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Diane Ross (Rob)

Chairman Peter Jacob (Annette)

Secretary Colin Sweetman (Cathy)


Club Captain


Nat Exec Delegate

Museum Custodians

Parts Custodians

Blowout Editor

Blowout Circulation

Commercial Convener

Motorcycle Convener

Vintage Convener

Grant Cullimore (Judith)

308 2356

308 8940

307 7373

308 8119

Graeme Stevens (Margaret) 021 843 813

Trevor Begg

Peter Lambie (Susan)

Alan Begg (Jeanette)

Rod McKimmie (Dawn)

308 3803

302 0899

308 6171

302 5853

David Parkes (Linda ) 027 222 6758

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

Les Bennett (Marie)

Trevor Coulter

John Wells (Deirdre)

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

Jim Rooney (Audrey)

307 7373

308 4705

308 4817

307 0009

307 7373

308 4441

Michael Hanley 021 878 804

Gavin Smith (Gaylene)

Alan Begg (Jeanette)

308 2297

308 6171

Tony Adams (Diane) 021 126 7992

Grant Cullimore

Colin Read (Pauline)

308 8119

308 6989

Owen Wilson (Lorraine) 0274 345 636

Chris Gulleford (Alan) 0274 390 718

Bernard Egan ( Marlene)

Bernard Bradley

John Wells (Deirdre)

Peter Lambie (Susan)

308 3999

308 9769

307 0009

302 0899

Clubroom Custodians (Monthly Roster) See list on last page

VCC ID Officer - Pre1960

VCC ID Officer P60V P80V

VCC ID Officer P60V P80V

Trophy Steward

Swap Meet Booking

Swap Meet Co-ordinator

Beaded Wheels Reporter


Peter Lambie (Susan)

Peter Jacob (Annette)

Colin Sweetman (Cathy)

302 0899

308 8940

307 7373

Tony Adams (Diane) 021 126 7 992

Cathy Sweetman 021 372 087,

Noel Batty (Marie)

Trevor Begg

Rod McKimmie (Dawn)

Auditor NIMBA Ltd

308 4003

308 3803

302 5853


Opening Run 9.30am at the South Canterbury Clubrooms in Timaru.

22 Sun Spring Rally - No advance entries required this year - just turn up on the day. Meet at the Clubrooms at 1.00pm for a 1.30pm departure.


Follow the Leader Rally there will be shingle roads and bring your lunch but will be at a Cafe for afternoon tea


Chairman’s Report August 2024

I did pick the perfect day to write my report, I had a splendid day in the garden yesterday knowing today may be wet, sure enough 3.00am I did hear rain on the roof and it’s not stopped. A couple of bonuses, I fertilised the lawn yesterday and the Alpine is back home after some minor cosmetic surgery so some cleanup and fettling is required before showing at the VCC Daffodil Day Show and Shine.

Welcome to our new Members, I am sure that you will find many an outing to join and the parts shed is always providing that perfect part that you have been looking for. Please come along and make yourself known to the Branch Members.

It is good to see more write ups in the Blowout, thank you to those people that do take the time to write a few notes and to include photo’s, all helps in making the Blowout a good read. Although the last Blowout was a bit light, please send in your stories or even activities you have done outside the Club, always of interest.

Sitting in my office on Friday, Gavin Templeton, a valued Member of the Ruralco team, came to see me, he had been in Christchurch for the day visiting Ruralco Merchants and he got talking to a random stranger on the footpath outside of one of his appointments.

After a somewhat longish chat with the gent, he gave Gavin a rather large book, The New Morris Range, by David Greenslade. From what Gavin said he was the author. Gavin must have said the right things to this gent, and Gavin has passed on this book to put in our library. How cool.

The Annual Dinner was a great evening with over 80 people coming to hear stories by Alan Dick as well as congratulating the recipients of the Year Awards.

This brings to me to acknowledge one of those recipients who was unable to attend the evening, Bernie Harkness. Bernie was a wonderful Member of the Club, her selfless and generous contributions to the smooth running of the Club will be hugely missed. Bernie would ensure that everybody was fed and watered at all events, she had the kitchen just how she liked it, busy and full of laughter. Thank you for your friendship and fellowship, you will be sadly missed by all. Thoughts to Kevin and Family.

The events calendar is looking great leading up to Christmas with Daffodil Day just a few days away, not just the Show and Shine but the delivery of the bunches of daffodils to businesses around town, thank you to those people who are able to do this.

Most looking forward to the Opening Run with South Canterbury on the 8th September, we are to meet at the Timaru Club Rooms at 9.30am, the day’s destination is unknown until the day. I tried to find out from the Branchs new Chairman, Colin Hawke.

Following this we have our own Spring Rally on the 22nd September, our Club Captain has been busy putting this together for us so let’s support him with a good turnout.

Hope that you are able to make it along to one of the many events we have planned in the next few months, it is always good to get out of the house for a catch up with friends and like-minded VCC people.

Remember to smile, keep looking forward and smell those roses.

Club Captains Report

There was good support for the Solstice Run with 35 cars taking part then back to the Clubrooms for a savs in bread afternoon tea.

July Mid Week Run was at Lushingtons Garden Centre

The Garage Raid at the North Otago Club’s day was very interesting with visits to eight places,30 Members from Ashburton Branch attended.

We had a very interesting speaker at our Annual Dinner at the Hotel Ashburton, Allan Dick who is a well known Motoring Magazine Writer

Timaru won the Quizco again this year, our turn must come soon.

Thanks to David and Marion Oakley for organising a night trial on Saturday the 10th August, it was good to see 11 cars take part. The Run was over about 50 miles on shingle roads and five different farm tracks. It was quite interesting as there had been quite a bit of rain in the days before. We arrived back at the Clubrooms to soup and bread rolls and a bit of a debrief on the run

Upcoming events

September 8th Opening Run with South Canterbury meeting at their Clubrooms in Timaru at 9.30am.

September 22nd Spring Rally No advance entries required this year - just turn up on the day. Meet at the Clubrooms at 1.00pm for a 1.30pm departure..

October 13th watch for information in your emails Follow the Leader Rally there will be shingle roads and bring your lunch but will be at a Cafe for afternoon tea

November 3rd Post 60-80 Run

Leaving Hotel Ashburton Car Park at 8.30am to travel through some interesting countryside.

Please bring morning and afternoon tea and money for your lunch at a Club.

This year we are visiting only one interesting property in the afternoon, there will be no entry charge.

If you are interested in joining us on this date please phone Graeme 021 843 813 before the cut off date 27th October.

November 9th Commercial Run - Details to be advised by email.

ANNUAL DINNER 18th July 2024

Guest speaker Alan Dick (left) spoke about his life and time writing and testing cars over many years, for motoring magazines. What a great speaker he was, you could listened to

South Island Club Captain presenting David Parks with his and wife Lynda, with theIr 25 year badges. Lynda was absent on the night


South Island Club Captain Mark Wilkinson presenting Kevin Harkness with his and Bernie’s 25 year badges.

Unfortunately Bernie didn't get to wear her’s before passing away.

Below: Members enjoy the Annual Dinner at the Ashburton hotel


Recently Hayden Tasker’s father, Roger passed away.

Roger was very well known and respected for his devotion to family and to the community. Roger was renowned for his long involvement with Local Body governance.

We offer Hayden, his mother Bev and the Tasker family our condolences.

It has come to our attention that Dave Paterson has also passed on recently. Dave was an active Member and helped out in the Parts Shed for several years.

Amazing Alvis

When the southerly arrived and people understandably left the Daffodil Day Show and Shine early, one solitary vehicle remained.

Rod and Dawn McKimmie’s amazing 1954 Alvis stayed on to make sure everyone got away safe and sound.

Some say Elvis lives, we’re not sure about that, but we know this Alvis certainly does!

Memphis graffiti

After some of the King’’s true fans erected a sign in Memphis announcing “Elvis Lives’” someone added to it with the words “Yes but they buried the poor fellow!”


I attended the National AGM and Executive Meeting in Tauranga on the 9th and 10th of August, 2024


All VCC Members received the agenda and reports for this meeting and an election of officers was not required this year as the number of nominations received did not exceed the positions that exist. A note that the position of Hon Secretary/Treasurer is still vacant, having again no one willing to step into this position. Other items covered at the AGM: 12 Month WOF’s for 40 year + vehicles. This has been re-submitted to the new government and it is looking positive. We are supporting this as it is being run by the Federation of Motoring Clubs. Membership Awards. Over the last year, 36 x 50 Year, 15 x 60 year, 2 x 70 year and 1 x 75 year awards have been presented. The 75 year award was made to Andrew Anderson, who was a founder of the VCC. The John L Goddard Trophy for outstanding service was presented to Robert Bain, the founder of the Gumboot Rally in Taihape (which is held on New Year’s Day).

Discussion also took place on vehicle eligibility age, possible publication of the national membership list and the upcoming constitution changes. It is noted that the new constitution will require a positive response of 75% of all members of the VCC for it to be adopted and will be undertaken (when ready) by a postal ballot.


A number of diverse topics were covered at this meeting with the majority of the meeting being devoted to discussion on the new constitution. My take on this discussion is that it was disproportionally dominated by the Wellington Branch who had previously formed a constitutional sub-committee to look at this subject. There was reference back to the previous national executive meeting , its minutes and attachments and the opinion that the current constitution and make up of the executive need not change because of the new Incorporated Societies Act. Their comments had been circulated to all attendees prior to the meeting. In their view we needed to go back to the beginning and ask ourselves what the need for change was. Their delegate rather dominated the discussion and possibly a few of the other branches felt that they were constrained in offering their opinion and it would be fair to say that their view was not universally shared.

Message from the Secretary

VIC Renewals:

The VIC Renewal proocess has changed - there is now more information required in all cases. Please see below for the new requirements. It is not a matter of just signing the form and sending it back any more.

Please ask me for advice if you don't understand any of these requirements. All renewals need to come through my office to be signed.

The ID Card renewal process involves advising National Office of the current mileage of the vehicle, and if there have been any changes to the vehicle, such as colour, engine, chassis, or other key mechanical component.

National Office also require photos of the engine no, chassis no, body no (if applicable), any other identification plates, VIN (if applicable). These photos are required as part of our relationship with NZTA and the Club's recognised status as "The Historic Vehicle Authority of New Zealand".

In all cases a photo is also required of the vehicle in its present form - for a car or commercial vehicle a 3/4 view with the licence plate clearly visible and readable. For a motorcycle, a side view photo from either side. If there have been no changes to the vehicle appearance and the existing photo on the old ID Card conforms to the required specification, then National Office can re-use that photo, but only if it complies with the requirements above (eg. licence plate visible if a car).

National Office do put in bold that they require ID photos on all renewal emails, (sent two months in advance of expiry date) and it is very clearly stated in bold and in red on the renewal form however this seems to be missed constantly.


Leaving Hotel Ashburton car park at 8.30am to travel through some interesting countryside.

Please bring morning and afternoon tea and money for your lunch at a Club.This year we are visiting only one interesting property in the afternoon, there will be no entry charge. If you are interested in joining us, please phone Graeme before the cut off date 27th October. Phone Graeme 021 843 813

July 27th Mid Week Run Report

On a sunny but cool Thursday about 20 people gathered at Lushingtons Cafe for afternoon tea. It was asked that we bring our vintage vehicles and park in front of the garden centre. I hope the passing public noticed them.

We shared our table with recent new Members, Michael and Vicki Bell who were there with their pristine Bedford truck. This is a benefit of these get togethers where you can meet and chat with Members you don't often see.

I can recommend Lushingtons for one of the best coffees in Ashburton. Also the added benefit of very good retail therapy.

Sunday 25th August

We had a very successful Daffodil/National Day today. 160 cars and we raised $3050 for the Cancer Society.

Night Trial 10 August

Inky blackness engulfed the province between the big rivers, and the mist rose off the damp winter paddocks as the dedicated band of mechanised fools gathered at the VCC clubrooms to receive their instructions…and eggs. We were to take our skilfully numbered eggs and drive them around the backroads and farm lanes of the district, searching for marker pens secreted in bins and boxes to be revealed in the clues and driving instructions issued by the ringmaster David. The mission was to return the eggs, suitably labelled, “ego intacto” (not broken) as proof of successful passage.

On departure the illuminati measured the power of our bulbs to determine a mathematical item which could be used to fudge the results of the evenings competition at the pleasures of the organisers. We were also asked a general knowledge question to further fudge the result.

“Name the Patron Saint of travellers”, (St Christopher came to mind… too late as we had exited the gate), St Henry? …… Ford, was rejected as not being a point scoring answer. However, later in the evening, when loosing traction on wet grass with soft mud underfoot, I asked St Christopher for help and guidance and a little more grip. I did not receive any required hard ground to prevent wheel spin, but I’m sure there was a wraith like whisper out of the dark mists saying “you should have bought a Ford, so our answer re the patrons.

A brilliant night’s entertainment, thanks to David and Marion and the soup meisters.

by Murray Hawkes

2025 South Island Club Captain’s Tour - Entry Form


Please refer to the separate attachment for the list of recommended accommodation for each destination. We have managed to arrange a deal with some of the providers and they are holding rooms for us at a set fee until the 15th November 2024 after which they will be released. The accommodation that Nicola and I are staying at has been chosen as they have either the outside space for us to gather together or is close to the start for the following day.


Breakfasts and Lunches are your own responsibility. Lunch stops will be at a venue where you can either buy lunch or bring a picnic lunch. Evening meals will be catered for, except for Monday 14th April which is the free day in Te Anau and we don’t want you to rush back especially if you are cruising on the Sounds or visiting the Glow Worms on the other side of the lake. Once costs of the evening meals are confirmed you will receive email notification to pre-pay prior to the Tour.

Entry fee is $50 per vehicle payable now

Payment to be made to:

Mark Wilkinson at Westpac 03 1732-0197739-000 –reference: Name & Car Rego number











13-Apr Te Anau


7511 quote ref 240715162442 $140 per night, optional cooked breakfast $27.00 per person


Anau Top 10

14-Apr Te Anau as above

15-Apr Alexandra AL Park View Motel

Quote VCC, Studio $130, one bedroom unit $150, 2 bedroom unit $170 for 2 persons plus $20 pp on top of this.

16-Apr Twizel

Quote VCC, motels at Lodge $165 or Lodge ensuite rooms $125

17-Apr Methven Southern Cross Lodge 03 3028464

Quote VCC $135 includes continental breakfast, (double/twin/family unit). Dinner & final night together will be at this location.

Please make your own arrangements in Christchurch if you are staying on for the South Island Easter Rally.


During research for the current temporary special display in Methven Museum on central Alford Forest Road/Forest Drive businesses, a newspaper report was found of a new Ford van with “body built to order in Ashburton”, delivered to Shemeld’s Grocer (now Café 45) in January 1916.

Prior to refrigeration, a delivery service, initially using a handcart or horse and cart, was commonly offered by butchers, bakers and grocers to satisfy the almost daily needs for fresh meat, bread and produce often required in large quantities due to family size.

Serendipitously,the new Whakatere Heritage Collections Online site has provided a photograph of another early Methven van, detailing a van body manufacturer.

“Smith Butcher & Baker Methven” Model T van in Ashburton in mid 1916, photograph by Bunz Ashburton. Courtesy Ashburton Museum & Historical Society Inc., image 04.1995.0200a.

The sign on the van’s footwell says “Bodybuiltby A. Corbitt Ashburton” and his building in West Street is in the background.

Note also the van’s white tyres that pre-date the addition of carbon black for added strength and durability to the rubber.

Sadly, around the time of the photograph above, the Ashburton Guardian (via Papers Past, Online) also reported that Samuel Smith was then in court on bankruptcy charges, a common predicament at the time.

He had purchased a Butcher & Baker business from Messrs Crawford Brothers in May 1915, but they were to take it back if he failed to make a second payment after a year, which appears to have happened.

The business was on Forest Drive in Methven – the building burned down in 1924 and was rebuilt by a small duplex, still extant, almost opposite the now “Green Parrot Bar & Grill”.

Mr Smith’s nephew, John Smith, worked for him, and claimed he and his cousin, another Smith nephew William Robinson, had bought a motor van for deliveries, put the bankrupt’s name on it, and charged him for deliveries, petrol, repairs etc.

Mr Smith was called up for service in March 1917 and his bankruptcy was discharged in 1918 while he was serving overseas.

Mr Corbitt’s business was offered for sale in May 1917 after he too was called up for service.

Methven Historical Society welcomes any further information on this article.

Solstice Run 30th June 2024

Below are some photos from our lovely sunny day Photos by John Wards


On Thursday 27 June, 19 cars and 37 people headed to the House of Hop, Geraldine, for lunch. As we approached Geraldine the temperature dropped as heavy fog surrounded us.

Once we were on the other side of Geraldine the fog cleared to a lovely sunny day again. We ordered our meals upon arrival at the venue, then settled in for a chat while waiting for our meals. Many of our group sampled the beers on offer. After lunch we made our journey home, with some stopping off in Geraldine for a spot of retail therapy.

Many thanks to Anne and Stuart Hart for organising a wonderful day out for us. These outings are proving very popular with our Members and is a great excuse to get our vehicles out of the shed for a cruise.

Chrissie Stratford

Mid Canterbury VCC

Renewed Member’s Introduction

Hi my name is Robin Marshall and along with my wife Lois I have rejoined the Ashburton VCC after buying a 71 Triumph 2000 that was owned by Trevor Clarke .

We were Members a number of years ago, when we had a 1938 Austin 10 which was owned by Rusty Beatty, Lois’ Uncle. We did a number of events, and ended up also owning a 1956 Mk 1 Zephyr along with a 65 Mustang Notch back We still own a 1962 Triumph 5TA which we have owned since 2004.

We had the chance of buying the Triumph off Trevor but turned it down as we were going away and learned at the last Swap Meet that it was sold. After looking around for a car we saw a Triumph advertised at Lincoln and decided to check it out. When we got there Lois noticed the service sticker had Garry Cook, Ashburton so put 2 and 2 together and ended up buying it.

We are looking forward to joining on Runs and as we are both retired the Thursday Runs, that’s when we are not away in the caravan. We will be away till August, then will join in on some events ,

Cheers Robin & Lois

Our 2 Triumphs

Editor: Welcome back, we look forward to seeing you at our meetings.

Ever since he was a child, this chap always had a fear of someone under his bed at night.

So he went to a “Shrink” and told him, “Every time I go to bed I think there is somebody under it. I’m scared and I think I’m going crazy;

“Just put yourself in my hands for one year”, said the Shrink.

“Come in and talk to me three times a week and we should be able to get rid of those fears”

“How much do you charge?”;

“Eighty dollars per visit” replied the Shrink

“ll sleep on it” he said

Six months later the Psychiatrist met the chap on the street. “Why didn’t you come to see me about those fears you were having?”He asked.

“Well, eighty bucks a visit; three times a week for a year is $12,480.00. and Russ,my bartender, cured me for $10.00. I was so happy to have saved all that money I went and bought me a pickup truck.”

“Is that so?” With a bit of an attitude, said the Psychiatrist’ ”and how, may I ask, did a bartender cure you?” “He told me to cut the legs off the bed. Ain’t nobody under there now.”



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