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Coming Events

All events are held at our clubrooms unless otherwise specified.



Note: The clubrooms are open on the second and fourth Thursday evenings of the month from 7:30pm until 10:00pm and EVERY Saturday afternoon from 4:30pm until 6:30pm. Our Spares Dept & Library are open during the clubrooms opening hours PLUS Thursday mornings from 9:00am ’til noon.

Chairman’s Report


The venue – F G S Buddhist Temple - PERFECT

The friendly, helpful staff

Our attending members



Other Car Clubs present - PERFECT and THANK YOU

A great variety of vehicles on show - PERFECT

The weather


Enthusiastic Bucket Shakers - PERFECT with ENDLESS ENERGY

A very generous Public


A never-ending queue waiting for a ride on the Charabanc



All went very well making a great day. We ended up with a great result - $6,500 has been donated to the Cancer Society. A big thank you to ALL members who attended, donated and helped in any way to make this a day to remember.

Recently Jodi and I attended the VCC AGM in Tauranga. The subject of the “regions” was discussed in length, and we were assured that the existing Executive and AGM meetings, attended by your Branch Delegate and Observer, held each year in March and August respectively, will still take place. The purpose of the Regional Representatives is to keep Branches in touch with the Management and report both ways. This should shorten the Executive and AGM Meetings and speed up decision making. For this to come in place changes will need to be made to the VCC Constitution, and to move forward these changes need 75% of VCC membership to agree. For our Branch this means 450 of our 600 members need to accept this change and vote accordingly. Hence, over the next couple of months your Branch Committee will be holding meetings about this, and other changes that must be made to the Constitution to come in line with the requirements put in place by the new Incorporated Society Act. You will be notified and invited to attend any meetings we hold on this subject. The important part of this message is “please vote when you are notified”.

North Island Club Captain, Glynn Clements, spoke about the forthcoming National Motorcycle Rally, hosted by Manawatu VCC. He enforced that all entries must

have a VIC and reminded everyone of the 30 Year Rule for all vehicles taking part in these VCC events. The 30 Year Rule is the ‘backbone’ of the Vintage Car Club. It is what sets us apart from other motoring clubs and must be adhered to.

The final evening dinner was a great success. Bay of Plenty Branch put together a program showing the history of the Bay of Plenty Region, and a video of the National Rally, hosted by Bay of Plenty Branch, in 1969 which Alan and I attended as navigators in a newly restored 1929 Nash Sedan owned by our friend Ron Gantham. Our Chev Roadster was not fully restored at this stage. Past Auckland member, Brian Walton driving his Vauxhall Hurlingham featured in this video. Then there was an interesting talk on the Peking to Paris Rally by a BOP member. Did you know that the entry fee for this rally is nearly two hundred thousand dollars? And you still have to get a vehicle and yourself there and back!!

See Jodi’s Delegate’s Report (an attachment to this Bulletin email) for further information from the AGM.

An ordered pizza dinner, and the fire lit, created a warm, cozy atmosphere for the enthusiastic crowd who recently gathered at the clubrooms to watch the All Blacks play Argentina. A great evening.

Happy, safe motoring. I look forward to seeing you out and about. Shaaran.

Sunday September 29th

Start time: 11.00am

Start at Swanson Railway Car Park

760 Swanson Rd (next to Challenge Service Station) Toilets & Café available

After approximately one hour of country motoring we will

Finish at John Morrison’s NEW Shed

Come along and see what John has been up to. Coffee / Lunch / toilets are available next door at King’s Plant Barn.

Charabanc to Nelson 2026

A meeting will be held at our clubrooms on Sunday, September 8th at 2.30pm to ascertain initial interest in taking the Charabanc to the Vero International Festival of Historic Motoring event in Nelson, March 2026.

I plan to have some initial costings, for the shared expenses involved, by this meeting and also options as to how it will get there and back.

ALL members are invited to attend this meeting with a view to joining the team to take it south. Do note that preference does go to the existing maintenance group.

You will find some opinion on the viability of this in the March and April Bulletins, which are available on the club website A final decision will have to be made very soon as to its viability of being part of the event.

From your Delegate

Greetings, I know you’ll be itching to read my first Delegate’s Report from the National AGM and Executive Meetings. I have written a “few” pages, so it is an attachment alongside the links to various versions of this Bulletin.

I am ready for questions, suggestions and ideas from you about any of the topics I have covered.

Email me:

I feel like I am still digesting all of the content of the meeting myself.

Thanks Jodi

Spring Working Bee

Hunua 100 Spring Clean

Saturday 12th October

9am - 12 noon

If you can help please contact Jodi to advise what type of work you could help with? We are looking to do the following, in brackets is equip that you could bring with you if possible?:

Wash windows inside and out (buckets, water blaster, extension ladder) .

Trim hedges and tidy gardens (Trimmer, general garden tools.)

Wash Outdoor Tables ready for Garden Party (bucket, brushes)

Tidy wood shed (gloves)

General Clean inside clubrooms. (Bucket, dusters, rags etc.)

Morning Tea will be provided...

If you can join us, please contact: Jodi at: or 021 678 258.

Veteran Section Notes

The section meeting this month was well attended with about sixteen people present.

Phil Henley brought along the 1913 Mitchell, now running again after a new two cylinder block was cast in Melbourne, machined by E J Whiter and bored by Gillespies, both firms in Auckland. He is now trying to quieten the differential.

John Morrison is busy arranging his new garage, so hasn't had much time for vehicle maintenance. David Lane has issues with brass Model T radiator brackets breaking so he has had some laser or water cut and has made up a jig for bending them to shape.

David Oliver is getting his Model T engine rebuilt. The sump has been straightened a new transmission and new Ruckstell two speed differential is to be installed. Gavin Welch is very satisfied with the "underdrive" installed in his Model T, this was another aftermarket device to give four speeds instead of two in a Model T. However he still has issues with the period correct differential housing leaking oil from the rivets. There may have been a late Henry Bush trick to solve this issue.

Wayne Welch has been in the UK and saw a Chitty Chitty Bang Bang replica which used Ford Transit components. Russel Vincent who is a very adaptive engineer/ mechanic spoke of putting a Model A Ford crankshaft into a Model T.

Neil Lucas spoke on the development of the Fordson Tractor side of the Ford empire.

As most will be aware Barry Robert's 1909 Rover Twin cylinder, the only known survivor of this type, has been sold back to the Wade family of Whitford who used the car to drive a milking plant for many years. A short film of the recovery, by VCC members in the late fifties/early sixties exists today.

Steve Keys has purchased the 1908 Maxwell from the Evans estate. Steve’s late father Les imported the car from the USA many years ago.

Tim Edney has been in Scotland visiting the Orkneys and also attended the Goodwood Festival of Speed where he witnessed a crash involving a Lotus electric car.

John Stokes

Vintage Section Notes

A good turnout this month of enthusiastic vintage aficionados.

Richard Green has been helping a friend with his flat nosed Morris Cowley and brought along the new worm and wheel for the steering box, made by Cogs in Tauranga. The wheel and it’s shaft were turned in one piece from steel billet, and as a beginner on the lathe and mill, I was in awe!

Peter Wood showed us the door he is making for the golf club compartment of his Buick Marquette. Made in kauri, it is a work of art in it’s intricate detail and curved shape. Last month he showed us a hand finished cast aluminium hub cap and this month he showed us two more – a rough casting and a semi-finished one.

John Morrisson has the Talbot pre select gearbox all sorted and is looking forward to hosting the September Club Run in his new shed. We do see his cars, because he does use them, but it will be good to be able to view his collection of quality older cars all together.

Neil Lucas attended the Daffodil Run at the Buddhist Temple and reported a good turnout of Club cars with a very healthy total in donations raised.

Ross Bellamy has sought help from Richard to remagnetise the spinning disc in his Model A speedo. Some response but not quite there yet.

Neville Holland has acquired another diff for his Singer. It was very seized up, but when he finally got it apart, was delighted to find it is the higher ratio he was hoping for. He also brought some photos of the little tractor he has made for the kids from a sewing machine, a motorised wheelchair and a very fertile imagination!

Peter Alderdice has had some carburettor woes in his 1926 Oakland. The main jet came loose and was devoured by the motor – never to be seen again! So, he has made three new jets – a standard one and larger and smaller ones to see if he can get a little more performance out of the old girl. Nitro?

Then we all had a cup of tea but no one seemed in a hurry to go home.

Murray & Penny

Motorcycle Section Notes

By the time we got to the clubrooms Jeremy had helped Andy Gourlay get his 1969 350cc Aermacchi Metisse race bike into the club rooms ready for the meeting. Andy and son Daniel had brought their laptop to show us a picture show of his racing times at the Isle Of Man Manx GP.

Surprisingly, there were 3 bikes parked out back. By 2.30pm we had just under 60 in attendance. Martin started the meeting off with a joke.

NEW MEMBER: John Stubbs has recently transferred from the North Shore to our branch, we welcomed him to our branch.

Visitor Paul Eaglton, a friend of Andy’s, donated a large box of motorcycle mag papers to do with the IOM TT, some of these were put out on the tables for members to take home.

REPORTS: Martin told us about the August motorcycle run that visited High Performance Coatings in Manurewa, see full report later in the bulletin.

COMING UP: 14th September - Next motorcycle meeting with guest speaker Gavin Tretheway ex Jumbo jet pilot and ex NZ air force Canberra bomber pilot, come and hear Gavin’s stories, one is when he had to fly to Australia to pick up the film of the 1969 moon landing and get it back in time for the 6 pm TV news.

GENERAL BUSINESS: Peter Alderdice gave us an update on how his plans are going for our groups trip to the National motorcycle rally.

Graham Viall gave an update on the up coming NZ Motorcycle Show which is returning to the ASB show grounds Green lane. Graham said it looks like this show will be the biggest one ever.

Apart from the usual motorcycle manufactures and accessory people there will be over 20 clubs taking part. So guys please let me know if you would like to put one of your motorcycles on our clubs stand at the show.


Andy Gourlay has been a speaker for us twice before, once with his 500 Ducati race bike, and the second time was him telling us the story of his father’s sailing trips down to the Antarctic in the early 1900’s.

Andy was a UK club racer in the 1970/80’s, his first race bike was a Norvel (Norton Velocette), he raced at the surrounding race tracks up in the north of England, his favourite was Oliver's Mount in Scarborough. He first raced at the Isle of Man Manx GP in 1976. His next bike was a Drixton Aermacchi which he road in the 1976-78 races. In 1979 Andy bought a Metisse rolling chassis from Geoff Monty in Kent to

Motorcycle Section Notes


which he fitted an Aermacchi engine. This was raced in the Manx too in the same year.

For the 1980 Manx GP he was offered the chance to ride his dream bike a 1963 Manx Norton 500, which ran faultlessly in practice but unfortunately the Norton didn't last very long in the 500 race, its engine stopped with a big end bearing failure at the approach to Ramsey hairpin. In the Junior race he rode a 350 Maxton Yamaha on which he lapped at 96mph. The total for 5 years of racing was 5 finishers awards with a best place finish of 34 in the 1976 Junior from a field of 80.

Andy’s son Daniel manned the laptop to show a large selection of pictures of Andy's racing days on the big screen.

The 1969 Aermacchi Metisse on display is made of Reynolds 531 tubing that is nickel plated, and the fibre glass tank and seat are in original and immaculate condition. He answered a number of questions from the floor.

Martin thanked Andy and Daniel for coming to tell us about his racing days at the Isle of Man Manx GP.

Martin Spicer and Jack Clark

August Club Night Review


This club night was a particularly chilly, end of winter night. Our guest speaker Larry Paul was setting up his laptop ready to screen his presentation. Alan Price had got the wood fire going to warm the room up. The small group of 20 settled down to hear Larry’s talk.

Larry told us about The Classic Yacht Charitable Trust of NZ, of which he is chair, and the Mangawhai Daring Trust of which he is a board member.

He told us the story of the Daring which was launched at Mangawhai in September 1863, she was only 18 months old when she was shipwrecked twice, once in 1864 and then again in 1865.

A man was walking along the Muriwai beach sand dunes in 2018 when he saw something sticking up out of the sand, the Daring wreck had returned after 153 years, she was excavated in December 2018.

Larry’s very interesting presentation may have been an hour long but it flew by, with lots of pictures supporting the detail Larry had to tell. The Daring is now back where she started her journey back in 1863 in Mangawhai.

Larry briefly outlined the fascinating story of the ships owner David Kirkwood who had come from Scotland, he then got married, but then he also had two other Maori families with children in different parts of NZ. After the sinking he travelled the world, with all sorts of work projects, he went to Australia, Japan, America, Scotland and then back to NZ to look for gold in the Coromandel. This man’s story should be made into a film.

Larry answered questions from the floor before I thanked him for telling us the Daring story.

Martin Spicer

If you would like to know more and see pics and videos of the Daring project just Google THE DARING NZ.

Note: We were supposed to be visiting the Daring and Mangawhai Museum at the end of this month, but this is now postponed until Tracey Winterbottom is back on deck (pun totally intended...). Jodi

Mid-week Tourers Report

Colin Shoebridge organised last month’s run and a large number turned up to see what he had in store for us. About 60 km of straight forward motoring from start to finish, through Papakura, Clevedon, Duder’s Beach, Maraetai, Whitford, and Howick. The tide was in, the rain was absent and we all finished happy. Then the jewel in the crown, a shed with a distinct difference housing a select group of very desirable vehicles.

Tony, our host, was at pains to say that he is not a collector, rather just another enthusiast who loves to use them. All are regularly driven and several are raced by Tony. He says he doesn’t mind that others overtake him, he’s in it for the sheer pleasure, and he’s probably qualified for Winston’s card!

His vehicles cover a wide range, from a Mini Cooper to an 800 HP Saloon car racer, with a ute, a motorcycle, and a couple of dedicated circuit racers thrown in. The building is officially a dwelling, yes it does have a bedroom and kitchen to satisfy the powers that be, and the entire interior is immaculate. Even down to the three poster hoists. Hard to believe that his restorations are done there.

Our members who participated covered a similar wide range. At least thirty, including at least four motorcyclists. Vehicles ranged from a Ford 8, a beautiful 2 tone Javelin, another beautiful ’36 Ford roadster, a ’59 Dodge, (well, they’re all beautiful!) a Vincent Rapide, a Sunbeam Alpine V/8 and a couple of commercials. So you might say, the whole spectrum of our club.

Thank you Colin and Tony, as well as everyone who supported them.

Coming up:

Wednesday 18th September - Starts from The Warehouse carpark, Old Westgate. Watch your Week Ahead emails for more details.


NO Mid-week run, we ask you to support the revamped Hunua Spring Tour.

Wednesday 20th November - Starts from The Warehouse carpark, Old Westgate. 10-00 am for a 10-30 am departure. Murray and Penny Firth are organising this, finishing at a secret garden property. More details to come.

New Year—Watch this space!

Mid-week Run Co-ordinator

Mid-week Tourer’s Ready to Tour...

Thank you to Diane Coleman for the pics of the starting line-up. A great turnout.

Our Daffodil Day Fundraiser Event

A whole-hearted THANK YOU to all of you that chose to join us at the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple last Sunday. We had around 60 vehicles on display for the public to enjoy.

The FGS Team are true experts at this type of event and were in boots and all, they swung into action stopping people at the entrance and asking for donations, before we even had the gazebos up and were officially open.

One young man repeatedly came back to gather more stickers and ribbons for donors and to empty his bucket of another stash of cash he had accumulated. He told me he had set himself some goals and was certainly out to achieve them.

The Charabanc was a fabulous draw card and thanks goes to John Stokes, Alan Price, Jeremy Lambert and Mark Tomlin for being there, driving, navigating and assisting with the loading and unloading of each trip. As the day drew to a close we had to draw a line and mark the end of the queue, else we would have still been there driving around the block as darkness closed in.

The FGS Team have invited us to visit the Art Salon between the 25th and 30th September for their next Exhibit showcasing Live Artist Demos, an Art Buffet and Guided Tours. Then there will be the stunning Cherry Blossom Festival in November. I can’t wait to see that.

If you visit the FGS Facebook Page you can see the film work done by the drone photographer plus a number of other great pics. FGS Facebook.

We also had another photographer join us Sanjay, he came out in his little yellow Mini. He was very excited to join us. I’ll post those photos on our website as soon as I get a chance.

Thanks again to all of you that came out!

Eileen Roberts spent the day collecting a lot of money for us. Also ensuring donors got their sticker by the looks! THANK YOU Eileen!

The display at Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Temple

Keep up with the plans here: VIFHM Website VIFHM Facebook Page

March 15 to 21, 2026

What’s in the News?

The VIFHM Team have organised accommodation deals and have sent a newsletter to all registered members detailing the properties.

Register for the newsletter and get the info in your Inbox as it comes to hand. You can follow the Website Link above to register and you can keep up with the latest info on their Facebook Page.

Vehicle Identity Cards (VIC)

Did you know that you must have one of these for your vehicle to enter any National Rally? The VIC is the club’s formal system for identifying and verifying the authenticity of your vehicle and officially it’s vehicle class.

There is an application form to be completed and emailed along with photos to one of our VIC signatories. They will check things over before sending to Head Office. The process is run by volunteers, and is a serious one (our system is recognised by LTSA).

Please allow 3 months from lodging the forms to receiving your card.

Note that renewals can now be done on-line.

Auckland Branch Signatories are:

John Stokes

Phone No: 09 236 4582

Alan Price Phone No: 09 833 8575

Neil Stott Phone No: 027 494 9059




August Motorcycle Run Review

This run was a little different, in that, we all made our own way to the finish at High Performance Coatings, Unit B, 62 Mahia Road, Manurewa.

We had around 15 bikes and 18 people in attendance. Manager Nicholai Street was waiting for us inside the shop. Once we were all inside Nicholai welcomed us and told us the history of the company and what all their different paint applications were. We were then shown around the factory and told how the different processes were done to produce the high quality finishes. We were surprised at the reasonable prices quoted for coating motorcycle barrels, cylinder heads and frames. Nicholai showed us his two 1960’s scooters, a Vespa and Lambretta both had great paint finishes. We thanked Nicholai for showing us his business. See below for more information.

High Performance Coatings opened in New Zealand in 1994 and the use of HPC’ s space age coatings quickly expanded into all areas of motor sports.

The quality of the coatings and their ability to solve problems soon became the talk of the automotive industry. Because this technology was new to New Zealand, HPC’s first mission was to inform potential customers of the long term benefits of using HPC coatings.

Industrial applications came to light as people saw HPC coatings ‘at work’ in tough situations in motor sports and realised that these same coatings could solve their problems. Late 1997 saw a shift in emphasis and HPC looked to spread its influence more strongly into industry and as time went on they realised they were running out of space.

High Performance Coatings moved to its current 7500 sq ft facility at the end of 1998. This extra space, more equipment and extra staff meant that HPC could cater for the increased needs of their customers. The increased traffic from customers dropping off and picking up work prompted the move of the office in 2002 to an adjoining unit to provide a clean, tidy, quiet Office & Showroom environment. During 2002 the processing area of HPC under went an overhaul and update which lead to re-organising the factory layout and the addition of more machinery and staff.

High Performance Coatings serves the needs of motor sports, street rodding, performance imports and rotary, professional race teams, corporate and local industry and supplies O.E.M. (Original Equipment Manufacturing) suppliers.

In the market High Performance Coatings is positioned at the top end of the performance coating segment, based upon high quality, durability, engineering support, government certifications and attractive appearance. To the consumer HPC stands for a product that will meet or exceed the demands of any level of performance. HPC’s coatings can be applied to virtually any metal alloy, many ceramics or glass and can be applied to act as a thermal barrier, yet be visually appealing and functional

NZ Welder Repair Services Ltd.

For personal service call Rod Rugg (Member)

Stick, MIG, TIG and Plasma cutters. All welding machine types and consumables for sale.

“Over 30 years experience”

Repairs to machines, new sales and used. Hire options available. For home or work. Large or small. We deal with only good machines not rubbish.

Phone: 09 8261425, e-mail:

Postal address: P.O. Box 19272, Avondale, Auckland 1746

Martin Spicer


Your Committee & Officers

Shaaran Price (Alan) Email:

Vice Chairman/Continuous Membership Awards Steward

Glenn Morris (Marion) Email:

H: 09 833 8575

M: 0204 195 2476

M: 021 136 5926

Secretary / New Members & Privacy Offcr / Bulletin & Website Editor / Branch Delegate

Jodi Tomlin (Paul) Secretary Email:

M: 021 678 258 Editor Email:


Ian Hubbard (Lesley) Email:

Club Captain / Trophy Steward

Tracey Winterbottom Email:

M: 0274 426 748

H: 09 232 0246 (Stephen)

Committee Members

Martin Spicer (Lynda)

Motorcycle Section Rep/Entertainment

M: 021 732 209

H: 09 233 6382 Email:

M: 022 102 5954

Lynda Spicer (Martin) Social Convenor

H: 09 233 6382 Email:

Jeremy Lambert (Michelle) Clubroom Bookings/ Health & Safety Officer

M: 021 189 3120

M: 027 576 7045 Email:

Rory King (Louann) Building Maintenance


Neil Stott (Christine) Spares Liaison

Non-Committee Positions

Library Team Leader

Richard Green (Lois)

H: 09 579 6891

M: 021 530 302

M: 0274 949 059 Email:

Spares Team Leader

Bill Hulse (Sherrill)


H: 09 489 2427

M: 021 818 334

Beaded Wheels Scribes

John Stokes

Jocelyn McAlpine

Peter Wood



H: 09 579 0494

Veteran Section Rep & VIC Officer

John Stokes


H: 09 236 4582 or

M: 0272 772 108

Mid-Week Tourers Rep

Jack Nazer (Marilyn)


H: 09 378 4580

Vintage Section Rep

Murray Firth (Penny)


H: 09 818 6434

Vero Consumer Insurance Specialist F: 0800 505 905 or B: 09 356 4501 Agency Number: 0300126


Phone: 09 579 5625

Street Address: 39 Fairfax Ave, Penrose

Postal Address: PO Box 12 138, Penrose, Auckland 1642

Club Night: 4th Thursday of the month

Open: 2nd & 4th Thursday 7:30-10:00pm, Every Saturday 4:30-6:30 pm

Branch Email Address:

Library Email Address:

Branch Website:

Branch Honorary Life Members: Barry Robert

Norm Dewhurst QSM

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