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Puff ‘n’ Stuff

Vintage Car Club of NZ Inc. – Central Otago Branch

Neil Neilson at Wigram in the 70's. Is there any wonder that it is next to impossible to find a good straight original SSS these days?


Well, last thing to finish the mag off is the editorial and then Rose gets to proof read it.

I am involved in a couple of volunteer roles and at this time of year with new financial years, auditors, AGMs and the like the workload is high. I can’t help thinking that 90% of club work is done by 10% of members and this club is no different.

We are really fortunate in having John Gray as club captain, but his workload is too high. Last month not only was he was actively involved with running four COVCC events but he also single-handedly wrote the articles and took the photos.

It’s time some of you guys stepped up and offered to help. Otherwise, our club captain will get burnt out and we will all lose.

I am happy to format or tidy up any articles you guys submit and Rose will sort out the grammar etc as she does for me, but as I said it is time for some of you to get involved.

I offered to be Editor for six months at the beginning of last year and I will probably step down at next year’s AGM but if anyone has a burning desire to be Editor I am happy to stand down at any time. Equally, if you want to try the role, I am happy to assist with a gradual hand over.

I was disappointed not to attend the two Garth Hogan sessions. When Rose and I started going out, she lived in Auckland and went to Mereme on many occasions when Garth was competing. Sadly, I never saw him but I followed it through the NZ Hot Rod mag. However, family was down and that is important to me, so I missed the sessions.

I did enjoy going to Colin Robb’s place. There is a family connection. In the 60s and 70s, my wider family ran a tyre retreading business in Great King St, Dunedin, and my father’s role was to service the local garages. So, every week he went to Balclutha and back and to Central Otago via the pig route and back through the Teviot Valley dropping off retreads and picking up casings (old tyres) for retreading. Import restrictions at the time meant limited supplies of new tyres. He always stayed at the bottom pub in Cromwell. On alternative weeks, he went to Wanaka/Hawea, otherwise Frankton/Queenstown/Arrowtown. One of his regular customers was Robb’s Garage and Colin definitely remembered him from that time.


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Pretty full calendar. Thanks John. Note: subject to change but any changes to next month’s event will be e-mailed out.

Date Event Organiser Detail


Wednesday 11th September Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

John Gray

Sunday 15th September Weekend Run

John Gray

Saturday 28th September Blossom Festival Rally Ewen Duthie


Thursday 11th –

Sunday 13th October VCC Christchurch Swap Meet VCC

Sunday 13th October Weekend Run

Thursday 31st October Thursday Muster

We need an organiser.

John Gray

A night for members who undertake a craft type hobby to display their crafts and maybe say a few words about what they do. This could involve woodworking, metal working, arts, jewellery, or fibrecrafts. At present we have three female members who will display and talk about their fibre craft projects. Cheryl Taylor, Wendy Martin and Wendy Gray. We would however like to have some male members to display and talk also.

Thermette Picnic. Run to, and picnic at, John Creek Reserve, start of Timaru Creek Road, Hawea. Bring your thermette for a brew up.

COVCC Rally, start in Clyde. Entry forms and details in Puff n Stuff.

Annual Christchurch Swap Meet at McLeans Island.

Lake Hayes Domain for a picnic lunch.

Proposed visit to Wanaka Collection, Picnic or Pub lunch.


Wednesday 13th October Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm –Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 17th November Weekend Run

Thursday 28th November Thursday Muster

John Gray


Wednesday 4th or/11th December Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm –Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Michael Wyatt/John Gray

John Gray

TBC /Talk by Santana Minerals re their proposed new mining project, at Bendigo?

Glenorchy, Lake Sylvan and The Routeburn Shelter. Trip and picnic lunch.

4 Wheel Drive trip to Santana Minerals new mine site. Thompsons Gorge Road, visit the Come-In-Time Battery, drive through to Matakanui, visit Tinkers Gully. Picnic lunch along the way. Return via Cromwell Gorge. 4WD vehicle required. From Clubrooms, share vehicles.

John Gray TBC

Sunday 8th December Christmas Lunch Committee/ John Martin

Thursday 12th December Thursday Muster


Thursday 30th January Thursday Muster


Wednesday 12th February Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm –Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 16th February Weekend Run

Thursday 27th February Thursday Muster

John Gray

Club Christmas Lunch at the Clubrooms, meat supplied, bring your own drinks, a salad or desert. Presentation of Membership Awards.

Local Cromwell Run and picnic lunch at Bannockburn Inlet

John Gray

Clyde Sheds and garden picnic.

John Gray TBC

John Gray

John Gray

Queenstown visit to Michael Wyatt’s collection of European cars, picnic lunch and one other collection.

Visit to ‘Hook’ at Albert Town, catch your own salmon, have a picnic lunch or a pizza and coffee at the café.

MARCH 2025

Wednesday 12th March Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm –Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 16th March Weekend Run

Saturday 22nd –Monday 24th March COVCC Otago Anniversary Weekend Run

APRIL 2025

Wednesday 9th April Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm –Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 13th April Weekend Run


John Gray

John Gray/ Committee


Visit to historic Gold Mining site with poppit head, at Oturehua, picnic lunch.

A three-day run to Invercargill, via the Catlins, visit Invercargill Museums, coastal towns. Return home Monday via Garden of Significance.

Saturday 19th –Sunday 20th April Wheels at Wanaka Murray Pryde Car and Machinery Show, attend and display your vehicle or Volunteer

Thursday 24th April Thursday Muster

MAY 2025

Wednesday 14th May Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 18th May


JUNE 2025

Wednesday 11th June Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 15th June Annual General Meeting

Thursday 26th June Thursday Muster


Taylor AGM, to be proceeded by a Potluck Lunch at 11.30 am.

JULY 2025

Wednesday 9th July Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 13th July Weekend Run

Thursday 31st July Thursday Muster


Wednesday 13th August Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 17th August Weekend Run

Sunday 24th August Daffodil Day (Cancer Society Fund Raiser)

John Gray

Thursday 28th August Thursday Muster

John Gray

John Gray

Curling at Alexandra

John Gray

Gary Fredericksen

Show and Shine, Potentially at Highlands, Gates open 11.00am, Display 12.002.00pm, Barbeque and Raffles, all proceeds to the Cancer Society. Please bring your vehicle for display and support this event and this great cause.


Welcome to:

Nic Norman from Galloway. Nic has a 1966 Fiat 2300S coupe and a 1972 Fiat 125T

We look forward to seeing you at events soon, Nic


Well, I am impressed with the very pleasing turnout on a cold Sunday to attend our annual Show and Shine to raise funds for the Cancer appeal.

A big thank you to Beau Trevathan who put his hand up at the AGM to head the Team of John Gray and Garry Fredrickson, plus other helpers on the day, who helped park cars, sell raffle tickets, take donations from entrants as they came through the gate, man the parts shed, give out a lucky ticket and Wendy in the kitchen. It takes time to organise any event and it’s great to see the members offering to help in some small way to contribute to a very successful outcome.

I am pleased to announce that we have made a total of $2616.00 that can be forwarded onto our local Cancer Appeal Branch

On Tuesday, a few club members from both Cromwell and Alexandra delivered bunches of daffodils around the business areas.

At the AGM, each branch was handed a Draft Constitution that we could expand on to merge with our Branch constitution. Noel has undertaken this task and we are very grateful for all his work on this document. The committee will be involved in making comments on the National Constitution also in the coming months

The John L Goddard Trophy was awarded to Robert Baines this year. He has restored a number of vehicles and has been involved in organising the Gumboot Rally for the last 40 years all this from his wheelchair since a workplace accident 28 years ago.

Next’s years AGM will be hosted by Southland Branch in Invercargill

Over the next few months all members will be sent an email that will allow you to open a secure document of your current details that you can either correct or add to your personal details or make changes to the vehicles you own and to either share or suppress the information

There is now a branch portal that allows secretaries to access the club’s database. See Graham if you would like to find information on another member

One of our main events for the year is approaching fast and Ewen has organized another must attend Blossom Festival rally for members to attend and enjoy a day out with like-minded car enthusiasts. So, dust off the winter blues and bring your car out into the sunshine for the first of our rallies for the season

See you at the next meeting,




Spring is here at last, though the longer-range weather forecast for this month is not looking too brilliant, with quite a bit of rain expected. While this is good to get some additional water into our lakes, so that we can charge our electric cars (seriously, I’m just joking), I mean keep the lights on, this is not entirely conducive to car runs with a picnic lunch.

The past month was a very busy one for me, with four club events, all of which were quite successful, with great turnouts of members to each one, which is very encouraging. Thank you everyone for your support. I, myself, thoroughly enjoyed each of the past months’ events, and I thank everyone involved, especially Garth Hogan for his very enjoyable talk at the club night and for hosting us the next weekend. Also, everyone involved with the Daffodil Day show which was again very successful, and I give particular thanks to the very generous donors to this event, by way of direct payments to the club account.

Last Thursday, we visited Colin Robb’s Ford collection at Roxburgh, which with me being a long time ‘Ford’ man, was a real highlight to see these vehicles of the Blue Oval. Anyway, there are more extensive reports on each of these events elsewhere in this magazine.

Upcoming Events and Instructions:


A night for members who undertake a craft type hobby to display their crafts and maybe say a few words about what they do. This could involve woodworking, metal working, arts, jewellery, or fibrecrafts. At present we have three female members who will display and talk about their fibre craft projects. Cheryl Taylor, Wendy Martin and Wendy Gray. We would however like to have some male members to display and talk also.


Please note there has been a change of date for this run

This is a ‘Thermette’ picnic run, so look out you old thermette and bring it along for an ‘old school brew up. When I joined the VCC back in the mid 70s, thermettes were in common use on most runs that we went on, but we rarely see them anymore. Bring your seats and lunch etc and enjoy the day.

The destination is the John Creek Reserve, at the start of the Timaru Creek Road, at the southeast corner of Lake Hawea. There are toilets there. Meet at the clubrooms at 10.45am, to leave for Hawea at 11.00am. We plan to be at John Creek at 12 noon, for those coming from other directions. Head up the Wanaka Road. Cross over the ‘Red Bridge’ at Luggate and head towards Hawea. Travel through Hawea Flat, and when you get to the left, right angle turn (Cemetery Road), veer right onto Gladstone Road, and continue approximately 2km to John Creek. I also intend to invite the members from ‘Alpine Street Machines’ to join us for this run.


Organiser Ewen Duthie

See Puff’n’Stuff for the entry form and all details. Ewen has everything well in hand, and we look forward to seeing you there.

John Gray

Club Captain



Garth presented a very entertaining and enlightening talk relating to his drag racing career, and how he got into this somewhat unusual and expensive form of motor sport. He lived close to the Western Springs Speedway and was from a family whose dad had a speedway background. Garth’s father was an automotive engineer who hand built a Ford V8 flat head speedway sprint car in the early 1960. His father’s business was ‘Hogan Heads’, specialising in building special ‘go faster’ heads for flat head Ford V8’s and four-cylinder Fords. His dad’s friends were the top guys in NZ motorsport in the 50s, 60s and 70s, and these guys frequented their home.

Garth had a go at speedway and track racing in his late teenage years and 20s but decided this form of motorsport was not fast enough. At that time there were no highspeed tracks in New Zealand, so he started reading the Hot Rod mags from the USA, and discovered drag racing, which was becoming very popular. About this time the drag track was built at Meremere in the North Waikato, and Garth’s interests gravitated towards this form of motorsport.

He explained that these cars need considerable power and that the set up and weight distribution to each wheel is critical to enable the cars to get off the line straight and counteract the considerable revolving torque of the engine. His ‘Rail’ dragster had 5000HP and his ‘Funny Car’ had 2000HP. Modern rails have 12,000HP. Garth then explained the different types of very specialised fuel these cars use, how the fuel is delivered to the engine, and how the power from the engine is delivered to the rear wheels to drive the car. The clutch is the most important component, they cost around US$50,000 each and you get one run out of a clutch before it requires a rebuild. Each racer has several of these. Many of the parts of the clutch can be reused, but while we learnt that this sport is not for the ‘faint of heart’, it is also not for the ‘faint of wallet’.

He then described the ride once the lights turn green. Foot to the floor, 0 -100mph in 1 second. The ¼ mile (1320 feet) took him around 5.5 seconds at around 230mph. Once underway, he was going the length of a football field every second.

The latest cars in the US go so fast now that they had to reduce the length of a run to 1000 feet, so that they had more distance to stop before the end of the track. The top cars now take 3.62 seconds for the 1000 feet, at around 330mph.

The drag car motor gets completely rebuilt between each run down the track. The crew have 1 hour 40 minutes to do this, between runs. The rebuild generally involves replacing rods, pistons, valves, heads, clutch etc. As mentioned, drag racing is a very expensive sport, and providing the driver doesn’t completely ‘blow up’ the engine, it costs about US$5,000 per run for replacement parts, and by my calculations, that’s about US$1,350 per second of fun. Translated, about NZ$2K per second.

Next time your wife questions how expensive your classic car is to maintain or repair, just remind her that our hobby is actually good value for money!!! Thanks Garth, a great talk.





As a follow up to Garth’s enlightening talk relating to his drag racing career, the branch members were invited to his home in Wanaka to view his extensive ‘automobile collection’ the following weekend. It is truly a misnomer to call his collection ‘automobile’ as it encompasses cars, planes, speedway, a flathead Ford engine collection and an extensive array of photos, posters, motorsport and general sporting memorabilia.

1955 Ford Thunderbird, Czech built ‘Savage Cub’, Sprint Car, Rail Dragster

This garage under the house is the ultimate ‘man cave’. I didn’t measure it, but it must be about 30m x 15m x about 4.5m high, and has two very large tilt-a-doors, each around 12m wide, to accommodate aeroplanes, of which there was one in residence. Garth presented an excellent description and history of each of the main vehicles in his garage. Starting with his ‘rail drag car’, which he is presently restoring, and the Ford flat head V8 sprint car that his father designed and built in the 1960s.

Garth explains his ‘Rail’ restoration

His collection of automobiles covers mostly classic Ford and Lincoln brands, from around 1934 through to 2006, with the exception being a Jaguar sports car belonging to his wife, but I guess that brand qualifies, as Jaguar was once owned by Ford.

While each of his cars has a great background story, a special car was his Ford flat head V8 powered, Bonneville Speed record car, which scored two speed records back in 1989, of 190mph. One record still stands and the other has been beaten by half a mile per hour. At the time, the Americans couldn’t believe that a flat head Ford V8, could be made to go that fast.

The assembled members gravitated to Garth’s bar and conversation corner where, apart from the large screen TV for watching sport, the major display item was his WW2 era V12 Allison Kittyhawk aircraft engine, which he has restored and turned into to ultimate ‘bar leaner table’, by fitting a thick glass top.

The ’Bonneville’ record breaking car

Overall, in my opinion, this was one of the most enjoyable private collections I have ever had the privilege to view. What makes this extensive and amazing collection ‘shine’ is that each and every item has an authentic story behind it and has direct connection to Garth himself and I admire his genuine passion for his hobby and what he has achieved during his life. Very special indeed. Thanks again Garth.

The Allison V12 Aircraft Engine




Sunday 25th August was the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand’s ‘National Day’, to raise money to support the Cancer Society and the Central Otago branch of the VCC held its annual car display fundraiser at the clubrooms in Cromwell. VCC members were joined by Alpine Street Machines Club members, to display a wide range of vehicles, from veteran and classic motorcycles, through to vintage and classic cars, American classics, and hot rods, with 62 vehicles displayed in total.

Neil Webster’s Sunbeam is always a crowd pleaser

The fundraising efforts included participants in the event making donations at the gate, along with members of the public who came to view the vehicles. Activities inside the grounds included raffles and a sausage sizzle. VCC members who couldn’t make it along on the day were also encouraged to make online donations to the cause. Thank you to all members who did so, and for the generosity of these donations. A number of generous local businesses had also donated vouchers and goods for the entrants draw and raffle prizes, which were well received by the participants. Our sponsors were, Allied Press Group, BP Workshop, Highlands Motorsport Park, Placemakers , ITM, New World, Mitre 10, Farmlands, Cromwell Tyres, Super Liquor and GES.

Bert Turnbull’s Rover, with Keith Cumming’s XJ Jaguar behind Unfortunately, the weather deteriorated around 12.30pm and John Martin and Graham Taylor suggested we draw the entrant and raffle prizes earlier than anticipated, before everyone made a dash for home, which, as the rain got heavier, was a great move. Some hearty souls continued to participate in the post show ‘cruise’ out to Bannockburn via Pearson Road and back to town, but numbers for this were well down. It all ran very well, thanks to everyone who assisted on the day to make it all happen. Thanks also to Beau Trevathan and Gary Frederickson, for all your work.

This very successful day resulted in the raising of over $2,600 for the Cancer Society and the VCC thank the generosity of everybody involved. On Tuesday 27th, members of the VCC assisted the Cancer Society to deliver pre-ordered bunches of daffodils around businesses and residences in both Cromwell and Alexandra.

Club Captain John Gray, presents the VCC fundraising donation to Alice Sutcliff, Community Co-ordinator, Southern Cancer Society, watched on by Branch Chairman, John Martin




After heavy overnight rain, prospects for a picnic lunch were not looking good, but the day dawned relatively clear and the weather forecast for Roxburgh was looking up, so the picnic seats were packed, ready for another adventure.

Around seven cars left Cromwell, to be joined by another couple in Alexandra, and yet another in Roxburgh. It was great to see Mary Martin and her partner, who made the journey all the way from Queenstown, in her Model A Ford roadster, which was motoring along very well. Twenty-one members and friends, purchased their gourmet pies, cakes and cream buns from ‘Jimmy’s Pies’ and moved across the road, where picnic seats were unfurled and everyone sat down for a picnic lunch in sunshine, even if the light ‘zephyr’ still had a minor bight, a forerunner to the Ford Zephyrs to come.

Lunch in the Sun at Roxburgh

Following lunch and a good old chin wag, the seating was stowed, and we proceeded back up the road to Robb’s Garage, where we were greeted by Colin Robb, who proceeded to show us his extensive collection of New Zealand-new Ford cars. In the original Ford showroom, were three immaculate Cortinas, MK’s 2, 3, and 4.

From there, we proceeded a block over to view the cars in two other large sheds. These consisted of a mixture of early Fords, from a 1916 Model T, through to a mid70s Escort, with a good selection of everything else in-between. There were

Prefects, an Anglia, 315 Consul, several Mk1 and Mk2 Zephyrs, other Consuls and a couple of Falcons for good measure.

Of particular interest to our members was a 1957 MK2 Zephyr Utility, which Colin explained was purchased completely stripped down to its last nut and bolt, all in several unmarked boxes! Seeing the car today, in all its splendour of light green paintwork, one would never know how the project started and is a real credit to Colin’s skills as a mechanic and restorer.

A Very Rare 1957 Zephyr Ute

Thanks, Colin, for showing us your fascinating collection of cars that we all grew up with and can relate to directly, and for sharing the back stories of how you acquired the vehicles. This was a journey down ‘nostalgia lane’ for many of us that have had an association with Ford cars over the years, and a visit I found particularly enjoyable.

Another shed of Fords, with even a few Land Rovers


July 2024

My great-grandfather was a big man in all senses of the term, and the family story was that he had the first car in the ‘district’ whatever that means (he lived in Ouruhia, Waimairi, ‘North Canterbury’ as it was termed then). His car history is interesting to me, especially as the later generations did not care much about cars at all.

I haven’t yet checked the Christchurch City Council records for motor registrations before 1924 to discover those details, however I was in the National Library, Wellington for a day this week, and followed the notes in the last BW(June/July) pp10-11 for searching the MTA-compiled journals of national vehicle registrations divided into postal districts.

What is missing from that explanation, and from the 1924 journal is a description of the postal districts, but this was included in the 1925 version, see below:

As you can see, Cromwell and Alexandra are in the Dunedin postal district, whereas Queenstown is in the Invercargill postal district.

I only had time to go through the 1925 year for Christchurch, at first looking in the large section of Ford, then Chevrolet, but couldn’t find anything, so began a systematic trawl through from the beginning. Here was hoping for a classy Cadillac or Packard, but I found him with an Earl!

Reg 53349 Earl 5 seats W.P. Spencer Ouruhia

There were 19 other owners of Earl at the time. So, what is an Earl? I had never heard of it.

From Wikipedia we find that it was “manufactured in Jackson, Michigan by Earl Motors Approximately 2,000 vehicles were produced. When the Earl debuted in 1921, the tourer cost just [USD] $1285.”

Earl cars were produced from the remains of Briscoe, but longer, and more powerful. The company was defunct by 1923, so it was a relative rarity. I can’t imagine that it was a good choice to buy a car from a company that had already dissolved by then.

The local Briscoe agent in Christchurch was Dexter and Croziers, better known for Cadillacs, and later for Austins.

There were several other relatives found with Dodge, Studebaker, Willys-Knight, and Harley Davidson.

As some of you know, Overland was very popular car at the time. In the motorcycles section there were 11 pages of Harley-D and 16 pages of Indian. Where are they all now?!

1923 Earl sedan (


VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Date Event

Organizer Detail

28th September Blossom festival Rally Ewen Duthie

Easter 2025 Wheels at Wanaka

See entry form following

Celebrating 100 years Of Caterpillar

Central Otago Branch – “Blossom Festival Rally” Saturday 28th September 2024


Entrant’s Name(s): …………………………………………………&……………………………………………………………

Address: ………..…….……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………….………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….

Phone (mobile preferably): …….…………………………………………………………….………………………………

Email: ……………………………………….…………………………………………………………….…………………….……… Membership Number:

Vehicle Make & Model: ………………………….………………………………………………………….………………….

Year: ………………….. Registration Number: ………….………………………………………………….………………

Vehicle Class: (circle one)

Veteran Vintage PV PWV P60 P80 Motorcycle Commercial Will join the Blossom Festival Procession (circle one) Yes / No


Rally Entry (per vehicle) @ $30 $…………… Total $..............

Entries Close: 20th September

Payable by online banking to the Central Otago Vintage Car Club a/c 06 0921 0035742 01 with your name as reference

All correspondence to Rally Organiser: Ewen Duthie phone: 0278388324 email:

address: 120 Barry Ave, Cromwell 9310

Central Otago Branch – “Blossom Festival

Rally” Saturday 28th September 2024

We have built on the format from last year to hopefully simplify and increase the interest of the event!

Clyde Main Street will be partially blocked with road works with one-way traffic lights controlling the flow of traffic and parking will be limited. So, this year we are going to set up beside the Clyde Museum on Blyth St beside the corner of Matau St at the top of the hill above the bridge and opposite the post office café. Where there will be ample parking in the area to park up from 8.30 am onward as a “show and shine” to let the public have a closer look at our cars. You can enjoy breakfast or coffee at the many cafes in the area before moving on at your own time after say 10 am. The day is yours to organise as you wish.

We will be set up there with your rally packs and will have the rally briefing at 9.45am

Those who want to go in the Blossom Festival Procession will need to park up at our usual spot in Enterprise Street (turn left at the top of the hill into Royal Terrace then next right into Enterprise St). The rally marshals will guide you. The procession starts at 11.45am. Parking is available at Bantry Street after the procession handy to the festival in Pioneer Park.

The Rally format will be:

• Before the event, you will be sent a list of places of interest to visit (including directions of how to get to each), including the points each destination is worth.

• You will choose which you want to visit to accrue the right number of points. This is so you can work out your route prior to the event.

• The questions to answer at these destinations will be in your rally pack handed out on the Saturday morning.

• Points will be given to those who go in the procession so that those who choose not to are not disadvantaged and can gain points in visiting more or further afield places of interest on the list. Older, slower cars will also be given points so as they are not disadvantaged.

• The event will end at the COVCC Litany St Clubrooms in Cromwell for a light afternoon tea, catch up and prize-giving later in the day and the opportunity to have a look through the parts sheds (which has recently been topped up with a lot of Austin seven parts).

We are not providing an evening meal this year but will have the clubrooms open for those who want to join with takeaways. BYO Food and refreshments.

Sunday 29th at 10am meet at the Clubrooms in Litany St for a garage raid in the local area.

Bring your Lunch to the clubrooms before heading home.

Come and join us.

Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Jag getting restored in Ettrick
Big job
Photos from Neil Stevenson

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event, and I enjoy it when others help with contributions, like they did this month.This way, you will end up with a better mag that is well rounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.


Editor P.N.S. Garry G

You don’t know me, and I can’t say I have met you so let’s get one thing straight I say what I think right up front ok not bull.

I have written a few letters to the Editor over quite a number of years and only one was ever printed and read out so other members could share my views (sic).

I have been accused a few times as being a bit critical of certain issues put forward by the committee to run the Club by their rules. Up until a few years ago I had never missed a meeting and enjoy the input other members and myself would add to any discussion that took place.

This does not today happen as members sit like a pack of dummies(sic) while the committee has its say and all decisions (sic) made by them.

I do not attend any meetings now or in the future & hope a letter will cover my next issue.

How many times does this HOIST problem come up?

It was discused (sic) Some years ago & in later years also as not being a necessary item which may be used by a certain few at the odd time.

Apart from the cost of such an item a person of know-how of how to operate it as not every Tom Dick and Harry could be trusted to use it correctly & safely. What could you do or look at, maybe change oil or filter.

Your vehicle has already had a very good test & check when issued with W.O.F. so why do you need to poke around your pride and joy just to tell your mates everything you looked at was fine.

A story against myself was once a few years when the Subaru was on the hoist at a local garage for W.O.F. I just happened to be looking at a rear tyre and there looking

at me was the head of a self-tapping screw. Removing it didn’t seem a problem But 2 days later you guessed it the tyre was flat, bugger.

End of story, check all tyres.

Some of our members think the tunnel barn should be used for a workshop area etc with the hoist installed to satisfy a few members (sic).

This is not so as the original intention (sic)was the storage of parts or sale and is our main source of income so why upset a system that works?

So don’t get all carried away and do something that could cause a problem later as happened in one club I know of.

A show of hands does not prove much but a written vote from all members would prove that a Hoist is not required.

Thanks, and regards


For Sale

Datsun ute. Year of manufacture 1974, 1500cc rating, column gear shift, current mileage is 576,679 kms but I think it may be on the second time round. Colour is sky blue, with a wooden deck and original plates of GQ9909. Engine no. J15-291531 and chassis no. is GN620-16330. We have been the sole owners of the ute which was used for the orchard and stored in a shed minimal amount of rust.

Would like to see her go to be restored. My contact details are phone 0276987029 or email

Currently stored in the garage at home.

The Central Otago Vintage Car Club has for sale a 1953 MG Magnette

This would be an ideal project for an enthusiastic person looking for a classic car. It appears that all the parts are there and a previous owner had started by removing the front fenders and other parts and has worked on the front right guard. The radiator is wrapped in polystyrene and appears to have been reconditioned. There is some rust around the wheel arches on the rear guards and some along the bottom of some of the doors which one would expect in a vehicle that is 70 years old. The engine turns over on the crank handle and the vehicle rolls freely on its own wheels. This car would be a great starting point for restoration and at an asking price of $2000 ono it should enable someone to own a Club eligible car. The registration is likely to have expired and the vehicle is being sold “as is where is”. The car is stored indoors as it would have been for most of its life and can be viewed at the Vintage Car Club in Cromwell, Central Otago by contacting Bryan Anderson 021 2049390 or John Martin 021 1091309.

The Central Otago Vintage Car Club has inherited a lot of Austin 7 parts

Stickers for COVCC members

Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high-quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the bodywork. (They are easily removed with a hairdryer.) Cost $3 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

Graham Taylor Mechanical Ltd

Central Otago Vintage Car Club (Including Queenstown & Wanaka)


Patron: John Loudon 448 7192

Chairman: John Martin

445 0598 021 109 1309

Sheila Wendy

Vice Chairperson: Neil Webster

Immediate Past Chairman Vacant

Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280 John

Club Captain: John Gray 0274345621 Wendy

Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose

Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371 Garry

John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel

Tony Van Gool 021631316 Raewyn

Gary Fredrickson 021532960, ss Maree

Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973 Arlene

Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda

Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda

Don Yeaman 443 2730 Lynne Idle Torque BW; John Gray 0274345621 Wendy

Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077 Glenda

Area Reps:

Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill

Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 TBC Sharron Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598 Wendy Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

HSE: Gerry Spencer

Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324 445 1973 Arlene Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

National Daffodil Day Coordinator: Beau Trevathan 4452864 Ann

Golden Times:

Alan Sutton 027 434 6018

Face book page TBC


Meeting began 7.30 pm.


John Martin - Chair

Mel Wilson

Graham Taylor

Noel Hassed

John Wilson (arrived late)


Garry Grindley

Tony Van Gool

Previous Minutes

Clubrooms Tuesday 20 August 2024

Rose Grindley

Neil Webster

Gary Frederickson

John Gray

Moved as true and correct - Graham / seconded by John G

Matters Arising

John G has put in an enormous amount of work to put together a calendar of events for the year. Thank you, John.

Insurance for Club Rooms

Graeme finally received the quote from Gallaghers on 6 August. This is $6434.33, and the Rothbury’s quote is $6222.91.

No information was forthcoming from either company regarding higher excesses or indemnity value only. Gallaghers give no recognition of our past business with them.

Committee agreed unanimously to accept the Rothbury quote.


A letter is being drafted to the CODC to confirm what we are legally entitled to do on our site and whether we can allow other groups to use our clubrooms.

This letter will be high level and will be circulated to the committee prior to sending.

Action: Graham to draft and circulate letter.

Requests to use Clubrooms

The Pétanque Club wishes to use our site on Saturday 26 October. Victim Support may also want to use the rooms.

We need to discuss what we would charge and how this would work.


The on-line membership application does not make it clear that there is an option for joint membership.

Action: Graeme will contact National Office regarding this issue. Murray Trounson is the person to contact.


A lot of information was provided at the National AGM regarding proposed changes to the National Constitution. The Committee will hold a special meeting in the next couple of weeks to discuss this.

Noel has incorporated all of the necessary changes under the Act into our branch constitution. The majority of these are name changes and clarifications.

Other additions:

• The Secretary and/or Treasurer could be paid positions. The Committee felt that this could also apply to the Editor.

• The ability to videoconference for Committee meetings.

• New rules around the AGM – i.e. the timing of the AGM and the information required to be provided.

Action: Noel will circulate this updated draft constitution to the Committee, in the first instance.

Daffodil Day

Daffodil distribution on Tuesday 27th is all under control.

Club event – BBQ, coffee truck, prizes, raffle tickets – all done. Neil will bring along an EFTPos machine.

Health and Safety

• The hot water califont needs to be checked every two years.

Action: John M to arrange.

• We should also consider an alarm system and exterior security lighting.

Action: Neil and John G to discuss and get a quote.

• Also consider an AED for the cub and first aid courses.

Action: Ask in Puff’N’Stuff if members are interested in first aid courses.

Next meeting: Tuesday 10 September 2024 to discuss National Constitution

Meeting closed 10.05 pm

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