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1 March 2024 Issue 400 Puff ‘n’ Stuff Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch The Team Gray 1915 Ford T Depot Hack (See Report}


Well, let’s start with an apology. I haven’t been publishing the committee meeting minutes. Probably spent too much time in the corporate world where often management meetings could be brutal, and the minutes stayed in-house. It was left to the CEO or Regional Manager to deliver a sanitised version to the troops. And I assumed that was the way things were done everywhere. 68 and still learning. Probably shouldn’t be surprised I have had just on 45 years post-marriage training on top of three years pre-marriage and Rose still describes me as a Work In Progress.

They will be published going forward.

I am almost on motor racing overload. Five weeks of motor racing, followed by Bathurst last weekend, and I am almost looking forward to cricket. Well not really, I just checked and I still have a pulse so I am not ready for watching anything that tedious. I told my son, when he was 5, that I would support him with any sport except cricket. If he wanted to play that, he was on his own.

It is clear we now have a two-tier summer motor racing season. One where the younger drivers mostly come with family money, maybe are just learning to shave but to be honest it’s great for rising stars and the future of NZ motor racing. This coupled with the exotics is amazing. To this day, I remain in awe of the then future world Formula One champion, Keke Rosberg and his car control at Bay Park. I can’t recall the year but I have never seen anyone that good. So Tony Quinn, Colin Giltrap, and all, I thank you. However, you have to say, with the five rounds, spectators stayed away. Some might be like me and watched it on TV because I appreciate the commentary and coverage and also, right now, I clearly am not the world’s most mobile unit However, it is clear that the public and grass roots motor sport enthusiasts who are spending mostly their own money prefer the historics, muscle cars and the like. The attendance at these meetings was way up there. It was a shame I could only get one day of Ruapuna on You Tube

Great to see SVG at NASCAR and disappointing to see the Kostecki issues in Supercars and ongoing mutterings about parity issues. I argue that the cream always floats to the top and love or loath them 888 is the class team. Maybe DJR will come right now that Ryan Storey is back.

Management issues at Erebus and Countdown South Dunedin are amazing. Pass the cheese anyone? And speaking of management I cannot believe the sense of entitlement that Luxon showed over his weekly $1000 accommodation allowance. As a leader, you need to be authentic and show empathy. That’s leadership 101 and Chris you failed.

Garry Grindley

Please note I do not necessarily check this email address daily so if you want an urgent reply or action please also phone me on 021 279 5064

Copy deadline for next edition by the 25thof each month.

Circulation: 250



Role Person Phone Email Partner Patron: John Loudon 448 7192 Sheila Chairman: John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Vice Chairperson: Vacant Immediate Past Chairman Noel Hassed 442 3908 Bernice Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280 John Club Captain: John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371 Garry Bert Turnbull 027 434 2339 Bert.turrnbull1940 Jenny Neil Webster Tony Van Gool 021631316 Raewyn John Gray 0274345621 Wendy Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390. Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda Don Yeaman 443 2730 Lynne Alister Stewart Idle Torque BW; Don Yeaman 443 2730 id Lynne Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077 Glenda Area Reps: Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 Sharron Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl HSE: Vacant Applications invited Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene Bryan Anderson National Daffodil Day CoOrdinator: Vacant Golden Times: Alan Sutton 027 434 6018 Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill Central Otago Vintage Car Club(Including Queenstown & Wanaka)


We had a great touring holiday in Blenheim and Napier with beautiful weather all the time

The committee and I voted for Noel to the position of Delegate to attend the coming Executive Meeting in March as he has a better understanding on the proposed new governing structure as well as I am unable to attend

Our next major rally for our Club, the Autumn Festival, is fast approaching Saturday 27th April in Arrowtown so start polishing your vehicles. Entry forms will be available in the next Puff N Stuff

New parts have arrived in the parts shed so the boys are busy sorting them onto the new additional shelving that has turned up at the right time My thanks go to all the blokes who have given their time freely to help with this big task.

The Vanguard car has finally left it resting place in the yard bound for Invercargill. It has been sold 2 times in the past but owners have had second thoughts, but not this time

Thank you, Ewen, for the time spent on weed spraying the yard as you can definitely see where you have been as there is no sign of anything green in the car park

A big thank you also must go to our resident painter Brian Anderson as you will notice when you come to our next meeting. Doors, windowsills, architraves etc have all had a spruce up and it’s looking very sharp.

To those members who now want to read their beaded wheels magazine via your email address then you can if you email National Office at as it is now available.

You will still get the printed version also for the time being.

See you at the next meeting




A busy summer, the combined open /swap meet day with the support of the Central Street Machines guys was mirrored in the result.

The heat pumps have been installed and are effective in cooling things down to a pleasant level. There was a small donation to the Club from Greg Doran and myself towards the pumps being the fee for Clerk of course and scrutineering at the 2023 Highlands Festival of Speed.

The Festival of Speed is on again on the 6th and 7th April Murray George has volunteered to be Clerk of Course and joins Greg and I. Come along it’s a very well-run event and the VCC plays a part in it.

Greg and I spoke at the Club meeting re the coming Warbirds Over Wanaka Air-Show, Greg on the Sport Flying Component and myself on the event overall. You will have heard that the Mosquito is going to be at the Air-show, a World first I believe and a very exciting aircraft at that.

Greg and Karelan also mentioned that they are involved with the Southern Lakes Classic Boat Event 13-14 April to View at Kelvin Grove 11 am 3pm Saturday 13th .

It was pointed out to me that there has been some disconnect re Club Information getting to members and that our Management Committee minutes have not been included in the Puff N Stuff. I guess I have to put my hand up here as I’m always interested in Garry’s stories, and had made the assumption that Garry knew to include them.

And on that note, the Editors job is quite a bit more involved than you would think Lindsay Olsen’s advice to me when I took on the job four editors ago was to make up the magazine starting as soon as the current issue was sent. In saying that, it is our magazine, and there are many members out there who could make a contribution, also there are many members out there who simply don’t read it.

Equally, it is vital that the Club Captain has approved of events at least three months out, where do these events come from? Events and suggested events need to come from us the members, be forwarded to the Club Captain who then makes that official, then things happen.

Another thing to consider is that our sister clubs’ newsletters are available on the VCC website, so if you are thinking of doing something different you could well join in another Branch rally Cheryl and I in the Morris Minor , Rod and Paddy Pemberton completed the “Monte Carlo” in November, and members support the Windsor Rally in Oamaru, the Wallaby Rally in Waimate, the Gore Rally, Dunedin Festival Veteran Rally, The National Veteran rally and others.

Coming up is the West Coast “Scenicland Rally” Sat 23rd March, always different great scenery, there and back as well

The BIG news announced at Wednesday’s meeting and confirmed today, is the attendance (that is the plan) of the Fourth Mosquito built by Avspecs in Auckland. The Mosquito, the most remarkable aircraft of WW2! Will be at Warbirds over Wanaka.

Graham (sec)


Thursday 22nd Feb was yet another well supported mid-week run to the Wakatipu Basin, with 16 vehicles and 35 members.

We met at Arrowtown Church 11.00 am, where Noel and Bernice Hassed explained their tireless volunteers input to assemble their baskets of blessings, ready-meals, and food packages for the community.

Lunch followed at the Hole in One restaurant,


a great atmosphere, followed by an appetising lunch, and drinks.

Then off to the shed visit Karl Woods’ collection of vintage and veteran motor bikes, and cars, the De Dion car collection and restoration is certainly a work of art.

It was also good to see some new members and intending members for our club.

Photo by Mel Wilson Photo by Mel Wilson Milbrook -

Up and Coming events

➢ APRIL 21st Sunday Run - two laps Highlands Park We have priority for 8am Registration, 10 x cars per run, $49.00 for driver and cooked breakfast. $19.00 for each passenger, + breakfast, bookings are heavy,!!!

➢ May, June, TBC Tekapo, Hot Pools, very medicinal!! Overnight Godly Hotel + dinner. Will confirm dates as numbers accrue

➢ Guest speaker, Wed 13th March, 7.30 Pm Alec Beange, NASA Balloon Operations Contractor, presentation on his Antarctic employment. Very enlightening!

➢ Guest speaker, Wed 10th April, 7.30 pm Jacqui Lambeth, Emergency Response Otago cdem .govt .nz Beneficial to all to hear.

I tend to favour during the week for runs as venues are more accessible (weekends tend to be heavily booked) and as most members are retired but we don't distinguish either;

However, any suggestions for extra venue visits are welcome.

Regards R John Wilson

Club Captain




Tuesday 15 January 2024

Meeting began 7.35 pm.


John Martin - Chair Rose Grindley

Mel Wilson

Neil Webster

John Wilson

Graham Taylor


Noel Hassed

Bert Turnbull

John Gray

Tony Van Gool Garry Grindley

Previous Minutes – 31 October 2023

Moved as true and correct - Noel / seconded by John G

Matters Arising

1. Heat pumps have been installed.

2. Veranda screens have been installed.

3. Incorporated Societies legislation – National Office will definitely be supplying a template for necessary constitution changes – probably following the national executive meeting.

4. Christmas party was a great event. Holding it on a Sunday worked very well. Thanks to all those who helped

5. Membership forms requested by National office – Graham has gone through the files and found what he can. He has sent these off.


Graham has circulated all incoming correspondence. There is nothing that requires action. Moved as accepted - Graham / seconded by Bert Chair’s Report

Swap Meet – We have enough helpers. There will be at least 4 sites for COVCC members and 7 or 8 for the Alpine Street Machines. There will be a coffee cart and the Alpine members will run a BBQ.

Gate fee – this will be $5.00 for public entry. (Note – Petrolhead incorrectly advertised a $2.00 entry fee– we will just have to explain to anyone who queries this on the day.)

Treasurers Report

Accounts circulated.

Moved as true and correct – Mel / seconded Bert

Club Captain’s Report


• Speaker for 14 February – Hayden Paddon confirmed.

• Run for Thursday 22 February – Milbrook café for lunch/Lake Hayes Estate for garage visit/and potentially a visit to “Baskets of Blessings” (Noel to arrange the latter and advise).

• Run for Sunday 3 March – Jackson’s Bay Fish’n’Chips.

Bulletin Editor’s Report

Editor would appreciate support with articles. In particular, reports on guest speakers and events that he can’t attend.

Actions: John G to write report on Swap meet. Graham to write report on Hayden Paddon talk.

General Business

1. Hoist

The idea of purchasing a hoist to be available for members’ use was raised. Discussion took place around the following:

- Club members are dispersed all around Central Otago – so it would not be practical for many to use it.

- There is not room in the shed. A girder would need to be moved.

- Club did vote against this a few years ago.

- Concern about causing division in the club.


• John G to do a feasibility report. To include cost of concrete pad, roof, shifting fence, etc.

2. The above discussion highlighted the need for a new safety officer for the club.

3. Calendar

The Marlborough Club has produced a very nice calendar showing photos of members cars and events. They are selling this for $10.00. This could be something we could do. We could start building up some photos now with an aim to design and print around October 2024.

Next meeting: Tuesday 19 March 2024

Meeting closed 9.05 pm



Firstly, on Friday 26th of January we attended the National Veteran Rally in Dunedin where I entered my 1913 Royal Enfield along with 19 other motorcycles, while Wendy was chauffeured around the Taieri in a 1913 Darracq and accompanied by 55 other Veteran cars

We stopped for lunch at Outram, after having visited two retirement villages, I assume because of our ages they may be options to live in, in the near future After lunch, on our way home, we visited a very well-kept garden and an Edwardian horse-drawn wagon collection.

A thunder-storm woke us on Saturday morning for the day of the 70th Dunedin Brighton Rally but luckily cleared before we set off to the church assembly point, much to the organisers and rally participants relief My bike wasn’t performing very well so a change of spark plugs sorted that out although I still had to have a couple of push starts to leave from the Octagon - that delighted the crowd Motoring out to Brighton and back home was very pleasurable I had an unexpected surprise that evening at the prize giving dinner when I was awarded 1st place in my motorcycle class and a 3rd place in the field tests.

Well done to the rally organisers for a well-run event.

Off home to repack our suitcases and load the 1926 12/50 Alvis onto the trailer and head to Christchurch on Friday 2nd of February. Once off-loaded, we drove the Alvis to Blenheim to attend the National Vintage Rally that started on Monday. We were accompanied on the trip by a 1927 Delage. On our travels the windscreen stanchion broke on my Alvis, so a temporary repair was required that has managed to lasted the entire trip

On Waitangi Day we displayed our vehicles at Brayshaw Park as well as looked around the old historical buildings and displays that were very interesting. Lots of public turned up also to enjoy the day.

The Wednesday rally route took us over the Redwood Pass stopping at Seddon for a filling lunch that the Primary School had assembled. Then on to view a motorcycle collection and home via Taylors Pass. Sadly, both passes were very rough corrugated gravel that meant slow going in places and you had to watch the road rather than the scenery. There were 45 vintage cars that attended the event that was well organized, as were the evening functions and catering that was done by a small team of keen volunteers

We crossed over to the North Island on the 9th Feb and slowly made our way to Napier to attend the Art Deco Festival and rally. Over the week, there is lots of interesting entertainment for the public to view and or take part in

On Thursday 15th , the entrants were involved in a fashion show and a quartet entertained us. Rally day on Friday was a jaunt through the countryside to Matapiro, a beautiful homestead for lunch under the elm trees. The owner even fired two early historical cannons with varying results.

Saturday was parade day for around 300 vehicles and a huge crowd, but unexpectedly my starter jammed so by the time I had it free I was too late to join the parade. Oh well, I will have to go next year. It hasn’t locked up since

Sunday breakfast was like all the other exceptional meals that the club catered for with a small crew.

Monday saw us heading home with a number of stops along the way - home to Cromwell on Friday 24th in time to mow the long-neglected lawns Happy motoring, John M




Story and Photos: John Gray

The Dunedin – Brighton Run is steeped with tradition, probably being the longest continuously run event, organised through the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand. This was the event’s 70th running, not even losing a year through Covid. There were three cars present that competed in the first event in 1954. Colin Winter’s 1900 Wolseley, which has competed in every one of the Brighton events since, Chris Reads 1914 Delage, which has only missed one event, and Nevin Goughs 1914 Buick.

Having assisted with, or organised, several Dunedin – Brighton Runs between 1975 and 2008, we were keen to attend the 70th Dunedin – Brighton run, to be held in late January, however having sold our 1914 Ford Model T Tourer 2½ years ago, we would be going as spectators. We were therefore delighted to have been offered two different veteran Ford Model T’s for the rally.

The decision was made to accept the offer of 1915 Ford T Depot Hack, offered by a good friend from Dunedin, Nevin Gough, as the owner of the other T, was having problems with his first choice veteran Cadillac, and we wanted him to have his T in reserve.

The depot hack was collected from Nevin’s Roxburgh holiday house, between Christmas and New Year, which gave me time to get acquainted to this T, new to me, and to undertake a “little fettling”. Nevin’s T was in excellent condition, but having owned T’s for 45 years, I guess I just couldn’t help myself.

The weekend arrived, and we towed the T to Dunedin on Thursday 25th January, in time for the Registration function that evening and the National Veteran Rally, which was held on Friday 26th . There were 82 entrants for this event, including 20 veteran motorcycles, which was a fantastic turn out from the motorcycle fraternity. Local entrants included Chairman, John Martin on his 1913 Royal Enfield bike, Rex Baxter from Alexandra, 1915 Ford T Town Car, ourselves in the 1915 Ford T Depot Hack, Murray Pryde from Wanaka in his 1915 Ford T Roadster, Craig Marshall, also from Wanaka, with his very impressive 1918 American La France Speedster and Chris Read from Arrowtown, with his 1914 Delage Voiturette.

John Martin and Travis Michelle discuss bikes Craig Marshall explains the La France

This event started at the Sunnyvale Sports Centre with very pleasant fine and sunny weather conditions; and we proceeded over Saddle Hill, down onto the Taieri Plain; toured around Mosgiel and through a couple of high-end Retirement Villages, to the delight of the residents. We then proceeded around some delightful country roads to the North and West of the plain, before ending up at the Outram Rugby Club ground, where we partook of three field tests, entertaining to both driver and navigator. Field tests are my favourite activity on a rally. We aced the first two tests with zero points lost but fell 6m short of my estimated distance that the T would coast after running down a small hill, but a satisfying result all round.

Gough 1914 Buick, Devereux 1917 Dodge and Boult 1913 Overland.

Following the luncheon stop, where we were able to catch up with Veteran motoring friends from afar, we embarked on the afternoon motoring activities, which involved motoring back towards Mosgiel with a stop off at a notable garden. It was then back over Saddle Hill and into Dunedin, though we deviated from the official instructions by detouring down some previously-known side streets to descend the Caversham Hill, as I considered the designated route, somewhat unsafe for Veteran vehicles.

The day was finished off with a very good dinner function at the Dunedin Edgar Centre, where we had further opportunity to meet up and converse with long-time friends.


Veteran Assembly at First Church

Saturday dawned to torrential rain and quite strong winds, which instantly put paid to our ‘Brighton Run’ tradition of dressing up in period costume, usually partaken of by many of the contestants. However, by 7.30am, as we were about to leave our accommodation, the rain stopped and the sun appeared, but by then to will for “dress ups” had subsided, not to be revisited. By the time I collected the ‘T’ from its lock-up near the wharf, the roads were drying fast and the weather was looking most promising for a good day. We met at the ‘First Church’ grounds, where we were marshalled into groups in accordance with our entrant numerical order and then sent on our way from Moray Place to the Octagon, where the cars and bikes, were on public display in warm sunshine, for around an hour, before the first car was flagged away by the Dunedin Mayor at 10.30am.

We proceeded towards Brighton, via the traditional route down Princes Street, turning off at the Oval, up over Cemetery Hill and on through Caversham. This year, the organisers directed us back onto SH1, and up the ‘Caversham Hill’; which I personally had some prior reservations about, due to the traffic conflict between very slow veteran cars on a very busy and quite steep road, and normal traffic; however, it all went fairly well, due to good signage warning the “normal” motorists, who appeared to be very patient and there being a natural far left slow lane, up most of the hill.

Gray 1915 T, Pryde 1915 T, Crooks 1918 T Kennedy 1905 Rolls Royce, one of the earliest known

That part over, we proceeded left off SH1, via the normal route through Concord, Green Island and Waldronville and on to Brighton without incident. Just before the finish at the Brighton Domain; and the Veteran Motorists crossing the one-way ‘Brighton Bridge’; there is an entertaining tradition, where a very enthusiastic group of generous and fun-loving local Brighton ladies, all dressed up in Edwardian garb, encourage all the participants to stop at the side of the road. There the ‘Motorists’ and passengers are offered a wide array of tantalising finger food, including cream and jam on picklets, cucumber sandwiches, asparagus rolls etc.

This tradition has been going for at least 25-30 years and possibly longer, and is well received by both offerees and recipients who all participate in the reciprocal banter and good humour with the local ladies, who have (allegedly) been imbibing in the odd bubbly tipple prior to our arrival.

On reaching Brighton, there was an option to either enter the Domain, or to proceed straight ahead towards Taieri Mouth, and as the day was by now very pleasant with full sun and light winds and the ‘T’ motoring to perfection, the decision was made to continue southward. What a delight this trip to Taieri mouth and back was. Having lived in Dunedin until 2009, we had made the trip to Taieri Mouth many times, including probably around 15 times in our own Ford T, but for some reason both Wendy and I thoroughly enjoyed this particular trip in the ‘T Depot Hack’ and it turned out to be the highlight of the weekend for us.

Lunch at Brighton was preceded by three field tests, which to our complete surprise we managed to totally ‘ace’ with a score card of zero points lost, a feat never before achieved by ‘Team Gray’. The rest stop was again a time to catch up with friends, before proceeding back towards town,

“The Callesen’s”, 1917 Cadillac, “Chewing the Fat” Familton, 1910 Stanley Steamer, in the Octagon Veterans enjoying the day at Taieri Mouth Ross 1907 Cadillac, Hunt 1903 Darracq, Carston 1912 Rover, at Brighton Domain

leading a procession of around 6 veterans who were keen to find the ‘safer’ route down the Caversham Hill, including two very expensive early Rolls Royce’s, who had a somewhat harrowing experience on the assent the day before.

The day was finished off by the Rally Dinner and the obligatory awarding of ‘Gongs’.

Congratulations to John Martin who was awarded a couple of ‘Gongs’ for the Brighton Run event. 1st in Class 5 – Motorcycles with gears or variable transmission, and 3rd Motorcycle Field tests.

‘Equipe Gray’ was awarded 3rd in the National Veteran Rally Field Tests; however, the competition must have been strong in the Brighton Run Field tests, as after ‘acing’ all three tests, there was no ‘gong’ coming our way for a placing in the latter event.

A most enjoyable event seemed to be had by all, and the weekend was wrapped up by a barbeque lunch on the Sunday, which we did not attend, as we needed to get the T back to Roxburgh, following a full weekend without problem or mishap. Thank you to the Otago Branch for organising the event.

Thank you also to Nevin for his generous offer of his delightful T Depot Hack for the event, which we thoroughly enjoyed motoring in as it certainly makes a statement; and despite the ribbing from several T owners at the event that we should purchase another Model T; we have definitely decided our days of veteran T ownership are over. Borrowing the T was like having Grand Children, “delightful to have over for a few days, but great to give back”.

ArrowtownRunThursday22ndFebruary 2023

An excellent turnout of 30-odd people fronted up at St. John’s Church in Arrowtown to learn a bit about the work of the Baskets of Blessing charity. BOB, as it is affectionately known, distributes gift baskets, food boxes and frozen meal packs to individuals and families facing unexpected life challenges. Nominations come through the BOB website from a variety of places like friends, family, schools, health and welfare organisations.

Club members got to see the normal Thursday work of BOB volunteers as they received excess supermarket food (delivered by Kiwi Harvest - a food rescue charity), sorted it, and made up food boxes and frozen meal bags. There was also a kitchen team at work preparing more meals for


freezing. People I spoke to were amazed at the scale of the operation and this was reflected in around $200 donated by our members. Thanks for your generosity.

Prepared Meals

We then headed around the corner to Millbrook for lunch at the Hole in One cafe. Millbrook looked a picture with International and sponsors flags flying and tents up everywhere in preparation for the New Zealand open.

After lunch (and a bit of a yarn) we moved on to Karl Wood’s collection at Shotover Country. This is yet another outstanding collection in our area that I for one had no idea existed. The focus of Karl’s collection is veteran cars and motorcycles with a few 50s, 60s and a couple of more modern bikes thrown in. These included a hybrid (no not electric) Triton, Triumph engine in a Norton feather bed frame.

Of the cars, there were no fewer than three pre-1910 Rovers, a 1913 Humberette and two De Dion Boutons (I didn’t catch the year of these). One, an early four cylinder with individual copper water jackets, the other is being built as a period road racer.

There were too many veteran bikes for me to get my head around, they ranged from bicycle-based machines through belt driven ones to some that were of more modern style.

Food packs awaiting delivery.

Some were very rare, including a JAP powered Abingdon King Dick.

There were numerous frames and engines (car and bike) and parts everywhere you looked. All in all, an impressive collection.

Noel Hassed



Reading the ODT today, David Thompson reported that Mazda was no longer going to offer utes in their line up, after a 58 year run in NZ. According to David, the first batch of 672 was ordered by the Government in 1966 and assembled in Christchurch. That got me thinking

These B1500’s were not really utes like we know then today. They were, in fact, mini trucks with surprising load capacity. I haven’t owned a Mazda version but in the early 80s, I bought a Datsun 520 equivalent from John Gray. It was old and a bit tired, but I used it for my daily driver until 1988 when our daughter was born and the whole family could no longer fit But it was rated at a one tonne load, had a massive 1800x2400 long deck and only 77hp. But gearing meant nothing was a problem and I often carted a metre plus of topsoil up to Halfway Bush in Dunedin. To put that in perspective, a Holden ute in the late 60s was rated at 500kg and many, but not all, of todays F150 Ford pickups are similar.

John had bought it to build his first house. It wasn’t a thing of beauty and my mother-in-law decided that, with me driving it, I looked like a pig farmer. This was not a positive or endearing comment!

However, I am getting ahead of myself. These first utes/mini trucks filled a gap in the market that we didn’t know existed. With some mud and snow tyres on the back they could go most places. In fact, where we took them would embarrass many of the modern softcore 4wds. My original employer was the Ministry of Works and we had literally 100s of them. The Waitaki Power and the Clyde Dam projects used them extensively and hard. When we finished with them, there were public auctions and they were snapped up by farmers, tradespeople, home handymen as well the occasional fisherman or hunter.

They weren’t that comfortable but, up until the later 60s, there were very few other utes around Austin and Vanguard did a few, some Zephyr cars were converted to utes in NZ, Land Rovers and other 4wds were relatively rare and expensive, Holdens, Falcons and Valiants only started to become regularly available in the late 60s

My father’s business used International pick ups and J1 Bedfords as there were no utes. He painted the Bedfords to match the International to give a corporate look. He used to go around Central and South Otago each week dropping off tire retreads and picking up casings to retread from all the country garages In 1968, the NZ Railways threatened to prosecute him for breaking the transport rules and carting his goods more than 50 miles from the nearest railway head. He had no choice but to sell the trucks and replace them with Holden and Falcon utes with massive trailers as his business really relied in the personal contact with the garage owners These were not rated as trucks, so he couldn’t be prosecuted.

As a separate but amusing issue: later, when the carless days were introduced, he re-registered them as trucks so they were exempt. We had to paint their tare weight on the side for this to occur.

Of all the utes he had, the best one was the 1971 Falcon. It did almost 300,000ks before the head had to be removed to clean off all the carbon that was apparently caused by engine braking with a trailer


Very, very few of the current day utes are used as work horses as much as those early Japanese utes Few have the payload capacity but undoubtably can tow more. I know as a family we have had three generations that used them way past what their designers envisaged. I managed to break an axle on my father’s first ute by dropping the clutch and bouncing over a gutter, leaving it stranded across Kaikorai Valley Road. It’s fair to say my father was not much impressed. My son wore out a couple during the Kaikoura Earthquake rebuilt. They were definitely second hand at the end of their leases

Until the late 70s, I don’t believe the Japanese understood how Americans, Australians and New Zealanders used these vehicles Then they tested the market with light sports models By the end of the Boxy B series, there was a 2 litre five speed Limited version, Mitsubishi had their sports models, Nissan and Toyota similar

Then the first Surfs were introduced in the States as a response to the recreational users. 4wd became the norm From a NZ point of view, second hand Jap imports of these 4wd Utes/ station wagons gave many of us access to the great outdoors. For our family, hired, and then owned, Surfs evolved into our present Range Rover and have, for the last 25 years, given us a real work horses It’s hard to understand that manufacturers like Mazda not offering them anymore.

Figure 1 My cousin Don racing his work ute at Levels. To get traction a grader tyre was hidden below the cover.


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Date Event Organizer Detail

Wednesday 13th March 7.15pm Club Night

Wednesday 10th April 7:15 Club Night

May / June TBC Tekapo hot pools

John Wilson Alex Beange, our Club member will talk on his expedition to the Antarctic.

John Wilson

Guest speaker will be Jacqui Lambeth, Emergency Management Advisor, Central Otago/Upper Clutha.

Emergency Management Otago - Te Rākau

Whakamarumaru Otakou

You can soak in 35° water and look at Mt Cook. Let John Wilson know if you are interested. We have done it every year, and it is great for arthritis, gout or whatever ails you; good deals at The Godly Hotel.

Midweek Muster at the Parts Shed – Wednesday mornings from 8:30am

Event Organizer Detail

Parts Shed Bryan Anderson Parts Convenor

The parts sheds at the club rooms will be open on Wednesday morning except for Club Night Wednesdays



VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Saturday/Sunday 9th & 10th


Saturday 23rd March 2024 West Coast Scenic Land Rally


West Coast VCC

Date Event
Festival Rally John Tremaine See entry form following.
See entry form following.
1st April Irish Women’s Rally South Waikato V.C.C. Inc. See entry form following.
VCC See Editor for entry form.
VCC See Editor for entry
Festival of
Highlands See details following.
Southern Lakes
View at Kelvin Grove 11 am3pm Saturday
April 2nd d National Easter Rally in Nelson Nelson
Golden Bay Tour Nelson
form. 5th to 7th April
27th April Golden Times Rally Allan Sutton
follow. 13th to 14th April
Classic Boat Event


Irish Women’s Rally

A non -competitive rally into the back country. Mainly backroads, gravel and farm tracks can be expected. Entry to cars before 1931 only. Please note: 30 cars only on a basis of first in first served.

Name of Entrant: _________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________

Phone no.____________ Mobile:____________________________

Year and make of vehicle:____________________________________

1. Entrants VCC Branch: _______________________________________

Number attending & Email

• Entry fee per vehicle $70:00) Maximum of 30 cars, first in first. served

• NO fuelstop is available on this trip.

• A support vehicle will come along

• FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: Compulsory in all cars.

Please post to: South Waikato Vintage Car Club

P.O. Box 403, Tokoroa 3444

By 1st March 2024

Or email:

Direct Credit ACC: SWVCC 03 0463 0273363 00

REF: Name and Irish Rally please


• Start at Wharepapa South School 08:30 Hrs: sharp Briefing

• 09:00 Hrs: Cars leave designated start area in convoy. At completion of run we return to the school grounds. (approx. 4 pm on Saturday and between 2 and 3 pm on Sunday)


• Entry fee $70 $...............

• Saturday lunch/person $15 $...............

• Saturday dinner/person $40 $..............

• Sunday lunch/person $15 $..............

• Continental Breakfast $10 $..............


• Byo drinks


Total $..............

Meals non-refundable after March 2nd 2024


Various motels in Kihikihi or Te Awamutu(20 minutes away)

Various B and B in the surrounding areas.

Bryces Rock climbing Lodge (limited) 078722533

Tents and campervans can be parked in the Schoolground

For a nominal fee of $10 per person. Pool or cold showers and toilet available.

For more information contact:

Pieter Ebeling on 0274845071

Or Trevor Appleby on 02102711049


In appreciation of your continued support of UCT, we will be hosting a Public Open Day at the new UCT depot, 86 Church Rd Luggate, from 11am to 2pm on Sunday 17th of Marchyou are welcome to come and have a look around the new facility at this time.





Contact Phone. …………………………………. Email. …………………………………………………

VCC Branch. ……………………………………. Membership No. ……………………………………..

Vehicle Make. …………………………… Year. ……………………… Model. …………………………

Vehicle Rego. ……………………………………. RALLY ENTRY FEES Entries close Saturday 9th March 2024

Rally Entry Fee $35.00 Saturday Dinner and Prizegiving $45.00 per person

Number attending Dinner ……………………….

Payment Details;

Internet Bank Account No: 12-3168-0039746-03 Please use your name as a reference.

Date Paid …………………………… Amount Paid ……………………………….

Please scan/email your entry form to or post to :

COAST SCENIC LAND RALLY helping to celebrate

West Coast VCC, Shantytown, 316 Rutherglen Road, Greymouth


2. Eligibility

At least one person in each vehicle MUST be a financial member of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand, and may be called upon to produce their current membership card, or, if an overseas resident, entered by a member of a recognised overseas organisation, or be an invited guest of the Branch for the duration of the rally.

3. Programme - Saturday 23rd March 2024

8:30am Cars begin meeting at Civic Centre Car Park Puketahi Street (Behind Grey District Council Building)

9:30am Rally Briefing and Rally Pack pick-up

10:00am 1st car departs - 10:00am (the full route is approx 144km)

10:20am Those joining at Kumara Junction meet to receive Rally Pack

12:00pm ish Stop for Lunch PLEASE BRING YOUR LUNCH AND A DRINK. There will be places open in Greymouth prior to departure should you wish to purchase a sandwich or bread roll.

2:30pm ish Rally ends in Hokitika and cars assemble for viewing at Westland Heritage Park 9 Brian Waugh Lane (Beside Airport)

5:30pm Meet at Hokitika Club, 42 Hamilton Street, Hokitika

6:30pm Meal and prize giving

Please Note: This year’s Rally starts in Greymouth and ends In Hokitika. Those staying in Hokitika may wish to join in at Kumara Junction instead of travelling to Greymouth.

The Dinner and prize giving is being held in Hokitika. Dinner bookings must be with the Rally secretary by Saturday 9th March due to catering requirements. A copy of the menu is attached to this application. If you have any further dietary requirements please note on your application or contact the Rally Secretary

The following are links to accommodation in Hokitika and Greymouth.



on either or 02108645364



2024 Scenicland Rally

Dinner and Prizegiving Menu

Hokitika Club

42 Hamilton Street, Hokitika



Roast Vegetables

Selection of seasonal vegetables

Coleslaw, green salad


Apple Crumble

Ice cream

Desserts will be served with whipped cream and fruit salad

Complimentary tea and coffee will also be available.



Welcome to:

➢ Andy McArthur from Ranfurly Andy has a 1955 Ford Popular

➢ Kenn Wood from Lowburn. Kenn has a 1974 Triumph Stag and a 1952 Triumph Renown.


We sadly report the passing of Darryl Norman. Our condolences to his wife, Cecilia Norman.



Graham was at the Red Bridge Reserve, with the Mini, and attracted a lot of attention from these Chinese folk who found that they were the same age as the Mini. A lot of fun and even Harold got into the action!

Subject: FW: Boeing 737 Max-9 Engineering Changes



Bryan Anderson took this photo of the Vanguard on its way to its final resting place as garden art.

Apparently, it was the third time we had sold it!!

I guess that I don’t get the idea of garden art as mostly it just looks messy. Having said that, there is a really nice one here at Ethereal Cres in Pisa Moorings, opposite where we used to live. The photo isn’t great quality, but it is worth a look if you are in the area



Hello Graham,

I’m writing to you as secretary of your branch to ask a favour. As you may have seen in the latest Beaded Wheels magazine and your email, we’re reaching out to all VCC members to see who might be planning to come to the Vero IFHM 2026 in Nelson Tasman. We’ve had a great response so far but I’m also aware that there are still members who haven’t seen their survey email and/or the message from George Kear in the Beaded Wheels. I’m hoping that you might be able to run the attached ad below in your next newsletter please? The information we’re gathering is incredibly helpful for our planning.

I’ve also attached a printable version of the survey for anyone who would prefer to complete it that way. This is only for people who have not already completed the survey elsewhere.

Finally, I’ve added your email to our newsletter list so you can keep your members up to date with our plans but you can unsubscribe any time by either emailing me or clicking the unsubscribe button.

Feel free to get in touch if you or your members have any questions and thank you for your help!

Best regards,


2026 Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring - Nelson Tasman

Copyright (C) 2024 Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring. All rights reserved.

You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website or a VCC newsletter.

Our mailing address is:

Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring PO Box 3531 Richmond, Tasman 7050 New Zealand

Hi Garry,

You're doing a grand job with the COVCC bulletin, despite your protestations about your lack of VCC knowledge, I particularly enjoyed your piece about the South Island Production Saloons Series!


As for the New Zealand Grand Prix, you've probably already been told that you are correct about only Macau and NZ having Grand Prix that are not part of the F1 "circus", but it has been held in the South Island on a number of occasions - at both Teretonga and Highlands Park :)

Cheers, David North

Editors Note; Thanks for the feedback David and sorry I sent notices out re Hayden Padon withdrawal to you and other branches (copy and Paste error), Didn’t know about Teretonga



In this issue:

• Mighty Mosquito Confirmed

• Commemorative Mosquito Polo Shirt

• F-16 team visit Wanaka

• Secure a ride in a WWII fighter

A composite image of the first three de Havilland DH.98 Mosquito aircraft restored by the hugely talented team of restorers at Avspecs.

Mosquito Confirmed

In a major coup, Warbirds Over Wanaka International Airshow has secured one of the world’s most iconic WWII fighter-bomber aircraft for its Easter 2024 airshow.

The ex-RNZAF de Havilland DH98 Mosquito NZ2308 is weeks away from the end of a fifteen-year restoration in Auckland and the American owners have generously agreed to allow the aircraft to fly at the Southern Hemisphere’s largest Warbirds airshow before it is dismantled and shipped to its new home in the US.

Warbirds Over Wanaka General Manager Ed Taylor says securing the Mosquito is the ‘icing on the cake’ for airshow organisers. “We already had an amazing line up for our first airshow in six years but now it’s gone next level with confirmation that we are to have a Mosquito on the flightline”.

Ed says the news does come with a caveat. “Warren Denholm and his team at Avspecs are confident they will have the Mossie flying in time but there is always the possibility that there may be a lastminute problem which prevents that.”

This is the fourth Mosquito restored by Avspecs and Warren has told airshow organisers his team has committed to doing “everything within their power” to complete the job on time. All four aircraft have been built for American customers. The only other airworthy Mosquito in the world is in Canada.

Ed says having the aircraft at Wanaka may well be a ‘once-in-alifetime’ opportunity for many New Zealand and Australian warbird enthusiasts.

His only regret is that Warbirds Over Wanaka founder Sir Tim Wallis, who passed away late last year, will not be at the airshow to see this great Warbird lead the fighter flypast. “We know Tim will be looking down grinning from ear to ear to finally see a Mossie fly at the airshow he started 36 years ago.”

The aircraft will be test flown at Ardmore and then displayed at


Wanaka by accomplished American pilot Steve Hinton. Steve, a former Reno Air Race champion, has flown numerous Warbird types, including the last Mosquito from the Avspec’s workshop, and is currently President of the Planes of Fame Museum at Chino in California.

Barnstormer is a leading international apparel brand that specialises in crafting high quality, aviation inspired clothing and accessories. The company is coming from France to support the launch of locally-owned Barnstormer NZ-AUS here at Warbirds over Wanaka. In collaboration with the airshow, they have proudly crafted a high quality special edition polo shirt commemorating Mosquito NZ2308 flying at Wanaka These polos will be available for purchase at the airshow, don’t miss your chance to own a piece of aviation history.


Top: Latest progress on the Moquito.

Centre left: The new colour scheme contains elements of its original RNZAF 75 Squadron livery.

Centre Right: NZ2308 sits in an orchard in Riwaka near Nelson in the 1960s

Bottom: NZ2308 flying with 75 Squadron in the early 1950s



If you would like to help the Warbirds Over Wanaka recover from our significant losses after cancellation of the 2020 and 2022 Airshows, we would be very grateful for your donation.

Please donate $50 here:

Please donate $100 here:

If you have already donated we thank you for your support.


Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event and my knowledge of VCC is limited. I enjoy when others help with contributions, like they did this month. This way, you will end up with a better mag that is wellrounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.


Looking for a garage to store boat in Cromwell Ph 027 5335626. Price negotiable John Wilson.


Small section of 3/8” steel rod, approx. 9.5mm dia, min 200mm long. For restoration of 1927 visible petrol pump. John Gray 0274345621,


Advice required with interior trim on the nearly restored 1938 Austin Big 7. Just a quick look over a finished car would be great.

I've nearly finished restoring a 1938 Austin Big 7 and I'm looking for help from an owner of a completed car.

Help required is just a viewing of the interior trim around doors and windscreen - nothing to major. Please call/txt Chris on 021 988 434.

Chris Harvey

198 Striode Rd


021 988 434

VCC Membership Number 01/29376


Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high-quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the bodywork. (They are easily removed with a hairdryer.) Cost $3 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

114 Shortcut Road, Luggate. 443 1416

027 248 9942

41 Stickers for COVCC members
Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd
Address: C/- 3 Shine Lane RD 3 Pisa Mooring Cromwell 9383
END: Understeer or oversteer. You choose.

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