas





3.5” Round or 4” VCT Stickers $2.00 ea.


The GOOD NEWS About Hard to Find Locks Repair, Replace or Retrofit

Unfortunately, many Bargman lock set models have been discontinued Founded in 1931 to provide electrical connection products for the United States military; Bargman parts are also found on a variety of different brands of vintage trailers. In the vintage trailer hobby, when you hear “Bargman”, it is often referring to door locks and exterior lighting components. (Bargman is now owned by Cequent.) Unfortunately, many lock sets including these Bargman models have been discontinued: H20-2, L-77, L-400, L-66, L-100, L-200, L-300. There are limited parts available for any of them. According to Steve at Vintage Trailer Supply; Bargman no longer has the tooling for any of these models. The tooling for components and bodies wear out over time and with no new OEM demand for the locks, Cequent does not feel that the investment in repairing or replacing the tooling would be profitable. Most of the lock pieces were made overseas and the tools have been scrapped. This is not good news if you own an Avion, Mobile Scout, Aljoa, Mallard, Shasta, Yellowstone, Nomad, Serro Scotty, Kenskill, Siesta, Aristocrat, Spartan, King, Vagabond, Va-Ka-Shunn-Ette, Play-Pac or any one of the many other vintage camper trailers built the 1950s, 1960s and into the early


1970s. Many of these manufacturers used a variety of Bargman products including the very popular Bargman L-66 lock (pictured above). (Not a substitute for the obsolete Bargman L-77 vertical lock that looks similar and was used by Airstream and Silver Streak in the late 50s up to about 1961.) Joel Harp, at Harp’s RV, ( told me that one of the best ways to preserve your working vintage lock is lubrication. These old, mechanical units can “dryout” over the years and the internal parts are much more likely to break if they are not lubricated. Many pros recommend a “dry lube” or graphite powder that does not attract dust. Joel, or your local locksmith, can help you prevent breaking lock parts that you will soon discover can be difficult and expensive to acquire. Over the years I have experienced broken or missing locks on trailers. I have hoarded every part or piece I could find; knowing that someday, I would need them. If you come across old trailers that you think are worthless, at least salvage the locks for parts. Steve at Vintage Trailer Supply said he once bought an entire trail-

er on eBay for the L-77 lockset. He emailed the seller asking if he would be interested in just sending him the lock and keeping the trailer to relist. He said “heck yes.� Steve is also working to reproduce parts; a slow process. (You can find many reproduction lenses like the Bargman No. 99, Reflect-O-Lite and Trail-Lite at

the entire assembly, be prepared to pay $500. Bargman Bob also has a large inventory of parts and pieces to repair your lock. Bob can usually find the parts you need in his bone yard and repair your lock for you or send you the parts you need to fix it yourself. Bob said some of the most common problems with these locks are broken handles, broken plunger bolts and broken keys. Fixing your lock is more reasonable than replacing it and Bargman Bob will help you get your lock working again. All you have to do is ask: (949) 412-4306 or

Another option if you have to replace an obsolete lock is Dan Piper’s ( retrofit kits for the L-66, L-54 and L-55. This is a great solution for those broken handles so often found on the BargVintage Trailer Supply also man L-66 locks. This rethas parts including keys, rofit kit replaces the entire latch bolts, and springs for L-66 lock. The kit includes the L-66. VTS has reproBroken Original Handle a brushed stainless steel duced the The Bargman knob/lever lock with 2 keys, H20-2 door handle. Be2 brushed stainless steel cause of its adaptability and cover plates, a brushed style, it was used widely stainless steel striker face on high-end trailers (Sparplate and all necessary tans) from 1948 to 1958, hardware. The kit does not when more modern angular require you to alter the origmodels became popular. inal cutout in the entry door Vintage Campers is also a so an original Bargman great resource for a large L-66 lock can always be variety of salvaged original Vintage Campers Retrofit re-installed if you can find parts to restore you vintage a good original lock. If you trailer. are not wanting to pay the high price for an original Bargman L-66 lock, There are still several options available to rethis may be the solution for you. store your vintage trailer lock. You can help by salvaging and recycling (or re-selling) the parts Bargman Bob confirmed the high price of new and pieces to this integral part of every vintage old stock (NOS) L-66 door handles. If you need camper trailers functionality.


ont Verm Vintage Trailer Show

Ms. Patina

Richard & Leslie Nuckolls 1958 Shasta

Ted and Joan Kenyon’s 1964 Airstream Bambi II won “Most Loved Interior” in votes cast by the thousands of visitors who attended the Vintage Trailer Supply vintage trailer show on Saturday 8/8/2015 in Montpelier, VT.

Submitted by Robert Flood

Before We call her “Ms. Patina” because she is not perfect, but is now sound, sturdy and mostly leak proof. Long ago her Shasta “wings” rotted off along with her screen door, and her body is adorned with various scratches and scrapes from her 63 years of duty but we love her anyway! We got everything working. She’s modified to be “off the grid” and we love taking her camping when ever we can. She rolls like a dream and gets attention wherever we go.

“Step out dear, your bath is ready.”


new or vintage ... Live Riveted with Airstream Los Angeles

IT’S JUST HOW WE ROLL. We are ready to help you and your family make memories that last forever. Our facility is prepared to accommodate all your Vintage Sales, Parts and Service needs. We inventory new and previously enjoyed Airstream Trailers and Interstate Touring Coaches for all of Southern California. Our Sales and Service Specialists are here to assist you.

Come see what LIvIng RIvETEd is all about. • 855.285.2999 • 1212 E. Las Tunas dr., San gabriel, CA 91776


Brattleboro North KOA Campground East Dummerston, VT photos by Richard Owens

1958 Ace (left) Airstream (above) 1964 Shasta Astrodome (below)


1964 Aladdan (above) From top to bottom (right) 1967 Wildcat, 1966 Ace, 1964 Shasta, 1961 Serro Scotty


India Panico and Zena Panico Our story began in Lexington, SC on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in June. We are sisters-in-law who both had dreams of starting our own store. As the conversation grew that day an idea popped in our heads about a mobile boutique. Our instincts told us that we had something great. The very next day we found our 1965 Vintage Shasta Trailer; which just solidified that our gut feeling was meant to be. We ran right out to purchase the, “too good to be true” fully restored hot pink trailer and our new business was launched! We redesigned the inside and turned it into a beautiful walk-in boutique. As you step inside chandeliers and special lighting illuminate the mobile shop.


Every item is meticulously placed on unique displays that showcase our hand selected inventory. We have met so many amazing people during our events who are so encouraging and who love that we are bringing them a unique and new way to shop. Our products are flattering for every body type and can easily be paired to create your own unique look for your style. We feel that having comfortable stylish clothing which can be worn so many different ways, is essential in a women’s wardrobe. Our prices are pleasing to the wallet and will always be consistent. We are so excited to be able to bring Gypsy Chic to you for your next event, festival, show, or for just a special night out with the girls!

USA Rally Calendar We do our best to confirm all events before press but plans do change. Make sure and call to confirm. Many times rallies have an open house on Saturday to view the trailers. Call to confirm the rally is open to the public if not stated. Listing your rally on this calendar is FREE, just let us know in advance.We also offer cheap display ad rates for rallies if you want your event to stand out. Paid ads include a listing on our website and facebook page events calendar. September 10-13 Romulus, NY 8th Annual TCT Northeast Rally at Sampson State Park on Seneca Lake with huge camping equipment flea market and Saturday Open House. September 11th and 12th, 2015 Cloverdale, CA Join us for our 22nd annual show. The fun starts Friday night with a Cruise and live music in the Plaza. On Saturday over 200 classic cars and motorcycles. There will be fun for the whole family: music and dancing, food booths and vendors, a Kid Zone. Entry includes: Free t-shirt to the first 100 entrants, dash plaque and goodie bag. Trophies for 1st and 2nd place in each category, including Best of Show Car, Best of Show Motorcycle and Mayor’s Choice trophies Call for reservations and more information. 707-987-4270. September 11-13, 2015 Olympia, WA 1st Annual South Sound Trailer Rally at Millersylvania State Park, Chris and Jennie McDonald are the “hosts”. No rally fees, just make your reservation ($30 per night for hookups.) Saturday potluck. Chris and Jennie McDonald 360-791-2038

September 11-13, 2015 Winthrop, WA Wheel into Winthrop & Vintage Wheels Show. 3rd Annual Wheel into Winthrop Vintage Trailer Show & 40th Annual Vintage Wheels Show. The entire Old~West town is on display with Vintage Trailers, Cars, Trucks, Bicycles, Tractors, Motorcycles and More. Show off your trailer (if you’d like) on Saturday after the Parade of approx 120 Classic Automobiles drive through our Campground. Come early or stay late at $20 per night in our Old Fashioned Green Grass Park (modern hookups, laundry, showers, wifi). Sites are limited. Contact Anna at 509-341-4062 to get on the Wait List.,

September 10-13, 2015 Elephant Butte Lake, NM Come join us for our 2nd Desert Diamond Rally. Elephant Days Festival, Music, carnival, boat ride, beach, full hook ups, pool, food and fun folks. Contact Karen Campbell at 505-2946000 or for details. September 11-13, 2015 Lynden, WA. Mt. Baker Vintage Trailer RallyYou can arrive as early as Sept 8th. At the Northwest Washington Fairgrounds. No

reservations required, pay when you arrive. $20 per night plus a $15 rally fee. Electric and water available, clean bathrooms and showers. 2014 had 171 trailers, lets make 2015 even bigger! Search: “2015 Mt Baker vintage trailer rally” on Facebook September 13-20, 2015 Blue Mountain Lake NY Lake Durant State Park, Adirondacks, Lake Durant State Park is on Route 28/30. National Serro Scotty Organization. September 9-13, 2015 Narragansett, RI Fishermen’s Memorial Campground. Our first time in Rhode Island! Fishermen’s Memorial State Park offers a seaside village atmosphere with tree-lined paths and activities for the whole family. It offers close proximity to state beach areas like Scarborough, Roger Wheeler and Salty Brine. It is also just a mile from the Block Island Ferry Dock. The ferry is a 45 minute ride and you can take your bikes with you, or rent one to tour after you get there. Sites we are shooting for are in Area 4, sites 142-158 and 162-163. National Serro Scotty Organization. nkroes@ September 11-13, 2015 Grass Valley, CA The Roamin’ Angels’ “Cruisin’ the Pines” Annual Car Show will again be featuring vintage trailers along with classic and muscle cars, boats and more, at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley, CA. Contact the Roamin’ Angels at, or for more information. September 11-13, 2015 Newport, OR 5th Annual South Beach Rally. Relaxed event at South Beach State Park, New-




WIN a 1963 Lil’ Loafer Camper, 1957 Chevy Pickup and a 1960 Cushman Scooter! Subscribe to the Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine after April 21st, 2015 and you will receive a free raffle ticket to the Good Sam Safe Ride raffle! After subscribing send your raffle ticket request and a SASE to IGS, PO Box 7007, Stateline, NV 89449

Buy some extra tickets too! Offer may end at any time. For more details:

Subscribe Today with this form or online at Name _____________________________________ Adress ____________________________________ City_______________________________________ State ______________ Zip ____________________ Phone (__________)_________________________ ___ New Subscriber ___ Re-newing my subscripttion $32.00 annually in the USA. Subscriptions outside of the USA must be done online. Mail this form with a check to: PO Box 354 Elverta, CA 95626.


port OR. Brunch Potluck Saturday late morning. Coffee / water / tea /juice provided. Night glow Saturday night. Make reservations through ReserveAmerica. Loops A, B or C . Peg and Dick Obrist.

September 17-20, 2015 Maggie Valley, NC Join us for our 5th Annual Fall into Vintage Rally. We’ll once again be holding the event in Maggie Valley and we are thrilled to be relocating the event to Stonebridge campground this year. Detailed information can be found at www. on the events tab. Sept 18-21, 2015 Lebanon, OR Gill’s Landing RV Park. In conjunction with the Rolling Oldies Car Club of Lebanon, 50’s in the Fall Car Show. Space is LIMITED to 19 spots. Cost is $20 per night. SOLD OUT - contact CeCe Mosher to be on the waiting list. CeCe Mosher

September 18th - 20th, 2015 Northern Utah Rally Crystal Hot Springs, Honeyville,UT. Registration camp spots with www. call Adam @ 435-279-8104.Register TCT/Tow Boyz @ wattmungall@gmail, 435730-3840.Crystal is a public camp, so visitors can visit,but please purchase a “swim ticket to swim or use the hot pots.For sale trailers must purchase a space. 1st luck,Sat. eve/nite,live music,/BBQ meal. Sept. 18 - 20, 2015 Petaluma, CA Meet Your Peeps at KOA (707)7631492 please call the direct number to reserve/cancel a site. By doing this, it allows the sites to be booked by vintage trailers only. there is still a few sites left. Hosted by Penny & Charlie. Sept 18-21, 2015 Lawman, Idaho Martin Lake Camp-in. Cool autumn campout Dry rustic camping; water may be available depending on the weather but bring your own to be safe. US Forest Service vaulted toilets. Saturday and Sunday mornings - bring your coffee for Mountain Mist pastries Friday dinner - potluck heavy appetizers Saturday dinner - entree provided ($5 per person cost); potluck side

dishes No need for reservations, but pay (cash) at the event: $15 per family for 2 nights camping. $5 per person for Saturday potluck dinner entrees. You still need to register with ROVT and pay the $10 registration fee to ROVT. Mike & Marj Dougherty or John and Karen Wallace

September 24-27, 2015 Canton, TX Mill Creek Ranch Resort, 2102 N. Trade Days Blvd., Canton, Texas 75103, Hello vintage travelers! We are having our Fall TCT Texas rally. A fun filled weekend at the Mill Creek Ranch Resort. We will have a blast this fall. We will have a pot luck dinner, Swap meet & play some Bingo or Farkle, Open House, and Door Prizes. The resort has a a lot to offer and Pets are welcome. (www. September 24-27, 2015 Milford, MI 2015 Fall Gathering. Registration Fee $120.00 for two adults includes Annual TCT Membership, Window Sign, Entertainment, Catered Meals, and Morning Coffee with sweet treats. You can put your down payment or full payment in for the fall rally. Contact: Forrest Bone September 25-27, 2015 East Dummerston, VT Early Fall Vintage Camper Rally hosted by the Brattleboro North KOA Campground. We invite all vintage trailers, and motor homes for a great weekend, including a rate of 50% off the second

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day. We have great sites, cabins, and facilities. The weekend will include seminars, open house, pot luck supper and pancake breakfast. Open house Saturday 1-4 pm. September 25-27, 2015 Buellton, CA The 6th Annual Buellton Vintage Trailer Bash (30m north of Santa Barbara). E-mail if you would like to be on the distribution list to receive an invitation. September 26th and 27th, 2015 Treasure Island, CA Treasure Island Meet & Greet IV!! Overnight camping on Treasure Island!! Public Meet & Greet Saturday and Sunday (10 am – 4 PM). The Views!! Gourmet food trucks!! Hundreds of Kitschy Vendor Flea Market!! People’s Choice award! BYOA Evening appetizer social! Camping on an Island surrounded by the most beautiful bay: Bay Bridge, SF Skyline, Alcatraz, Golden Gate, Historic Treasure Island, and Bliss Dancing!! Very Limited spaces available. Please express your interest early as spaces fill up. Dave and Dawn Kappadahl 925899-3599. SOLD OUT! September 24-27, 2015 Spencer, MA 2015 NAFCA Fall Frolic, September 2427, 2015, Spencer Fairgrounds, Spencer, MA. Camping fun and fellowship in this family camping organization. Everyone is welcome to come. For more information and for a reservation form, please e-mail Mike DiMauro at or call him at (305) 619-9585.

October 1-5, 2015 Felton, CA Harvest Moon 1st Annual Boles Gathering for Boles Aero Campers only. Wagonmasters: Sherry Weiss & Maryann Vanden Dries. Smithwoods RV Park in Felton, California October 2-4, 2015 St Paul, OR Champoeg State Park 3rd annual rally. Potluck Saturday. Halloween themed, Trailer trick or treat for the kids. Contact Ralph or Sherry Hall email: October 2-4, 2015 Tucson, AZ The Vintage Travel Trailer show is part of Tucson’s Modernism Week, which is a fundraiser for the Tucson Historic Preservation Foundation. Tucson Modernism Week is in its fourth year and the Trailer Show in it’s third. We have found the vintage trailers to be an extremely important and fun part of our events. Gretchen, Coordinator, Vintage Travel Trailer Show 520-481-6787 October 9th-11th, 2015 Lodi, CA Trailerfest 2015. This is our 5th Annual event and it’s back to the fifties! (Think Leave it to Beaver, The Long Long Trailer and Roy Rogers). As always, we are mixing it up with more fun and an itinerary of events we think will make this the best Trailerfest yet! Live band, classic cars, bikes and boats! Spaces

Sunday September 27, 2015 Livermore, CA Join our first annual Vintage Trailer Show (1972 and older) with age-appropriate tow vehicles. (Other tow vehicle parking is available nearby.) We are gathering with Livermore’s Altamont Cruiser’s Nostalgia Day Annual Car Show. This is the Cruiser’s 26th annual show. The show draws 700+ cars in all catagories and more than 10,000 enthusiasts and spectators, so space is at a premium.Dan Donovan, at JoeDsKid@ or (925) 606-1000.


Open House

Open to the public


Saturday October 10th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm OVER 250 VINTAGE CAMPER TRAILERS! Towerpark Delta KOA 14900 W Hwy 12 # H, Lodi, CA

for campers are SOLD OUT. We have started a waiting list in the event there are any cancellations. Open House From 10 am to 2 pm on Saturday.This is the only time the event is open to the public. To register for the Talent Show or for more details, and a constantly updated itenerary, visit the website. Tower Park KOA, 14900 W Hwy 12 # H, Lodi, CA 95242. Rally Info: (916) 712-6386 Oct 9-11, 2015 Hemet, CA Halloween Hideout: $38/night Only 6 sites left! Tucalota Springs RV Park, 41601 E. Benton Road Hemet, Ca 92544, 951-767-0604 This is small gathering. I have only reserved 11 spots. I will not be posting this information on any websites. Please email me for a registration form. We will have a happy hour potluck on Saturday at 3pm. Please feel free to decorate your trailer and come in costume. October 9th -18th, 2015 Pomona, CA RVIA California RV Show & Vintage RallyLA Fairplex - Be a part of the largest RV Show in the West. Camp inside the show and enjoy free show admission for you and your friends. You and your vintage trailer will be a part of the show. Show your trailer to show guests. Free electricity, professionally landscaped, KOA amenities nearby, 2nd Saturday dinner, tickets to other events nearby. $25 entry fee, camp for a weekend or all ten days of the show. Be the star of

the RV show! Contact Christie Harris for event details -, 805-216-7785 To enter a trailer in the car show event call Kenny or Leslie and e-mail pictures.

Oct. 9th, 10th and 11th 2015 Kernville, CA Join us to camp by the river in our first annual, “Camp Crawdad Vintage Camper Gathering”. In conjunction with the annual “Kickin’ Back in Kernville Hot Rod Show” We will be camping at the very nice and exclusive, Kernville Airport campground just a few miles from the hot rod event and just a hundred yards or so from the Kern River. The airport is also the site of the vintage automotive and motorcycle swap meet held on Sunday the 11th. This is not a formal “Rally”, but simply a gathering of vintage trailer folks who would like to camp, fish, explore, see the car show, enjoy music, food and the great outdoors and who would like to show off their trailers to the public on swap meet day. There will be a limited amount of parking spots at the actual car show event for those who would like to enter their trailers in the show as well. We will have a casual Potluck “meet n greet” BBQ on Friday night at the airport campground. Camping is only $15. per night. Come join the fun in Kernville with us! To make campground reservations call Leslie at (661)203-5071. Please leave a message with your ph. number, if no answer and I will call you back. Also e-mail me at For car show info call Kenny at (909)754-5270. e-mail www.RhodeShowProductions. com For swap meet info call Rick at (760)378-3870. e-mail rick@kernval-

October 15-18, 2015 Newland, NC Fall Foliage Gathering A perfect time to enjoy the Fall Leaf Season in the mountains. The campground is located just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. We will have the entire campground held for us but it’s a small private campground so sites are limited. Reservations can be made directly with the campground by calling (828)765-2681. Detailed information can be found at on the events tab. October 16-18, 2015 Virginia City, NV Step Back In Time Trailer Rally in historical Virginia City, Nevada. This is the first annual trailer rally in the town. Experience the mines, cemeteries, ghosts, saloons, tours, hotels, museums, and shopping. Some of the places are the Silver Queen Hotel, Bucket of Blood Saloon, Virginia City Tours. Short driving distances to Reno & Carson City. You can also stay at one of the hotels in town. Hurry, there are only 30 full hook-up sites available. RV Park has a store, laundry, restrooms, and showers. Contact the RV park directly at www. and reserve a site at a discounted rate. Dinner and ghost tour is available. I need those making a reservation with the RV park to contact me after that to let me know they are coming and if they are interested in the dinner, tour or both. The dinner is $23.81 each


person, the tour is $15 each if we get close to 30 people, if not, then $20 per person. Wes & Diana at 775-813-7960, for additional information. October 16-18, 2015 Lone Pine, CA 3rd Annual Lone Pine Round-up. Vintage Trailer Rally. We are thrilled to announce that we have scheduled the 3rd Annual Lone Pine Round-up. Boulder Creek RV Resort 2550 S. Hwy 395, Lone Pine, CA 93545 We will be hosting a movie night at the Lone Pine Film Museum Theater featuring a classic B western cowboy film. There will also be a cowboy pot luck and cowboy costume contest so bring you best western duds Wagonmasters: Phil and Wendy Cervantes Rates: $35 per night plus $10 rally fee (Let me know if you want to arrive early or stay late) checks payable to: Wendy Cervantes 2131 Brighton Cir. Corona, CA 92881 951-520-3118. October 30 to November 1 Santa Barbara, CA 2nd annual Halloween Vintage Trailer Mash at Ocean Mesa RV Resort in Santa Barbara , Ca. Bring your vintage trailer , decorations , costumes and let’s have a screaming good time ! Vintage costume party Halloween night . This is a vintage event for the whole family . Sites are $55 a night , call Ocean Mesa for reservations (805)879-5751 , 100 El Capitan Terrace Lane , Santa Barbara, CA 93117


Oct 30 - Nov 1 Oroville, CA Vintage Trailer Rally - 2nd Annual “Ghostly Glamping”! Bring your vintage trailer, your funny/spooky/eerie decorations and your costumes for a creepy fun weekend. Peoples’ Choice awards for favorite costume and site displays. Pumpkin carving contest anyone? Trailer open house, flea market (bring your vintage and trailer related items!), and car show 10-3 on Saturday, potluck for all participants around 5 on Saturday evening, and outdoor movies on Friday and Saturday nights. Arrival and registration beginning 2pm on Friday the 30th. Limited power hook-ups, first come basis. Very clean flush toilets and pay shower facilities on site. Rain or shine, this will be another fun event! (Last year’s rain didn’t dampen anyone’s spirits, even the spooky ones!) For more information, please e-mail, Andy & Carol Suplita

all around our camping area. Pot luck on Sat evening, coffee in the morning in the group area. Wear your best Western Gear for the potluck, prize for the best outfit and a prize for the best or unusual decorated trailer. Camping is $10.00 per night,, please reserve , pay when you arrive, Cherri and Mike Aiken hosts (360) 595-2611 from now until mid Oct after that our number is (928) 505-2730

November 5-8, 2015 Lake Havasu City, AZ Havasu Round Up, At the Rodeo Ground Sara Park, 7260 Sara Parkway, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86406. All vintage trailers come and join us at the Rodeo Grounds for a fun camp out, all vintage trailers welcomed, $10.00 per night camping fee, large BBQ for our group to use. Meet and greet Friday November 6, 2015, 6:00p.m. (in large building) You may bring things to sell in front of your trailer. Dogs are allowed on lease at all times. Showers and restrooms are available. There are great hiking trails

February 4-7, 2016 Lake Havasu City, AZ Lake Havasu State Park (Windsor Beach) 699 London Bridge Rd. Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 2nd TIME VINTAGE CAMPOUT . What to expect, a gathering of vintage trailers along the beach, a potluck on Sat. evening, coffee in the morning at the group area. Meet and greet 6:00pm at the group area on Friday Feb. 5. You may bring things to sell in front of your trailer. Dogs are permitted with leash on (not on the white sand at the beach) This is a non hook up campout, dry camping, there

November 12-15, 2016 Charleston, SC Join us for our 3rd Annual Gathering at the Festival of Lights celebration at James Island County Park near Charleston, SC. Detailed information can be found at on the events tab.

2016 Rally Dates

will be a plug in to plug in cell phones, etc. Power available for medical devices, limited amount. We will have showers that are unmetered. For the hikers there is a nice hiking trail within walking distance of our camp out, with fantastic views. Cactus garden at the park. Bass fishing tournament. Sunday large swap meet near by, starts early. Nice beach walks. Fees are $18.00 per night camping, $5.00 per trailer for rally fees. jra@ please reserve, pay when you arrive. Cherri and Mike, hosts. February 25-28, 2016 Oceanside, CA Guajome Park campground, 3000 Guajome Lake Road, Oceanside, CA 92057. 760.724.4489 Due to many issues at my last birthday campout at woods we have moved my yearly birthday campout to Gaujome Park campground. This is a smaller campground and has only 35 sites. We are in site 7 please make your own reservation. We are excited to check out this campground for my birthday and this time my birthday will fall during the campout. San Diego County Park Reservations: http://www. March 11-13, 2016 Spartanburg, SC Our second year to kick off camping season with a casual gathering at Croft State Park in Spartanburg, SC. Detailed information can be found at www. on the events tab.

March 17-20, 2016 Grant, AL We hope you will join us at Honeycomb Campground for our first Northern Alabama Gathering. We have tentatively reserved 15 waterfront water and electric sites. The campground will add more if these book up. Each site has a fire ring and picnic table. Campground website: 188 Campground Rd, Grant, Alabama 35747. Price per night: 29.00 Amenities: Each site is flat with gravel and contains a Fire Rings and Picnic table. The bath house is newly updated with private rooms. We will have use of a pavilion. Reservations: Contact the campground directly at 256-582-9884. Tell them you are with the Vintage Trailer group and remind them you should be getting the 10% “Gold Age Discount” for our group. Gatherings are casual events with very limited planned Activities: Friday 7pm S’mores Bar Meet and Greet. Saturday 6pm - Crock Pot Pot Luck. Kim Hoke, Spartanburg, SC

feel comfortable moving away. We are sad too but we are also very happy to finally have our chance to move and build our dream home in Arizona and start the second part of our life. Let’s make 2016 the biggest teardrop trailer campout ever and join us at Lake Perris Campground, Ray and Carrousel

March 24-27, 2016 Riverside, CA Teardrop Time Gathering: The biggest and most important announcement is regarding Lake Perris Teardrop Only Campout. We know many will be very sad and disappointed but 2016 will be the last Teardrop Time campout we will be hosting. Ray and I will be moving out of state next year and feel we cannot run such an event from so far away. We have been patiently waiting for our daughter to be in a secure situation away at college and that we can

May 13-15, 2016 Bodega Bay, CA First annual vintage trailer rally. Come join us in beautiful Bodega Bay potluck Hawaiian taco bar homemade wind chime contest friday open house Saturday. Robin Gutierres, 510-537-1537

April 8, 2016 - April 10, 2016 San Diego, CA 3rd Annual Pismo South Campland on the Bay Vintage Trailer Rally. $101 for the nights of April 8, 9; departing 10th. 2211 Pacific Beach Dr. San Diego, 92109 For registration form, email April 27- May 1, 2016 Jekyll Island, GA Join us for our 5th Annual Spring Fling event this year at Jekyll Island, GA. We have 75 sites reserved for a fun filled weekend in the sun. Detailed information can be found at on the events tab.


Almost as soon as the automobile was invented, people started traveling as far as they could with them. Over time, our homes away from home became more elaborate with more conveniences and style. Experience multiple decades of vintage travel trailers and the accouterments that went with them. The exhibit will focus on the 1940s and 50s, but will also include trailers from the 1930s and early 1960s. There will be familiar names and manufacturers such as Airstream, “canned hams” that all visitors can identify with, and a number of limited edition and custom trailers such as one made by famous designer Brooks Stevens. From practical to ostentatious, there will be at least one trailer you wish you could travel in! Exhibit made with support from the Vintage Camper Trailers Magazine

April 27th - May 1st, 2016 Hemet, CA 2nd Vintage Trailer, Camper and Car Event. $59.00 per night with a 2 night minimum stay. Full payment required at time of booking. 10% cancelation fee with 30 day notice. Additional guest $20.00 per night. Country Western Night with Cowboy shoot outs, Vintage Fashion Show, Farmers market, Pet Parade, Classic Car Show, Vintage Vendors, Sock Hop Night, Eagles Tribute Band and much more. Enjoy 3 swimming pools, state of the art fitness center, billiards room, championship pickleball courts and shuffleboard courts. Stay in resort comfort surroundings with area restaurants and shopping within walking distance. Sites are filling up fast. 1-800-323-9610 May13-16, 2016 Manchester, CA At Manchester Beach Mendocino coast KOA. 44300 Kinny Road, Manchester, CA. 95459. 707-882-2375 or 800-562-4188. www., Randy and Charmaine Bonfantini. Reservations are made directly to KOA Manchester beach. We blocked 30 sites for next year. So don’t hesitate as half are full

R.V. Doctor George

Tue-Fri 7-5, Sat 7-3 Closed Sun-Mon

(916) 927-RVDR (7837) 1142 Dixieanne Ave. Sacramento, CA 95815 The Doctor is equipped to give your RV an End to End Exam for Recreanitis!! 46

June 2,3,4 and 5, 2016 Grass Valley, CA The 3rd Annual Tall Pines Vintage Trailer Rendezvous is happening, rain or shine, at the Nevada County Fairgrounds. Check out www. and for updates and registration forms. October 15-18 Lodi, CA Trailerfest 2016 We will announce the registration process the first week of January 2016 by the Vintage Camper Trailers Facebook page and the VCT Email blast. Get connected at We want to help promote rallies, big and small across the USA. Let us know about your rally and we’ll let other trailerites know.

Quality, value and Service... ”Always on Sale”

Surplus & Used R.V. Parts The Largest in Northern California

• Custom Remodel • R.V. Repairs • Insurance Work

hook up and the other half is water/electric. This is a casual gathering. Saturday whadinger breakfast at the fire pit. Sunday we finish with the traditional vintage toast party before we all depart. Also at the fire pit if you wish. Just come and relax and enjoy the company of your fellow trailer friends.


Light Welding Services Available OPEN Monday - Saturday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

9282 Greenback Lane Orangevale, CA 95662 916-988-2440

5181 Auburn Blvd Sacramento, CA 95841 916-334-2440

2809 Fulton Avenue Sacramento, CA 95821 916-481-2240



PO Box 354, Elverta CA 95626


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