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MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 3 In this issue… Page Can you help your Club? (Nomination Form) ......................................................... 13 Bill Shear’s trophy Nomination ................................................................................. 17 Wings & Wheel Details.............................................................................................. 18 Expert’s Rally Details.................................................................................................. 19 April Club Night Review ...................................................................................... 20-21 VIFHM Website & Facebook Page Details 22 Mooloo Meander Rally Review ........................................................................... 23-24 Vehicle Identity Cards................................................................................................ 25 Regular Features Coming Events .................................................................................................. 4 Chairman’s Report 5 From Your Secretary......................................................................................... 6 Veteran Notes.................................................................................................... 8 Vintage Notes.................................................................................................... 9 Motorcycle Notes...................................................................................... 10-12 Library Notes ................................................................................................... 14 Mid-Week Tourers 15 New Members ................................................................................................. 16 Classifieds ........................................................................................................ 25 Your Committee.............................................................................................. 22 June Bulletin submissions closing date: 25 May 2024 Late submissions will feature in the following month’s edition. Cover Designed by Melanie Ball The views expressed by the correspondents in this Bulletin are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Auckland Veteran & Vintage Car Club Inc. Any articles of interest, comments, letters to the Editor etc are welcome. All contributions are presented to and approved by the club committee prior to printing. Please forward any submissions to the Bulletin Editor Index



Coming Events

AGM NOTICE - Several clashes have arisen with the date we had set for the AGM, therefore it needs to be held on Saturday 29th June 2024 despite it being Matariki. Please amend your diary now. Apologies for the change.

Note: The clubrooms are open on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of the month from 7:30pm until 10:00pm and EVERY Saturday afternoon from 4:30pm until 6:30pm. Our Spares Dept & Library are open during the clubrooms opening hours PLUS Thursday mornings from 9:00am ’til noon.

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specified. MAY 4 Sat Veteran Meeting 2:30pm 9 Thur Noggin & Natter 7:30pm 11 Sat Motorcycle Meeting 2:30pm 15 Wed Mid-week Tourer’s Run - starts The Warehouse carpark, old Westgate 10:00am 18 Sat Northland Motorcycle Rally hosted by Northland Branch 19 Sun Wings & Wheels hosted by Waitemata Branch see page 18 22 Wed Charabanc Maintenance Night 8:00pm 23 Thur Club Night 7:30pm 25 Sat Vintage Meeting 2:30pm 26 Sun Club Run - Expert’s Rally - starts Ray Small Park, Elliot St, Papakura 1:00pm 28 Tue Committee Meeting 7:30pm
All events are held at our clubrooms unless otherwise
1 Sat Veteran Meeting 2:30pm 8 Sat Double 50 Rally hosted by Waikato Branch 13 Thur Noggin & Natter 7:30pm 15 Sat Motorcycle Meeting 2:30pm 19 Wed Mid-week Tourer’s Run - starts BP Service Centre, State Higway 1, Drury 10:00am 22 Sat Vintage Meeting 2:30pm 23 Sun Club Run 25 Tue Committee Meeting 7:30pm 26 Wed Charabanc Maintenance Night 8:00pm 27 Thur Club Night 7:30pm 29 Sat Our AGM - to be held at our Clubrooms 2:00pm
6 Sat Veteran Meeting 2:30pm 6-7 Winter Woollies Wander hosted by Wellsford/Warkworth Branch 11 Thur Noggin & Natter 7:30pm 14 Sun Central North Island Swapmeet hosted by Rotorua Branch 17 Wed Mid-week Tourer’s Run 20 Sat Motorcycle Meeting 2:30pm 23 Tue Committee Meeting 7:30m 24 Wed Charabanc Maintenance Night 8:00pm 25 Thur Club Night 7:30pm 27 Sat Vintage Meeting 2:30pm 28 Sun Club Run

Chairman’s Report

The reward for your committee, plotters and non-committee volunteers is for members to turn up and enjoy the many things that are offered. These people work tirelessly to make your clubrooms, library, spares, and outings an enjoyable place / event to attend.

The chairs in the clubrooms are all back from the upholsterer and look great. Thanks to Russel McAlpine for delivering and returning them to and from Henderson where the work was undertaken.

Alan and I attended the very successful Jowett AGM and Rally at Stratford. Thirty-one Jowetts (Bradford, Javelin, and Jupiter) attended. “Not many” I hear you say. This is approximately one third of their membership and entrants came from all over NZ, one from the UK, one from USA and two from Australia.

Following on from this, we moved up to New Plymouth and attended the Taranaki Branch’s Maunga Moana which was held over Easter Weekend. Entries were down from other years, but a great time was had by all who attended. Seven Auckland members entered and gained placings in the event. The overall winners were past Auckland members, Ken and Annette Foot who now live in Feilding. The laugh was that they were number 22 and we were number 21. We found out at the end that soon after the start they decided that “the Prices will be time keeping, so we will follow a short distance behind them”. Little did they know – the Prices never time keep! All good fun.

The recent Club Night attracted a good number to hear Bill Hohepa entertain us with a relaxed, humorous talk on the many ventures in his life. Attendees received a complimentary copy of Bill’s book, Talking Trucks. Many thanks to Bill and Linda for their generosity.

Those who attended the Ladies Run that I plotted, and Val Ball checked, enjoyed a short, easy run that started at Monte Cecilia Park in Hillsborough Rd. Once through Blockhouse Bay entrants motored on through scenic roads in the Waitakere Ranges to end at Crystal Mountain at Swanson where they relaxed over a cup of coffee and viewed the many rock and crystal items on display.

It has come to our attention that there are some books missing from the library shelves. Please remember that any borrowed library books must be signed out. If you have forgotten to return library books, please return them so others can enjoy.

Our AGM will be here before we know it. We need new members on the committee. This is your opportunity to have a say and join in helping to keep Auckland Branch running as you would like.

Safe, happy motoring and restoring. Shaaran.

MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 5

It’s the time of year where we start to see a bit of a slow-down in the number of events happening around the country, meaning the list of entry forms on the bottom of our emails is certainly shorter. It’s time to think about our club, clubrooms and what we can give.

We had planned to move the AGM to the first week of July so as not to clash with Matariki, however, there are clashes with a couple of events with neighbouring branches, so back to Matariki weekend it is. Please add the AGM to your diary as per the notice on page 7.

Is there a position that you would like to take up either around the committee table or as one of the non-committee helpers? In this Bulletin we have the form for nominating yourself or a friend who wants to help. The person being nominated needs to have a fellow member propose them and another second that proposal. I can accept the same information by email too. I keenly await your submissions!

At the AGM we also present the Annual awards to members. This includes the Bill Shears trophy, presented to a member that has contributed time and effort into making our branch special for all of us. Again, if you wish to nominate a member please use the form in this Bulletin.

Thank you


6 | The Bulletin MAY 2024
• Established in 1993 we specialise in Classic and Vintage Car Repair work • Classic Car Insurance Claims • Insurance and Private Work on all makes and models • Rust Repairs • Full Panel and Paint Service • Full Cut and Polish Service Contact Mark McAlpine - Ph: (09) 820 2299 Email: or call in and see us at 8/2 Lansford Crescent, Avondale
From Your Secretary

Auckland Veteran & Vintage Car Club Inc. NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING

Saturday 29th June 2024

To be held at the branch clubrooms

39 Fairfax Ave, Penrose

Meeting commences at 2:00pm

Agenda: Apologies

Annual Reports

Financial Statement

Election of Officers

Prize Giving

25 & 35 Year Presentation Awards

General Business

Afternoon Tea will be provided.

Members will be required to show their membership cards to receive voting papers.

All nominations for office should be duly proposed, seconded and accepted by Financial Members and delivered to the Secretary, or may be made from the floor at the AGM, if required.

MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 7

Veteran Notes

Thirteen or fourteen people attended the April section meeting, it was good to see Bill and Denise Mercer present and David Oliver who arrived later in the afternoon.

John Morrison is still getting over injuries received when his ute was T Boned by someone who drove through a Give Way sign.

David Lane reported the difficulty of replacing the battery on his Model T speedster, apparently the chassis and battery compartment were restored before the body was built and installed, which meant that at least part of the body had to be lifted/removed to access the battery. The failed battery was a USABLE brand which David discovered was a cheap American brand but had stood up to eight years service. This lead to a discussion about the supply of 6 volt batteries and the price of the gel type Optima brand.

Wellsford’s Grant Stott spoke of his recent trip to Tasmania where he saw a collection of some 150 cars, but Grant wasn't too specific about makes and so on.

Bill Mercer is tackling some issues with the 1916 Hupmobile multiplate clutch, he is also doing some work on the body and scuttle of the car, Denise is helping all the way. Bill also mentioned that Digby Young from Hawkes Bay has completed a c1910 Vulcan restoration.

Denis Lowe is still working on Roslyn’s Austin Seven Box sedan. He also produced a veteran or early vintage motorcycle fuel tank which he rescued from the Austin Register spares. This tank is very unusual in that it has several inlets, presumably for fuel and oil but no outlets, there is also a hinged compartment, possibly for small tools/spares. Denis wonders if it wasn't a proprietary tank made for people who wanted to power a bicycle with a proprietary engine and the owner could put outlets of his own taste.

Cedric Pegrum didn't have much to report, however, Roy Sharman spoke of his purchase of a 1922 Willys Knight Model 20 A from Taranaki, this is the oldest known Willys Knight in the country and has quite an interesting history. The writer remembers seeing this car in 1967 when it was owned by Harold Kidd, and subsequently the late Eric Austin who restored it. Roy also spoke of a trip to the Maunga Moana doing Wayne Roberts back road tour. Roy thoroughly enjoyed the event. Roy also displayed an SS badge from an SS he owned many years ago. He later saw the car in the then Dr Heinz dealership in Christchurch, the car then made it's way to the UK where it sold for $NZ1,800,000.

North Shore’s Tim Edney reports that he has the 1918 Hudson ex the Mihaljevich Estate up and running. Tim is satisfied that there are no block cracks or internal corrosion of the engine.

David Oliver took his Model T to the HCCNZ Brass Era Tour, which was predominantly veteran vehicles.

That's it for this month.

John Stokes

Model T on 2024 Highland Fling. Photo courtesy of Aaron Hunt, Palmerston North.

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Vintage Notes

A bit lighter on numbers this month, with the Highland Fling in Feilding being on, taking a couple of the members away from the table.

John Towers is coming down the final leg with the restoration of the Humber. Replacements for missing bits are not available, so making authentic looking reproductions is a challenge that John is always up for. The interior lights are just such an example, so forming the bases from Kauri stained to look like oak and then making the lenses took some experimentation. A luxurious carpet is being laid and then only the muffler which he acquired from spares, is to be fitted.

Tim Gray has been out and about in his Model T. He has a fascinating collection of early spark plugs and this month brought along a most elegant and complex example. It incorporated a ‘spark enhancer’ which, when a sliding bar was lifted, opened up a spark gap. This was contained within a glass walled chamber and when operating at night must be quite spectacular! As if that wasn’t enough, it also featured a “shorting bar’ to make identifying a misfiring cylinder easy. It was brand new (NOS) and was a beautiful bit of engineering.

Neville Holland is proving that you are never too old to learn a new skill (actually he isn’t that old). He is justifiably pleased with his efforts with his new TIG welder and is hoping to repair a crack in the water jacket of his ’29 Chev. He also showed us some pictures of a little ride-on tractor he has made for the grandkids, made up from, among other things, an electric golf cart and a sewing machine!

Neil Bieleski has been struggling to repair the damaged rotor in the magneto of his Renault. It had a great appetite for chewing up carbon brushes. Imagine his delight when looking for something entirely different he happened upon a rotor in good working condition in the bottom of a box. He also has his newly painted Triumph Herald back on the road with a WOF.

It must be a good week for WOFs as Bob Pickering also now has one for his Chev.

Murray & Penny

Highland Fling Sunday Lunch at MVCC Clubrooms. Many of the 106 cars on the run. Photo courtesy of Debby Smith, Hamilton

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Motorcycle Notes

Friday 19th… the evening was gloomy and pouring with rain with same conditions forecast for Saturday too. By Saturday morning it was just light rain, the sort to just be annoying. Lynda swiftly prepared the post meeting afternoon tea.

Malcolm Brown joined us at Bombay, then we joined the slow moving traffic going up to Penrose. We arrived at the clubrooms, it was still raining. Jeremy Lambert had opened up and let our guest speaker Al Gill in. Al was setting up his display ready for his talk.

Oh, did I mention it was raining? Yes… this would be why we didn't have any motorcycles parked out the back, however we did have 45 people in the clubrooms.

Surprisingly there were also no visitors or new members in attendance this month.

Of course I told a “good” joke to get the meeting underway.


Martin told us about the recent Waikato Mooloo Meander Rally, that had 25 of our branch members competing. Member John Shennan was the overall winner on his BSA B33,with other members taking out a lot of the placings, see separate report.

Martin then told us about the Mid-week Tourers Run that he and Lynda plus their 3 grandchildren went on, they visited Waikato member Fred Rix and his museum. Lastly Martin told us about his new Triumph 400 Speed single he’d just bought.


Peter Alderdice told us about a recent swap meet he’d been to where he was selling the tank sealant ‘’RED KOTE’’ with his novel advertising gimmick… see picture opposite - the “pouring can” is on the left of the table.

David Broadhead asked questions about the motorcycles that are being sold by the North Shore branch, Rory King said that the North Shore branch was having an open day and car show this Sunday and the motorcycles could be viewed there. Martyn Seay told us that he recently had 2 gaskets made by a company, the price for making these was eye watering he said.


Our speaker today was member Al Gill from Waiuku, New Zealand and Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Al was a speaker a couple of months ago, he brought along his rare Honda CB 750 bike then. This time Al told us about a business venture he started back in 2014. He had an idea to make model motorcycles with the riders that made certain race machines famous. He chose Kiwi rider Graeme Crosby and the

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Kawasaki Z1 he raced in 1976, Aussie Troy Bayliss riding a KTM dirt bike and the UK’s IOM TT hero John McGuinness on a Honda Fire Blade.

There was also a Bobber Harley Davidson with a rider and passenger, he was commissioned by E Hayes & Sons, the infamous hardware store in Invercargill, the home of the world’s fastest Indian, to make a model of Burt Munro and his Indian., He made 50 that sold very quickly, and finally he made a model of a racing snowmobile and rider.

So Al first had to make his models, that took a lot of trial and error, to get them to how he wanted. Once that was done he then had to find a manufacturer that could make them for him. He went to China and found a factory in 2017, that had 500 workers, they were making model cars in a resin material. Al struck up a deal with the factory. They copied the models exactly and made up moulds, Al said they could make around 25 models from each mould before they were scrapped, and a new mould made. The Crosby models sold well and so did the McGuinness ones. With the Honda Fire Blade he asked for permission from Honda UK and Honda Japan to make the models, which he got. He gave a number of the models to Honda, one ended up in the Honda museum in Japan.

The models were sold worldwide, but sadly he was only breaking even on the deal, so decided to stop selling them.

On the subject of the Chinese factory, Al said he was amazed by the lack of health and safety, he said he could only spend about an hour in the place before he had to go outside with his eyes streaming. He also noticed the stream running behind the factory was a strange purple colour, the air pollution left a lot to be desired and the motorway driving was very stressful, with many accidents.

Although Al is Australian, he has spent the last 25 years living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Motorcycle Notes continued

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Al Gill, Martin and Jack with the display of model bikes and riders. (To the left Peter’s Red Kote display can.)

where today his wife and his son and family continue to live, but his daughter Kirstie has moved to Waiuku, New Zealand, so now Al spends 6 months of the year in both countries.

Al told us about snow mobile racing in Canada, this was usually carried out on frozen lakes. Al had a go at this but decided it was a bit to dangerous, especially when the racers were using turbo charged engines with around 100 BHP, that could reach speeds of 150 mph.

Al answered questions from the floor, he said he still gets calls from around the world, from people who have seen one of his models and want one.

Martin thanked Al for coming and telling us this story. The members then came up to the table to check out the models close up.

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Can you help your Club?

Being a Committee Member is voluntary work that is very satisfying. It’s a great way to get more out of our club. You also get to know many more members.

Being part of the committee is a perfect opportunity for you:-

 If you believe you can make a difference;

 That you can contribute time to the club;

 You want to get a bit more out of your club.

Join your Committee or take on one of the Non-Committee Positions.

All positions are available for nomination, here is your opportunity to put your name or someone else’s forward, with their permission, for the following Committee positions: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain or Committee Member (6 positions). Non-committee positions: Librarian, Beaded Wheels Scribe (shared job), Spares Team Member, Bulletin Editor or Web Master.

If you think you’d like to help but are unsure of the full extent of the jobs, please have a chat to any current Committee Member to find out a bit more of what the positions entail.

Nomination Form

For Committee & Non-Committee Positions

I wish to nominate:

For the Position of:

Name: Signed:

Name: Signed:

Please submit by email or in person to the Secretary, Jodi Tomlin, at any time up 1:30pm, Saturday 29th June. The Annual General Meeting is being held at 2:00pm, Saturday 29th June, in the AVVCC Clubrooms. Email:

MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 13
Proposer Seconder

Library Notes

2024 is 110th Anniversary of the launch of the first Dodge motor car – The Dodge 30-35 Touring Car was powered by a 3.5 litre 4-cyclinder engine that produced 35 bhp, significantly more than Henry Ford’s Model T. The history of Dodge began in 1897 when the two brothers, Horace and John Dodge, both skilled machinists cofounded a bicycle company; however, by 1900, they had sold the business and opened a machine shop in Detroit to make parts for the fledgling auto industry. In 1901, Ransom Olds hired the brothers to produce engines for his new curveddash Oldsmobile vehicles. Sometime later Henry Ford contracted with the brothers to build engines, transmissions and axles. Ford was unable to pay the Dodges fully in cash, so he gave them stock in his company.

After supplying parts to Ford for a decade, the Dodge brothers decided to start their own company. The Dodge Brothers Motor Company was founded in 1913 and débuted its first automobile, the 30-35, towards the end of 1914. Production of this car lasted two years, with over 116,000 of them produced by 1916. The launch of the car initiated a bitter feud between Ford and the brothers that ended in the courts and helped shape the early American auto Industry. Despite the early deaths of both brothers from Influenza in 1920, the company rose rapidly to become at one time, the third largest car manufacturer in the US.

The Club Library holds a collection of books coving their cars, the history of the company and personalities and rivalry involved. One of the best known books is the Crestline Publication: The Dodge Story by Thomas A. McPherson. This book covers from 1914 to 1975.

In addition there is a good collection of photographs of Dodge cars from 1915 – 1954 from around NZ and Australia in two volumes of the Frank McClare Photo Collection (Volumes 8 & 9).

The Library Team

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Mid-week Tourers

We believe 25 vehicles left Drury, (sometimes it's difficult to get an accurate count) and several more joined in as we went through Tuakau. Our destination was Waikato member Fred Rix's home this side of Huntly. Fred, now retired, is an avid collector and very knowledgeable when it comes to coal mining. He also has two Royal Enfield motorcycles and a totally original 1929 Essex.

Two new faces, yet long-time members, were welcomed, Eileen Roberts and Loretta McGarry, plus Grandies from the Brough and Stowers dynasties (we did end up with lots of chocolate fish left over.) A couple of others who were probably new to mid-week runs, welcome, we hope that you enjoyed it.

Coming events:

Wednesday 15th May - Starting from the Warehouse carpark, old Westgate, 1000am for a 10-30 am departure. Destination is Huia. A museum, with covered area for lunch, BYO or support the nearby cafe. Lots of history in Huia, including the HMS Orpheus shipwreck.

Wednesday 19th June - Starting from the BP Service Centre, Southern motorway, Drury. 10-00 am for a 10-30 am departure. A short tun to visit a Club member's home and garage. BYO everything. More details via The Week Ahead emails.

Your Mid-week Tourers Team

MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 15

New Members

A most sincere welcome is extended to this month’s new members. We hope to see you taking an active part in Branch activities whenever possible. Should you require any assistance or advice, please feel free to ask any Committee member?

Eugene Nehring

Dean Perkins

Papatoetoe Pukekohe

1949 Vincent Series B Rapide

1953 Vincent Series C Comet

Ray & Dianne Martens


1931 Ford A

Noel Wordsworth

Mellons Bay

1928 Ford A 1930 Ford A

Ross Jones

Donn Tomlinson

Drury Warkworth

1925 Norton Model 18

1975 Norton Commando

Correction from last month: New Member Ashley Fini. Due to a glitch in the New Member data submission from the website, poor Ashley Fini’s name came through, and was published, as Thomas Ashley. Our apologies Ashley.

NZ Welder Repair Services Ltd.

Unit 4/5 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland

For personal service call Rod Rugg (Member)

Stick, MIG, TIG and Plasma cutters. All welding machine types and consumables for sale.

“Over 30 years experience”

Repairs to machines, new sales and used. Hire options available. For home or work. Large or small. We deal with only good machines not rubbish.

Phone: 09 8261425, e-mail:

Postal address: P.O. Box 19272, Avondale, Auckland 1746

16 | The Bulletin MAY 2024

Bill Shears Trophy Nomination

Nomination Form For the Bill Shears Memorial Trophy

Members of the Auckland Veteran & Vintage Car Club (Inc) are invited to nominate a fellow member for this Annual Award. The nomination should be for any member that they regard as having been involved in a significant event. It may be a particularly memorable motoring journey, an important historical article or series of articles published or some special service to the Branch. This trophy will be awarded at the Branch AGM in June.

We wish to nominate:__________________________________________________


Name: Signed: Details of the accomplishments:


Please submit to the Secretary, Jodi Tomlin by 31 May 2024. By email: or By post: P O Box 12 138, Penrose, Auckland 1642

We want to build on our team, impart knowledge and keep Angelique out in the public view.

If you are interested please contact a Committee Member or John Stokes - Email:

MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 17 Join the Charabanc Crew

Wings & Wheels

18 | The Bulletin MAY 2024

2024 Expert’s Rally

Sunday 26th May

Commencing from: Ray Small Park, Carpark Elliot St, Papakura

First car away 1:00pm

Travelling on mainly rural roads and finishing at a café in the country for afternoon tea.

Please come and join us, all Club eligible vehicles welcome.

Rodger and Val Ball

13 Fleming Street, Onehunga, Auckland 1061 P O Box 13426 Onehunga, Auckland 1643 Mob 0278 173 885 Ph (09) 636 5836


MAY 2024 The Bulletin | 19
Robinson Instruments Ltd

April Club Night Review

The April club night was brought forward due to the fourth Thursday being Anzac Day. I had booked TV show host Bill Hohepa to come along to tell us his story.

We’ve enjoyed Bill and his wife Linda’s company before. A number of years ago Bill and Linda came along to a motorcycle run, they turned up on Bill’s 3 wheeled CanAm Spyder.

That day we were headed over to the North Shore, to visit the late Ernie Williams motorcycle collection. Linda, riding on the back of the Spyder, was filming our journey. She then interviewed Ernie about his collection. The following week the film was shown on Bill’s TV show.

Then in 2017 our branch and the Waikato branch co-hosted the National Motorcycle Rally at Waitomo. We had Bill as the guest speaker at the prize giving dinner, a very interesting and entertaining evening. Bill also made a film of the weekend event that later went out on his TV show too.

Unfortunately the Thursday of this month’s club night was right in the middle of a few days of very stormy weather with trees down, flooding and slips. Even with a wet and windy journey to the club rooms we still did have around 30 in attendance at the club rooms.

I welcomed Bill and Linda (whom are now branch members) to the club. Bill then told us about his childhood years, learning to drive tractors on the family farm, and then taking his Grandma’s Standard 10 with his brothers for joyrides while well under the driving age. Bill left school at 14 and worked on a sheep farm. From the age of 15 Bill spent countless hours in the driving seat of trucks, he then progressed onto articulated trucks, Bills passion was fishing, which led to him writing a weekly column in the Truth newspaper, this went on for many years.

Linda, his wife, is a professional photographer. Her creative eye and technical skills have contributed significantly to their joint endeavours. In 1994, Linda picked up a video camera, and together with Bill, they started filming for his fishing videos. Their collaboration expanded when Auckland’s Triangle TV approached them in 1997 to produce a fishing series. This marked the beginning of their long association with the New Zealand regional television network. Linda’s talents extended beyond fishing. She played a crucial role in capturing the essence of the trucking world through her lens during the “Talking Trucks” and “Low Gear” series. The couple’s combined efforts resulted in 272 episodes of television content related to trucks. “Talking Trucks” and “Low Gear” Talking Trucks started in 2012) and its successor “Low Gear” showcased the fascinating world of trucks, machinery, and the people behind them.

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Bill’s relaxed interviewing style endeared him to viewers during his 120 episode television series called “Toll New Zealand Talking Trucks”. In this show, he and Linda met numerous people from the trucking industry, capturing their stories and experiences. The series concluded in 2015, but Bill’s fascination with trucks continued. He embarked on another series called “Low Gear,” which followed on from “Talking Trucks.” This time, the show was sponsored by J.Swap Contractors of Matamata.

The TV shows then went on to cover car’s, motorcycle’s steam trains, steam boats. Bill also covered all the major classic car shows in NZ including the Brits & Euro, Kumeu Classic Car & Hot Rod Festival, the Whangamata Beach Hop, Americarna in Taranaki and the Classic Cover Ellerslie Car Show. Bill has also filmed shows in the USA and Canada. He had us laughing at a number of his stories. He mentioned that his shows wouldn't have been possible without the expert filming done by Linda, who now also uses drones to film with.

Overall, Bill has an impressive track record, having produced a staggering 920 episodes of various television shows over two decades, averaging more than 42 episodes per year!

Linda gave out to all of us in the room free copies of Bill book Talking Trucks, Bill signed all the books for us. He chatted to us for just over an hour, I then thanked Bill and Linda for giving us their time to come and talk to us. We then all went upstairs for the supper that Lynda had provided.

(Editor: We banged into Bill and Linda on Friday night in Feilding, then we saw them many times across the weekend as they filmed the Highland Fling, for us to soon enjoy via Bill’ s YouTube Channel.)

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VIFHM - Website & Facebook Page Details

March 15 to 21, 2026

Work is well underway for the next International Festival to be held in sunny Nelson. Many of you will have responded to the recent survey you were emailed.

I hope you are planning to be there. The website and facebook pages are up and running and you can register to receive regular newsletters.

Website: Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring 2026

Facebook: VIFHM Page

Remember you will need a Vehicle Identity Card (VIC) if you wish to enter.

Stephen and I will look to organise a back road trip to get down to Nelson if there is interest?

22 | The Bulletin MAY 2024

2024 Mooloo Meander

Jack Clark arrived at our Pokeno farm on his Triumph T100 on the Friday afternoon. We loaded it onto the trailer and we headed off to Cambridge for the Waikato Mooloo Meander motorcycle rally. Travelling down SH2, we veered right onto SH27 and SH26 where we stopped off at NV Motorcycles in Morrinsville.

I was hopping to pickup my new Triumph Speed 400 single. Unfortunately it hadn't arrived from Triumph (It was on its way...). So co owner Vicky said to take their demo bike for the weekend, which I did. We arrived at the Waikato Clubrooms at 4pm. Aucklander John Poole had his Norton Commando parked up outside. John was staying in the club rooms on Friday and Saturday nights.

We chatted with the Waikato members who were there getting things ready for that night’s dinner. Jack and I then followed Steve Walter back to his home where we were staying. Steve is the new rally organiser having taken over from Peter Spiller, who stood down last year after many years service.

We headed back to the club around 6pm, by then there were 38 rallyists sitting down for the evening meal. It was a great evening with lots of chatter, we left around 9pm.

We woke up to a sunny Saturday morning. Jack, Steve and I rode the short distance over to the club rooms. The car park was soon full up with motorcycles, there were 53 entries, 21 from our Auckland branch. As Motorcycle Rep, Steve gave the briefing, then sent us on our way with a joke. As is the norm, the rally route went over some of the Waikato’s great country roads, apart from the start and the finish having to take in the Cambridge traffic the rest of the rally was devoid of traffic. We had a great morning ride finishing at the Ngaroma Hall, this hall is also a RSA memorial place.

The local school’s PTA put on an absolutely amazing lunch for us, we were certainly well fed. The after noon run back to the club rooms was as good as the mornings ride. We arrived back at 3pm, had a cuppa and a chat then it was back to our lodgings for showers and a change of clothes before heading back to the club rooms for the prize giving dinner. The caterers put on a very good meal for us. Then it was on to the prize giving, see below for the results.

Steve, as the rally organiser, thanked the marshals, backup drivers caterers and Jillian Hayton for plotting a very good Mooloo Meander Rally.

Sunday morning we had breakfast, then said our goodbyes to our hosts Steve and Jo Anne, Jack rode his Triumph back to Auckland. I went up to Morrinsville to drop back the Triumph Speed 400, the owner Nic was waiting there for me. I thanked him for the loan of the Triumph and told him I was looking forward to the phone call from him to say to come pick up my new Triumph!

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Mooloo Meander Results

1st Steve Walter 1928 AJS K6

2nd Paul Whitehead 1924 250 BSA Round tank

3rd Peter Alderdice 1925 Harley Davidson J


1st Chris Munn 1936 Triumph H

2nd Rory King 1942 Harley Davidson 3rd Robert Simpson 1941 Indian 741B


1st John Shennan 1955 BSA B33

2nd Robert Young 1952 Matchless G80S

3rd Paul & Robyn Muir 1956 Velocette MSS


1st Neville Mickleson 1973 BMW R90S

2nd Stuart Metge 1971 Norton Commando

3rd Don Green 1972 Norton Commando

POST 80 Chris Clark 1981 BMW R65


1st John & Jill Williams 1937 Morgan S/S

2nd Mike O’Kane & Trevor Appleby 1952 BSA Golden Flash


1st Wayne Johnson 1958 BSA Gold Star

2nd Steve DeGroot 1951 BSA B33

3rd Mark Hatton 1951BSA M33


FIRST WAIKATO FINISHERS and Next year’s plotters. Wayne & Sue Bennett BMW R90/6

24 | The Bulletin MAY 2024

FOR SALE - This vehicle is a 1928 Model A Ute, in a British racing green colour with black gloss accents, right hand drive, standard foot pedal set up, tow bar. The vehicle will be sold with a warrant. Rego is currently up to date until 17/08/24. Great running vehicle. Has 12 volt alternator and battery system. Tidy overall, inside and out. Currently is parked in the showroom of North Harbour Ford – 11 Link Drive, Wairau Valley, Auckland. Price $30,000 ONO.


Any further details please call Joshua on - 021 599 801 or email –

Vehicle Identity Cards (VIC)

Did you know that you must have one of these for your vehicle to enter any National Rally? The VIC is the club’s formal system for identifying and verifying the authenticity of your vehicle and officially it’s vehicle class.

There is paperwork to be filled out and photos to be provided and then one of our VIC signatories will check things over before sending to Head Office. The process is run by volunteers, and is a serious one (our system is recognised by LTSA).

Please allow 3 months from lodging the forms to receiving your card.

Note that renewals can now be done on-line.

Auckland Branch Signatories are:

John Stokes

Alan Price

Neil Stott

Phone No: 09 236 4582

Phone No: 09 833 8575

Phone No: 09 817 5915




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Shaaran Price (Alan)

Your Committee & Officers


Vice Chairman/Continuous Membership Awards Steward

Glenn Morris (Marion)


H: 09 833 8575

M: 0204 195 2476

M: 021 136 5926

Secretary /Privacy Officer /Bulletin Editor /Website Maint. /New Member Liaison

Jodi Tomlin (Paul) Secretary Email:

M: 021 678 258 Editor Email:


Ian Hubbard (Lesley) Email:

Club Captain / Branch Delegate/Trophy Steward

Tracey Winterbottom Email:

M: 0274 426 748

H: 09 232 0246 (Stephen)

Committee Members:

Martin Spicer (Lynda)

Lynda Spicer (Martin)

Motorcycle Section Rep/Entertainment


Social Convenor


Russel McAlpine (Jocelyn) Building & Garden Maintenance


M: 021 732 209

H: 09 233 6382

M: 022 102 5954

H: 09 233 6382

M: 021 189 3120

H: 09 818 4285

M: 027 473 5451

Jeremy Lambert (Michelle) Clubroom Bookings/ Health & Safety Officer M: 027 576 7045 Email:

Non-Committee Positions:

Library Team Leader

Richard Green (Lois)


H: 09 489 2427 M: 021 818 334

Beaded Wheels Reporters

John Stokes

Jocelyn McAlpine

Peter Wood

Veteran Section Rep & VIC Officer

Spares Team Leader

Bill Hulse (Sherrill)


M: 09 579 0494

Mid-Week Tourers Rep

Jack Nazer H: 09 378 4580


Vintage Section Rep

John Stokes Murray Firth (Penny)

H: 09 236 4582 or M: 0272 772 108




H: 09 818 6434

Vero Consumer Insurance Specialist F: 0800 505 905 or B: 09 356 4501 Agency Number: 0300126

Clubrooms Phone: 09 579 5625

Street Address: 39 Fairfax Ave, Penrose

Postal Address: PO Box 12 138, Penrose, Auckland 1642

Club Night: 4th Thursday of the month

Open: 2nd & 4th Thursday 7:30-10:00pm, Every Saturday 4:30-6:30 pm

Branch Email Address:

Library Email Address:

Branch Website:

Branch Honorary Life Members: Barry Robert Norm Dewhurst QSM

26 | The Bulletin MAY 2024

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