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John Wekking face book posting of the Lindas


Well, I am sitting here frustrated because we have been without power for over five hours.

I wouldn’t mind paying first world line charges to Aurora if we got first world services, but we don’t.

And I guess because I am grumpy, I have been reflecting on:

1. The COVCC, and

2. My involvement in the COVCC

I have probably been a member for 5 years, Graham could confirm, but we moved permanently to Cromwell 3.5 years ago intending to buy a club eligible vehicle. I probably have two already, but for whatever reason haven’t or won’t use them.

So, what is the issue? Within reason, it’s not money. I am 68 years old and pretty much in my lifetime have owned that many vehicles (67-70). I have paid cash up front for the last 40 years.

That is the point. After 40 months of Trade me and other searches, I haven’t found a car that appeals. So probably not going to. I don’t want it enough.

A good friend of mine, Ross Cameron, once asked me why I stopped competing. I told him I didn’t have enough time. He told me it was BS, it was because it was actually I didn’t want to do it enough. He was right.

So why haven’t I bought a club eligible vehicle?

The answer must be that nothing has appealed enough

My brother recently bought a nice HSV Holden Calais, not yet VCC eligible, but pretty cool for around $15k. He uses it for caffeine and car events, car shows and occasionally destroying rear tyres. Although he receives govt superannuation he is yet to approach maturity.

There are lots of cars around that are 25 years old that are great value compared to 30-year plus. I briefly considered a P38 Range Rover the other night, low mileage looked good and at $9k I think it was good value. The first of the P38s are VCC

eligible but this one was a few years newer than that and I already have a 2006 Range Rover, so I gave myself a talking to and said you don’t need two. Probably don’t need one these days but I am not going to sell it even when it costs me $220 to fill it. I just like to drive it too much yet it only cost $15k 5 years ago.

When I look at the prices being asked for the cars I grew up with that are now VCC eligible, I just shake my head $75k plus Rx3s, $50k Capri V6s, and try to find a decent Escort two door with decent power. Unicorns. Some of the project cars look like they need $30k of work to bring them up to the value of the asking price.

Maybe there is a case for lowering the VCC age limit to 25 years, but perhaps that would cause those prices to spike. I don’t feel qualified to suggest this formally.

Fun facts. It also seems to me a car’s chances of surviving 30 years greatly increase if they:

1. Have four doors

2. Are automatic

3. Have a separate chassis (think Land Cruisers, Land Rovers)

They are more likely to not make it if they came with:

1. Rev counters and oil pressure gauges

2. Multiple carbs

3. Wheels wider than 5.5 inches.

4. Rotary (much to my regret)

So that leads to my continuing involvement with the club. Does this just make me a social member? Probably. Is that, OK? Only the club can decide this but looking round I think we have members in this category.

PS. When your wife proof-reads the magazine and finds out you were two hours away from buying a second Range Rover without discussion…. you potentially are leaving yourself vulnerable. Actually, to be fair, it has happened before, might happen again and she didn’t care.


Please take care to read and copy to your diary!

Pretty full calendar. Thanks John. Note: subject to change but any changes to next month’s event will be e-mailed out.

Date Event Organiser


Wednesday 14th August Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 18th August Weekend Run

Sunday 25th August Daffodil Day (Cancer Society Fund Raiser)

Thursday 29th August Thursday Muster


Wednesday 11th September Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm –(winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 15th September Weekend Run


John Gray Garth Hogan will talk about his illustrious career in Motorsports Parts importation, historic aircraft restoration and NZ Drag Racing, before our weekend visit to his amazing collection in Wanaka. John Martin will give us a report on the Nat. AGM.

Murray Pryde /John Gray Visit to Garth Hogans Collection, Wanaka Picnic lunch (see details and times in Club Captains report in August P n S)

Beau Trevathan

Show and Shine, COVCC Clubrooms, Litany Street, Gates open 11.00am, Display 12.00 -2.00pm, Barbeque and Raffles, all proceeds to the Cancer Society. Please bring your vehicle for display and support this event and this great cause.

John Gray/Neil Stevenson Visit to Roxburgh, Picnic Lunch opposite Jimmy’s Pies, Colin Robb’s extensive Ford Collection.

John Gray A night for members who undertake a craft type hobby to display their crafts and maybe say a few words about what they do. This could involve woodworking, metal working, arts, jewellery, or fibrecrafts. At present we have three female members who will display and talk about their fibre craft projects.

Cheryl Taylor, Wendy Martin and Wendy Gray. We would however like to have some male members to display and talk also.

John Gray Thermette Picnic. Run to and picnic at John Creek Reserve, start of Timaru Creek Road, Hawea. Bring your thermette for a brew up. (details and times in September Puff n Stuff)

Saturday 28th September Blossom Festival Rally


Wednesday 9th October Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Thursday 11th –Sunday 13th October

Ewen Duthie COVCC Rally, start in Clyde. Entry forms and details in Puff n Stuff.

John Gray John Martin will discuss timber bending, wood graining and other timber body frame skills.

VCC Christchurch Swap Meet VCC

Sunday 13th October Weekend Run

Thursday 31st October Thursday Muster


Wednesday 13th October Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 17th November Weekend Run

Thursday 28th November

Thursday Muster

We need an organiser?

Annual Christchurch Swap Meet at McLeans Island.

Lake Hayes Domain for a picnic lunch.

John Gray Proposed visit to Wanaka Collection, Picnic or Pub lunch

John Gray TBC /Talk by Santana Minerals re their proposed new mining project, at Bendigo?

Michael Wyatt/John Gray Glenorchy, Lake Sylvan and The Routeburn Shelter. Trip and picnic lunch.

John Gray 4 Wheel Drive trip to Santana Minerals new mine site. Thompsons Gorge Road, visit the Come-In-Time Battery, drive through to Matakanui, visit Tinkers Gully. Picnic lunch along the way. Return via Cromwell Gorge. 4WD vehicle required. From Clubrooms, Share vehicles.


Wednesday 4th or/11th December Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

John Gray TBC

Sunday 8th December Christmas Lunch Committee/ John Martin

Thursday 12th December


Thursday Muster

Club Christmas Lunch at the Clubrooms, meat supplied, bring your own drinks, a salad or desert. Presentation of Membership Awards.

John Gray Local Cromwell Run and picnic lunch at Bannockburn Inlet

Thursday 30th January Thursday Muster

John Gray Clyde Sheds and garden picnic



Wednesday 12th February Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 16th February Weekend Run

Thursday 27th February Thursday Muster



Wednesday 12th March Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 16th March Weekend Run

Saturday 22nd –

Monday 24th March COVCC Otago Anniversary Weekend Run

APRIL 2025

Wednesday 9th April Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.00pm – Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 13th April Weekend Run

Saturday 19th –Sunday 20th April

John Gray TBC

John Gray Queenstown visit to Michael Wyatt’s collection of European cars, Picnic lunch and one other collection.

John Gray Visit to ‘Hook’ at Albert Town, catch your own salmon, have a picnic lunch or a pizza and coffee at the café.

John Gray TBC

John Gray Visit to historic Gold Mining site with poppit head, at Oturehua, picnic lunch.

John Gray/ Committee

A three-day run to Invercargill, via the Catlins, visit Invercargill Museums, coastal towns. Return home Monday via Garden of Significance.

John Gray TBC

Wheels at Wanaka Murray Pryde Car and Machinery Show, attend and display your vehicle or Volunteer

Thursday 24th April Thursday Muster

MAY 2025

Wednesday 14th May Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm – (winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 18th May

Thursday 29th May

John Gray TBC

JUNE 2025

Wednesday 11th June Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm – (winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 15th June Annual General Meeting

John Gray TBC

Graham Taylor AGM, to be proceeded by a Pot Luck Lunch at 11.30 am.

Thursday 26th June Thursday Muster TBC

JULY 2025

Wednesday 9th July Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm – (winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

Sunday 13th July Weekend Run

Thursday 31st July Thursday Muster


Wednesday 13th August Club Night (Clubrooms open 7.30pm – (winter) Meeting starts 8.00pm)

John Gray


John Gray

John Gray Curling at Alexandra

John Gray TBC

Sunday 17th August Weekend Run TBC

Sunday 24th August Daffodil Day (Cancer Society Fund Raiser)

Gary Fredericksen

Thursday 28th August Thursday Muster

Welcome to:

Show and Shine, Potentially at Highlands, Gates open 11.00am, Display 12.002.00pm, Barbeque and Raffles, all proceeds to the Cancer Society. Please bring your vehicle for display and support this event and this great cause.



Nic Norman from Galloway. Nic has a 1966 Fiat 2300S coupe and a 1972 Fiat 125T

We look forward to seeing you at events soon, Nic


I do hope everyone has kept warm over the winter and are enjoying some of our winter activities

The boys have been busy sorting a shed full of Austin 7 parts obtained from the late Ken Brown’s estate so if you are interested in any of these vehicles do come and have a look. There is also the MG car that would make a good first- me project for someone and seems to be all there.

Thank you, Neil Webster Vice Chairman, for managing the last meeting for me as I was required for Grandson duty in Christchurch. While there, I visited the Canterbury parts shed at McClean’s Island where I spent a couple of hours looking through boxes of parts for that elusive part that I eventually found with the help of the parts blokes. I now have another taillight that I can fit blinkers and a brake light in on my 1915 Studebaker that is getting closer to getting on the road.

I was sad to hear of the passing of John Gurney recently. John was a valued member of our club. He stepped up to produce some great rally routes for the National Veteran Rally that our club hosted in 2021. I’m still getting very good comments from competitors who a entered the event even now.

John Gray, our club captain, has produced a very informative all-round program for the year, what with guest speakers for our club evenings as well as Sunday and Thursday runs to interesting places to visit. So, pin the program up somewhere you will always see it and come along with mates to enjoy the talks or outings.

I am impressed with the new look National Vintage Car Web site It was informative and easy to navigate as well as easy to register for a national event online. New members will also be able to register online and find information regarding the Club activities

Other branch Bulletins are able to be read as well as the Beaded Wheels online so if you misplace your copy or want to lend it then go to the web page and you will find it.

We are getting a few new members registering lately that is increasing our membership.

Do come along and support our Daffodil Day at the clubrooms on the 25th starting at 12.00 noon. If you can lend a hand or just have a chat to another car enthusiast, we would love to see you supporting this worthy cause

See you at the next meeting, Regards, John Martin


Our second winter here in Central Otago is almost behind us and, with it, hopefully most of the cold, foggy, dreary days. I can handle frosts, as usually a bright sunny day follows, but I struggle with the inversion days. However, on the bright side for me, July was ‘Tour de France’ cycle race month, so I did not feel (entirely) guilty blobbing out in front of the TV during the afternoons catching up on the previous nights’ racing. The alternative would be spending my days out in the shed, working on my MG restoration, when it was too cold to do so anyway.

Back to club matters, I have to admit that I “stuffed up” in relation to attempting to run a ‘Quiz Night’. Not only did I contemplate doing this on a Central Otago winters night, with the probability of frost; or worse, ice, but I committed the ultimate ‘sin’ of proposing such an event on the night of an ‘All Blacks’ test. Having spent several years considerably further north, I guess I could be forgiven for not having too many thoughts about potential winter driving conditions, but not even contemplating that there ‘might’ be a test at that time of year, I have been told, is indefensible!!! I guess I would get a report card saying, “Has enthusiasm, but needs to try harder”. The nonrugby fans were disappointed that the event did not take place, but it’s all ready to go, and we will try to run it again, on a Sunday afternoon, later in the year.

On to more positive things, I have been working in the background following up on suggestions coming in from members regarding potential locations or people to visit or to talk at upcoming ‘Club Nights’. As a result, I have managed to get confirmations and fill in a few more gaps in the Callendar of events for the next year. My aim is to have arrangements in place at any time, for at least the next 3 – 4 months, so people know what is happening and can plan for events that they may be interested in. Thanks, heaps, for all your suggestions and leads.

As I am relatively new here, I do not know a lot about the types of events that may have been successful in the past, or for that matter, those that were less popular, so to some extent, I am proposing ideas for events that Wendy and I like and to see how they fly. Thank you to those members who have attended the last couple of events I have organised, and I especially appreciate all comments, especially those of improvements that can be made. Without these comments, it’s like trying to shoot ducks in the dark.

This month we have several events which I am especially excited about, and I hope they will appeal to a wide range of our membership.

WEDNESDAY 14th AUGUST - CLUB NIGHT Organiser – John Gray

Member Garth Hogan from Wanaka will present a talk on his illustrious career in motorsports, motorsports performance parts importing, competing at the top level of New Zealand Drag racing and his historic aircraft restoration business. I am especially looking forward to Garth’s talk, preceding our visit to his property in Wanaka on Sunday 18th, to view Garth’s collection of cars and other very interesting things.


Organisers – Murray Pryde/John Gray

Visit to Wanaka to view Garth’s collection, including his classic cars, NZ recordbreaking ‘Rail’ Dragster, and many other very interesting items. For those from Cromwell or further south, meet outside the clubrooms at 10.00am, to leave for Wanaka at 10.15am. I assume those from the Queenstown area will proceed to Wanaka via the Crown Range.

Owing to secure access to Garth’s property, he would prefer that we arrive ‘together as a group’. To that end we will meet in Wanaka beforehand. The meeting spot will be at the Rugby Club carpark at Wanaka Showgrounds. Access to this site is on the south side of Cardrona Road, at the lake end. Meet there at 11.15am, as you will be given further instructions and we will be leaving sharp at 11.30am. Please do not be late. We will then proceed to the property.

Please bring your lunch food, drinks and folding seats etc. Garth has also graciously offered the use of his bar-be-que, and extensive deck area for lunch, so if you would like to bring a sausage or other food to cook, that facility will be available.


Organisers – Beau Trevathen/Gary Frederickson/John Gray

Please see the main notice regarding the details of this event, elsewhere in Puff n Stuff. This is the VCC National Day to promote our Club, while raising funds to support the great work undertaken by the Cancer Society. Many of us have had a reasonably close association with someone who has had Cancer, whether it be ourselves, our partner, a family member or a close friend. At these times of extreme stress for the patient and their family, the Cancer Society are there to assist with information, support and accommodation for those undergoing treatment and their close family members.

This is a great opportunity for us all, in our small way, to support this organisation which stands up to the plate, if and when we need them, so please take some time to

prepare your vehicles and bring them along on Sunday the 25th, to display in support of this great cause.

We require several members to fill various roles of support on the day, Collecting cash from the show cars at the cate, general donation collectors, parking cars etc. If you are going to be there and can assist, please notify Gary Fredericksen, 021532960, , by Wednesday 7th August, so that we can complete planning for the day.

If you can’t make it along on the 25th, but would still like to donate some cash towards this very worthy cause, consider making an internet donation through the Branch account 06-0921-0035742-00. State your name and the code ‘Daffodil’, and these amounts will be included with the proceeds of the day directly to the Cancer Society.

In addition, the Cancer Society has asked our club if we would assist with the delivery of the preordered bunches of daffodils on the afternoon of August 26th or the 27th, in both Cromwell and Alexandra. We need 4-5 cars at each location, with two people in each car. At present, it is envisaged that the task should take around 4-5 hours in total. Please notify John Gray 0274345621, , before Wednesday the 7th August, if you can assist with this task.



Gray/Neil Stevenson

Trip to Roxburgh, for a ‘Picnic Lunch’ and a visit to Colin Robb’s very extensive Ford car collection, featuring mostly NZ, Australian and English manufactured Ford cars.

For those traveling south, we will meet outside the clubrooms at 10.30am, to leave sharp at 10.45am, proceeding south to meet those joining us at Alexandra (Centennial Avenue, outside the Museum at 11.15am). We will then proceed further south to Roxburgh, for a picnic lunch at the reserve on the left, just past Jimmy’s Pies. It would be extremely rude, when visiting Roxburgh, not to try one of Jimmy’s delicious ‘Gourmet’ pies (the Mutton pies are in my opinion ‘allegedly’, the best on this planet, and believe me, I’ve tried a few), or their other scrummy sandwiches or cakes. Bring your picnic chairs, drinks etc, and if you must, some food from home. If the weather doesn’t play ball, there are a few good cafes in Roxburgh.

After the sustenance break, its back up the road a few hundred meters to visit Colin Robbs still expanding collection of Fords and, following that, a return to your abode at your pleasure.


10TH JULY 2024


Event Report: John Gray

Club member Mike Elliot presented a very informative and entertaining report on the trip around the North Coast of Scotland; colloquially called the NC 500; that he and wife Liz undertook on a visit back to their ‘Homeland’ last northern summer. Traditionally, this iconic road trip, starts and finishes in Inverness on the east coast, adjacent to the east end of Loch Ness.

Mike and Liz chose to travel around this route in a clockwise direction, starting from Inverness, across to Lochcarron on the west coast, and up and over the infamous and fearsome Applecross Pass – Bealach na Ba (Pass of the Cattle). Mike eloquently described his run in with a group of English motorcyclists, who were not interested in giving way on a section of this very difficult and narrow single-track road. (Check this road out on YouTube, it’s something else, which I can vouch for myself). From there, it was up to Gairloch, for their first rest stop.

For the first four stops, Mike and Liz spent two nights in each location, which enabled them to explore the surrounding countryside and attractions. From there, it was up the west coast to the next stop at Lochinver, and then further north for a stop in Scourie. From Scourie, on to Durness on the north coast, enroute to their next stop at Thurso, which is near one of the main ferry terminals for those wishing to travel further north to Orkney, which Mike said was not on their itinerary for this trip. They did, however, visit the famous signage pole at John O’Groats and took a boat trip to view the wildlife at and around nearby Dunnett Head and Stacks.

Liz Elliot at John O’Groats, with Orkney in the Background

It was then down the east coast through Wick, with the occasional visit to a distillery, such as ‘Glenmorangie’ (no on-site tastings for the driver), enroute to their next and single night stop at Dornoch. It was then a relatively short run back to their starting point in Inverness. The whole trip was undertaken over 10 days, including the 510 miles of driving, which was very well described by Mike and illustrated by a great selection of their photos taken along the way.

Wendy and I were particularly interested in hearing Mike and Liz’s experiences, as we had travelled much of the same route (but in reverse) as part of a month-long trip around, fairly much, the whole of Scotland and Orkney, in the summer of 2022.

Event Report: John Gray


25th JULY 2024


The Cromwell, Wanaka and Queenstown contingent met at the Clubrooms around 11.00am in very good numbers and then proceeded on to lunch at Alexandra, at the ‘Industry Lane Eatery’. All up, around 28 members attended the lunch, which received compliments from the diners. The general consensus was that it was a good place to gather, with very efficient service, good food, large tables both inside and out, and easy parking.

We then moved on to the ‘Alexandra Indoor Curling Rink’ where the 18 registered curlers were supplied with non-slip over-shoes and given full instructions on the rules and techniques in sending down the stones. We were also delighted to see six members who decided not to curl, but who attended as spectators, to cheer the teams on. Teams were sorted and the games commenced. Most of us were beginners and it took a while to get to grips with the right amount of push on the stone, as either not enough, or too much umph was the usual result to begin with.

However, with some judicious ‘coaching’ from member Beau Trevathan on one lane, and member Ray Anderson and Bruce, the curling centre manager, on the other, as to how to send down the stone and when to ‘sweep’ or not, many of our members were very soon ‘curling like pros’, often getting the stones in the circle on

The VCC team being instructed on how to send down a stone

consecutive pushes. The sweepers also soon got to grips with when to sweep or not, to enable the stones to end up where they were supposed to stop.

‘Stone of the Day’. The Yellow team achieved perfection, watched by ‘sweepers’, Ray Anderson, Beau Trevathan and Wendy Gray

The activities lasted just short of two hours, with all concerned thoroughly enjoying the experience. Each lane managed around six ends within the time, and with the enthusiasm shown and positive comments, this activity could well be on the programme again for next year.

Maree Fredericksen from the ‘Winning Yellow Team’ highlights the result to Ray Anderson


Role Person Phone Email Partner

Patron: John Loudon 448 7192

Chairman: John Martin

445 0598 021 109 1309

Sheila Wendy

Vice Chairperson: Neil Webster

Immediate Past Chairman Vacant

Secretary: Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

Treasurer: Mel Wilson 021 233 0280 John

Club Captain: John Gray 0274345621


Editor: Garry Grindley 021 279 5064 Rose

Committee: Rose Grindley 021 454 371 Garry

John Wilson 027 533 5626 Mel Tony Van Gool 021631316 Raewyn

Gary Fredrickson TBC TBC Maree

Property Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973 Arlene

Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda

Parts Convenor Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

Parts Helper Alf O’Sullivan 021 110 7707 Glenda Don Yeaman 443 2730 Lynne

Idle Torque BW; John Gray 0274345621


Librarian: Alf O'Sullivan 021 110 7077 Glenda

Area Reps:

Wakatipu - Bill Crooks 021 915 188 Jill

Alexandra - Barry Walker 448 6508 TBC Sharron

Cromwell - John Martin 445 0598 Wendy

Wanaka - Graham Taylor 443 1416 Cheryl

HSE: Gerry Spencer

Rally Conveners: Blossom Festival: Ewen Duthie 027 838 8324

445 1973 Arlene Bryan Anderson 0212049390.

National Daffodil Day Coordinator: Beau Trevathan 4452864 Ann

Golden Times:

Alan Sutton 027 434 6018

Face book page TBC


VCC Branches that would like any of their events noted in our magazine, please contact us with the details at

For more information on these and other events in Beaded Wheels, check branch newsletters which may be found at

Date Event

Sunday August 24 2024

Organizer Detail

Daffodil day VCC

Easter 2025 Wheels at Wanaka


See below

Celebrating 100 years Of Caterpillar

Cancer Society Daffodil Day

25th August 2024


“Show and Shine car display”


Central Otago Vintage Car Club, Litany Street, Cromwell Time?

At the gates, 11.00am for a 12.00pm commencement

What to bring?

Your cars, all polished up, $10.00 entry fee, gold coins for our Cancer Society collectors, and sunshine!!

What to eat?

Barbeque food, provided by the Alpine Streets Machine Club


I watched an interesting video on the oldest road going Ferrari the other night on You Tube. This car is based in North Canterbury. Look here

The BBC also had a video on the second restoration of the RA Vanguard which was featured on the cover of last month’s Puff’n’Stuff Some people think this is the most significant NZ built racing car. And look here

Worth looking these up.

Name badges

Graham is preparing an order for these. He gets them done in batches of 10 or so. If you need one, please talk to him.

Photos and some notes on events

I can’t get to every event and I enjoy it when others help with contributions, like they did this month.This way, you will end up with a better mag that is well rounded, and better targeted to the wider membership interests. Thank you to those of you who contributed. The Editor.


None this month


For Sale

Datsun ute. Year of manufacture 1974, 1500cc rating, column gear shift, current mileage is 576679kms but I think it may be on the second time round. Colour is sky blue, with a wooden deck and original plates of GQ9909. Engine no. J15-291531 and chassis no. is GN620-16330. We have been the sole owners of the ute which was used for the orchard and stored in a shed minimal amount of rust.

Would like to see her go to be restored. My contact details are phone 0276987029 or email

Currently stored in the garage at home.

The Central Otago Vintage Car Club has for sale a 1953 MG Magnette

This would be an ideal project for an enthusiastic person looking for a classic car.

It appears that all the parts are there and a previous owner had started by removing the front fenders and other parts and has worked on the front right guard. The radiator is wrapped in polystyrene and appears to have been reconditioned. There is some rust around the wheel arches on the rear guards and some along the bottom of some of the doors which one would expect in a vehicle that is 70 years old.

The engine turns over on the crank handle and the vehicle rolls freely on its own wheels. This car would be a great starting point for restoration and at an asking price of $2000 ono it should enable someone to own a Club eligible car. The registration is likely to have expired and the vehicle is “ sold as is where is” the car is stored indoors as it would have been for most of its life and can be viewed at the Vintage Car Club in Cromwell, Central Otago by contacting Bryan Anderson 021 2049390 or John Martin 021 1091309.

The Central Otago Vintage Car Club has inherited a lot of Austin 7 parts

Let others know which branch you belong to at events away from home. These are produced locally and are made of high-quality vinyl. They are external stickers and go on the outside of the windscreen or on the bodywork. (They are easily removed with a hairdryer.) Cost $3 each. (A small profit goes to our club.)

To order contact The Secretary

Central Otago Vintage Car Club (Including Queenstown & Wanaka)

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