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Coming Events

All events are held at our clubrooms unless otherwise

Chairman’s Report

We are fast approaching the “silly season”. I would like to rename it the “exciting season”. We have a lot on our calendar for you all to enjoy.

First up is our inaugural Hunua Spring Tour plotted by last year’s winners of the Hunua 100, Paul Tomlin and Peter Alderdice. The format for this event is a tour with the option of a competitive section for those who want it. It is a shorter distance than the usual 100 mile event we are used to and will finish at the Zealandia Horticulture where we will have a guided tour of this magnificent facility. Based on feedback of timing, the event has been brought forward a week from the usual Labour Weekend. The tour will take place on Saturday 19th October, and the Garden Party, prizegiving and presentation of our 50 and 60 Continuous Membership awards followed by a BBQ light meal will be held on Sunday 20th. Do come along and enjoy the whole event.

Next up, we have the first Celebration of 100 year old Vehicles. This event is to take the place of our usual Christmas Picnic. As numbers were dwindling over the last few years, it has been decided to offer something different. It will still be a picnic day for ALL to attend. There will be an area set aside for the display of 1924 model Vehicles (motorcycles, commercials and cars) and older. The remainder of our club eligible vehicles will be placed separately. The event is to be held at Huntley House in Clark’s Beach on November 10th. Tracey will have more to report on this.

We will still have our ever popular Christmas Pot Luck Dinner in December. This year we will be cutting a cake to celebrate our Branch’s 70th Birthday. This event is always well supported. If you have not attended before, make this your first and you ’re sure to return!

I look forward to seeing you out and about. Shaaran.

Club Captain’s Log

It's great to be getting back into the usual routines! Thank you to all those who have sent get-well messages and supported Stephen during quite a rough time for us. I am now well on the road to recovery and slowly easing back into everything.

With summer nearly here, the calendar is full of events to choose from, and I hope you are all preparing to attend our Hunua Spring Tour later this month. The Saturday run promises to be a great opportunity to exercise your wheels, 2, 3, or 4, and enjoy some wonderful vintage motoring and camaraderie. The Sunday sees our "world famous in Penrose" Garden Party.

It is always great to see many people socialising and using the clubrooms. If you haven't been to the clubrooms for a while, do come along and catch up with other members and see all the improvements that have been happening. The barn looks fabulous, and many "treasures" are now on display in a much better setting.

Several members will also receive their 50- and 60-year membership awards on Sunday afternoon. As part of the awards ceremony, we will also be welcoming our National President George Kear, the North Island Club Captain Glyn Clements, his wife Cathy, and our Registrar, Neil Beckenham from North Shore. George will be joining us to present the Awards as the 50-year award is a “National” award. I look forward to sharing the afternoon with you all!

As Shaaran has mentioned, the November Run will be a very short run to Huntley House in Clark’s Beach. This run is open to ALL vehicles but we will be showcasing vehicles 100 years and older. I know I have to stop and think about this sometimes, I forget that these vehicles are aging too, our own Essex coach, that has been in our family since before I was born and has covered many many miles across the country will be 100 next year. Therefore, this day is being set up to celebrate these cars and enjoy their history and engineering. Secure trailer parking will be available at our home for those who would like to get closer to the venue before driving. From home, it is around 10km to Huntley House.

Huntley House is a 1911 villa, built in Palmerston North, and moved to Waiau Beach in 2020 and fully restored. The historic home has quite a history and owner Hayley will give us a look through the house and a rundown on the history. While it is Hayley's home, it is available for weddings, film sets, events, and has accommodation.

Note the date! - Sunday 10th November

A big thank you to Shaaran for stepping in and organising the September Club Run. It was a lovely run, taking us from Swanson to John Morrison’s new Garage. A fantastic setup, showing off a wonderful collection including five hearses. What else would one really expect? Thank you, John and Roger (John’s brother), for having us visit. Here are a couple of pics...

Thanks again, I look forward to seeing you enjoying what is on offer.


As your Secretary:

Notes from Jodi

You should have ALL received your Membership Subscription Invoice/s by now. They are due for payment by the 31 October.

As your Delegate:

Club Night—24th October - Please join us on Thursday 24th at 7:30pm for an update on where the National Constitution changes are at. We are now down to the wire with being compliant with the new 2022 Act.

As part of this, the structure of the Executive and Management Committees is being reviewed with a proposed restructure, as the current structure is cumbersome and processes dictate very protracted timelines.

We’ll be looking for any feedback from you, as members, to take back to the Executive and Management Committees.

As your Editor:

For the Working Bee - advert opposite. Last month I had advised Morning Tea would be provided - my apologies, I got that wrong, it is a BYO plate for a Shared Morning Tea.

If you are able to help on the day, please contact Rory to add your name to our list of helpers. Please let Rory know what you are good at - gardening, cleaning, stacking wood etc.


The Committee have been pondering how to achieve better attendance for our guest speakers. One option that we are going to trial in November is to have our Guest Speaker present on a Saturday afternoon. So please mark your diaries for Saturday, 30th November at 2:30 pm

Harold Kidd, VCC member, and our Branch Solicitor, will join us to talk about his Panzer car (50 years in the crafting). He will also talk about his Maritime history interests, family association with car imports (his father brought in pre-war Vauxhall, DX's), his involvement with establishing the North Shore Branch and joint adventures in cars and motorcycles with the legends, Frank Delatour, Brian Johnstone and Ernie Williams.

Be sure to join us!


9 am - 12 noon

We are looking to do the following, in brackets is equip that you could bring with you if possible?:

Wash windows inside and out (buckets, water blaster, extension ladder) .

Trim hedges and tidy gardens (Trimmer, general garden tools.)

Wash Outdoor Tables ready for Garden Party (bucket, brushes)

Tidy wood shed (gloves)

General Clean inside clubrooms. (Bucket, dusters, rags etc.)

Morning Tea - please bring a share plate.

If you can help us, please contact: Rory at: or 021 530 302.

Veteran Section Notes

I wish to thank Shaaran Price for taking these notes, as I was busy receiving a Spare Parts donation.

We had a speaker, Justin Cardon, who arranges the hire of vehicles for films, in this case, a remake of East of Eden, a film based on John Steinbecks book of the same name. A number of members expressed interest in this.

Bill Mercer’s 1917 Hupmobile is ready for painting. Phil Henley is getting mileage up on his 1913 Mitchell. John Morrisson is getting his new and substantial shed ready for the September club run. Peter Alderdice’s 1917 Harley Davidson is waiting for some attention and David Oliver expects to have his Model T Ford engine back in a week.

Wellsford’s Grant Stott mentioned that he hasn't sold the ex Jim Francis 1918 Westcott. Gavin and Wayne Welch both took their Model T pickups to the very successful Buddhist Temple event for Daffodill day, other veteran participants included Steve Keys with his 1908 Maxwell, at one stage owned by his father the late Les. Terry Jenkins and Russell Vincent did't have a lot to report.

We had prospective member Barry Wade in attendance, Barry recently brought Barry Robert's 1909 Rover twin and is coming to grips with the car. Barry Wade was asking about replacement tyres and was told about a variety of sources.

Roy Sharman brought an early carburettor for viewing, but I didn't see it. Denis Lowe advises that Roslyn is now out of hospital and making steady progress. We understand that Grant Taylor had brought Denis Scanlon’s veteran Talbot. Barry Robert and Barry Birchall visited former member Ron Jacob. Ron was known for a variety of cars including Lancia, Duo, and Ansaldo. He also had the ability to mount beaded edge tyres with is feet, but there was a trick to this.

There was some discussion about the difficulties about getting veteran and vintage radiators repaired or re-cored in this country.

On Sunday a meeting was held to discuss the POSSIBILITY of taking the charabanc to the Festival of Historic Motoring in Nelson in 2026.

John Stokes

Vintage Section Notes

There were a couple of very nice cars in the carpark when we arrived – John Towers ’s Holden, admittedly a modern but still very desirable, and Ross Bellamy’s immaculate Model A.

Neil Bieleski has acquired a spare motor for his 1926 Renault Type NN. Although he didn’t actually need it, it is important that this rare motor is secure. Neil’s car is one of only four in the country that use this particular engine. It has answered a question regarding the timing assembly on his original motor (he did have it right!).

John Towers is in need of a clever auto electrician to finish the Humber. He has been sidetracked by his ’36 Chev which he received in boxes – all completely stripped down. Isn’t it funny how some people decide to restore a car, pull it all apart and then lose interest? At least it creates a challenge for the next owner.

Neil Lucas has been involved with the Chev club’s bus and tow truck. The tow truck’s motor was reconditioned some years ago, but not run and left with water in the cooling system. Upon inspection it was found that the ‘frost plugs’ had rusted right through in some cases. Not a problem as they are all accessible - except one which requires the gearbox, flywheel and bellhousing to be removed. With resignation this was done and just as well as that one was also deteriorating.

John Stokes is having a bad run with problems with all of his vehicles. Chin up John, the only way from here is up!

Tim Gray had his Model T all ready for it’s new WOF, but as he backed it into his shed he ran over a piece of wood which flicked up and dislodged a ladder which then crashed down and smashed the tail light. Silent movie material! A visitor saw Tim’s old car and said he knew of a 1929 Citroen 4C which, having sat in a shed for many years, is about to come on the market. A good project for someone.

Ross Bellamy sparked a round of hilarious stories around Horopito Motors, AKA Smash Palace. I think we have all had experiences there. An amazing place.

Norm Dewhurst has the motor out of the Essex to rectify the unpleasant sounds coming from the main bearings. On dismantling, the big ends at least were found to be in very good order. The crank shaft has never been ground before.

Murray & Penny

Motorcycle Section Notes

I set off from Pokeno for the Motorcycle Meeting in sunshine, I picked up Malcolm Brown at Bombay. Lynda couldn’t join us but had kindly prepared afternoon tea for us.

We arrived at the clubrooms at 1.30pm, waiting for us was our guest speaker Gavin Trethewey, who was chatting with member Terry Doherty. We opened up and put the food up in the kitchen. Thank you to Robyn Le Grice, Katherine Cook, Heather Doherty and Nancy Carkeek who ran the afternoon tea and did the washing up well done girls.

I then set up the library laptop for Gavin's presentation of his flying career.

Parked out back were 7 bikes. By the time we started the meeting at 2.30pm we had 60+ members waiting to hear Gavin tell his story.

Martin called for any new members present, there were none, but we did have a visitor Mike Millet a friend of member John Bryant.

Martin then told one of his jokes, which was quite good.


Martin told us about the August club night speaker Larry Paul who told us the story of the ship ‘Daring’, this was a very interesting talk on how the ship was found buried in the sand at Muriwai Beach after one hundred years.

Martin then told us about the run that I had organised, which took us from Pokeno down to Hampton Downs to watch the classic motorcycle racing register’s meeting. While we were there Martin and member Trevor Hackett, both who have recently recovered from cancer treatment went around the race track collecting donations for the National Cancer Society Daffodil day, they didn't see much of the racing, but did collect $288, well done you guys.

Martin and I organised a bike run from Pokeno down to the Meremere Drags, we had 25 members there. This was an old school meeting, which was for pre 70’s bikes and pre 50’s cars, there were 25 bikes and 50 cars competing, this was a great day out, and all for only a gold coin donation.


The New Plymouth Rubber Duckie Motorcycle Rally, a large number of our Auckland motorcycle members are going down to this event.

Martin reminded us about the up coming New Zealand Motorcycle Show, member

Graham Viall, the organiser, was at the meeting and told us that this will be the largest show ever and that along with our club there are 25 clubs showing bikes. So do consider joining us and displaying your bike at the show. Graham said that they want all types of bikes from as new restored condition through to average or rusty original interesting ones. Please let me know if you want to join us there.


Gavin Trethewey started his story back in 1956 when he first started flying. He joined the RNZAF in 1959, and flew Canberra bombers for No. 14 Squadron at Ohakea. Gavin briefly told us about his time in Singapore, in the last year of the Malayan conflict, that spanned from 1948 to 1961 and then again during confrontation with Indonesia In 1965/66. Back at Ohakea in1970 he was the squadron commander for the last year of Canberra operation and was responsible for the delivery of those aircraft to India whose air force had purchased them and subsequently used them in combat against Pakistan.

Gavin then told us the story of how he was involved with the first NASA moon landing on the 20th of July 1969. At this time NZ could only get radio broadcasts, they couldn't receive the live footage from the moon, but the Australians could. So the air-force was asked what’s your fastest plane, the answer was the Canberra, and as I was the senior instructor on that plane I guess that's how I got the job of flying from Ohakea over to Sydney airport and back to Wellington airport. Gavin and his navigator Mike Hill managed the journey in just two hours 24 minutes, It wasn't a Tasman record but for a point-to-point Sydney Airport to Wellington Airport it was the fastest up until then.

He went on to say: I knew we had a flight to do and we had to do it at fairly high speed, but that wasn't too stressful, it was the sort of thing we were used to, when we landed at Wellington we were met on the tarmac by NZBC. "They then took the film away, there was a police car escort for them, they were led away with the lights flashing and they disappeared into the distance to get the film on the TV news in the next 15 minutes which they did. NZBC had some sort of link that had to be set up especially for the broadcast so it could be shown across the whole country. It was on the TV news at 7.30 pm We got back into the plane and flew back to Ohakea Job done!

Gavin retired from the RNZAF, and was about to join the UK’s RAF, but was asked to join Air NZ, which he did. After a period with Air NZ, he retired at 60. But he then became a pilot for Freedom Air. He has also been a flying instructor for many years, a glider pilot and tow pilot, and has a helicopter licence. He has flown Peter Jackson ’s collection of WWI planes in flying displays, he has displayed a number of different aircraft at all the major airshows in New Zealand. Participating in over 300

displays in aircraft ranging from WWI aeroplanes through to post WWII jets.

Gavin joined the War Birds at Ardmore in 1990, and has had the jobs of chief flying instructor, operations manager and president and was, for over 10 years, a member and then leader of The Roaring Forties Harvard flying display team.

We were shown lots of pictures and film throughout Gavin's great presentation, pictures from when he was based in Singapore back in 1959, showing that all the motor vehicles on the roads were British.

Gavin has a Vans RV6A two-seater plane that he enjoys flying around NZ. He told us he often flies over to Whitianga for morning coffee this takes just 17 minutes, and the round trip uses 20 litres of fuel, he said try doing that in a car.

He suggests that a club visit to Warbirds at Ardmore would be a very interesting one for our members. He would be happy to show us round the display centre and get some photos of our vintage and classic vehicles with their aeroplanes.

Martin thanked Gavin for coming to tell us his stories, especially as he had only arrived back in the country at 1 am the night before our meeting.

Jack Clark & Martin Spicer
L: Gavin & Martin
R: Ohakea Tower low pass.

Left: In a Spitfire at the Ardmore Showdown 2012.

Bottom Left: Ardmore Showdown 2015.

Bottom Right: In an A37 over Whitianga 2010.

Left: Gavin in the red 7 Focker Tri-plane.
Above: Gavin and the Roaring 40s

Library Notes

We wish to acknowledge the receipt of a collection of commercial manuals from Paul Clark last month, as well as a fine set of volumes of The Modern Motor Engineer - 1952 edition by Arthur W. Judge.

Although we already have many editions of this comprehensive work, published at regular intervals by Caxton since the early 1920s, this copy was in superior condition to the library copy. Apart from their historical interest, and full of very interesting period photographs, these publications are an instant source of detailed information such as wiring diagrams for virtually every popular classic car of the period.

We have also received a collection of motorcycle publications and included was a copy of The Iron Redskin by Harry V. Sucher. This impressive book relates the history of Springfield motorcycles from the Company’s origins, until 1984 when this 4th edition was published.

It is an important historical treatise, compiled after intensive research into Indian’ s

Library Notes

complex history stemming from his fascination with Indians which began with a ride on a friend’s Powerplus in 1921. He owned various models, assembling a large collection of antique machines over his lifetime. The book provides insights into how the business worked and is full of technical data on Indian motorcycles and period photos. The book goes through the earliest years of production and racing including the riders and dealers. It covers many aspects of the company’s development including different ideas that didn't work out, such as the outboard-motor debacle. There were over two dozen makers of motorcycles on the market during the heyday of motorcycling in the United States. Yet to many enthusiasts, none of these quite approached the spirit, style, or handling abilities of the Indian.

Highly recommended reading for the Vintage Indian owner or anyone fascinated with vintage motorcycles.

The Library Team

Letter to the Editor

Club Night - Movie Night


• The latest Steven Spielberg horror movie?

• A new recruit for the Police dog team?

• Or an orchid in the Botanical Gardens?

We don’t make it to Club Night very often now, night driving and so on... but last Thursday we had the chance of being chauffeured in.

We thoroughly enjoyed the night. The committee had a documentary film on, showing the career of Juan Manuel Fangio, arguably the best Formula One racing driver that ever was.

Starting in the mid 1930’s with a Ford Model A, on dirt roads in Argentina, his country of birth, through the war years when he bought and sold trucks and their tyres for income, and ending in the fifties and sixties when true motor racing was at it’ s peak. Enthralling.

Back to the Club night. A good crowd, new committee member Rory King was on bar duty he now knows the difference between Bundaberg and Pinot Gris and smiled all the time.

Small bags of Jaffas were handed out with instructions not to drop them, lest they roll down into the stalls, (we were in the dress circle). Interval came along and we all got an ice-cream served by young ladies although no mini skirts!

We finished with a quick report on the successful day at the FGS Buddhist Temple and the coming Hunua Spring Tour. It sounds as though Peter Alderdice and Paul Tomlin have arranged some treats for us.

All in all an evening well worthwhile, good company, well attended, and good entertainment. Well done, committee, we look forward to more.

The Dewdrops

Editor: Thank you Norman and Pat. However, I am not too sure about the “ young” ladies serving ice-cream and we won’t even go near the prospect of a mini skirt… YIKES!

100 Year Old+ Vehicle Celebration

Sunday 10th November

ALL Vehicles Welcome

Dedicated space/display for the 100 year old+ vehicles.

Picnic Lunch at Huntley House be Posh if you like!

(There could be a prize…)

Thermette Challenge

A short run from Elliot Street Carpark, Papakura to Clark’s Beach will precede the Picnic, run starts at 11am.

This event replaces the Annual Christmas Picnic.

Vehicle Identity Cards (VIC)

Did you know that you must have one of these for your vehicle to enter any National Rally? The VIC is the club’s formal system for identifying and verifying the authenticity of your vehicle and officially it’s vehicle class.

There is an application form to be completed and emailed along with photos to one of our VIC signatories. They will check things over before sending to Head Office. The process is run by volunteers, and is a serious one (our system is recognised by LTSA).

Please allow 3 months from lodging the forms to receiving your card.

Note that renewals can now be done on-line.

Auckland Branch Signatories are:

John Stokes

Alan Price

Phone No: 09 236 4582

Phone No: 09 833 8575

Neil Stott Phone No: 027 494 9059




Why we join the VCC of NZ

I read this today in the latest AMCA* magazine. Seems to hit the spot

‘The thrill of vintage/classic motorcycling. In this modern world where everything is ultra automated controlled and safeguarded, the experience element is reduced to consumerism. With a vintage/classic motorcycle you have to learn; you must understand and make it work. It’s a real experience. One of learning and improving instead of regressing into automation apathy. With the older bikes of course also comes problems along the way and these are part of the learning process. We stop, investigate and fix. It can be a social moment too, a part of the journey. You’d be hard pressed to fix a problem on a modern, computerised bike.’

Says it all about why we join the VCC with old motorcycles. May it long continue.


*Antique Motorcycle Club of America

Editor: Quite true of all the vehicles that bring us together in the VCC of NZ.

Keep up with the plans here:

VIFHM Website VIFHM Facebook Page

March 15 to 21, 2026

What’s in the News?

The VIFHM Team have organised accommodation deals and have sent a newsletter to all registered members detailing the properties.

Register for the newsletter and get the info in your Inbox as it comes to hand. You can follow the Website Link above to register and you can keep up with the latest info on their Facebook Page.


47th Rubber Duckie


Friday 20th September, I was due to ride down to New Plymouth for the annual Rubber Duckie rally with Don Green, John Poole, Ian Hubbard and Alan Macy, they were leaving from Bombay at 10am. But Lynda and daughter Bea had googled the weather and found it was going to be strong winds, heavy rain, thunder and lightening, so I was told you are going to trailer. So I set off, via the Waikato Expressway to Ngaruawahia, then made my way across to Otorohanga to meet the others for lunch. Sure enough there was heavy rain and wind and after lunch, although we set off in dry weather with a little sunshine, we soon were back in wind and rain plus some thunder and lightning. However, we arrived at the Top 10 Holiday Park in Fitzroy in sunshine.

The Friday night dinner was held in the camp dining room, a good time for catching up with fellow VCC Members from various parts of the North Island. We woke on Saturday morning to blue skies and sunshine.

Rally organiser Bruce Davidson gave the briefing at 8.30am, there were 46 starters, our branch had 13 members there. The first bike away left at 9am. We headed south -west out of New Plymouth, morning tea was at Okato, then continuing south on very good roads with very little traffic, we ended up at Kaponga, at the Swiss Club, for lunch. The timed section of the rally ended at lunch.

The local Lions Club put on a great lunch for us. After this the route continued to complete a circle around Mt Taranaki, the peak was covered in snow but we only saw glimpses of the very top as clouds insisted on hanging around all day.

We arrived back in Fitzroy at 3pm, having covered 115 miles. It was time for showers, drinks and a recounting of our rides. We then took the 10 minute walk to the Beach Street Hall for the prize giving dinner at 7pm.

These are the class winners and the overall winner.

Post war: 1st Willie Wood 1955 Matchless G3LS

2nd Robert Young 1948 Ariel KH

3rd Peter Simpson 1954 Matchless G80S

P60V: 1st Bill James 1978 Triumph Bonneville

2nd David Henwood 1980 Honda XL500S

3rd Ian Street 1977 Honda CB 550F

P80V: 1st Verdon Heath 1988 MZ ETZ 250

2nd Robert Heath 1986 Honda GB 500 TT

3rd Chris Clark 1981 BMW R6S

3 Wheelers: 1st John & Jill Williams 1937 Morgan super sport

2nd Mike O’Kane & Trevor Appleby 1952 BSA Golden Flash

3rd Paul & Jodi Tomlin 1925 Harley Davidson Model J Overall winner: Willie Wood from New Plymouth.

After dinner we arrived back at the Top 10 in time to watch the All Blacks beat Australia in the Bledisloe cup.

Sunday morning we had a good breakfast and prepared to set off for home. Member Ian Hubbard asked me if he could put his Royal Enfield on my trailer as the weather forecast looked to be bad for the trip home. Don, John and Alan had left on their Norton Commandos 15 minutes before us. Also riding North were members Peter Alderdice Ariel SQ4, Mike O’Kane and Trevor Appleby BSA Golden Flash and sidecar, following them was Paul & Jodi Tomlin and Leo Fowler with car and trailer carrying Paul and Jodi’s 1925 Harley Davidson & sidecar. Surprisingly the weather turned out to be sunny.

We pulled up in Otorohanga for lunch at noon, just in front of us were members Lee & Larissa Walker–Holt, Lee was working on his Moto Guzzi, it had been mis-firing on the way into town, and making sounds like a gun going off. Lee found the points gap had closed up, once adjusted all was well again. Ian and I made good time heading home. We were just passing Taupiri Mountain on the old SH1 when Ian’ s phone rang, it was Don asking for help, his Norton had gone onto one cylinder. With the three Norton riders on the other side of the Waikato river, we carried on to Huntly, crossed the Waikato and found them about a kilometre up the road. We unloaded Ian’s bike and put Dons on the trailer. The three riders then rode home. I dropped Don and bike off at Alan Macy’s home in Bombay, they were hoping to fix the problem there, after a while they gave up and Alan trailered Don home. Don sorted the problem out on Monday.


Fuel Content Summary

Last month there was a discussion at the Veteran Meeting about the different fuels and which companies added ethanol to their fuel—specifically the Gull range of fuels. Discussions were about the problems created by ethanol content. Peter Alderdice decided to canvas the main players in the Fuel market and I canvassed the smaller companies, these are the Results:

Question to each company was: Do any of your fuels contain Ethanol?

Answers are shown by Fuel Type:

All of these results are backed up by Material Safety and Product Data Sheets (SDS). Some companies supplied us with these, all have these Data Sheets freely available on their websites.

Hope this clear things up for everyone.

New Members

A most sincere welcome is extended to the most recent new members. We hope to see you taking an active part in Branch activities whenever possible. Should you require any assistance or advice, please feel free to ask any Committee member?

Andrew Jameson

John Stubbs

Bombay Kumeu No Vehicles Listed No Vehicles Listed

Mike Jones

Richard Hiles-Smith

Bucklands Beach Epsom

1970 Ford Corsair 1951 BSA B33

1970 Lotus Cortina 1953 BSA B31

Barry Wade

Peter Wilkening Whitford Avondale

1909 Rover 12HP

1961 Matchless G12

1973 Triumph T150

1972 Norton Fastback

1992 Ford Fairlane Ghia

NZ Welder Repair Services Ltd.

Unit 4/5 Portage Road, New Lynn, Auckland

For personal service call Rod Rugg (Member)

Stick, MIG, TIG and Plasma cutters. All welding machine types and consumables for sale.

“Over 30 years experience”

Repairs to machines, new sales and used. Hire options available. For home or work. Large or small. We deal with only good machines not rubbish.

Phone: 09 8261425, e-mail:

Postal address: P.O. Box 19272, Avondale, Auckland 1746


1993 Nissan Bluebird Special Edition

1.8 litre petrol injected, five speed manual sedan. Genuine 151,000 Km. Rego and WoF, Club eligible, Towbar, Tinted windows, reversing camera, factory mags. No rust, good condition. Needs an appreciative custodian. Owned for twenty-four years by current engineer owner. Price $3,500.00

Phone Stan on 09 483 6801 (Waitemata Branch Member)

Mid-week Run Co-ordinator POSITION STILL VACANCT

If you are interested, please contact Tracey:

Robinson Instruments Ltd

13 Fleming Street, Onehunga, Auckland 1061 P O Box 13426 Onehunga, Auckland 1643 Mob 0278 173 885 Ph (09) 636 5836



Your Committee & Officers

Shaaran Price (Alan) Email:

Vice Chairman/Continuous Membership Awards Steward

Glenn Morris (Marion) Email:

H: 09 833 8575

M: 0204 195 2476

M: 021 136 5926

Secretary / New Members & Privacy Offcr / Bulletin & Website Editor / Branch Delegate

Jodi Tomlin (Paul) Secretary Email:

M: 021 678 258 Editor Email:


Ian Hubbard (Lesley) Email:

Club Captain / Trophy Steward

Tracey Winterbottom Email:

M: 0274 426 748

H: 09 232 0246 (Stephen)

Committee Members

Martin Spicer (Lynda)

Motorcycle Section Rep/Entertainment

M: 021 732 209

H: 09 233 6382 Email:

M: 022 102 5954

Lynda Spicer (Martin) Social Convenor

H: 09 233 6382 Email:

Jeremy Lambert (Michelle) Clubroom Bookings/ Health & Safety Officer

M: 021 189 3120

M: 027 576 7045 Email:

Rory King (Louann) Building Maintenance


Neil Stott (Christine) Spares Liaison

Non-Committee Positions

Library Team Leader

Richard Green (Lois)

H: 09 579 6891

M: 021 530 302

M: 0274 949 059 Email:

Spares Team Leader

Bill Hulse (Sherrill)


H: 09 489 2427

M: 021 818 334

Beaded Wheels Scribes

John Stokes

Jocelyn McAlpine

Peter Wood



H: 09 579 0494

Veteran Section Rep & VIC Officer

John Stokes


H: 09 236 4582 or

M: 0272 772 108

Mid-Week Tourers Rep

Jack Nazer (Marilyn)


H: 09 378 4580

Vintage Section Rep

Murray Firth (Penny)


H: 09 818 6434

Vero Consumer Insurance Specialist F: 0800 505 905 or B: 09 356 4501 Agency Number: 0300126


Phone: 09 579 5625

Street Address: 39 Fairfax Ave, Penrose

Postal Address: PO Box 12 138, Penrose, Auckland 1642

Club Night: 4th Thursday of the month

Open: 2nd & 4th Thursday 7:30-10:00pm, Every Saturday 4:30-6:30 pm

Branch Email Address:

Library Email Address:

Branch Website:

Branch Honorary Life Members: Barry Robert

Norm Dewhurst QSM

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