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Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch

Craig Marshall from Wanaka in 1915 American La France speedster

Every time I drive through Milton, I can’t help myself and always look over the fence of the car wrecker’s yard. There are always heaps of cars that look like they have been sent to the wreckers prematurely. I can’t help but reflect back to where I started my motoring life and the cars we rebuilt or maintained just to keep them going. I wonder what we would have thought then of the Milton wreckers’ yard. It would have been a treasure chest, an Aladdin’s cave.

Now, clearly the reason they are there is because, from a financial point of view, most are not economical to repair. It is cheaper to replace them or the labour and parts costs to repair exceeds the cars value. There are obvious reasons for this. Cars in real terms are cheaper than yesteryear, they are more complicated to repair, labour and parts are higher in real terms.

However, let’s think about this from an environmental perspective. Surely at least 95% of these cars will be replaced by another - probably second hand but somewhere at the top of the food chain a new car will be created to replace the wrecked one. Trying to understand the environmental cost of creating a new car is almost impossible with fake news, and the almost religious fever by one-eyed tin hat wearing nutters around the subject, but it appears to me the most effective way to reduce the environmental impact of building a new car is simply not to built it. (I do accept the argument that the newer car might be more environmentally friendly than the older one it replaces )

But imagine if we managed to increase the real vehicle life by even 10%. That suggests the demand for new cars might drop by a similar percentage. This could be done. We, members of the VCC, are proof that vehicles can survive and be functional long after the manufacturers would like.


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Pretty full calendar. Thanks John. Note: subject to change but any changes to next month’s event will be e-mailed out.

Date Event Organiser Detail



9th October Club Night (Clubrooms Open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 13th October Weekend Run

John Gray

Bill Crooks

Thursday 31st October

Thursday Muster



13th October Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

John Gray

John Gray

Sunday 17th November Weekend Run

Michael Wyatt/John Gray

John Martin will discuss timber bending, wood graining and other timber body frame skills.

North end of Lake Hayes. Enter from the Arrowtown Road, for a picnic lunch. See Club Captains report in October P n S for further information.

Visit to Tim Scurr’s property at Cardrona to view his vast Collection of all things old. Picnic lunch at Tims. Tim has offered to entertain us with a couple of old Central Otago folk songs. Not to be missed.

Talk by Vicky from Santana Minerals re their proposed new mining project at Bendigo.

Glenorchy Area, Lake Sylvan and the Routeburn Shelter. Trip and picnic lunch. Details in November P n S.

Thursday 28th November

Thursday Muster

John Gray

4 Wheel Drive trip to Santana Minerals new mine site at (Bendigo) Thompson’s Gorge Road. On site talk from Santana. Visit the Come-in-Time battery, drive through to Matakanui, visit Tinker’s Gully. Picnic lunch along the

way. Return via Cromwell Gorge. Vehicle with 4WD required. Gravel and grass 4WD ok. From clubrooms, share vehicles.


Wednesday 4th or 11th December


Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 8th December Christmas Lunch

John Gray


Committee/John Martin

Thursday 12th December


Thursday Muster

John Gray

Sunday 19th January Central Otago VCC Swap meet

Thursday 30th January

Thursday Muster



12th February

Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 16th February Weekend Run


John Gray

John Gray

Club Christmas Lunch at clubrooms. Meat supplied, bring your own drinks and a salad or dessert.

Presentation of membership Awards.

Local Cromwell run and picnic lunch at Bannockburn Inlet.

Annual Swap Meet at Clubrooms

Clyde Sheds and garden picnic


John Gray

Queenstown visit to Michael Wyatt’s collection of European cars, picnic lunch and one other collection.

Thursday 27th February

Thursday Muster

John Gray

Visit to ‘Hook” at Albert Town. Catch your own salmon, have a picnic lunch or pizza and coffee at the café.

MARCH 2025

Wednesday 12th March

Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

John Gray


Sunday 16th March Weekend Run

Saturday 22nd –

Monday 24th March

COVCC Otago Anniversary Weekend Run




9th April Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 13th April Weekend Run

Saturday 19th –

Sunday 20th April

John Gray

Visit to historic gold mining site with poppit head at Oturehua. Picnic lunch.

John Gray/Committee A three-day run to Invercargill, via the Catlins. Visit Invercargill museums, coastal towns, return home Monday via garden of significance.

John Gray

Wheels at Wanaka Murray Pryde Car and Machinery Show. Attend and display your vehicle or volunteer.

Thursday 24th April Thursday Muster

MAY 2025

Wednesday 14th May Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 18th May Weekend Run

Thursday 29th May Thursday Muster



John Gray

Wednesday 11th June Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm. John Gray

Sunday 15th June Annual General Meeting

Thursday 26th June Thursday Muster

JULY 2025

Graham Taylor AGM, to be preceeded by a potluck lunch at 11.30 am.

Wednesday 9th July Club Night: Clubrooms open John Gray

7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

Sunday 13th July Weekend Run

Thursday 31st July


Thursday Muster

Wednesday 13th August Club Night: Clubrooms open 7.00 pm, meeting starts 8.00 pm.

John Gray


John Gray Curling at Alexandra

John Gray TBC

Sunday 17th August Weekend Run TBC

Sunday 24th August Daffodil DayCancer Society fund-raiser

Thursday 28th August

Thursday Muster


Gary Fredericksen Show and Shine. Potentially at Highlands. Gates open 11.00 am. Display 12.00 –2.00 pm. Barbeque and raffles. All proceeds to Cancer Society. Please bring your vehicle for display and support this event and this great cause.



VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Date Event

Friday 11th – Sunday 13th October

Organizer Detail

VCC Christchurch Swap Meet VCC

Saturday 16th November SOVCC Rally

Saturday 16th November Alpine Street Machines Annual Public Display

Saturday the 30th November Coronet Peak hill climb

Sunday 1st December Josephville Hillclimb at Lumsden

Saturday 18th January Cromwell Classic Car and Hot Rod Festival.

Easter 2025 Wheels at Wanaka

Alpine Street Machines

Annual Christchurch Swap Meet at McLean’s Island.

Members getting magazine by email will find a copy of flyer attached

Annual Public Display held at Cromwell Town and Country Club, commencing at 11.30am. Please support their club as they support us.

Gore VCC

Southland Falcon Club

Members getting magazine my email will find a copy of flyer included

Classic Car Show, Alpha Street Park

Celebrating 100 years Of Caterpillar Members getting magazine by email will find a copy of flyer attached


Long service awards to be presented by Club Captain Mark Wilkinson at our annual end of year function 8th December.

Awardees as follows;

50 years; Mike Hanning, Bruce Jones. (Tony Campbell, Keith Barclay, and Jim Miller are all eligible but declined. However, I felt a mention was worthy.)

35 years; George Wallis, Murray George, Trevor Tosach, Barry Walker.

25 years; David Manson, John Gray, Michael Wyatt,


Welcome to New Members; Roland Van Der Wal: Jojo Hardy; James Barclay; and Martin Withington.

Hope to see you at events soon.


Alister Stewart, a well-respected member, died this month. Members may recall his talk on the intricacies of the vaccum tank fuel system.


The late Robin Dixion’s auction in Gore was the place to go if you have an interest in veteran cars whether you want to invest in a new project or just to fill a corner of your garage or shed or just to find that elusive hard-to-find part. Robin had it all and had made it his life work to collect and restore veteran cars and parts around the country. I was lucky to find a mirror and a manual windscreen wiper.

The boys in the parts shed have been busy transporting 10 trailer-loads of the late Ken Browns Austin 7 parts to our sheds that now have to be sorted onto the shelves. Well done and thank you for all your help gentlemen

Ken has also donated a library full of both magazines as well as motoring textbooks that are for sale in the club rooms for a donation to take home for some light reading on your favorite vehicles.

The blossom festival is on Saturday and Ewen has been working actively to make this event a memorable one for all the competitors who have come from as far away as Christchurch, Ashburton, Timaru, Dunedin and Balclutha. You will now have to wait till next month to hear how it went unless you are a competitor. See you there early for breakfast.

Those who attended the last club meeting would have been impressed by the guest speakers enlightening you of their second passionate hobby that they are involved in. Of course, their first passionate hobby is driving their vintage cars.

Great turn out for our run to Lake Hawea where members dusted off their thermette’s to have a brew as well as some members who choose to cook lunch on them also.

Note - hand sanitizer is a brilliant fire starter if you are having problems lighting yours

Do keep referring to our clubs Calendar of events that Club Captain John Gray has organised for all members to enjoy

Sadly, another valued member,Alister Stewart, passed the other day. He and his family members enjoyed all aspects of the Central Otago vintage car movement.

See you at the next meeting

Regards, John Martin


Although this month was not as busy for me ‘Club Activities’ wise, the end of month always creeps up on me faster than I wish, as has happened again this month. It has been interesting giving the ‘Wednesday Guys in the Shed’ a hand to collect up all the Austin Seven parts from the late Ken Brown’s place on Northburn Station, and bring these parts back to the Spare Parts shed for sorting and evaluation.

While we appreciate the generosity of Ken’s family for making these parts and books available to our club, this process gives one perspective as to our ultimate mortality and the volume of S.H.I.T (Special Heritage Industrial Treasures) that we can accumulate during our car hobby lifetimes. Ken had done better than most of us in the process of accumulation, especially as this mostly relates to one sub-marque, that being the Austin Seven.

I can somewhat relate to this, as I once had a similar accumulation affliction, but that disease related to Model T Ford parts. Ironically, the vast majority of which (about 6 tons) also came from Northburn Station, and even more ironical from the exact site location where Ken’s house was later built. My parts were collected from that site in 1975.

Shifting house is a great way of sorting the chaff from the grain, but I was fortunate that my ‘spare parts collection’ was housed in the otherwise underutilised basement at my long-suffering parents’ house for around 40 years; long after I had flown the coop. My father finally moving to a rest home necessitated disseminating all the parts to deserving ‘youngsters’ in the hobby, which was also a very cathartic process, and hopefully helped someone else in their endeavours.

In addition, a week or so ago, Chairman John Martin and I attended the auction of the late Robin Dixon’s vast collection of cars and parts in Gore, most of which; like my former collection; were Model T Ford-related. Kits of cars and parts sold at what previously would have been considered ridiculously low prices, but maybe this is the new norm.

What this recent process has taught me is that I need to start to reduce my collection soon; and in a controlled manner; as when the reckoning day arrives, my boys are not interested (except for the E-Type); and everything will be sold off to the highest bidder, at whatever someone deems the offering is worth on the day. Long may that day be, but we have to be realistic, that it will eventually come. As the wife of an old mate of mine in Australia used to say “John, I just hope that I go before him”. Your wife may know that feeling.

Upcoming Events and Instructions:


John Martin will discuss timber bending, wood graining and other timber car body frame related topics. The clubrooms will be open from 7.00pm and the meeting will start at 8.00pm.


Organiser Bill Crooks

I will be at the Christchurch Swap meet that weekend, so Bill Crooks will lead this event.

The picnic location is the reserve at the north end of Lake Hayes, with access off the Arrowtown Road. Please be at the location at 12.00 noon.

Members from Cromwell, or points south, should meet at the Clubrooms at 10.45, to leave for Lake Hayes at 11.00am. Bring your seats and lunch etc and enjoy the day.


Organiser: John Gray

This is a visit to Tim Scurr’s property near Cardrona Village, to look at Tim’s extensive collection of all things old and historic to the Cardrona area. Tim has invited us to picnic on his lawn for lunch, so bring your seats and food etc for this occasion. Tim has also offered to entertain us with a couple of old traditional Central Otago folk songs, which is not to be missed.

Members from Cromwell, or points south, should meet at the Clubrooms at 10.00am, to leave for Wanaka at 10.15am. We will proceed to Wanaka and meet member from that area, in the car park of the Wanaka Rugby Club, on the right, at the lake end of Cardrona Road at around 11.00am. We will leave Wanaka around 11.20am, to drive up to Cardrona. Members from Queenstown can meet us at Cardrona around 11.45am.




As a committee, we are always looking for new ideas for events. Graham Taylor suggested there were several members who follow craft hobbies, outside of, or other than their primary interest of automobiles. Primarily, our wives are involved in ‘fibre’ crafts, and this got us thinking that a ‘Crafts’ Night, where members could present an insight into their craft, would be of interest to others. I also put out a call for other members to also present their crafts. On the night we had a total of five members presenting

Wendy Gray, was first up. She showed a couple of projects and explained different compositions and gauges of wools she uses from 1 ply to 10 ply with a project she had knitted from each ply weight. She also passed around a couple of her knitting needle tool kits which are very different to conventional straight needles, as they are very short and joined by flexible cables.

Wendy Gray demonstrates her knitting crafts. Graham Taylor explains wife Cheryl’s projects

Unfortunately, Cheryl Taylor was unable to attend, owing to a clash of dates, so Graham Taylor showed and explained Cheryl’s knitting prowess, which consisted of Highland dolls, knitted toys, animals and blankets. Graham did a magnificent effort of explaining Cheryl’s projects and has obviously taken full interest and understanding in her hobby over the years.

Graham also showed a miniature cannon he had made when he was at school and told an amusing story that while a fellow school mate had actually fired his, Graham resisted the temptation, having a better understanding of the perils of this action.

Next up was Cromwell member Charlie Storey, who displayed the extensive range of wooden signs, spoons and chopping boards that he makes. Everyone was amazed at the intricacy and variety of his signs and his ability to do this work with only one good arm.

Charlie Storeys signs

Michael Wyatt, from Queenstown, showed us two different hobbies of which he partakes. The first was scratch built model boats, of which he displayed two examples. The first model was an 1883 Thonycroft Spa Torpedo Boat that arrived at Port Charmers on 1st Feb 1884. It was named HMS Taiaroa as the RNZN was not yet formed. It was stationed at Deborah Bay. Michael found the original plans of this boat in a museum and constructed the very accurate model from the plans. The other wooden model, presently under construction was a Thornycroft 55ft Coastal Motorboat of 1940.

Michael Wyatt’s model of HMS Taiaroa 1883

Michaels other hobby is oil painting, of which he showed two examples, the first being an excellent painting based on a photo taken at a 1980s Lyttleton historic motor racing meeting. The two, single seater racing cars in the painting were both owned and driven by local members, Wayne Marsh and Chris Read.

Michael explaining the two paintings.

The other painting was a work in progress of the rail yards at Middlemarch, during a snowstorm in winter. Both paintings showed considerable detail, and I look forward to seeing the finished work, in the future.

The evenings’ impressive displays were concluded by a show and tell by Alan Sutton of Arrowtown, who explained how he builds child’s fully operational rocking horses. Alan had two examples of his craft on display. The first partially constructed, showing how he carves the horses from laminated timber, in the same way that these horses have been made for centuries. The second, a nearly finished example, just requiring the fitting of the saddle, mane, tail, reins, etc. Alan showed the patterns he starts with, which he has fashioned from, most fittingly, some of his old real estate signs. These horses were a work of art including the finishing painting.

Alan Sutton discussing the intricacies of rocking horses

Overall, this evening was a tremendous success and thoroughly enjoyed by all present, and a fantastic tribute to the craft skills of some of our members. If you missed this evening, you missed out on an exceptional display of hidden talents, and I am sure there are several other equally talented members who can also show and tell at a future such event.

Photograph of a completed horse



With a poor long-range weather forecast for our usual mid-month Sunday Run, I decided to postpone this event until the following Sunday, which in hindsight was the correct call, as the original date of the 15th turned out to be very wet, as forecast.

On to our second selected date of the 22nd, as the long-range forecast predicted some rain in the early morning but clearing late morning with a sunny afternoon. Well, the day dawned clear in Cromwell, (not raining) following several days of rain, but Graham Taylor rang me at 8.15am to say it was looking like rain towards Hawea. After a quick discussion we decided that the forecasters might be right, and that the day would proceed as planned.

An enthusiastic bunch of members met at the clubrooms just before 11.00am in anticipation of the picnic, some with Thermettes and others to enjoy watching the process of the light-up. The Cromwell contingent set off motoring towards Luggett and then on to Hawea. Once we reached Hawea Flat, the roads were very wet, with the aftermath of what had been a heavy shower quite recently. The last 4km of the road into John Creek is gravel, and unfortunately the pristinely prepared club eligible cars soon became splattered in tan coloured water from the many remaining puddles, but most forgave the inconvenience once the extremely picturesque location for the picnic on the southern shore of Lake Hawea, had been reached.

By now the sun had emerged on que as predicted by the forementioned forecasters, and the cars all lined up in a row along the lower edge of the reserve. The ‘Boy Scouts’ amongst us quickly selected the ideal spot for the Thermette lighting, at the eastern end of the reserve near the trees, which was better sheltered from the light nor’easter breeze.

Assembled Members Cars

The gathered throng, which now numbered around 25 people, quickly assembled the picnic chairs in a large circle, being careful to align themselves upwind of the Thermette light-up area, and the impending smoke. That’s when the entertainment began, especially for those not partaking of this reverent throwback to our ‘childhoods’, when many of our dads or grandads would produce the family thermette from the boot of the family car, to have a boil up to produce hot water for an obligatory cuppa on a picnic or a trip to the beach.

Hardy picnickers. A jacket and hat still made for a pleasant day.

The seven thermette whisperers had varying successes with their light-ups, with most getting their fires going quite quickly. I was the one exception, with the sticks I had bought from home from new acquired firewood, from trees of which the birds had been singing in a few months ago, not wanting to light easily. The alternative of collecting sticks from the lake shore was equally unsuccessful, owing to the very recent wetting from the earlier ran shower. However fellow members came to the rescue, and my two thermettes were soon boiling away.

The reason for two thermettes, was that one was for boiling water and the other for cooking a few sausages on top of for lunch. The standard NZ thermette came with a separate ring that looked like the fire base but which was for supporting a frying pan on top of the thermette. Most people didn’t know what this was for, and therefore these rings have been lost over the years. I was pleased to see that John Martin also had the cooking ring and cooked up bacon and eggs for his bacon buttie sandwiches. An enjoyable picnic was had by all, and it was great to see such a good turnout of members for this event.

During the picnic, Arrowtown members Greg and Karol Anne Doran offered to open their hanger at Wanaka airport to any members who would like to go and inspect his two self-built aircraft and to see their classic boat collection, which he also built. These two aircraft are classed as ‘experimental’ which gets around the stringent regulations pertaining to regular passenger aircraft.

The lunch time cook-up
A pair of Model A’s from Queenstown

The two boats Greg built are in the style of American or European classic boats of the late 50s or early 60s with rounded lines and varnished mahogany hardwood planking to the decks. Both boats are powered by Chevrolet V8 inboard engines, with shaft drive. Both are immaculately presented show items, which he regularly takes to classic boat shows throughout the South Island. This visit pleasantly capped off a great day out.

Greg Doran at right, talks planes with Chairman John Martin and John Wilson
Karol Anne Doran on right, discussing ‘Fire Cracker,’ their front-engined boat
‘Elise’ the larger of the two boats. The craftsmanship of the two boats is amazing.




The winners were

The start at Clyde
Erwyn & Audry Fail from Christchurch in 1938 Dodge sedan
P80 -Mark Halkyard from Alexandra in 1990 Citroen BX.

P60 - Ray Anderson from Wanaka in 1961 Pontiac.

PWV – John Adamson & Wanda from Oamaru in 1956 Karrier Van

PV – Erwyn & Audry Fail from Christchurch in 1938 Dodge sedan.

Vintage- Keith Heineman from Dunedin in 1930 Ford model “A”.

Commercial – Gill & Ruth Edmunds from Mosgiel in 1972 Mini pickup

All arrival questions correct - Graham Taylor from Luggate in 1967 Austin 1100.

Oldest Vehicle - Craig Marshall from Wanaka in 1915 American LaFrance speedster

Overall winner was Erwin & ‘Audrey Fail

A special thank you to our sponsors of the Blossom Rally, please thank them if you are talking to them, they like to get feedback.

Highlands Motor Sport Park

BP Workshop Cromwell Ltd

Tyreland Alexandra

Junction Auto Services Alexandra

GWD Toyota

GES (General Engineering Supplies)

Alexandra Auto Electrical

Repco Alexandra

Davidson Honda

Goodyear Alexandra

Cromwell Collision Repair


I am pretty sure that most of us have had the odd car we regret selling and most of us can quickly list them and why. However, you don’t often hear people telling the story about cars they could have but didn’t buy. I would like to share two of mine.

Regret No. 1: a 1974 Holden Torana SLR 5000.

My XU1 was being used in Standard Production racing and this meant it was quite edgy with the Bathurst options fitted, very hard riding and, to be honest, pretty thirsty. I decided that the time had come to own a dedicated road car. While the SLR 5000 was marketed as the successor to the XU1, the reality is it was a softer carand was not as quick as its predecessor. It wasn’t until the L34 or A9X options became available that the newer car gained the upper hand despite having 5 litres instead of 3.3. It was smooth, comfortable and a easy tourer, real torque and I loved it. So why didn’t I buy it? I don’t know. Maybe because it wouldn’t help the fuel consumption problem so instead I brought the Isuzu Gemini Coupe that Barry Dryden, then from Wanaka, had won the South Island Production Saloon class A . That was a great car and with the 5 speed better than an Escort Sport in the day but if I had bought the SLR 5000 the fuel economy wouldn’t have mattered because they started going up in price after I let it go and now they are astronomical.

The Holden Commodore VK SS Group A was developed in 1985 to be the primary new competition car for Holden in Australian and European touring car competition. FISA (Fédération Internationale du Sport Automobile) regulations stipulated that, in order to homologate the car, at least 500 had to be built and sold to the public. At the time I had an XC Falcon that proved to be great family car. By no means a performance car, but with mags and some good shockies it was capable of achieving very good point to point times and it was big enough to take all the stuff two preschoolers come with. I was conscious that the Commodore was smaller than the Falcon so I went and brought a Fairmont Ghia instead. There was only a couple of thousand different.

While both the Gemini and the Fairmont were great with the benefit of hindsight, I should have bought those cars. Rare at the time, they are very rare now and both are worth 4 times their asking price at the time.


Role Person Phone Email Partner

Patron: John Loudon 448 7192

Chairman: John Martin

445 0598 021 109 1309

Vice Chairperson: Neil Webster 021999 049

Immediate Past Chairman Vacant



Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280

Club Captain: John Gray 0274345621



Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose

Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371


John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel Tony Van Gool 021631316 Raewyn

Gary Fredrickson 021532960, ss Maree

Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene

Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707

Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707


Glenda Don Yeaman 443 2730 Lynne

Idle Torque BW; John Gray 0274345621


Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077 Glenda

Area Reps:

Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill

Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 TBC

Sharron Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

HSE: Gerry Spencer

Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

National Daffodil Day Coordinator: Beau Trevathan 4452864

Golden Times: Alan Sutton 027 434 6018

Face book page TBC



Tuesday 10 September 2024

Meeting began 7.30 pm.


Neil Webster – Acting Chair

Graham Taylor

John Wilson

Rose Grindley

John Gray

Garry Grindley


John Martin

Gary Frederickson

Note: A quorum is 50% of the Committee

Previous Minutes

Moved as true and correct - Graham / seconded by Neil

Matters Arising

Insurance update

Payment has been made to Rothburys. They have made a $250 donation to Daffodil Day.

CODC letter

A letter is to be drafted to the CODC to confirm what we are legally entitled to do on our site and whether we can allow other groups to use our clubrooms.

This letter will be high level and will be circulated to the committee prior to sending.

Action: Rose to draft and circulate letter.

National Constitution

The draft National Constitution has been circulated and Committee members have looked at it in detail. Consensus was that it is generally a good job.

Moved to accept draft – Graham / seconded Garry G

Draft COVCC Constitution (Branch)

Committee consensus that this is also looking good. Two further changes agreed to Bylaw 2, as follows:

• Delete specific dollar amounts; and

• Delete item 4, referring specifically to the Pétanque Club.

It was moved to accept the draft constitution for circulation to Club Members, subject to the above changes Members will be asked to ratify the updated constitution at the next General Meeting

Moved by Garry G / seconded by Rose

It was noted that with respect to Bylaw 4, referring to dogs, we need to get a sign for the gateway to the yard.

Action: John G to follow up after the Constitution has been ratified

General Business

1. The outdoor area could do with a new barbeque and some tables/chairs

Action: Discuss this at next Committee meeting.

2. Daffodil Day

Action: Graham to send email to Alpine Street Machines thanking them for their support.

The club is able to claim up t0 $300 from National Office for Daffodil Day expenses.

Action; John G and Neil to progress this claim.

3. Life members subscriptions

Graham moved that these be paid / seconded by Rose

4. Motorcycle Rally

John G (Club Captain) raised the idea of having a motorcycle rep on the Club Committee. He also proposed a motorcycle rally. This would initially be a one-day event, tentatively on Saturday 15 March 2025, but could include a visit to a bike collection on the Sunday.

Action: John G to proceed with organising this, with support from Ken Roberts.

5. The Hoist

John M and John G have further investigated the cost of a hoist and its appropriate housing It appears that this would be substantially more expensive than originally thought and the Committee agreed to set this proposal aside for now.

Moved: John G / seconded Garry G

Next meeting: Tuesday 12 November 2024


Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event, and I enjoy it when others help with contributions, like they did this month.This way, you will end up with a better mag that is well rounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.


Good morning everyone,

Please find attached this year's Josephville Hillclimb flyer, containing all the necessary information.

Note that the date has changed, and is now on the 1st of December in order to coincide with the Coronet Peak Hillclimb, which is being held the day before on Saturday the 30th of November.

We would love to see some new faces this year, so come on down!


Evan Henderson Evan Henderson <> To: "" <>

Hi my name is Evan Henderson and I organise the Josephville Hillclimb at Lumsden every year for the Gore VCC, I have had an inquiry from a

participant of our Hillclimb and he has been in touch with the Coronet peak organisers to see if there is a VCC class so he and others could enter as it is the Saturday and Josephville is Sunday the 1st December and they haven’t but if your club would be interested in taking part they would combine which would attract entries from further north to take part in these events. If your club is interested can you contact the Coronet Peak organisers.

Regar Subject: An awesome Daffodil Rally for Cancer!

Date: 2024-08-28 17:02

From: Kaaren Smylie <>


WOW people, what an incredible _Daffodil Day for Cancer_ you all had, there are amazing totals coming into me...this is like the old 'Telethon' days all over again, love it! Keep the information rolling in please.

To date I have heard from 14 Branches about their fantastic day and what they collected for their local Cancer Society, I am super-keen to hear from everyone else.ds Evan.

Central Otago Vintage Car Club (Including Queenstown & Wanaka)

Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made from high quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen, or on the body work. They are easily removed with a hairdryer. Cost $3.00 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd

114 Shortcut Road, Luggate. 443 1416

027 248 9942 MAXXIS

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